
v3 Chapter 249: Horizontal branch

It didn't take long for Fan Wubing to arrive at the place. The head of the Ministry of Security in Shanghai was waiting for him in an office temporarily requisitioned from the police station.

There were a lot of people coming and going along the way, but no one was paying attention to Fan Wubing's arrival. They seemed to have their own things, so Fan Wubing asked the guard and got the information he needed.

Passing through the open fields and lawns in front of the building, there were two fountains that were most common in the 1990s. Fan Wuyi entered the office building. Only then was he stopped by a policeman sitting at the door.

"What for? You can't rush here." The policeman said to Fan Wuyao, and pointed his finger at the banner on the wall on the side, which read the words such as office heavy land, no idlers are allowed to enter.

Fan Wubing didn't talk any more nonsense. He just handed him the blue passport that he had just asked for from the Ministry of Security last night.

The policeman straightened up when he saw Fan Wuyi's certificate, stood up, bowed to Fan Wuyi, and said, "Leaders please come in, those leaders are now on the fourth floor."

The policeman at the door is an expert. As soon as he sees this kind of document, he knows the details of the person coming, so he quickly pointed out where he should go and went to his colleagues.

But he also overlooked one point. Fan Wubing, a member of the security department, is a fake, and the certificate is forced to come by others. The original intention is to make it easier when driving, and to replace the driver’s license. Walking upstairs, only to the corner of the stairs on the second floor, there was a person rolling down the stairs, almost hitting him.

Fan Wubing couldn't help but twisted his body and jumped aside, looking at the police officer rolling downstairs with some surprise. He shouted without a word, "Damn! Is it fashionable now to roll down the stairs?"

Anyway, the man was blocked by Fan Wubing with his leg to stop the decline. He raised his head and glanced at Fan Wuyao, and said with some effort. "There is—" Before the words were finished, blood spurted out and fell softly to the ground.

What's on it? Fan Wubing suddenly stunned. He raised his head and glanced up, nothing was found, and when he looked at that person, he was already on the ground and unconscious. The police uniform on the back was also torn, and it seemed that it was chopped with a knife.

"It's killing--it's killing--" Fan Wuyao immediately shouted loudly with his hands together in a trumpet.

The people downstairs suddenly heard it, ran over to take a look, and suddenly exclaimed, "Police Officer Song, are you like this?! Oh my God! Why are all blood all over your body?!"

Then a few police officers ran over, and Fan Wubing said to them, "This person just rolled down the stairs. He said there was something on it—but he passed out before he finished talking—"

"Leave one to call an ambulance, and the rest are waiting for everyone to go up and see!" A policeman with the appearance of a captain immediately ordered, and then a dozen people in total rushed up.

Fan Wubing has been making mistakes recently, and people have become more cautious. Things are very weird today. Police officers can be chopped into serious injuries in the police station. God knows the reason? Could it be that the murderous maniac attacked the police station?

So Fan Wuyao shrank his head and followed the policemen behind him, watching them screaming and rushing to the second floor. As a result, everyone found that blood was dripping from above. So he made persistent efforts to reach the third floor.

Here comes the problem. The people in each office were blocked there by a young man holding a large watermelon knife that was more than two feet long and could not run out. Three or four people had been chopped down on the ground. Some were motionless, some were still screaming.

The few people who rushed up were also a little dumbfounded. They didn’t have any sharp weapons in their hands. If they rushed up with bare hands, they would have been chopped down, so everyone yelled from behind, "Wu that thief, Don't hurry up to put down the murder weapon in your hand!?"

Of course, this sentence is a bit classical. In fact, what they shouted was, "Boy, put the knife down, or we will shoot!" Everyone put their hands on their waists, as if they were about to draw their guns at any time. , A typical bluff of foreign powers and mid-skills.

The young man holding the machete looked back at them, ignored them, and continued to use the knife to kill the people in the office.

A wounded policeman on the ground shouted loudly, "You guys should shoot faster!"

Damn, do you need to teach us? ! The few people who rushed up were also full of grievances. They said that if we had guns, we would have killed that girl long ago, so we still need your orders? ! The guy took a machete, who is not afraid?

This is also to blame for the low quality of the policemen in the building. It is not that their cultural quality is low, but that most of the policemen who sit in the office are related households, not the three aunts and six aunts of the chief. It was the nephew's brother-in-law of the leading place, who held the power of various departments in the bureau in his hand, and the policemen underneath were usually ignored, not to mention seeing ordinary people.

