
v3 Chapter 225: A little dizzy

The city bureau led the team by a division chief named Cheng Bingkun. In the past, he worked with Fang Yuanyuan in joint law enforcement. At the moment, it happened to be idle again, so he brought people over and wanted to take a look. Seeing who it was, she actually carried Fang Yuanyuan on her shoulders.

New Silk Road Entertainment Company, the scale of this company is not small!

As a middle-level leader of the police station, Cheng Bingkun is also very knowledgeable. I have never seen a few such large-scale entertainment companies. At least in Shanghai, it is still one of the best, so I feel that this time is not a small thing. The chief of the police was really right. Otherwise, he would be replaced by ordinary people, or he would not be able to control the place.

"Chu Cheng, this is it," a policeman said to Cheng Bingkun.

This time he brought a dozen policemen here, and they were fully armed. Since Fang Yuanyuan said that the entertainment company is not cooperating, he will not bring a few more people and may not be able to solve the problem. Fortunately, the New Silk Road Entertainment Company is also in the downtown area. , I don't believe that they dare to resist the law violently.

After everyone walked in, they saw the people from the Cultural Affairs Bureau and the entertainment company, standing in the company lobby with big eyes and small eyes facing each other, as if no one was convinced.

Cheng Bingkun and others showed the police certificate and relevant documents, and then asked, "What's the matter?" Then they saw Fang Yuanyuan, and asked again, "Fang Chu, what are you talking about?"

Fang Yuanyuan said the cause and effect again, and also said that Fan Wuyi did not cooperate, so she called the police and asked the police to help deal with the reason.

"In short, the evidence is solid and the facts are clear. I also ask Cheng Chu to take charge of the overall situation and get rid of this dirt-laden den in one fell swoop!" Fang Yuanyuan was very angry, so she was very rude in the end.

unambiguous evidence. The facts are clear. What are we doing? You are judges, we are thugs? Cheng Bingkun is a bit unsatisfied, but the government agency is a family, and of course we must work together when dealing with outsiders. So he asked the entertainment company, "Who are you in charge?"

"The person in charge is not local. I am the boss." Fan Wuyao immediately stood up.

"Such a young boss?" Cheng Bingkun was taken aback when he saw it, and he thought to himself that this one is not a big man, right? The princelings have had trouble in Shanghai for a day or two. The director has headaches when they encounter it, but hasn't anyone heard of anyone who opened such an entertainment company?

You must know that the police are the most informed, and you have to enter the gate of the police station. The first thing the book ***** does is not to swear an oath to a flag or something as described in novels and TV movies. Most critically. It’s to review the important relationships in the jurisdiction first, so as to be familiar with

For example, who is whose son, who is whose husband, who is whose wife, whose brother-in-law is whose brother-in-law, who is whose brother-in-law, and so on. These things may seem very complicated and boring, but when they are used, they often find that they are still a little bit missing.

Local forces are complex. A director is also not good enough. If the mountain is not dew, it is natural to do things. Therefore, some necessary relationships must be understood clearly.

Fortunately, the police have this kind of channel for obtaining information. As long as they are intent, they don't have to worry about things they won't be able to inquire.

Cheng Bingkun looked at the registration information of the New Silk Road Entertainment Company, and went around twice in his mind. He didn't even think that this young man named Fan Wushu was the son of the family?

"Oh, it's a foreign company?" Cheng Bingkun said in his heart that this isn't the son of that Chinese tycoon, right?

But if it’s a Chinese tycoon, it’s impossible that I haven’t received this information, but since I haven’t received relevant explanations before, it means it’s nothing important, so Cheng Bingkun said in business, "Well. Now that the facts are clear, then I will take away the responsible persons in accordance with the regulations. ****"

"Wait, I haven't spoken yet." Fan Wubing raised his hand to stop.

"What do you have to say?" Cheng Bingkun frowned, because he found that the young man didn't have a flustered expression at all, as if there was a little gloating expression in his bones, and he couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Impossible, it must be my illusion, how can such a young guy play any tricks? Besides, this matter has nothing to do with our police. We just enforce the law according to the procedure.

Fan Wubing picked up a video tape with his hands, looked at the people with a smile, and said loudly, "These tapes are not concealed by our company employees, but planted by people from the Cultural Bureau."

When he said this, everyone was in an uproar. The employees in the offices where the tapes were found found it a bit weird and weird. After all, even if everyone has this experience, it is impossible for every office to have it A taste, right?

