
v3 Chapter 123: Fan Tianlan's Needle Box

"When this incident was mentioned, there was still an interesting story about Liang Rengong." When Fan Tianlan talked about old things, he couldn't help but think of an event that made a lot of noise in the past.

Speaking of Liang Rengong, there are probably not many young people who know him. They only remember that there is "Kangliang Reform" in the history textbook and "Young China Talk" in the Chinese textbook. These two are directly related to Liang Qi and Liang Rengong. If you look closely, you can learn that Liang Rengong had something to do with President Yuan Shikai, and later on, it seemed that he had some unexplainable dealings with Emperor Puyi of the Manchu Dynasty.

But in a nutshell, Liang Rengong once represented the force of social progress and was also a figure worthy of the title of master. What happened later, we still have to use historical materialism and dialectical perspective to analyze, and it cannot be because of a little flaw. It obliterated his previous achievements, oh, this is a bit far away.

Liang Rengong is a man of great influence in modern Chinese history, and his political or academic works are immediately popular in the contemporary era. He has an emotional pen, and his articles are clear in reason. The so-called blend of emotion and reason, as praised by people of the time, is thrilling and worthy of one word. At that time, Mr. Liang cheered his arms and should gather, it can be said that there are countless fans.

He gave a lecture at the university. He was tall in a blue robe and blue gown. He was a little bald, but his face was full of red light. His eyes were bright and energetic. He gave a lot of gestures to help his expression. When quoting a text, I didn't read the original text, so I recited it in paragraphs. When I couldn't memorize it, I tapped my forehead, and then suddenly went on.

At that time, the Chinese people, from the president to the common people, felt that they would not listen to Mr. Liang. You must make mistakes. In 1921, an Austrian violinist came to Beijing to perform, and Liang Qi wrote an article recommended by the Morning Post. He pointed out that if he didn't go to the Dongcheng True Light Cinema to listen to this musician playing famous Western music, he would be a barbarian with no literacy level!

So Beijing university and middle school students **** clothes and buy expensive admission tickets. President Li Yuanhong also believes that he is by no means a barbarian, so he packed a room in the theater and brought his wives and family members to join him. And present a large basket of flowers to Western musicians.

This shows how great Liang Rengong's charm is. However, it was this Liang Rengong who had been having trouble with Chinese medicine.

Liang Qiliang Rengong was due to uremia. Check into Union Hospital. He has been ill for many years, and his family has repeatedly advised him to seek medical treatment, which is always troublesome, but the day before he was admitted to the hospital, he suddenly suspected that he had cancer. Finally agreed to check it out. After X-ray fluoroscopy, the doctor saw a black spot in the right kidney, which was diagnosed as a tumor.

Liang Qi's younger brother Liang Zhongce asked the attending doctor, "It doesn't have to be cancer, right?" The doctor replied, "It doesn't have to be cancer." Then ask how to treat it? The doctor said that they would all be removed. After the operation, the kidney was dissected, and it was found that there were black spots as big as cherries, but it was not cancer. What's terrible is that the patient still has blood in his urine, and the source of the disease cannot be detected. So the follow-up diagnosis was unreasonable hemorrhagic disease.

The newspapers at the time exaggerated this. After Liang Qi was admitted to the hospital for examination, the doctor could not tell the cause. After several doctors' examinations and inferences, it was confirmed that the disease was in the right kidney, and there was a mass on it. If the right kidney is not removed, the mass will swell up and there will be a day of circumcision in the future. So the opening is inevitable sooner or later, although it doesn't matter in four or five years. However, late treatment is always better than early treatment, at least early treatment can avoid the risk of becoming another kind of disease.

Therefore, after the abdomen was cut open, the doctors did not see a mass or any problem on the right kidney. But the right kidney was cut off! But Mr. Liang's uremia is not getting better. Suddenly they saw the fault in the tooth again, so they pulled out seven teeth in a row. But uremia is still not good. They also said that the problem lies in the diet. The patient was hungry for several days. But his uremia is still not good! The doctors said, they couldn't figure out the reason! They said again, this disease does not matter! In order to be ill, I cut off a waist and pulled out seven teeth. I was so hungry and exhausted that my muscles became thinner. What is it all about? And it has to spend hundreds of dollars!

"This incident caused a lot of trouble at the time. Liang Ren Gongdi's younger brother, as well as cultural celebrities at that time, Chen Xiying and Xu Zhimo, wrote articles mocking Western medicine, and Lu Xun also stood up and stood up to the Western medicine, denounced the absurdity and noisy of Chinese medicine. "It’s impossible to have a relationship." Fan Tianlan said to Fan Wubing, "Privately, Mr. Liang Qi told his family that this time the operation is indeed unnecessary. He also said that the operation was a mistake by Xiehe Menglang, but in the face of public opinion, He still expresses articles in defense of Xiehe, Western medicine, and science because he is afraid that bad reactionary ideas will appear for medical or other students in society or because of this matter."

