
v3 Chapter 24: How big a wave can it make? "Ask a month

   Of course, Fan Wuyi's post-recruitment is not only finished after Li Mingjiu fainted.

   The following series of actions by Longquan Company made the major domestic media stunned and watched them stage a classic blockbuster that was both reasonable and legally looting state-owned assets.

First, through huge capital injections to dilute the proportion of equity held by the Pingyuan Plant, and then to change the composition of a single shareholder, to split a number of shareholders of the same size on the board of directors at once, and then Shen Manhua’s controlling shareholder rights were deprived, and the board of directors Shantouism was formed, and there was a dispute over the future direction of the new company.

As for all the resources under the company system, they have been re-divided. Only less than 500 acres of 10,000 acres of land can be left in the hands of the Pingyuan Factory, and what they exchanged back is a mineral spring that is still invisible. The annual dividend of water companies is less than 5%.

These alone made Li Mingjiu unable to get rid of the charge of selling a huge amount of state-owned assets, and the next thing made him feel desperate. The shareholders of the company passed a resolution to prepare to build a mineral water company while investing a huge amount of money in the development of the original The Pingyuan Plant is now a land asset under the name of Longquan Company.

   "A lot of money to be invested again?!" Li Mingjiu was already a little numb to this. After hearing the news reported by his subordinates, he just rolled his sluggish eyes slightly.

"Preliminary estimates are about 100 million U.S. dollars, and it is said that with the development process, the number may far exceed 100 million U.S. dollars. I really don't know what they want to do?" Li Mingjiu's secretary stood in his office. Report.

   Due to the sudden equity dilution of Longquan Company, Li Mingjiu's plan to go to the capital to say that the project was completely disrupted. His supporters in the ministry did not dare to risk any danger at this time, standing on the cusp of the storm to support Li Mingjiu.

However, in view of Li Mingjiu’s filial piety in the past, the other party promised to help Li Mingjiu to excuse some responsibilities as much as possible. After all, this time there was too much movement. There are no people who can cover the sky with one hand, but they are definitely not the ones in the ministry. Individuals can do it.

   Therefore, Li Mingjiu had to return to Panshi with a frustrated expression. He had to face a lot of things, especially not knowing what kind of ghosts the Longquan Company would come up with next.

"I don't know what kind of ghost has gotten me into the embarrassment of today. As long as there is a problem with Longquan Company, my path will come to an end!" Li Mingjiu laughed at the secretary somewhat self-deprecatingly Said.

At this time, he probably understood a little bit. The shareholders of this Longquan company obviously had a big plan. He was just a stepping stone for others to set foot on domestic land resources. So what kind of high-quality mineral water source is just a joke in the eyes of others. That's it.

   What kind of mineral water source is worth nearly 200 million US dollars from investors? ! This is simply a big joke! It is not a spring of youth and age, and it is not pure natural milk that flows out. A mineral water factory can have an investment of several million at most. I actually thought that they wanted to build a world-class mineral water company. It's so silly and naive!

"Forget it, watching them toss, I don't believe that they didn't come to China to make money?" Li Mingjiu also wanted to open it at this time. As long as Longquan Company can make a profit, then his own equity is still valuable, on such a large scale. Even if a small amount of shares are held in the companies, the profits are considerable, and nothing can be said on the above. Because this is a purely commercial behavior after all.

   But if Longquan Company really does not intend to make a profit, what should it do? Will Longquan Company not be profitable? Li Mingjiu was really not sure.

Fan Heng asked his son Fan Wuyi the same question, "Isn’t Longquan Company going to make a profit? Unless you don’t make a profit, you won’t be able to cross Li Mingjiu’s business. But if you don’t make a profit, the investment of hundreds of millions of dollars. Has it been hit by the water? Such investment behavior. It seems that there is no convincing for the hollowing-out of state-owned assets you are talking about?"

   Fan Heng also made sense. No matter how much foreign capital comes in, it will always make a profit. If Fan Wuyao does not work locally, there should be no second one, so this kind of case is not universal. Cases that are not universal. How can it explain the current crisis facing state-owned assets?