Could it be that the tastes of the employees of our entertainment company are so bad? Is the aesthetic level so low? !

Fang Yuanyuan was very angry when she heard this, and accused Fan Wuyi, "You are spitting! We haven't seen you, just a routine check-up. Can we commit a spoil for you? Just say this to you, and I can do it. Sue you for slandering public officials!"

Cheng Bingkun also said next to him, "There is nothing to say, and evidence is required in everything. People have found an obscene videotape in your company. This is a fact. You can't just frame others for nothing.\\"

Fan Wubing scratched his head and said curiously, "I don't know why you planted me, but this kind of behavior is very stupid, because our company is on par with foreign countries, and every office is equipped with surveillance system."

Speaking of Fan Wubing, he looked at the people of the Cultural Affairs Bureau. The expressions on the faces of several existing guys suddenly changed, and their eyes flickered, so he went on to say, "Therefore, on our surveillance video today, it appears that Some questions."

Fan Wubing waved his hand, and someone immediately turned on the big screen projection, and then began to play a video from an office today. When everyone heard what he said, they suddenly became nervous, staring directly at the screen, and saw only the cultural affairs bureau’s When people were led by Fang Yuanyuan into various offices, several people took advantage of everyone’s attention and quickly stuffed the video tapes hidden in their clothes under the file cabinet or in the pile of files on the desk. These things were turned over during the inspection. ===

After seeing this scene, the people in the Cultural Bureau suddenly became confused. Maybe Fang Yuanyuan really didn't know the inside story of this time, and some angrily shouted at the few people who had planted, "Who allowed you to do this? !"

She couldn't help but not be angry, such obvious planting, it is too lack of technical content! If it is not caught by someone, then it's easy to say anything, but people have installed monitoring equipment in every office. Isn't this hitting someone's muzzle? !

If this kind of thing is on newspapers and TV, the reputation of the Cultural Affairs Bureau will be stinky from top to bottom!

Especially Fang Yuanyuan herself still wants to be motivated. Such a trouble makes it impossible not to be punished. How can she not become angry? ! But if you think about it carefully, this time things are really weird. Could it be that the deputy director arranged it? It is impossible for a few subordinates to do such a thing by themselves! When Cheng Bingkun saw this dramatic change, he felt helpless.

scandal! This is definitely a big scandal! If placed abroad, it is at least a "video door" incident! But in China, ha ha! Cheng Bingkun was thinking about how to deal with this matter. After all, if the matter was stabbed out, it would be of no benefit to anyone. If I let the matter go on, it would become uncontrollable, and even the responsibility would be impossible to shirk.

So Cheng Bingkun persuaded, "I think this should be a bit misunderstanding. I suggest that everyone sit down and talk about it and find a solution. It will make the city full of storms and it will not be good for anyone."

Fan Wubing laughed loudly, "It doesn't matter! We are an entertainment company. The last thing we worry about is that there is a storm in the city. This is very good for increasing the popularity of our company!"

The employees of the company looked at the monitoring, and they were all aggrieved, but after hearing Fan Wuyao’s words, they immediately thought that they were invincible in possession of this evidence. As for public opinion propaganda, It has always been one of the company's operating methods, but there is no need to worry at all, so everyone laughed.

The saddest person is nothing more than Fang Yuanyuan.

She has basically been able to determine that she has been used as a gunman. The greatest possibility is that the deputy director instigated a few subordinates and used herself to cover up to plant the entertainment company, but she did not expect others to be here. There is surveillance video. After all, this kind of thing is rarely used in China~lightnovelpub.net~ Everyone did not expect this kind of thing to happen.

"This kind of thing should not be seen in the light." Cheng Bingkun couldn't help but stand up and express his position.

"Why shouldn't you see the light?" Fan Wubing asked with a smile.

He is now the overall situation settled. He is purely perfunctory with them here with the intention of watching the excitement. If Fan Wu's heart is in his heart, he must be very complaining, although he doesn't know who is stigmatizing him, but One thing is clear, because Fan Wubing's good deeds with Tong Xiaoyun were disturbed by the incident they brought up today.

No matter how they had to let them shed some blood in order to end this matter, Fan Wubing made up his mind, and would never let go if he didn't achieve his goal.

However, what benefits can be gained from them? Fan Wubing really couldn't think of it.

At least one thing must be clarified. Who is this guy who instigated them to come and plant him? Fan Wuyao's heart is unhappy if he doesn't understand this hidden enemy.

*************Two more delivered, three more working hard*********