"Isn't this a bit of self-deception?" Fan Wubing rolled his eyes, Xin Dao, the master is very capable of sacrificing his own body, and even his waist got in for a little obsession.

"From this matter, you can see how weak the status of Chinese medicine was at the time. In fact, the Nationalist Government has considered banning Chinese medicine for a long time." Mr. Fan said, "I follow. That’s when the old man returned to China. He promoted his own acupuncture and moxibustion and recruited disciples. I traveled all over the country and tried to verify various ancient prescriptions. Save some ancient recipes hidden in the folk."

When Fan Tianlan thought of the years at that time, he was still quite moved. After the two talked about old things for a while, Feng Ping brought Fengmao with him. This time, he brought a lot of daily necessities and prepared to be hospitalized.

"Acupuncture today?" Feng Ping's heart is more anxious, after all, after some massage yesterday, Feng Maodi's toes have already moved. This is a huge improvement. If acupuncture is performed today, or the whole Can I move with one leg?

Of course, Feng Ping also knows that her thoughts may be a bit unrealistic. His legs that have been paralyzed for more than ten years cannot be cured so easily. Even if he encounters a genius doctor, he must have a gradual recovery process!

"Acupuncture is not suitable today, but you can use moxibustion first." Fan Tianlan said with a smile.

The old man had already prepared a lot of moxa moxa rolls and other things, as well as **** slices and other things. He took it out at this time and said to Fan Wubing and others, "Acupuncture and moxibustion, just acupuncture and moxibustion is not acceptable. , But the moxibustion method is much simpler and basically regarded as an auxiliary therapy. Wormwood is best picked at the Dragon Boat Festival in May. The longer the year, the better the effect. The leaf enters the meridians, regulates qi and blood, eliminates dampness and cold, and warms the menstruation. , Hemostasis, and fetal fetus. But there is also one point to be aware of, yin deficiency and blood heat should be used with caution."

The old man exposed Fengmao’s legs, then put the sliced ​​ginger on Zusanli, ignited the moxa, put it on the moxibustion, and said to everyone, "Zusanli is a health care center, that’s ordinary. If you are all right, you can use moxibustion frequently, which is good for health and mental health. After learning Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion, Japanese people regard it as a treasure. , Here is to moxibustion one Zusanli frequently."

"What do you mean by not doing Sanlichang?" Fan Wubing felt a little strange, so he asked.

"Hehe, you'll know later." The old man said with a smile.

While I was moxibustion, I was changing places, and I was telling Fan Wubing some basic theories, such as the Fourteen Classics and Ziwu Liuzhu. Of course, there are also a lot of reasoning about Yin and Yang and the Five Elements. Fan Tianlan has extensive knowledge and experience in practicing medicine. Rich, I don’t feel jerky when talking about these things. He is not at the same level as the professors in the university who follow the scriptures. Fan Wuyao is also a well-informed person, and because of his practice, he has a good understanding of this aspect. , So the two people talked happily, but didn't feel bored at all.

A long time passed without knowing it. Finally, the old man said that he would be moxibustion here today. After removing those **** slices, he saw many blisters on the epidermis on Fengmao’s legs. , The old man drew a silver needle to puncture the blisters one by one, and the liquid inside flowed out, making the top of his legs.

"Oh, it turned out to be this~lightnovelpub.net~Fan Wubing suddenly realized that he understood what the old man said just now.

Since we have to moxibustion Zusanli frequently, it must be soaked by moxibustion, and it will be natural after picking it up.

Fan Wubing saw Fan Tianlan’s needle box. It was very simple, and it was actually carved from a whole piece of red sandalwood. It didn’t look like it was new, so he asked, “Master, this box looks a bit like Antique!"

Mr. Fan didn't care about Fan Wuying calling his master casually. He glanced at Fan Wuying and continued to examine Feng Mao, "I don't know how many generations there are from the family."

Fan Wubing opened the box and saw that there were a lot of needles, large and small, long and short. The silver needles were polished to the whole body, but there was a golden needle, which was bright and golden, which was very different from the other needles. .

Fan Wubing looked at the needle and felt very curious. He couldn't help but took it out, but it turned out that the golden needle was coiled up. When it was taken out, it was more than a foot long. It was soft and not like acupuncture. It's like a piece of gold used to wrap things.

This thing looks a little weird! Fan Wubing has never seen such a needle before.