Fan Wubing said confidently, “I am definitely going to make a profit. But Longquan Company can be completely unprofitable. This is the terrible aspect of private capital, and even some large consortia may adopt similar methods to achieve Asset land erosion. In the competition with foreign capital, the only thing to remember is to never lose controlling rights, otherwise everything is empty talk! This time, Li Mingjiu failed at this point. In addition, it is their attitude to the land. The value of the resource is underestimated!"

In fact, Fan Wuyao went around like this, mainly for the 10,000 acres of land in the Pingyuan Factory. Obviously, during the initial negotiations of the cooperation, Li Mingjiu did not expect that Shen Manhua would get so much money at once. And Li Mingjiu didn't fight for the controlling rights, and he also saved his own little Jiujiu.

If Pingyuan Factory becomes the controlling shareholder, then it will have to bear relatively more responsibilities, and it will be more noticeable when it needs to transfer interests in the future. It is the best choice to become the second shareholder, but he did not expect that Shen Manhua will gain a controlling stake. At the same time, he began to dilute his own shares and marginalized himself.

   In the face of Shen Manhua’s large capital, the Pingyuan Plant really has no strength to fight against, and the only valuable land resource has been divided up by the large and small shareholders through contracts.

   In the final analysis, it is not that Li Mingjiu does not know the value of the land resources of the Pingyuan Factory, but that he has not figured out the scale of Shen Manhua's funds, and he has other thoughts, which is the most deadly.

  The sea is inclusive of all rivers. Tolerance is great, standing on the wall, strong without desire, as long as one has selfish desires, it is easy to be calculated by others. Li Mingjiu is obviously too keen on fame and fortune. If he can focus on the interests of Pingyuan Factory, he will not commit such an irreparable fault.

   "But I really don't know how you can transfer so much of your funds?" Fan Heng asked curiously.

   For his son, Fan Heng can only use the word genius to describe it. Why is it that what he thinks of is something that no one else can think of?

   "Of course it must be spent, otherwise how can it be transferred?" Fan Wuyao smiled slightly.

   The large investments that have entered the country must have received serious attention. It is very simple to invest. It is very troublesome to withdraw capital, so the best way to transfer the inbound capital is to spend it through consumption channels. This is the safest way.

   But there is also a problem. Even if the US$100 million invested is spent in my own business, I still have to face tax problems. The funds that can be returned in the end will definitely be less than US$100 million. How to solve this problem?

   When Fan Heng asked this question, Fan Wubing laughed. "You don't have to worry about this. I have already thought of the right way."

Sure enough, after the announcement of Longquan's re-investment plan, it caused an uproar in the national media. Everyone was speculating whether the investors of this company were kicked by the donkey. A mineral water source is worth investing so much. money? What should I do if I can't get the investment back?

   Afterwards, everyone figured it out. It turns out that people are going to take root in Panshi, and they are preparing to develop the tens of thousands of acres of land. If you think about it this way. The investment of hundreds of millions of dollars is almost understandable. After all, infrastructure construction is more expensive, not to mention the development of such a large area.

   Therefore, Longquan's consumption of cement and steel bars is very large. There are also some infrastructure materials that are in urgent need of procurement. But now there has been a wave of construction in the country, and building materials everywhere are tense. Where can I find so many materials for a while?

However, the major shareholders of Longquan Company are very enthusiastic about construction at this time. Under their unanimous requirements, the people of Longquan Company began to look for large-scale building materials suppliers that can cooperate with each other across the country. Finally, they finally found two The transferred company, these two companies are not elsewhere. It was Fan Wubing who made two moves in Liushi and Hengdian. He asked the companies in Liushi and Hengdian to hoard raw materials regardless of the cost, but today it comes in handy.

  Longquan Company fully reflects its wealth. I ordered 200 million U.S. dollars of various building materials in one go, and agreed on a spot transaction. The money and the goods were exchanged. However, when the various building materials arrived and the payment should be made, there was a problem.

Longquan’s book only has more than 100 million U.S. dollars, and it cannot afford all the building materials expenses. There is about 40-50 million U.S. dollars left to cover the shortfall, but everything has already been pulled back, and it is naturally impossible to return it to the place. There is a contract there, and Lai can't get rid of it.

More importantly, the two companies in Liushi and Hengdiandi were both established by Fan Wuyao through the merger of his own foreign companies. They both have the concept of foreign investment and are private enterprises. In this case, you are not afraid of Longquan. The child replied.

