
v2 Chapter 52: Femdom Spring Festival Gala + 53rd

Fan Wubing and Fan Heng and his son have been wandering around the CCTV studio for the past two days.

After the advertisement was implemented, everyone felt much more at ease, and the sponsorship of the gala proposed by Fan Wubing was also handled as a special approval.

Although everyone has no personal experience with such sponsors, it does not mean that they do not know that there is such a thing. Many people who often go abroad know that sponsorship behavior is widespread in foreign countries.

It’s just to bring down the country. In doing so, utilitarianism cannot be avoided. There will definitely be criticism from some conservative people. Is there only money left in the eyes of CCTV? Why don't you do business, don't make more film and television programs that the people like to see, and just learn about the decadent things of capitalism, what are you doing? !

Fan Wubing sneered at this, and he clearly expressed his opinion to the directors, "The so-called critics are a pile of shit, and they will only add chaos to the society. Whether this show is run well, the key is It depends on whether the repercussions among the people are good or bad? As long as the people are happy, that is undoubtedly the correct line! So, for those who are squeaky and faulty, you can completely ignore it, or Expose them to the public so that they will be more honest."

Fan Heng was also very speechless about Fan Wuyi. He didn't see anything. He simply ran to talk to the actors who were resting and chatting. You should know that many actors are too big to be a big bowl. The ratings are 100% (this is undoubtedly, anyway, the country is now the only one of CCTV. Any local TV station, the most executive is only to rebroadcast CCTV programs, it is necessary to talk about the production of independent programs , There is still a long way to go), being able to have close contact with so many film and television celebrities is indeed a rare opportunity.

Fan Wubing was surrounded by the directors, and was very busy.

Even if he looked at the scene with a less critical eye, Fan Wubing felt that the problem was very serious.

The paragraphs are loosely connected, and the proportions are seriously out of balance. The "clumsy" interspersed, and even the camera often couldn't find the focus. An unpleasant cross talk could kill for 20 minutes. Zheng Xulan and Liu Xiaoqing each had the opportunity to sing three songs, not to mention being a big one. Li Guyi at the finale of the bowl, Fan Wubing can vaguely remember, if you count the folk songs with Jiang Kun and Yuan Shihai in duet. Her old man seemed to sing ten songs in one go!

Ten songs! It’s time for a solo concert! Later singers can die of envy! If anyone can sing ten songs in a row on the spring evening of 2008, if you ask him to post ten million, there will be people willing to do it!

In order to make the one hundred thousand yuan worth of sponsorship money he promised, Fan Wubing had to tactfully point out some problems in the scene, “It’s not easy to run a party well. From party preparations and program selection , Clothing design, venue selection, sound effects, lighting, camera settings, gift purchases, banquet arrangements, etc., all need to be properly arranged."

"We all know this. Isn't it a lack of money?" The director nodded and looked at Fan Wuyi very innocently.

"Ahem -" Fan Wuyao almost choked. He originally thought that people hadn't considered these details, but he didn't expect that a penny would stump the heroes. When he said, "That's why we propose to sponsor! Although the money is not a lot, but it can still be very brilliant if it is used in the right place. Lin Lei"

"What are the specific suggestions?" the director asked.

"The key is rehearsal!" Fan Wubing said, "Don't be afraid of trouble. You have to rehearse at least three times! This way you can find the problem on the screen. It's just a few videotapes. This is a good solution! As for the actors, also It is necessary to start a performance for one billion people across the country. It should be overcome if there are any difficulties! What's more, through this live broadcast, many audiences will remember them, which is also extremely important for their future acting career. The earth pushes! Speaking of it, they are all touched!"

Fan Wubing is teaching honestly. The director is also being taught nearby.

The cameraman interrupted and asked, "Mr. Fan. What do you think we should pay attention to when taking pictures?"

"Of course it's editing and angles! You have to have an overall view and grasp the details!" Fan Wuyao replied without hesitation.

