
v3 Chapter 247: Found a breakthrough

"Isn't it? Could it be that my luck is so bad?" Fan Wuyao smiled bitterly.

Since the people in the Ministry of Security said that those little gangsters are not just waiting, obviously their power will not be too bad, at least they are at the same level or similar to those of the two directors. Of course, this news makes him very uncomfortable. of.

It is of course not a good thing that one's opponent is too strong, especially these two opponents may have a deep hatred with them, which makes people feel more entangled.

After hearing this young man's words, everyone found out that this group of punks also have a backstage, but they are a local force in Shanghai. They are not only local snakes, but also closely related to the Baidao, even safe. Some of the previous intelligence of the Ministry was also obtained through their organization.

"In short, the two groups of people are very powerful." The young man concluded.

The middle-aged man looked at Fan Wuyi and said with a wry smile, "If you want to solve this matter tonight, it will be very difficult."

"Grass!" Fan Wubiao suddenly became angry from his heart, and gritted his teeth, "If I really want to find out who did it, I will hire an international assassin, and even do it!" I dare to calculate, when I am a sick cat?!"

Fan Wubing became angry. No matter what he was a lieutenant general who founded the country, he was still a branch of the local forces in Shanghai. He would go back to the United States and stay there. He hired hundreds of international killers to come back and see who can afford the time. . Anyway, he doesn't have anything else, but he doesn't lack money!

The middle-aged man became a little nervous when he heard Fan Wubing’s words, and quickly calmed down, “Calm! Calm! Mr. Fan, you are of high value and good character, successful in your career, and a large number of girls are chasing you. It’s not okay to have the same knowledge as their bad guys! Although this matter is troublesome, it always has to be solved. As long as the evidence is solid, you still have to worry about the other party's failure? Take your time, take your time!"

Several people next to him also agreed, saying that there is no need for Mr. Fan to be so excited. Life is always going to be passed.

Fan Wubing thought about it, and felt that if he wanted to find a breakthrough in this matter today. He still had to start from the scene. He carefully recalled the scene at that time, and suddenly thought of a detail.

"Brother. Can you go back to the scene again? I want to verify one thing myself." Fan Wuyao asked the middle-aged man.

"The scene burned to a complete mess--" The middle-aged man glanced at Fan Wuyi. Originally wanted to push the ground. But seeing Fan Wubing insisted on his face. He changed his mouth. "Okay. It's not difficult."

So a group of people drank it for half an hour. Get in the car again. He smashed back to the kTV that was burned beyond recognition. at this time. There are very few people on the street. The police are also preparing to evacuate people. Only the owner of this kTV stood outside with a sad expression on his face. We are discussing with several subordinates. How big is the loss this time. How much can be fished out?

The middle-aged man handed Fan Wubing a pair of sunglasses. Then took a dozen people. We walked over together.

The police on duty saw the group of people dressed in civilian clothes. I thought it was someone from an unknown source. So he came to block Road. "Police handle the case. Irrelevant persons should not be approached."

A young man stepped forward. Take out a blue book and let the other party look at it. Then said. "This arson case involves national security. Let's check it out."

From the security department, the policeman took a look. He was immediately in awe. He has been a police officer for more than two years and has never encountered a case handled by the Ministry of Security, so he respectfully replied, "Please wait a moment, I will report to the superior."

After the police got in touch with the boss using the intercom, they said to everyone, "Leaders, please feel free, our boss said. If you can take this case, it would be best."

The young man suddenly smiled and said, "Where do we have that time. If it wasn't for one of the victims who had something to do with us, we would not come if we were invited."

So the policeman led the way, and everyone crossed the cordon guarded by several policemen and came to the room that was so horribly burned by the fire.

Although the firefighters have put out the fire and checked the various hidden dangers, they confirmed that there is no danger, but as soon as everyone came in, they smelled a scorching smell, which was caused by various building materials burned in the fire. The unpleasant smell produced.

"This group of people is really cruel, and it burns so terribly!" The middle-aged man frowned and looked at the surrounding environment, and said to his opponents.

They work complicated and safe. Naturally, they have killed people and seen blood, but they don’t have many opportunities to face the fire site directly. Therefore, everyone feels a bit miserable after seeing the scene here. The kTV room itself is more like that. Closed, if the fire outside burns up, there is really no place to run.

