
v3 Chapter 259: The strongest old man tour group in hist

Due to the special circumstances, the relevant departments gave the green light this time, and all the passports were issued overnight, and then three planes were chartered to fly directly to Moscow.

Before leaving, Jiang Lue asked Fan Wuyi why he didn't fly directly to Ukraine. Fan Wuyi answered naturally, "Low-key! Be low-key!"

"You have so many old men gathered together to form a group and go out to fool you, can you relate to low-key words?" Jiang Lue was speechless.

In fact, Fan Wuyao's high-profile, low-profile, seemingly contradictory, but things are often so funny, doing something with fanfare is the best cover for small moves.

But it is impossible for him to put the first stop of the action to Ukraine. After all, the pretense he used to organize a group trip this time is nostalgic. So many old men are old men who have had contact with the Soviets and have stories. Son, how can you not go to Moscow, the holy place in your heart? Go to the Winter Palace to see, to the Red Square to see, to pay homage to the legacy of the great teacher Lenin?

Otherwise, it doesn't make sense.

The domestic side even greeted the Russian side, saying that there was an old man’s tour group here. I hope that the Russian side can take care of one or two and send instructions to the embassy so that they can travel to the embassy through normal diplomatic channels. The tour group greets each other to ensure the safety of the tour group.

In Russia at this time, just not long ago, President Yeltsin implemented a severe shock therapy in order to transform socialism into capitalism as soon as possible. After the price was released, the Russian market did not show the full shelf and price stability promised by the president to people. the result of. Russians still see a picture of inflation, rising prices, rising unemployment, rising crime, and social unrest. People not only fail to get happiness from democracy, but also fail to get benefits from the market economy.

then. They took to the streets to protest against the Yeltsin government. Among these people are former Communists, Soviet soldiers, and emerging national separatists. There is even Yeltsin's loyal support in the past.

At this time, in Russia's highest authority, the debate surrounding the two major issues of economic reform and who has the supreme power began to divide Yeltsin and his former allies. This division has led to a struggle between the power organs and the legislature.

Soon after the shock therapy was implemented, the vice president publicly announced a break with the president, advocating an economic emergency to curb rising prices. Speaker Haslatov, who had had a difficult time with Yeltsin, tried to maintain and fight for the power of parliament. Constantly criticizing the government supported by the president for weakening the parliament. Requires that the government be placed under parliamentary supervision. At the same time, the speaker, as an economist, asked the government's reform plan to brake on the basis of extensive investigations and studies.

Faced with such a complicated situation. Yeltsin’s life is very difficult. He was in the Soviet Union. It is famous for being anti-**. Now they can do nothing or turn a blind eye to serious domestic violence. Greatly affected the popularity.

And this time when news of the Chinese old man's tour group going to Moscow reached his ears. Yeltsin felt profitable. this matter. It can be understood that the traditional friendship between the Chinese and Russian people is recovering! Joining the Sino-Russian trade can resume local dialects as soon as possible. Own oil and energy. These are things that can be easily exchanged for hard currency. China is such a big consumer market. Even the Americans are jealous. Why can't the Russians get a kick?

So the major newspapers and media in Moscow. They are all using large-format pages to promote the arrival of the Chinese old man tour group in Moscow. And made a conclusive claim. The old man arrived in a tour group. Just like the American table tennis team visited China back then. The small ball opened the door to the country where the two countries interacted. Significant.

Many newspapers. Both are reminiscing about the close relationship between the two countries before the 1960s. And published pictures of the leaders of the previous generation visiting Russia. To exaggerate the signs of normalization of relations between the two countries. ////

And the Moscow city government. Some personnel were transferred. Prepare to travel to Russia for these years. Or Chinese old men who have had contact with Russians provide high-quality services.

This signal. It also brought some ideas to the leaders of the mainland. Therefore, the embassy held a high-profile reception. Entertain the key members of Moscow. Probably want to send a signal to the outside world. The Chinese are willing to accept the Russians’ kind expressions.

At the same time, Fan Wuyi's first chartered plane also landed at Moscow Airport, and within half an hour, two planes from outside also landed on time.

The huge tour group with more than 600 people was warmly welcomed by people from all walks of life in Moscow.

