
v3 Chapter 282: Traditional Chinese Medicine and Sinolog

Fan Wubing took class honestly for one day, and there is only one problem. Fudan’s teachers are still good, at least better than the third-rate universities he had attended in his previous life. The students in the same department are also strange and weird. There are some talents who can do it. This chapter was uploaded by netizens, and the net hereby declares

In almost every class, some people use teachers as a stepping stone to fame. Therefore, after the adjustment period for freshmen, teachers are seldom willing to ask questions or let students express their opinions, so as not to be carried by them again. Why is it so terribly wrong?

For example, when he went to Ma Yuan, some people took Hegel's "Principles of Philosophy of Law" that he didn't know where to find out to ask teachers for advice. Things like this happened in an endless stream, which made the teachers very faceless.

Fan Wubing learned from the morning’s experience. He did not show up anymore throughout the day. He shrank to the back rows of seats. He occasionally listened to the teacher’s lecture, and occasionally looked at the books he borrowed from the library. The freshmen in the classroom glanced up to see if there was any beauty worthy of attention. Time flies quickly.

Originally at night Tong Xiaoyun wanted to come over for double repairs, but Aunt Ding came back with something temporary, so she took Tong Xiaoyun away. In this way, Fan Wuyi was able to take a good rest.

Early the next morning, Fan Wuyi got up, cleaned up, and drove to Professor Huang and Professor Shen.

As a result, the two old men got up earlier, and they complained a bit when Fan Wuyi came over. "I originally left you some soy milk, I guess it should be fermented now." Professor Huang has no dirty words. Compared with the average scolding person, it is simply the sublimation of art. It is definitely not one of them. Above the level.

Professor Shen wears a traditional robe, looks very academic, and is choosing a few books, "Xiao Fan will help, I promised the TV station. If you want to give them some books, come and help me get them."

Fan Wubing leaned in and helped Professor Shen choose from the shelf. Since it was a gift, of course he couldn't pick an isolated copy, so he found a few books in these books that were not available in the market. However, there were several sets of books on Chinese culture from Professor Shen's side. They were wrapped in a piece of blue cloth and delivered to the car.

At 8:30, the TV station came over to pick up the two old men with a Santana, and when they saw that Fan was ill and drove a Mercedes-Benz, he immediately stopped saying anything and became the lead car.

Since the business in Shanghai has been settled, the Mercedes-Benz can be on the road smoothly. Fan Wuyi drove the car out of the garage of the New Silk Road Entertainment Company. I kept it for my own use, and sent the Audi back.

This thing is also striking on campus. Fortunately, he has been driving an Audi for a while. At this moment, I changed to a Mercedes-Benz and didn't react much. It's nothing more than someone's eye catching. By the way, I just condemned the rich second generation a little bit more sourly. The school has no opinion on this matter.

In fact, as a school. The more capable students are. The better the teacher looks on the ground. You just drive the aircraft carrier over. They won't have any opinions. Of course. The premise is that such a large waterway can be dug in the Fudan campus.

It only appeared after arriving at the TV station. There is still some time before the official shooting time. It will probably not start until eleven o'clock. An assistant ran over. Explain to three people. Said it is because this episode of the program is a bit special. Several stroke patients should be brought from the hospital to test the effect. So the time for communication and preparation has been a little longer. I also ask them to be considerate.

"This is also understandable. Preparatory preparation for filming TV shows is very important. There are often backward delays." Fan Wubing understood that this is a normal thing for the TV station. So he explained it to the two old men. "I've watched the Spring Festival Gala rehearsal before. I said it was good for the show at 8 o'clock. But I couldn't get on the ground at 12 o'clock. There is also a land."

"This is probably a characteristic of the industry. It's not like we stand on the platform. The time is also precise. I will feel embarrassed if I am a few seconds late." Professor Huang said to Professor Shen.

Then after a while, a director ran over to introduce the location of the show. After that, a young and beautiful hostess came over to communicate with the two old professors. Because Professor Huang and Professor Shen are very famous. These moderators also asked very humbly. Looks respectfully.

However, after a while, the director ran over breathlessly, saying that the situation had changed.

"What's wrong?" Professor Huang was a little unhappy. He wouldn't want to be manipulated here if his students hadn't said that the advertising effect on TV was greater.

