
v3 Chapter 101: Unserious little fairy

Fan Wuyi drove to the municipal party committee auditorium. As soon as he left his yard, he was waving at the roadside.

He stopped the car to take a look, but it was Feng Ping who had taken his car the night before.

"Director Fan, don't you mind taking me a ride?" Feng Ping asked with a smile.

Fan Wubing thought that you are standing here waiting, can I still say I don't want to? So he said, "Come on, let's go."

Feng Ping was very happy when she was in the position of the co-pilot. Today she wore a refreshing dress with a sling, covered with a dark purple cloak, and the high heels under her feet were **** by a few thin straps. I knew it was not bought locally. Sitting on the seat, the lower part of the thigh was exposed, and it was very dazzling.

Fan Wubing looked at Feng Ping while driving. He felt that her dress affected the driver's attention, especially when Feng Ping got into the car, she spread her cloak behind her, her pink **** were half of her face. They were all exposed, as delicate as condensed fat, lined with black, but very attractive.

With Fan Wubing's concentration, he still glanced at him, let alone other people. *****

Seeing Feng Ping tilting his head and looking at him, Fan Wubing couldn't help but say, "Your clothes are very cool, and they look very fashionable. Didn't you buy them locally in Panshi?"

Feng Ping naturally folded her head with her hand, and replied with a smile, "I went to Shanghai to buy it. Does it look good?"

The clothes with small slings are looser, and between her arms swinging, her chest naturally rises up and down. It can be seen that this turbulent effect is not made with a sponge. Fan Wuyao took a visual inspection and felt that it was enough for the leaf frieze. That level. It's hard to imagine this thing is innate.

Fan Wubingxin said that if you don’t wear it, it seems to look better, but you can’t say that. Now a fool can see that Feng Ping is deliberately trying to get close to herself, to say that she is deliberately cheating. She would definitely not object to the action, but Fan Wubing also knew that this kind of woman was troublesome, and her mentality was definitely not pure, so it was better to stay away. There is no problem with eye addiction. Once you really do something, I'm afraid it will really bring yourself a lot of trouble. ^^^^

"Well, the design is very good, but if you add a little fringe to the waist, the effect will be better." Fan Wuyi's aesthetic standards are very high, and he can see that there needs to be improved at a glance. Said it casually.

"Really?" Feng Ping asked casually, and did not expect Fan Wuyao to say something constructive. After listening to this sentence, I took a closer look at my clothes. I really felt that if I add some tassels to the waist, it would better bring out the softness of my waist, so he said with some joy, " Director Fan’s vision is really good, it really looks like this! I’ll find someone to change it when I go back! It seems that the art is different. Any pointers can benefit me a lot.” Feng Ping said, and he also changed himself. The little sling was lifted up, revealing a full waist, and the **** little belly button was exposed. Fan Wuyao glanced at it, and the nosebleed almost came out. The little fairy lifted too high. A little bit. You can almost see the tender meat under the plump breasts.

It took Fan Wubing a lot of attention to turn his attention to the steering wheel. He said in his heart that such a little fairy who specializes in seduce people is sitting next to him, and he is probably the only one who can continue driving without chaos like himself. Land?

Finally drove the car outside the municipal party committee auditorium. Fan Wubing felt that his head was sweaty. Just after parking the car, suddenly a small white hand stretched out and took a tissue to wipe the sweat from his forehead. Wiped.

"Thank you. Why are you embarrassed to let you do it?" Fan Wuyao twisted his body. Some said unaccustomedly.

Probably the paper towel is smoked with lavender, there is a slight fragrance. In the scorching summer, Fan Wubing took the tissue and wiped his sweat off, then got out of the car, opened the door on the other side, and took Feng Ping out. .

At this time, there are already many people coming and going outside the municipal party committee hall. Seeing a young man walking out of such a Mercedes-Benz car, it is indispensable to look at it a few more times, and then see a very demon. The girl slowly got out of the car.