   And the most terrible thing is that the important shareholders of Longquan Company, such as Shen Manhua, went abroad under the pretext of purchasing equipment. Originally, everyone was not clear about their details, so they simply couldn't see them.

It should be said that the price of the building materials sold by the two companies in Liushi and Hengdian to Longquan Company is not very expensive. The two companies in Shih and Hengdian are making a fortune.

   But making money comes with making money, and the debts outside should also be recovered as much as possible. You cannot say that the contract is a piece of waste paper just because the other party has no money! So the two companies took Longquan to court together and demanded that Longquan repay the debt!

The accepting court also felt a very headache. This kind of matter involves a large amount of funds and is already at the international level. It should have been delayed to see the situation. However, the media has already heated up in this area, and everyone is looking forward to it. Looking at the result, you can't fail to act in court, right?

In the end, the judgment was made and the result was very fair. Longquan Company compensated the two companies in accordance with the law. The insufficient funds used the company’s fixed assets to repay the debt. However, the shell of Longquan Company was built, and the official office building was not built. . So everyone's eyes were on the 10,000 mu of land.

Li Mingjiu, the shareholder representative of the only domestic Longquan company, expressed strong opposition to this, but before the law, the strength of such opposition is too weak. In China, which is accelerating reform, it is impossible to use the right to use 10,000 mu of land. Destroyed his own image back and forth.

   This loss can at best be regarded as an indispensable tuition fee in the reform process, but for Li Mingjiu, it is not that simple. After some tabloids broke the original cooperation agreement between Pingyuan Factory and Longquan Company, Li Mingjiu's political life would have ended. What awaits him is an internal review, after which he may choose whether to transfer it to the judicial department.

   Amidst the sound of verbal and writing, Li Ming, who betrayed the state-owned assets, died without redemption, and left the scene sadly.

   "When things are done like this, how should I deal with the aftermath?" Fan Heng asked his son with some headaches.

Although Fan Heng himself had picked out from this incident a long time ago, the incident always happened in Panshi anyway, and the negative impact of this incident on Panshi is still relatively large. As long as everyone mentions this time in Longquan Company events always think of this as a rock-solid enterprise.

   A fabulous capital operation. The end was drawn by the fact that the Plains Factory lost all its land reserves, which brought people an indescribable sense of fear. It turned out that behind the real money, there might also be a knife that could kill people without seeing blood.

Due to the emergence of this incident, the above has also carefully studied this issue. Although no more reliable evidence has been found in it, whether it is the company in Liushi or the company in Hengdian, these two companies are the ones The ultimate beneficiary, then who is the boss behind them? The Ministry of Security is naturally clear. Minister Jiang Lue has a headache.

   It can be seen that these are all tricks made by Fan Wuyao, but they are not in line with his old personality! Although Fan Wuyao has done many lucrative projects in China, they are all done upright, relying on the accurate grasp of the market and his own advantages in capital, and there is no illegal or criminal behavior.

   Even in this Longquan company incident. There is also no evidence that the shareholders of Longquan Company and the Pingyuan Plant represented by Li Mingjiu have problems with the transfer of benefits. I also didn't find any bribery behavior, the matter is not easy to handle.

After reporting the suspicious points in this incident to the above, the Chief No. 1 clearly instructed that local affairs should be handled by local leaders. The above should not control too much land. This is not the case. In line with the general direction of economic development.

What does it mean? Including several important leaders in the province, after fully comprehending the instructions of Chief One. It suddenly dawned on me. It seems that this matter has to fall on the Panshi City Government, and it has to fall on Fan Heng.

   Then. Several important leaders from the province came together to inspect Panshi and fully affirmed the successful experience of the Panshi glass factory and meat processing plant. They highly appreciated the overall thinking of Panshi City in terms of economic construction, and clearly proposed , Panshi City Government should, while working hard to improve economic conditions, appropriately pay attention to the situation of large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises in its jurisdiction.

"It’s not that we don’t care. It’s that people are at a high level. Even if they are at the same level or slightly lower than us, no one is willing to listen to the opinions of our local government. After all, state-owned enterprises are basically managed by their counterparts. It also has the power to interrogate some local enterprises." Fan Hyung was a little bit dumbfounded by the demands of the provincial leaders.

