
v3 Chapter 224: Call the police

Who of you is leading the team?

The people in the Cultural Affairs Bureau were shocked when they heard this sentence.

Who is most afraid of entertainment companies? Of course, it is the Propaganda Department and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, but the local Cultural Bureau is also a great god. When did someone from an entertainment company yell at someone from the Cultural Bureau?

In the responsibilities of the Cultural Bureau, there are several things, such as managing the city’s cultural market, drawing up exhibition plans for the cultural market, managing the batch, retail, rental and screening of audio and video products in the city, investigating and punishing violations in the cultural market, guiding and supervising culture Market audit work and so on.

Entertainment companies are mainly in the cultural market. Naturally, it is impossible to leave the supervision of the Cultural Affairs Bureau. Needless to say, it is enough for someone to approve an illegal operation for you to shut down your company.

Especially the audiovisual department is set up specifically to manage entertainment companies and audiovisual publishing companies. There are not few entertainment companies and entertainment venues in the city. Although many are backed by backstages, no one dares to stand. Come out and directly oppose the inspection team of the Cultural Affairs Bureau?

After a daze, the female chief stood up a little angrily and said, "What are you shouting, what do you want to do as a kid?"

"I am the boss of this company." This was the first word that Fan Wuyao officially said to the people of the Cultural Affairs Bureau.

"I suspect that your motives for this inspection are not pure." This is the second sentence Fan Wuyao said to the people of the Cultural Affairs Bureau.

"Our company does not have any illegal obscene publications." This is the third sentence that Fan Wubing said.

"As for your current obscene videotape, the origin is unknown, and it cannot be easily identified as the work of our company's employees. It needs to be identified by the police." This is the fourth sentence that Fan Wubing said.

"We are a foreign-funded enterprise. Our local lawyers will deal specifically with this matter." Fan Wuyao said at last.

Foreign companies. Lawyers?

The female land immediately looked back angrily at her subordinates. "Why didn't anyone tell me this?!"

Fan Wubing said that he is a foreign-funded enterprise. But it is also true. He has always been under the name of a foreign-funded enterprise. The practice of national enterprises. This is also no way. Who makes private enterprises and national enterprises in mainland China a taboo? Foreign companies or Hong Kong companies and Taiwan companies. Both can enjoy the greatest degree of tax and fee concessions and policy preference. And their own private enterprises are also facing a test of legitimacy.

But Fan Wubing was also used to it. Anyway, the status quo in the mainland is eager for foreigners. Therefore, foreign-funded enterprises are superior. And why do some Hong Kong and Taiwan enterprises that have no technological advantage in scientific research suddenly rise. The goal is naturally Sima Zhao's heart is well known to passers-by.

There are more opportunities to deal with foreign companies, Hong Kong and Taiwan companies here in Shanghai. That woman knows that she is entangled with them. Simple things can become complicated. So when I heard Fan Wubing said that his company was a foreign-funded enterprise. And there is a team of lawyers. Just got a headache.

The Cultural Bureau is not fake, but it is not a particularly powerful unit. It is not so much a power department as it is a department for making autumn styles. It's normal to have a little bit of card to eat and take, but if they say that they have to make a deadlock, they don't have that courage. Therefore, the Director Fang was a bit resigned.

Because what happened today is a bit evil in itself.

Director Fang Yuanyuan Fang hates most of the production and sale of obscene publications, especially pornographic films. Therefore, when she encounters this situation, she has always been cruel and unforgiving. She has the reputation of unfeeling teacher in the industry and Shanghai's achievements in anti-pornography. , But a large part of it is due to her.

Therefore, the people underneath do what they like, and often report to her where they are showing pornographic movies and where they are engaging in body art parties. Where are the dens producing and selling obscene audio-visual products, etc.?

But today’s matter was confessed by a deputy director. He said that recently someone frequently reported illegal publications and obscene audio-visual products on the New Silk Road Entertainment Company. She asked her to take people to see if there were any. Such a thing.

The reputation of New Silk Road Entertainment Company is quite big, but among the many entertainment industries in Shanghai, it is not the kind of company that can make ordinary people remember the place of residence at once. Therefore, Director Fang Yuanyuan does not have a deep impression of New Silk Road Entertainment Company. Since the leaders had told me to check, of course she didn't think of anything else.

This is certainly because the entertainment company is under her control, and Director Fang has always been strong and used to it, and also because she forgot one thing and did not carefully understand the details of the new Silk Road Entertainment Company. Hearing this name, How can one think that this is an authentic domestic company, who knows that it will involve foreign companies?

If it is a foreign company, isn't it usually an abbreviated name in English?

