
v2 Chapter 91: Chinese input solution

Billy did not stay in Beijing more, and the tour was only three days. For the senior management and shareholders of a large American company, three days is already very luxurious.

But before returning to China, he personally promised to Fan Wuyi that within a week he would urge the company's board of directors to pass the initial letter of intent for cooperation between the two parties. If there are no other problems, he hopes that the Fans club can clear the Compaq PC as soon as possible. Various obstacles to enter the Chinese mainland market, strive to serve Chinese users as soon as possible.

Sure enough, after waiting for a week, I received a telegram from Billy. Compaq of the United States and the FANS Club of China formally established a cooperative relationship. The FANS Club has the right to sell the personal computers launched by Compaq in the mainland area. , Responsible for market research, publicity, sales and after-sales service for the mainland market.

At this point, the most important step in the blueprint planned by Fan Wuyi Institute has finally taken a big step forward.

Next, Fan Wubing used all the available energy and began to promote Compaq's personal computer products.

It should be said that the personal computers of this period are indeed not able to do much, but it is undeniable that as the ancestor of all IBM compatible computers, Compaq’s various technologies are leading, and their product defect rate is very low. The performance of the machine is relatively stable, and the noise is also running in a small interval.

Fan Wubing first set his sights on the institutions of higher learning and scientific research departments that are most receptive to personal computers, and then the bank, the department that most needs computers. Of course, although scientific research institutions and banks also need computers, they also need high-performance and expensive servers.

Compaq’s main products are personal computers, and the scope of application is still smaller. Therefore, Fan Wuyao immediately shifted the offensive strategic target to Hewlett-Packard, which is known for its server production.

Hewlett-Packard is different from the nascent Compaq. Since being born in a narrow garage at 367 Edison Avenue, Palo Alto, California in 1939, two young inventors, Bill Hewlett and David Packard, With only five hundred and thirty-eight dollars on hand, with a beautiful vision for future technological development and a passion for invention and creation, he started the innovation road in Silicon Valley.

Strictly speaking. HP is involved in a wide range of industries. It is not a computer manufacturer in a pure sense, but this does not obliterate his prominent position in the entire computer industry. As early as 1980, HP launched personal computer products. In 1982, an e-mail system was developed. When history entered 1984, that is the time of this year. Hewlett-Packard Company launched the HPThnjet printer, which is an epoch-making product. In the next few decades, HP's printer standards will also be common in the industry.

Fan Wuyao's method of persuading Hewlett-Packard Company is very simple. On the one hand, he provided his own asset certification materials, and on the other hand, he slightly revealed the news of his comprehensive cooperation with Compaq on personal computers, as the production of the same personal computer. Hewlett-Packard Co., Ltd. knows that the market development prospects of this undeveloped area in mainland China are great, after a little consideration. Hewlett-Packard has signed a cooperation agreement with Fan Wuyi's FANS club, mainly for comprehensive cooperation on server projects.

As far as Hewlett-Packard is concerned, they have always insisted that servers are the mainstream trend in the industry. The personal computer is just a good-sounding but impractical product. The so-called digital desktop is really to be realized. There is still a long way to go.

A server product. The price is often hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars, and the net profit is more than 100%. As long as one hundred or ten local products are sold in a year, the company’s income can be guaranteed. Personal computers are sold at tens of thousands of dollars, the price is not embarrassing, the audience is small, and the added value of profits is low. It can sell tens of thousands of units a year, and the gains are limited. Therefore, although Hewlett-Packard also makes personal computer products, it is not its key project.

However, Fan Wubing is very clear. Although server products are of course profitable at present, the market for personal computers is indeed infinitely huge. The reason why HP and IBM despise personal computers is because they make a lot of US dollars on server products. , But their short-sightedness will create countless new competitors for themselves.

Then Fan Wuyao took the power of the two cities and managed IBM by the way. When the International Business Machines Corporation saw an old store like HP and a rookie like Compaq, they chose Fan Wuyi's FANS club as the general agent in mainland China, and they signed a contract with him without even thinking about it.

But IBM's old partner Microsoft had some different opinions. They felt that it was too early to enter the immature Chinese mainland market at this time, so they declined Fan Wuyi's agency proposal.

"Damn! Microsoft is amazing! If you don't cooperate, I won't engage in piracy!" Fan Wubing originally wanted to get Bill Gates' cooperation easily, but the people were reluctant to join in, and he suddenly became a little shameful and angry.