Feng Ping probably had this effect. She glanced over, and immediately saw several girls who knew her, covering their mouths and looking at herself in surprise, and with an incredible look, she knew that her purpose had been. When it was reached, her left foot was soft, and her body immediately lost her balance, and she fell over to Fan Wubian with a sound of ouch. *****

Although he didn't know if Feng Ping's action was true or false, Fan Wubing couldn't watch her really fall in front of him, so he stretched out his hand to stop her, and wanted to block her, but he might as well turn upside down with Feng Ping. However, his body made a difficult movement like a volley, and fell gracefully into Fan Wuyi's arms.

Feng Ping’s full chest just pressed on Fan Wu’s arm, Fan Wu’s immediately felt a warm and elastic sensation, and Feng Ping’s hand supported Fan Wu’s waist without showing any traces. Stroked it.

Fan Wubing suddenly felt his body stiffen, and he felt a little bit dumbfounded. He said that this little fairy was so courageous, he even dared to provoke himself, and also wiped a little oil by the way!

Fan Wubing's hands pressed hard, and he straightened Feng Ping's body and looked at her with a smile.

Feng Ping raised her head, and immediately met Fan Wu's gaze. Seeing the movement in his eyes, she felt a little flustered in her heart, but she quickly recovered, and said generously, "Fortunately, Fan leads his hands. Help, or I'll be injured today.\\"

Well, it’s possible to fall from a fall. Fan Wubing looked at the asphalt pavement that was scorched by the sun, and then at the white and tender skin, thinking that if the fall is really done, it’s impossible to cut the skin. Avoided, that would be a pity.

However, Fan Wubing was also a little curious, how could he not even find a mosquito bite on such delicate skin?

Two people walked into the municipal party committee hall, where rehearsals have already begun. Several big scenes were separated for practice, and the recitation between the scenes was practiced by a man and a woman, but the feelings of the two were not very full. , The investment is limited, and the feeling of surging is never found.

After watching the side, Liu Jipeng shook his head again and again, "This doesn't feel right! Put your true feelings into it! Think about it, our great party has so many years of hard work and great achievements, so we need to invest a little bit! "

After listening to Liu Jipeng's words, Feng Ping couldn't help but laughed.

Fan Wubing glanced at her and said, "Which part did you perform?"

"Which part can I perform? It's not a chorus?" Feng Ping replied grumblingly, her watery eyes rushing towards Fan Wuyao.

Fan Wubing was so careful that she thumped and thumped when she was electrified. After finally suppressing it, he asked, "Do you have any stage performance experience? Is it enough to recite that?"

It's not that Fan Wuyi swayed wildly, but he felt that Feng Ping is indeed very talented in acting. He doesn't seem to have to bother to perform when hooking up a man. It's just a true performance. If you can also take down the recitations, I can consider pulling her up. After all, my entertainment company needs a lot of manpower. Rather than spending high prices to dig out the artists who have died, it is better to dig out people while digging and cultivating your own talents, a combination of the two. Down is the kingly way.

"Recite? Just so-so--" Feng Ping was not at all polite.

Fan Wubing nodded, and walked over to Liu Jipeng and said, "Try it out for a personal reading. These two are really a little bit congenital, and it's hard to make a big deal."

Liu Jipeng is very superstitious about Fan Wubing now~lightnovelpub.net~ Since Fan Wubing has said so, of course he has to do it, and the quality of these two people on stage is indeed too poor, so he asked, "Who is it for?"

"The one over there, Feng Ping." Fan Wubing waved his hand towards Feng Ping.

"The image is pretty good--" Liu Jipeng took a look, then frowned, "But isn't it a bit too serious?"

Liu Jipeng glanced over and noticed Feng Ping who was scratching his posture, and he immediately gave a negative impression in his heart. This kind of girl, at first glance, is the kind of coquettish, how can she show her face at a party party. Woolen cloth? If you engage such people to do recitations yourself, I am afraid that the party committees will have opinions.

"It's okay to give it a try." Fan Wubing knew what Liu Jipeng meant by not being serious. Seeing Fengping's appearance, Liu Jipeng was almost coquettish.

It is really a bit too serious to let such a coquettish little fairy do a recitation at the July 1st party.

************The first update will be delivered today, there will be ********* later