
v2 Chapter 9: Devil is coming

********* Forgot the time of the codeword, Khan! Seeing the face that I will explode at any time, let me count more votes! **********

   The vast majority of Chinese people have a very persistent feeling for making Japanese money, and Fan Wuyi is no exception.

After seeing and collecting N many free Japanese AVs before rebirth, Fan Wubing felt that he could not just superficially be satisfied with learning daily expressions like "Ye Mie Di" and "Yiku" through Japanese AVs. He has an obligation. To promote and prosper the development of the **** industry in Japan, I have contributed my own meager effort.

Therefore, his first idea after obtaining a complete set of clothing production equipment was not to imitate Chanel to make high-end women's clothing to grab the private houses of petty-bourgeoisie girls, nor to imitate Versace to make leather goods to plunder successful men’s purses, and it would not become a cheap foreign investment. The labor force engaged in processing and exporting, but to shoulder the heavy responsibility of guiding the new trend of the Japanese AV era, and to carry the banner of the prosperous Japanese **** industry, and spare no effort to export a series of suits to them.

Master Feng and Master Cheng are indeed elders with high RP values ​​for upright gentlemen. If Fan Wubing forces them to sell these shameless fig sheets in order to covet his own selfish desires, they will firmly oppose them. However, Fan Wubing explained clearly his own After the great goal, the two masters unanimously expressed their absolute support for Mr. Fan.

"Mr. Fan, I didn't expect you to be a genius! From now on, your design is really a genius!" Master Feng, who has never been a fan of praise, touched his chin and smiled at Fan Wuyi. Said.

  Master Cheng also agreed with a smile, "Lao Feng is extremely true, with Mr. Fan, the future must be very bright."

However, the two people also stood from the perspective of their own professionals and put forward some suggestions for the modification of Fan Wuyi’s design. For example, here should be tightened, there should be loosened, and a band should be added here to reveal The curve, where a bit of fabric should be removed, is looming.

   Fan Wuyi nodded his head again and again. The two elders are experts in the industry. Of course, his design sketches are easy to come by, but how can there be no omissions in the hasty? The difference between the two masters' closing, releasing, increasing and decreasing, the difference between the two masters has become clear. Sure enough, one point is added too much, and one point is reduced too little. This modification has made the modification of human aesthetics the best. Fan Wubing was full of praise after seeing it, and he doubted that these two masters used to be. I haven't done this business, the price of eyesight is really high!

  Since it is to make money for devils, Fan Wuyi naturally has to take various favorable factors into consideration. For example, Japan’s economy is booming today, and consumption power is huge! For another example, what channels should be used to enter the Japanese market today, or how to protect one's intellectual property rights from infringement, etc. These are very real problems, and we have to think about it in advance for emergencies.

   In production, Master Feng and Master Cheng took the responsibility together, leading a group of young apprentices busy refining the design drawings, determining various data, and preparing to cut rough samples to see the effect.

In terms of sales, Fan Wubing deliberately contacted Qiu Baohua, who was far away in Guangzhou, and informed him of his intentions to let him, the second shareholder, pay attention to buyers and match the bridge. At the same time, he also asked him to purchase a batch of suitable products from Hong Kong. The raw materials for the production suit series are transported as quickly as possible.

The fabric problem was resolved. After getting the order list from Fan Wuyao, Qiu Baohua made a special trip to Hong Kong, purchased the raw materials used according to the order, and sent a special person to Panshi City to deliver Fan Wuyao. In terms of sales, Pulling is not so easy to do. Although he also recognizes a devil, most of those guys are gangsters and loan sharks. There are also some smuggling businesses. People engaged in this kind of clothing business have really never encountered them.

   Therefore, Qiu Baohua only promised Fan Wubing to look for it with all his heart, but he could not guarantee that he could find a buyer in a short time.

   But Fan Wubing’s luck was obviously very good. It didn’t take long for Qiu Baohua to return news that someone really liked the suits designed by Fan Wubing, and he was about to come over to discuss cooperation matters in detail.

   After waiting for more than a week, the other party came to Panshi City.

At that time, Fan Wuyao was studying the fashion trends in the next few years, and the design patterns of those styles that he should launch in due time. He heard a loud noise outside, and then an apprentice ran in and reported, "President Fan, There is a devil who wants to see you."

  Devil? Oh. Only then did Fan Wubing woke up from his contemplation, thinking that Qiu Baohua said that the cooperating intention should also be there, so he left what was in his hands and followed the apprentice to the gate to greet him.

Master Feng and Master Cheng ran out after hearing the news, and they were talking to people there. Then Fan Wuyi saw a small Japanese standing in question and bowing, and a Hong Konger who looked like an interpreter was following. Behind, UU reading www.uukahnshu.com is trying to say something to Master Feng.

   "Okay, our boss is here, if you have anything, you can tell him." Master Feng saw Fan Wuyi, so he said to the Japanese, then turned his **** and left.

"President Fan is here?!" The Hong Kong man was taken aback when he heard the words, and glanced at the apprentice and Fan Wuyi twice. He did not expect that this kid was actually the boss of Versace Clothing Co., Ltd. and Qiu Baohua's cooperation. partner.

   "I'm the boss, what's the matter?" Fan Wuyao straightened his chest and asked calmly.

  Guizi and Hongkongers saw that everyone did not refute, they couldn't help being very surprised. Could it be that the boss of Versace Clothing Co., Ltd. is actually a dwarf? But it doesn't look like it. I was too embarrassed to ask more at the moment, the devil gestured happily, and Uli wowed.

After hearing the devil’s words, the Hong Kong people nodded repeatedly, and finally translated, “This is Mr. Wuzhi Xiaoji from Japan. He is here to discuss cooperation matters with your company’s Mr. Fan. This matter should have been Mr. Qiu Baohua from Guangzhou explained to your company."

   Five chicks? ! How could anyone call such a name? This name is even worse than my name, Fan Wubing! Fan Wubing finally heard a name that was more nasty than himself. He couldn't help but laughed. After a laugh, he coughed and said, "It turns out that Mr. Five Little Chickens are here. It's really welcome! Please also Go inside and talk, Xiao Wang, have tea! In addition, tell the kitchen that I will prepare some good dishes for the guests at noon today."

   An apprentice Xiao Wang immediately responded when he heard the words, turned and left here to make arrangements for the kitchen.

After    gave the order, Fan Wubing began to look at the devil seriously.