Therefore, very few of these people have received systematic police training. Naturally, their physical abilities are in a mess. They are panting when climbing stairs, not to mention being beaten and killed. They are not comparable to the police at the grassroots level. They don’t care. Whether it's fighting criminals or hawkers at training stalls, that's all real kung fu. Three or five people may not be able to cope, but one-to-one, it still won't suffer much.

While talking, the young man with a machete rushed to the printing room, and he screamed inside. Fan Wuyao took a closer look. Probably the printing room was full of young and beautiful police flowers. When he was blocked by this young man with a machete, Hua Rong was eclipsed by fright.

The young man with the machete didn't have any expression of pity, and he rushed up when he picked up the machete. At this time, Hou Fan was a little sick and couldn't pass it. Anyway, the opponent was alone, so he dashed up and reached out to grab the knife.

However, the young man was also very alert. He twisted his body and slashed his backhand back, slashing at Fan Wuyi's palm with a cold light. If it hit, Fan Wuyi's finger would be broken.

The policemen in the printing room were very conscientious and shouted to Fan Wuyao. "careful!"

Of course, Fan Wuyi's strength is very powerful, and there is absolutely no problem with dealing with such a young man. At this moment, seeing everyone in a frightened look, they had a showy mind, thinking that there was a title like a young man bravely fighting a machete, a madman, and a police flower. Whether it's on the entertainment headlines or the news headlines, they are extremely eye-catching, so he deliberately slowed down his actions and put on a thrilling appearance in line with the chopping movements of the machete youth.

I could see the police yelling beside me. I want to rush up but I don't have the ability to watch it and feel thrilling. It's really thrilling!

However, Fan Wubing also knew that he could not be too involved in acting, so after making a few false moves, he flashed around behind the machete youth, and a slashing action from the back of his neck ended the battle.

Only when the machete youth fell to the ground, the policemen who were on the sidelines swarmed up, and four or five people rushed up. He pressed tightly on his body, and was busy taking off the handcuffs from his body, handcuffing the young man to a firm hand.

"But I caught you kid!" Seeing their smug looks, it seemed as if this person was really what they had caught.

Fan Wubing smiled, clapped his hands, waved his hands with those police flowers, and then turned around and left. Sure enough, someone immediately grabbed him, but it was a chubby police officer. Fan Wubing glanced. Now that he has the most stars on his shoulders, this is obviously a leader.

"Comrade. Thanks to you!" The leader thanked with tears and nose.

"Haha, it's okay, it's all a family." Fan Wuyao said with a smile.

The leader was a little surprised. Is this also the policeman in our bureau? plainclothes?

The policeman who had seen Fan Wuyi downstairs just ran over and said something in his ear. The leader immediately oh-oh twice, and then took Fan Wuyi's hand very affectionately. "It turned out to be a comrade from the Ministry of Security. It’s really hard work for you!" After looking at the injured person lying on the floor, the leader felt a little embarrassed. There is a lack of training. When such a serious matter has happened this time, we must earnestly implement the sentence of internal strength. Our lives are at stake!"

"That's--" Fan Wubing smiled slightly, "You have to rely on yourself at the critical moment."

"Hero, have a glass of water." A ponytailed police flower ran over and handed Fan Wuyi a glass of water.

Oh, how polite! Fan Wubing took the water glass and took a sip. When he was about to ask the people from the Ministry of Security to be in that office, he saw two of them running over. He probably heard the movement here and wanted to come. Seeing what was going on, there was a policeman lying here~lightnovelpub.net~ a lot of blood was bleeding.

"President Fan, you are here too! Everyone is waiting for you!" a young man said to Fan Wuyao.

Fan Wubing nodded, said something to the leader, and then returned the water glass to the ponytail policeman, and followed the young man up to the fourth floor.

When handing the cup of water, the little girl scratched Fan Wuyao's palm without leaving a trace with her fingernail, and then gave him a wink, which made Fan Wuyao feel a little weird in her heart.

Probably there are too few people in the police force that can fight, and the little girl’s complex for the heroic Prince Charming is too strong? Fan Wubing shook his head, feeling a little funny in his heart.

Following the young man up to the fourth floor, he walked to a room with the words "Inspector's Room" hung on it. Important members of the Shanghai branch of the Ministry of Security were all gathered here. When Fan Wuyi came, the middle-aged man treated him. He said, "Mr. Fan, you can be regarded as coming, do you recognize this person first?" After saying that, he handed him a photo.

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