Before getting off the plane, Fan Wuyi said to the old men, "Uncles, you are the treasures of our factory and our country! This time your task is to consume, to reminisce about the past, and to relive. The traditional friendship between the peoples of China and Russia comes from! I have only one expectation of you, don’t be afraid to spend money! If you don’t spend the 20,000 USD consumption limit here, it will save me!"

The old man laughed and said, "President Fan, don't worry, it's not easy to spend money? You can spend another 20,000 yuan!"

Moscow has a high green area and is known as the capital of the forest. There are also a large number of cultural classics in the city. The Kremlin is the palace of successive Russian tsars. It is majestic. The Supreme Soviet Congress of the former Soviet Union and the former Soviet Union Congress are both held in the Kremlin. There are exquisite churches, palaces, bell towers, and towers in the castle. The building is majestic and famous all over the world.

In the central church square of the Kremlin, there is the majestic Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin, the dignified church of the Annunciation, and the Angel Cathedral that houses the cemetery of the previous Moscow emperors of Peter the Great. On the east side is the Red Square, inside the Red Square is Lenin’s Tomb, and at the south end is Pokrovsky’s Church.

As a representative area of ​​Russia, Red Square, the ** Square in the minds of Russians, is not only the central location for various large-scale celebrations and military parades held in the Russian state, but also the most famous historical sight in Moscow. Stepping into the Red Square is like walking into the spiritual homeland of Russia.

Therefore, the first stop of the old man tour group is to visit the Red Square.

In order to show the importance of the old man’s tour group, the Red Square Management Office deliberately held a military parade with a size of 500 people. Soldiers wearing traditional Russian armed forces costumes and a Red Army array composed of Soviet veterans volunteers holding various flags. Passing through the Red Square fully demonstrated the pride of the Russians, while the local residents presented the old men with bread and salt as gifts.

"The Russians are really stingy, why would you give us some salt?" Fan Wuyao complained to a staff member in charge of the liaison very depressed.

"It's not stingy, it's traditional." The staff explained with a smile, "In the old Moscow, salt was very precious, and it was only used to entertain guests. Bread represented wealth and status at the time. Generally, the bread is placed on a tray covered with exquisite embroidered square towels and presented by the host to the distinguished guests. The guests should first kiss the bread, then break a small piece, sprinkle some salt, and taste it to express gratitude."

Oh I got it.

Fan Wubing took a closer look, and it turned out that many old men understand this etiquette, and their behavior is exactly the same as the staff described. It seems that these people really know the Russians better.

"What gift should we give back?" Fan Wubing suddenly thought of this question, so he asked.

"It depends on you. Now Muscovites seem to be more sleepy. I should say that they are short of money." The staff replied.

In fact, the Russians are not only short of money, they are short of everything, daily necessities, small department stores, food, these are very lacking.

"Yeah, I understand." Fan Wuyao nodded, and then said to the staff of the team leader. "Contacting the embassy and saying that we sympathize with the difficulties the Russian people are currently encountering. What about that, empathy and willing Donated five million US dollars to the city government to improve public living conditions. Although the money is a little bit small, it can be regarded as a kind of heart!"

"They will be very happy--" the staff nodded.

Fan Wubing suddenly regretted it. If he brought an extra charter plane, and the plane was full of Chinese small commodities, it would be more popular. In fact, those things would be much more affordable than giving away money.

In Russia, the best hotel for the old man tour group ~lightnovelpub.net~ The thoughtful service is amazing.

However, Fan Wuyin got off the plane and arrived at the hotel. Right now there was a middle-aged Jin outside the hotel. He was 40 years old and very capable. He was instructing security personnel to inspect the scene.

"President Fan, this is a better hotel in Moscow. Most important foreign guests come here and stay here—" The staff sent by the embassy who accompanied him introduced to Fan Wuyao, but he found that Mr. Fan His eyes seemed to float somewhere, and when he took a closer look, he found that Mr. Fan was watching a tall security guard.

Putin? ! Fan Wuyao looked at the middle-aged Jin, and let out a sullen breath. He thought that the second Russian president, who was selected as his successor after Yeltsin, was still doing security work right now. ?

It is said that Putin has been working for the KGB organization since graduating from university, but he has been working overseas, and then returned to Russia. Now he should have been reused by Yeltsin, but now he suddenly appeared here and turned into an ordinary The security staff of Yeltsin is still a little worried about his old man’s tour group.

After all, a tour group of this size would seem very scary wherever it is placed.