Fan Wubing immediately decided in anger that he must invest some money in the future, even if it is for nothing, he must build a piracy base somewhere to pirate Microsoft software, especially his operating system software.

"Now we have a supply of goods, but where are the customers?" Fan Ting kept reminding the fever-headed Fan Wuyi.

"Customer?" Fan Wubing pointed to the map of China on the wall with extreme optimism, drew a large circle on it with his finger, and confidently said to the old sister Fan Ting, "On our country, Customers everywhere!"

Fan Wubing’s meaning is that he has naturally seen the widespread popularity of personal computers a few decades later. However, at present, the users of personal computers are mainly limited to some special departments, such as banks, universities, research institutes, and state agencies. Units, etc., even if they are used in commercial systems, are very rare.

To break the biggest obstacle in the promotion of computers in China, it is necessary to solve the problem of Chinese input.

And Fan Wubing happened to know that someone had been studying this issue, and he also knew where the other person was.

Ni Guangnan is an expert at the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. This pioneer of Chinese character information processing has a focused temperament, unsharpness, and talent as a scientist. He always likes to use highly technical problems to question each other.

Since the 1980s, the personal computer market has been awakening day by day. IBM's computers have begun to enter the Chinese market. A /XT model that is lower than the 286 model enters China at a port price of 20,000 yuan, and it reaches the agency company in Zhongguancun. It costs forty thousand yuan if you lose your hand, but these expensive computers can't recognize Chinese characters and operate Chinese systems.

Therefore, the development of a Chinese character system suitable for the Chinese market has become an urgent scientific research project.

At that time, many people in China were already engaged in this research and development, including Shi Yuzhu and others who later came to Shenzhen to make a splash. These Chinese character systems were vividly known as Hanka.

The principle and operation process of Hanka are similar, but Ni Guangnan’s difference is that he invented the association function. Ni’s Hanka uses the characteristics of phrases and homophones in Chinese characters to establish its own Chinese character recognition system. Compared with the Chinese card technology, it reduces the repetition rate of two-character phrases by 50%, and three-character phrases by 98%. There is almost no repetition of phrases with more than four characters. This is very useful for computer Chinese character input technology. It is undoubtedly an epoch-making progress.

Fan Wubing wanted to eliminate the language barrier in the computer promotion process. The first thing he thought of was to get Hanka out, and then bundle it into the IBM, Compaq, and Hewlett-Packard computers he promoted.

But when he found Ni Guangnan, the expert had basically completed the entire Hanka research process, and another company was preparing to cooperate with him, but the two parties had not yet formally contacted him.

"Five hundred thousand!" Fan Wuyao said to Ni Guangnan very directly.

"What half a million?" Ni Guangnan was confused by the young man's words.

Fan Wubing met Ni Guangnan under the recommendation of others. The expert in front of him gave him the impression of being an inventor in a cartoon, so he painfully put forward his own terms of acquisition.

"Half million yuan, buy your Han card system." Fan Wuyao explained clearly.

"What's the use of asking for so much money?" Ni Guangnan unexpectedly replied such a sentence.

Will money be useless? Fan Wuyao’s head suddenly crashed~lightnovelpub.net~ He may have considered many answers, but he did not expect that Ni Guangnan gave him such a kind, so that it was immediately cold, and I don’t know how to answer Ni Guangnan’s. problem.

Ni Guangnan is also looking at this young man. If he was not introduced by an acquaintance and said that this person is a senior executive of a newly established large company, he would really not take care of Fan Wuyi. After all, his own research work is still very busy. Where can I have time to play with children?

"Since you don't need a lot of money, what is your biggest wish?" Fan Wubing felt that his expression at the moment was a bit like a devil who lured others into committing crimes.

"Wish?" Ni Guangnan didn't want to answer this question, but when he saw Fan Wubing's concentrated expression, he changed his words and said, "The inventor's wish is naturally that every one of his inventions can be transformed into a real product. , This is my wish!"

Fan Wubing immediately replied, "Join our company! I guarantee that we have the ability to transform each of your inventions into real products! This is definitely more than just talking!"

In this way, Fan Wubing hired Ni Guangnan as the chief engineer of the FANS club, and brought a complete set of research materials and samples of the Hanka system without spending a cent.