   What's all this? The main hall is in charge of the main hall, who listens to whom? Not to mention that state-owned enterprises like Pingyuan Factory are basically directly under the control of the ministry. How can the mayor of a prefecture-level city get involved? At most, when accompanied the leader to inspect, he just went to other people's factory for a while. Why are these leaders so confused today?

However, Secretary Niu Manzhuang of the Provincial Party Committee was a bit disapproving of Fan Heng’s answer. He took Fan Heng’s hand and said earnestly, “Reform means that we need to take a road that no one has taken before. Comrade Xiaoping also said Now, just cross the river by feeling the stones! The water is deep and shallow, how can we know if we don’t try it? Don’t have any worries about this matter. The things that the Pingyuan Factory has done this time are very big and the impact is very bad. The mistake was eager to seek success and introduced foreign capital at all costs. The result was a complete failure! At that time, you raised an objection, but for various reasons, things are still moving in a direction that we don’t want to see! But what? , Don’t have lumps in your thoughts. After all, Pingyuan Factory is also your old base area. There are still many old colleagues and comrades in your former comrades! Now Pingyuan Factory is in trouble. As a local leader, you still have Responsibility to lead them out of the quagmire!"

   "Secretary Niu, Pingyuan Factory is a military industrial enterprise----" Fan Heng reminded.

   Military industrial enterprises are more difficult to deal with than ordinary state-owned enterprises. You can't let the local government underwrite such things as torpedoes, right? Even if it can be underwritten, someone must be willing to buy it! Even if someone is willing to buy it, the Americans are still staring at it. If something is done here, someone in the United Nations will immediately accuse China of betraying its arms!

   Niu Manzhuang glanced at Fan Heng, and thought you thought I didn’t know about it? However, he still patiently explained, "The problem of the plain factory is now divided into two parts. The military workshop is separated, and the remaining civilian workshops are reorganized, and they are completely decoupled from the military, and their ownership belongs to the Panshi City local government. Management, this is one of the purposes we came here this time. Comrade Fan Heng, you have to do it well!"

After Fan Heng heard Niu Manzhuang’s words, he was shocked. In any case, he did not expect that the Pingyuan Factory would be divided into two. In other words, with the exception of the military workshop’s less than 1,000 people. Other employees, even if they were to confess to themselves, that would be a big burden for more than four thousand people!

I relied on the help of my son Fan Wuyi to solve the problem of the glass factory, and through the land transfer and the income of the meat processing plant, the city’s embarrassing financial income was reversed~lightnovelpub.net~ and it was suppressed again. With such a big burden, what exactly is this? Is it reward or punishment?

Fan Wubing glanced at Niu Manzhuang, and saw Secretary Niu’s upright expression, knowing that this matter had fallen to his own head anyway, and could not help but complain about his son Fan Wubing secretly. This is really true. My son shit, I wiped his ass.

"Well, it's not impossible for our city to solve this problem, but the policy should always give some? And the operation method, I also hope that the province can cooperate. Otherwise, a large factory with four or five thousand people, It is very difficult to deal with our Panshi City Government alone, and it is also difficult to predict what emergencies will occur. Such a big responsibility is suddenly suppressed, and I am worried that comrades will feel resistance." Fan Heng also directly pointed himself The difficulties are exposed.

Niu Manzhuang frowned, and said that Fan Heng was really quick to speak. He immediately asked him for this and that, but after thinking about it for himself, he suddenly threw the burden of four to five thousand people to the place. Regardless of it, it is indeed a very unethical thing, especially the fact that the Pingyuan Factory has gotten into the current tragic situation. It was caused by not listening to Fan Heng’s opinions and going his own way. At this time, all the burdens were thrown on Fan Heng. It's really hard to justify.

   "Well, the provincial government will try its best to support the policy." Niu Manzhuang finally said.

*Er, there are a lot of strong books in the urban category recently. The monthly ticket ranking of Xiaolang is in danger. I hope that those who have monthly passes will support it. In addition, Xiaolang’s "Fortune Color" may be scheduled to be released on the front page in the near future. I hope everyone Continue to support Little Wolf. *