
v3 Chapter 213: Logistics support

"By the way, I want to ask you a question." Feng Jianhong suddenly remembered something.

Fan Wubing was unclear, so he looked at Feng Jianhong blankly, not knowing what he thought of.

"After tomorrow, the freshmen will start military training. This is to be calculated into the grades. It seems to be three credits." Feng Jianhong said to Fan Wuyao, "Moreover, the school also requires that freshmen must participate in the whole process of military training. "

Er, with this matter, Fan Wubing felt a little depressed when he thought of being drilled by those big soldiers, but how should he deal with it, find someone to issue a certificate of illness? It seems that the school is quite strict in this regard, and it is generally difficult to escape the past.

But Feng Jianhong quickly went on to say, "Military training must be attended, but would you like to come to the Logistics Support Department?"

Logistics Department? This was the first time Fan Wubing had heard of this, so he asked with a puzzled look.

Seeing Fan Wubing’s dazed expression, Feng Jianhong explained to him, “The so-called logistical support is to assist the instructors who lead troops to do logistical work during military training. For example, if a student faints, he must Help the school doctor to deal with emergencies, or take on the task of providing students with boiled water and mung bean soup and other heat-relief supplies, and also to record the attendance of the students participating in the training. In this case, I am afraid that you will not be able to participate in the training. But this part There will still be credits for you, which can be regarded as compensation by the department for your participation in logistics support and for delaying military training."

This thing is good! After Fan Wubing heard this, his heart was immediately exasperated.

You don’t need to participate in military training, and it’s because of your work. The reason is justified. Sitting openly under the shade of a tree and watching others kicking in front of the big sun for training is simply a kind of psychological and physical enjoyment. what!

Fan Wubing looked at Feng Jianhong, and suddenly felt that this deputy secretary was actually a good person.

When Feng Jianhong saw Fan Wubing's face glowing, he knew that he was in good position with his favor. So he smiled and said, "In fact, there is no experience in a military camp in my life. It is still a bit regretful. Fortunately, everyone is still on a training ground. It's just that you are a service person for everyone."

Feng Jianhong served in the army for ten years. For that period, history is naturally unforgiving. Sometimes things happen in school. Always think of troops naturally. So it's a bit out of tune with this big environment. For example, on the issue of dealing with students. It is easy to compare them as fighters. As a result, many people are dissatisfied with it.

If you dig deeper into other parts of human nature. Will also appear. In fact, sometimes he just doesn't understand the world. It's not that I am so bad or bad. But in the eyes of most people. The impression that Deputy Secretary Feng is unsmiling and difficult to deal with is indelible.

Because Fan Wu's mental age is relatively older. How knowledgeable. Don't take Feng Jianhong seriously. And Feng Jianhong feels that Fan Wubing is not only a good family background. The literacy itself is also high. I can find a lot of topics. From the international environment to the comparison of Sino-US military power. From a new generation of fighters. Should I have an aircraft carrier in China? The two of them had a lot of talk. Fan Wubing laughed and told Feng Jianhong some jokes. Two people can go to the same place by talking nonsense.

Wait until the welcome party is over. Feng Jianhong said to Fan Wuyao. "If you have any problems in your studies, you can't solve them. Just ask the teacher. What problems do you encounter in life. Just come to me."

After Fan Wuyi left. Suddenly I felt a little funny for a few days. Unexpectedly, Feng Jianhong let Sun Lixin slumped. This matter is really a bit of a puzzle. It seems that I will be in the department in the future. It will inevitably be regarded as Feng Jianhong's direct line.

But there is nothing wrong with it. It just can scare away those who deliberately make trouble. Save yourself a lot of tongue.

When the meeting was over, the old students would either disappear in a rush, or get close to the beautiful mm among the freshmen, show their relationship, and all want to take advantage of the opportunity when the freshmen come in and don’t know the depth of the campus. It was very messy to capture one or two emotional slaves for jokes.

Fan Wuyi looked around. There are not a few that look smooth. As the saying goes, China World Trade Center has few famous flowers, and there are many crooked slopes. If you look under the lights one by one, your girlfriend has to look outside.

This is a bit of an exaggeration. There are not too few girls in China World Trade Center. Calculated from the base ratio, there should be some high-quality mm land, but now this orientation meeting has been opened a little bit, and many mm people have not yet. Arrived, you know, those who have the right to be late must be the beauties who are all over the country and the city.

But looking at it this way, I saw Tong Xiaoyun. She was wearing a lavender dress and was standing by the door. There were probably a few student union officials who knew her well and were greeting her there.