"I don't understand—" The camera scratched his head greatly, thinking that he was the director's gun, where he pointed and hit where, and when did he have a general view of the situation?

Fan Wubing is just talking about this. Although he has watched a lot, he has not really done it. Now that he has said it, he has to bite the bullet and tell everyone about the manifestations of some successful evening parties. Everyone Some turned out to be this way.

"Our original idea was to organize an internal CCTV party to let everyone live together. Who knows that the leader said that we want to live broadcast. It seems that our thinking mode is still a lot more conservative! But now, if we start over again, it will be time. It's too late—"The director also scratched his head at this time.

No matter who you are, you want to make your show perfect, but knowing that you have the opportunity to make the show perfect, but you can only succumb to the **** of time, which is very regrettable. The director's mood at this time ,is also like this.

"That's why we have to introduce some new elements!" Fan Wuyao pointed out sharply.

"For example, what?" The director asked for advice very sincerely.

Fan Wubing replied, "If you want to run the program well, you must fully consider your audience. Our audience is one billion people across the country. Therefore, in the arrangement of the program, we must fully consider the customs of the people of all ethnic groups in the country. , Adding audience interaction, local repertoires, and some representative brother-ethnic programs, you can consider moving to the stage."

"This is there!" the director replied, "We have set up a telephone hotline, a prize-winning quiz program has been added to the program, and Hu Songhua has been invited by the brothers!"

"Hu Songhua? The one who sang praises? I like it! Isn't he a Mongolian land?" Fan Wuyin nodded.

"Where! He is from Manchu!" the director immediately denied.

"Ah?!" Fan Wubing suddenly gaped. "I always thought he was a Mongolian land!"

The director was speechless at once, but he said another sentence. "The hymn is nice, but it's not suitable for singing here. We are now opposed to the cult of personality in the party. This is inappropriate."

Fan Wubing curled his lips, disapproving, but in the context of the times, he was powerless to this, although he liked listening to Hu Songhua's hymn, although he had never figured out whether Hu Songhua was of the Mongol or Manchu nationality.

All of this. Can't stop the arrival of the first Spring Festival Gala.

This is the footsteps of popular entertainment to the front desk.

Chapter 53 I Want to Go Home for the New Year

Having been busy until the evening of the twenty-seventh lunar month, the father and son finally solved all the problems.

CCTV’s Spring Festival Gala under Fan Wuyi’s guidance finally took on some appearance. At least the studio was built in a more formal hall, rather than casually placed in a warehouse. Audio equipment and lighting props were also urgently removed from various places. After being transferred, the cast of actors has expanded. Covers many aspects such as songs, dances, cross talk, sketches, acrobatics, etc. The most important point is that in the programming of the program, the possibility of one person being dominant is eliminated, and the original state of several cross talks crowded together or one person singing several songs .

"The Spring Festival Gala is a mass entertainment activity, not a stage for individual performances." Fan Wubing said.

"But what if the audience insists on ordering a certain individual's program?" The director asked with some worry, considering that the hotline might affect the progress of the program.

Fan Wubing hated iron and steel and said, "You are stupid! You are not good at cheating?! Isn't this your strength of CCTV?! What's wrong with the hotline? You can definitely arrange some childcare! Call in. Hotline, if it meets your requirements, just do it directly, if not, let the childcare! Are you a director, or the audience is a director?! The entire party must be carried out under your control, this is the first meaning! Without affecting the overall situation, it’s okay to engage in interaction. What is to be requested by the audience? The statement that responds to the request of the audience is the only magic weapon for you to coerce your superiors! Who do you want to show on, but the leader disagrees. You can fight on your own merits. It is said that it is necessary to perform this show in response to the strong request of the audience! Then he naturally has nothing to say, only to make concessions! Understand?!"

When the director heard this, he was in a cold sweat, and said to his heart that this young man has some abilities, that is, he really needs to improve his thoughts. Where can the leader be threatened casually? But there is something to say. If it really meets the audience's request, which program should be added temporarily. It is estimated that the leaders can't say one, two, three or four.