But then again, it's not easy for Fan Wubing to escape from this environment, and according to him, how many girls did he still sing with at the time?

Whenever they thought of this, everyone felt a little curious, wondering how Fan Wuyao got out?

However, Fan Wubing quickly answered their doubts. He walked in, walked through the corridor, and pointed to a house inside and said, "Well, we were in that house at the time and smelled something wrong. At that time, there was already a sea of ​​fire outside."

"With all due respect, how did you escape?" A young man immediately felt a little weird. Fan Wuyi's room where they are located should be relatively close to the inside. How could they escape without any damage in the fire? ?

Fan Wubing glanced at it. The large closet he dragged over to block the door had burned to ashes, so he felt a little emotional. If he changed someone else, he would be burnt to death.

"There, I punched a hole there, took someone to escape to the next room, then punched another hole, and finally rushed to the street." Fan Wubing pointed a big hole in the wall with his finger, right. Everyone said.

Under Fan Wubing’s guidance, everyone immediately saw the big hole, which was already smoky by the fire. It looked like there was such a big hole a long time ago, but everyone quickly discovered the problem. Outside the big hole, there are many bricks scattered on the ground, which are obviously big holes formed by the impact of external forces.

"President Fan is indeed a capable person! Jizhong Shengzhi still has such a great ability, did you have a tool at hand to break through this wall?" someone asked.

Fan Wubing shook his head and said, "Why don't I have any weapons? Isn't it just bare-handed? It's just a little luck, even if a way of life is opened up."

However, everyone expressed their admiration for Fan Wubing. In their own words, it is absolutely impossible for them to make a way out of their lives at such a pressing juncture.

Fan Wuyin walked inside again and saw the burnt-out door. He knelt down and looked at the lock in the ashes. He was burned beyond recognition.

"That brother can help me take a look, is this lock new or old?" Fan Wubing picked up the lock and asked.

"Let me see--" A young man immediately took the lock, looked at it twice, and then said, "It's a lock that has been used for a long time, not a new place."

Oh, Fan Wubing nodded, and then found several other locks in the fire scene, and let the young man identify them one by one. Without exception, these locks had been used for a long time.

"Xiao Hu is an expert in unlocking, and he is the best at this," the middle-aged man said to Fan Wuyao.

The young man also explained, "Although it is difficult to distinguish the old and new from the appearance of the locks that have been burned by the fire, it is easy to distinguish them from the lock cylinder. These locks are things that have been used for at least half a year."

Fan Wubing stood up and asked instead, "Does this kTV have any direct relationship with the two chiefs and Ding Li's group?"

"According to our information, it doesn't matter. The boss of this kTV is another passer-by, and Ding Li is the opponent." A young man responsible for investigating the details of the two groups replied immediately.

Fan Wubing nodded, and then said, "Then, I can basically be sure now that the arsonist is the insider of kTV."

"Why?" Everyone felt a little unreliable after hearing Fan Wubing's words.

How can you tell that the insider is the one who committed the crime with so many locks? So everyone stared at Fan Wuyao with some suspicion, and wanted him to make a reasonable explanation.

"It's very simple." Fan Wubing threw the lock aside, patted the dust on his hand, and then explained, "The attacker is an outsider. He must have found the lock temporarily, so the greatest possibility is from Buy new locks nearby, otherwise seven or eight old locks are not so easy to get together, and they are still old locks that are roughly the same time ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ makes sense. "The middle-aged man listened to Fan Wuyi's words. Suddenly the eyes lit up.

The arson can be completed in such a short period of time, and the doors of several private rooms have been locked with the same batch of old locks. It will certainly not be outsiders. One is because outsiders are too nervous in the time of committing crimes, and the other is that they don’t. It is very possible to find so many old locks at once.

"Excellent, at least now we have determined that the perpetrators are most likely to be insiders. Now, by investigating from these people, coupled with tracing the source of these locks, we can definitely find the real perpetrators of the arson. Come out! Now, I authorize you to investigate this matter immediately and ask the police to cooperate!" The middle-aged man immediately issued an order to everyone.

Everyone immediately responded, and went to do their own things.

This time, under Fan Wubing’s inference, it seems that the key to solving the case has been found. Therefore, everyone is actively doing this thing. The most important thing is because the two groups of suspects with the greatest influence. Has basically been ruled out of suspicion.

However, did the incident this time be the work of an insider, as Fan Wubing had concluded?