The brilliance of the setting sun shone on her body, and even the silk was dyed with a halo, which looked a little elegant. The evening breeze gently blew over, and the corner of the long skirt was lifted, revealing the smoothness and softness. Ground ankle and straight slender calf come.

Only then did Fan Wubing notice that Tong Xiaoyun’s figure is a perfect golden ratio. The proportions of her legs can be used as a professional model. The proportions of her breasts, although not very full, have a full grip. cozy.

Tong Xiaoyun was talking to someone, and felt that someone on the other side was looking at herself. When she looked up, she saw that it was Fan Wuyi, so she beckoned to him, then said to the male classmate who was talking, and walked towards Fan Wuyi. come over.

Fan Wubing stood there, looking at the boy with the word frustration on his face behind Tong Xiaoyun, he couldn't help but feel a little bit emotional, and said to Tong Xiaoyun, "When you come here like this, all the way is like broken glass. My heartfelt voice! "Is this derogatory or commendatory? "Tong Xiaoyun naturally knew what Fan Wuyi was referring to.

Fan Wubing shrugged his shoulders and said, "I just simply state the facts."

"My mother asked me to come to you, let's eat dumplings at my house tonight." Tong Xiaoyun said.

"Dumplings, I like them." Fan Wubing not only likes to eat dumplings, he is also good at making dumplings, especially the dumpling fillings made out of it, which is a must. When the dumplings are here, it's not too much.

So the two people walked out all the way. Fan Wubing drove Tong Xiaoyun to the largest vegetable market outside. After a while, he picked up the meat and vegetables, and then drove back.

Aunt Ding happened to be out with something, and there were only two people and the babysitter left in the house, so the three started to make food and vegetables, talking and laughing. It didn’t take long before they had enough dumplings for five people, and the rest was left. For the ingredients, Fan Wubian made a fried eggplant box, stewed pumpkin with beans, mixed with green onion tofu, and mixed three shreds of cold dressing. They are all home-cooked dishes. The rare thing is that they are delicious in color and fragrance, which makes Tong Xiaoyun feel a little bit. surprise.

"Did your father and your mother cultivate you as a cook since you were a kid?" Tong Xiaoyun used her bare hands to taste a fried eggplant box. She felt that the taste was quite good, and she couldn't help but ask with some curiosity.

"No." Fan Wuyao wiped his hands and replied, "When I was a child, I was idle and had nothing to do. My parents went to work again, so I tried to cook for them. After a long time, I naturally improved my level. I ran everywhere, when I came to the United States, I tasted Chinese and Western food very much. I watched a lot, and naturally learned more tricks."

"Can you make Western food?" Tong Xiaoyun was a little envious of Fan Wuyi's cooking skills, and she could only make simple things.

"Western food is not well done, mainly because I am not interested." Fan Wubing shook his head, "I remember I wanted to get a driver's license in the United States, but the examiner never passed it, or I made a pot of soup at home and conquered him. "

"You can be regarded as promoting Chinese delicacies--you are still out of the territories--" Tong Xiaoyun couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly when he heard that Fan Wuyao actually used food to trade with the examiner.

After a while, when Aunt Ding came back, she was shocked to find that the food was ready. She tasted the dumplings and felt that they were much better than her. She couldn't help but be surprised, "Who made this stuffing? ?!"

"What's wrong, what's wrong?" Fan Wu was stunned.

"It turned out to be the stuffing without disease. Alas, Zhang Mei is so lucky to be born like you." Aunt Ding was full of envy~lightnovelpub.net~ It’s just that Fan Wuyi can make money. You can afford to put everything down, even the things in the kitchen are all otherworldly. Why is it really so human?

After a while, Tong Yushan also came back. It is rare that he did not drink outside. He was very happy to see Fan Wuyao. A bottle of Moutai was found from the box under the bed. It was the last time Fan Wuyao. The one sent here, said to Fan Wuyao, "You can drink more tonight

"I'll drink less tonight, and I'll drive later." When Fan Wuyao saw the wine, his heart felt a little cold.

After all, the last time was put in the front. If it weren't for drinking at Aunt Ding’s house and living in Tong Xiaoyun’s bedroom, she wouldn’t have caused such a big mess. So she took a peek at Tong Xiaoyun, and she realized that her face was a little bit too. It's not natural, and obviously I thought of the last time.

Tong Yushan didn't expect it, because he drank a few more glasses of wine with Fan Wuyi last time, and turned out to be Fan Wuyi's cheap old man. If you know this, I believe he is not handing a wine glass this time, but an angry wine bottle.

Fan Wubing was very awkward and raised his wine glass and walked with Tong Yushan. He didn't know what it was like. In short, his mood was more complicated.