Director Fang felt a little regretful. Want to get out. But with so many people around him, the other side has more employees. If you want to die, doesn't it mean that you are timid? Moreover, the video tape was indeed found!

So Director Fang waved his hand, and one of her attendants immediately understood, "Well, it turned out to be a foreign company. However, foreign companies have to abide by the laws of our country. It is illegal in our country to collect and sell obscene video tapes! We have to take these tapes back. As evidence, the relevant personnel must make a record, and you can wait for the result of the treatment!"

After speaking, the people from the Cultural Bureau took action and wanted to take away all the video tapes.

But Fan Wuyi naturally stopped doing it.

If you let them go, wouldn't it be a big hat for collecting and selling obscene video tapes on your head in vain? So Fan Wubing said, "What do you want to leave in such a hurry? It seems that your Cultural Affairs Bureau does not have the right to confiscate publications, right?"

"Do you have to wait until I call the police before you are willing to bow your heads?" Director Fang suddenly became a little angry.

It is reasonable to say that the Cultural Affairs Bureau has the power of inspection, but it is only possible to deal with it under the circumstances of several aspects of joint law enforcement. They just come over and want to confiscate other people's belongings. It is indeed unreasonable.

But generally speaking, the company that has been found to have shortcomings, which dare to bluff the cultural bureau? It’s not that people say that if you want to be fined, you will be fined, if you want to be punished, you will be punished, that is, you are ordered to suspend business for rectification. ? There is absolutely no need to offend the officials of these government agencies, it will only create obstacles to their future development.

You know, these people are more grudges, even if they were willing to be soft at the time, but afterwards retaliation will make you overwhelmed and regret that you have offended them.

At this moment, a director of Fan Wuyao Company hurriedly squeezed into the crowd, attached to Fan Wuyao’s ear and said something. Seeing Fan Wuyao’s eyes lit up, he laughed, "Okay, Just call the police over and see how we can end this matter today."

The faces of several people in the Cultural Affairs Bureau suddenly looked a little ugly, but Director Fang Yuanyuan said angrily, "Who is afraid of whom?! You don’t see the coffins and don’t cry! The yellow dealers are so right and confident, don’t think you are a foreign company. Then there is nothing you can do! As long as the investigation has real evidence, it must be strictly handled!"

After sternly expressing his opinion, Director Fang asked loudly, "Where is your phone?! I want to call the police!"

Fan Wuyi waved his hand, and the employees immediately stepped aside, revealing the phone on the table.

Fang Yuanyuan walked over with angrily, her high heels slamming on the floor. At this time, Hou Fan Wuyi noticed that Chief Fang was wearing a short skirt, but only a professional outfit. His figure was a little out of shape. After all, age is not forgiving. If you were a teenager, it would still be a bit worth seeing.

"Hey, is the police station?" Fang Yuanyuan picked up the phone and said in a bad tone, "I want to call the police!"

"Please explain the time, place and reason. We will report the situation to the local police station and they will dispatch the police." A stylized voice came from the phone.

Probably because of the more experience of answering the police, the policewoman who answered the phone on the other side seemed to have no **** at all.

"We are from the inspection team of the Cultural Affairs Bureau. Now that the New Silk Road Entertainment Company is suspected of dealing with **** and trafficking in pornography, we have found the evidence. Please come and cooperate with the comrades of the police station. The location is—" Fang Yuanyuan said in one breath. The situation was said again, and then he emphasized, "Please come over, comrades from the police station!"

As a result, the other party was still indifferent, "It depends on the situation. The comrades at the police station are also very busy." Then he deceived the phone.

"Hey, hello! What kind of attitude is this?!" Fang Yuanyuan was startled as she listened to the beep from the phone.

"The police station has more cattle than the Cultural Bureau~lightnovelpub.net~ some people suddenly laughed in the crowd.

The police station is naturally more cattle than the Cultural Bureau. People have the power to arrest people, and it has more jurisdiction than the Cultural Bureau. If you are not pleasing to your eyes, there will be a name for arresting people, and you don’t need to think about you at all. Is it really illegal?

Even if it turns out that it’s okay at the end, that is to say, once you’re okay and you can go home, you will be beaten away. Aren’t there many people who have had the experience of being unjustly imprisoned? There is also a murderer accused of killing his wife. It has been more than 20 years for the crime, and the police found the real culprit inadvertently. Didn’t they say a word of compensation.

All in all, the police station has more real power than the cultural bureau, and people look down on them.

However, Fang Yuanyuan is also a real director. After eating this flat, she naturally refused to let it go, so she dialed the phone again. This time she did call a director of the city bureau directly. The person in charge of the contact.

So it didn't take long for the police from the city bureau to come over.

The first is delivered, the second is working harder