
v2 Chapter 38: Make your own player

"Return to your company? Isn't it a pig farm?" Fan Hengke didn't know how powerful his son was.

   Fan Wuyi snorted twice, and said with some dissatisfaction, "This is a big business, at least to keep your factory comfortable for ten years. If you don't want to do it, you don't need to bury me."

   "Really? Rely on this thing?" Fan Hyung didn't believe his son's statement.

   "Is it interesting for me to lie to you?" Fan Wuyao looked at his father innocently.

   Others don’t know the market prospects of the Walkman, Fan Wuyi is very clear.

   From the time when Sony’s Walkman was launched on the market, its sales reached 250 million units in the next eighteen years. It is really jaw-dropping that a single brand can do this.

   It is not very clear for Fan Wuyi. Out of the 250 million Walkman, how many of them have been sold domestically, but this number will not be small anyway. Thinking that so many banknotes were being grabbed continuously, Fan Wuyi felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

   The technical content of the Walkman may be some, but not very high. Many powerful domestic manufacturers can be more than competent if they invest a certain amount of production efficiency in this area. Even if the quality of domestically-made magnetic heads is not comparable to that of Sony Seiko, it is enough for listening to music.

   However, Fan Wuyao also knows that the current domestic situation is that the enterprises are all national, and the production plan is very restricted. Smaller workshops are simply unable to produce and develop electrical appliances such as Walkman.

   More than ten years later, the small electrical bedboard factories all over the country have not yet risen up. This has caused the large factories to be unable to produce and the small factories to be unable to produce. It is this kind of strange circle that limits the domestic production capacity of small electrical appliances, and let foreign brands flood the market and dominate the domestic market for 20 years.

   "As long as the policy of restricting recording equipment is not cancelled, this kind of thing will not become popular." Fan Hyung said with some emotion after experimenting with the recording effect of the Walkman.

   It depends on the face of the policy to determine the direction of the market. This is also the reality of many state-owned enterprises in the early stage of reform.

  As long as the policy is not violated, your business can be maintained, reduced in production, incurred losses, and insolvent. These are not problems. As long as you are obedient, someone will naturally clean up the mess for you. All the faults can be attributed to being trapped in the mud while crossing the river by touching the stones. This is normal.

   But if you impact the policy, or run counter to the policy, then even if you can make a company lively, vigorous, and even get huge profits, this is not right. Looking at the high spirits of the company's current leadership, it is possible to be dragged down by a letter of complaint at any time, and then lose everything.

   Fan Heng knew this. After spending too long in a state-owned enterprise, he was used to such things.

   Fan Wubing also knows this. More often, it is the long-term ear and eye contact before rebirth. He hears people talk about the difficulties and has to say that they have no choice. But Fan Wubing knows more than Fan Heng, that is, the fence will be broken after all, and some untimely policies will always be changed.

   Just like the current recording equipment limitation problem, you can completely avoid obstacles and develop from another aspect.

"Why do we have to focus on the recording equipment? If we only make a single player, won't all the current problems be solved?" Fan Wubing took out the red recording button from the pile of equipment. , Shook in front of his father's eyes.

   "Remove the recording function? Only keep the playback function?" Fan Heng was stunned.

   Fan Hyung has never imagined this possibility. In his education, the products must be made of high quality and low price. The things that are made must meet the basic needs of the people, use the least cost as much as possible, and make the most powerful products.

   But, this cut corners, Fan Heng has never done it, and never thought about it.

   "That's right! All we have to do is to play alone!" Fan Wuyi laughed haha, he suddenly realized that he was very genius, and suddenly he thought of a solution.

   No wonder! It turns out that I thought the single player was a product of cutting corners, but I didn't expect that there was a saying that there was a restriction on the production of recording equipment in China. It seems that all geniuses have one thing in common, that is, they can cut corners with confidence! Fan Wu's heart was full of joy. He suddenly thought of the reason why Sony’s Walkman entered the mainland market late~lightnovelpub.net~ but it was the national policy that affected it. At the same time, he also thought about why domestic electronic manufacturers have been slow to develop small recording equipment. China's rapid development is also affected by this inexplicable policy.

   However, this policy is also a double-edged sword. It is very likely to restrict the market, and it may also give birth to a new market.

  With this realization, Fan Wubiao suddenly felt that the market in front of him had suddenly opened up.

   Aren’t you forbidden to engage in recording equipment casually? Then I'll engage in playback equipment!

   Anyway, for most young people, it is easy to get a single player, listen to the songs of their favorite stars, and show off their advantages in front of their peers.

   As for the part of the recording function that was removed, it can be added back at any time, but that is another product.

   In other words, a VCR that could have been done in one step can be sold twice by Fan Wuyao, a single player and a VCR. How much market opportunity will this increase? Fan Wubing didn't think clearly for a while.

   But there is one thing, Fan Wubing is clear.

   At present, Sony’s Walkman has a recording function. It is estimated that they have not considered that this kind of oolong thing will happen when it is promoted to the Chinese mainland market. The current overseas market prospects are very good, and they will definitely not change their production lines because of a mainland China that has not yet developed a luxury consumer market.

   Arrogance and arrogance is their consistent position, and Fan Wuyao is convinced of this.

   is preconceived and dominates the domestic audio-visual market. How attractive is this cake?

   "Let's be our own standalone player!" Fan Wuyi clenched his fists and said to his father Fan Heng.