But the TV station is procrastinating and changing after a while, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

The director laughed and said, "Master, it's like this. It was originally planned that the doctor recommended by you tested the effect of acupuncture on the spot, but after telling the matter to the affiliated hospital of the Military Medical University, they felt This is unreliable, so we must insist on sending two Western medical experts over to supervise the whole process to see if this acupuncture treatment is really effective. They are also worried that we will fool the audience with false medical advertisements, so Look at this matter—"

After the two old men listened to it, they looked at Fan Wuyi together. This is what the TV station said nicely, but after careful consideration, how can the experts of the Military Medical University have the time to engage in the ring match? It is estimated that the TV station has made a gimmick in order to increase the ratings, and wants to increase the viewing of the program.

Fan Wubing is the attending physician, and of course they have to seek Fan Wubing's opinion.

However, Fan Wubing said indifferently, "Okay, let alone two experts, it doesn't matter if there are ten. Anyway, one sheep is released and two sheep are released. What's the difference? Witnesses, things like that, The more the better, you can also make a live advertisement for your local books at that time, and the sales will definitely increase!"

The director asked the two old men in amazement, "No? Isn't the acupuncture master you talking about this young man?!"

"Why is it impossible?" Professor Huang smiled slightly, "We are here this time to try to subvert ordinary people. It seems that Chinese medicine must be old."

In the eyes of ordinary people, traditional Chinese medicine is an empirical subject. The older the doctor and the more experienced, the better the technique. However, this purely understanding of traditional Chinese medicine as the accumulation of time in order to achieve a certain level of cultivation is obviously incorrect. , Chinese medicine is not Western medicine, but Chinese medicine also needs a condition as support, that is talent.

There was a sentence in previous textbooks, and it seemed that Edison had said, what is a genius? Genius is one percent inspiration, plus ninety-nine percent perspiration! But after this sentence, a sentence was deliberately deleted. That sentence is that this one percent of inspiration is often more important than 99 percent of sweat!

It is obviously unkind to misinterpret the words of celebrities out of context, but it is often done in textbooks. National conditions dictate that there is no alternative. But what this means is that the existence of talent should be recognized, otherwise there will not be so many geniuses in this world, such as Einstein, Beethoven, and so on.

The same is true of Chinese medicine. A person who is sensitive to the spirit and has a deep understanding of the theory of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements. Litong, Bailitong, infer other things.

Although Fan Wubing didn't have many days of formal study of medicine, he himself never stopped exploring the interior of his body. At this time, he came into contact with the best Chinese medicine theories, but it was a matter of course to raise his own perception to a level. , So he was able to have a better chance of being a teacher in acupuncture and moxibustion.

Traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese studies have always been integrated. If there is no profound Chinese culture as the foundation, it is impossible to clarify the basic theories of Chinese medicine, and if the basic theories are not clear, it is naturally impossible to use the medical skills to the extreme. If you rely on experience to treat syndromes according to symptoms, it will indeed take a long time to accumulate experience.

For most Chinese medicine practitioners, this is true. Traditional Chinese medicine is some experience and examples for them. Once they encounter a case they have never seen before ~lightnovelpub.net~, they lose their direction, and they are based on basic theories. For the doctors, it is true that illnesses and medicines have also changed, and there are no patients who cannot handle them.

Therefore, Fan Wubing just smiled at the director’s suspicion, then looked at his face, and said with confidence, “The heart is a bit bad, and it’s caused by irregular work and rest. It’s best not to stay up late. The stomach is a bit a bit. Minor problems, but not serious. The most important thing is-well, take some Liuwei Dihuang Wan, from Beijing Tongrentang, you can take it for three months, just look at the instructions above. Anything else, no What's wrong."

The director looked at Fan Wubing with a look of surprise, and said admiringly, "It really is a genius doctor! You can tell what's wrong with me just by looking at it! But what is Liuwei Dihuang Wan used for?"

Professor Huang smiled happily, "Kidney!"

Everyone looked at the director with a smile. The director thought embarrassingly. In fact, it was a bit embarrassing to be seen by a genius doctor, but it seemed that his kidneys really had to be replenished. The actor is a little too entangled with himself, but it is difficult for him to resist this kind of entanglement, this body will inevitably be weaker, no wonder I have been a little weak recently.

You can't catch fish and burn forests and hunt!