This is a good idea!

The director’s goodwill, naturally, can improve the quality of the Spring Festival Gala a lot. Fan’s and his son’s advertisements have received special care. In view of their special contributions to the Spring Festival Gala, Taili decided to invite them to stay and participate in the first Spring Gala as guests. .

Fan Heng originally wanted to hurry up and go home with his son for the New Year. Now that CCTV invites him, he is a little confused, so he discussed with Fan Wuyao, what should I do about this?

"This matter—" Fan Wuyao groaned.

Knowing that his son is capable, Fan Heng has never regarded him as a child. When he encountered a problem, he first thought of discussing it with him. After thinking about it for a while, Fan Wubing raised his head and asked, "Dad, what do you think Should we go or stay?"

"I am also very embarrassed -" Fan Heng replied with frowning, "I originally wanted to go home for the New Year, but CCTV was also very kind. After all, this is a relatively large event. Being a guest can also increase the visibility of our factory. Promote our products by the way. But if this is the case, the family will not be reunited together."

"I don't think this party can be so beautiful. If I have a choice, I would rather go home and make dumplings." Fan Wuyao touched his head and said in a melancholy voice.

"Then let's go home! If you say sorry to them at most, it's over—" Fan Hyung made up his mind.

"No, no," Fan Wubing shook his head, "This matter has a big impact. From an emotional point of view, I hope to go home for the New Year, but from a rational point of view, I think staying to participate in the Spring Festival Gala will be more helpful to our career. , And this effect is likely to be incomparable with the usual advertising! So, I think Dad, you should talk to the factory and see what they want you to do?"

"What did I tell them?" Fan Heng hesitated.

"Tell the truth!" Fan Wuyi waved his hand.

So Fan Heng reported the situation here to the factory through a long-distance call, and explained that the advertising matter had been implemented, and CCTV hoped that they could stay as a guest to participate in the Spring Festival Gala.

As a result, the director and secretary both agreed with Fan Heng to stay, and said that this was a great opportunity to promote our Pingyuan factory by the way, so that he must seize it, and try to let the people of the whole country know that there is our Pingyuan in Panshi City in Wangtian Province. The factory is a group of ordinary workers who are diligent and steadfast in serving the people.

"There's no way, I can't go back if I want to." Fan Heng put down the phone and said to his son with a wry smile.

Fan Wubing shrugged, "If you want to do big things, you have to sacrifice your personal happiness. This is unavoidable. Unless you have succeeded, no one can escape this objective law."

Then the two took turns and called home. Zhang Mei was obviously mad at the opposite side for a long time, but the matter was already fixed, and there was no alternative. When Fan Heng finally agreed to go home, he would go to Wangfujing Street to give Zhang Mei to Zhang Mei. Bring some New Year's gifts with the children, this is the deal.

"Your mother is becoming more and more authoritative for leadership, which made me sweat." Fan Heng said to Fan Wuyao.

Fan Wubing said with a hum, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, "So dad, you have to work hard! The so-called poor husband, Sichen, is a true portrayal of our family! You have a magnificent deputy at home. Zheng Ke is too overwhelmed to raise his head, and it will make people laugh to say it! When I go out in the future, I am ashamed to say that I am your son!"

"Joke, it's not if you say it's not!" Fan Heng knocked on Fan Wu's forehead.

Just in time for Ruixue, the father and son went to Wangfujing to purchase some more expensive gifts. They also contacted Director Zhang twice and gave him some new year goods. The rest of the time, they basically spent time. In the CCTV rehearsal hall, watch those people practice.

Of course, watching is not for nothing, but to give some opinions to the actors. Most actors and directors don't have a big temper, and they accept the problems that Fan Wubing pointed out with an open mind.

In the words of the director, the eyes of the audience are discerning, while the eyes of Teacher Xiaofan are bright. If we can pass his level, the problem will not be big.

Three days passed in a flash. In the intensive arrangement, CCTV's first live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala debuted.