
v3 Chapter 3: If you want to build a market, you must

Although Fan Heng wants to realize the unification of everyone's ideological understanding of the work of building the market as soon as possible, this time period is really not good. It is only a few days before the New Year, and the work of the bureaus has basically come to a standstill. Now, it's really not easy to do this thing well at this time.

If you want to do big things, the choice of time is also very important. For example, at this stage, if you insist on pushing one thing, it will be difficult to avoid affecting everyone’s preparations for the New Year. If this is the case, there will inevitably be grievances in everyone’s stomach. If you have grievances, you will naturally vent. The best way to vent is, of course, to obstruct the work.

   Therefore, even with a person like Deng Deng, when implementing a major policy, he needs to observe and understand first, build momentum among the people, and when the time comes, and then categorically launch the New Deal, everything is perfect.

   Influenced by the independent incident in Xiaogang Village that year, the implementation of joint production contracting is the reason, and now it is the same to accelerate the reform process by the east wind of the southern tour.

Fan Heng knew this very well, so he raised this question at the office meeting as just a greeting. He didn't expect to get things done in the first few days. This would only lead to death. Speed ​​is not reached.

In fact, the development plan that Fan Wubing handed over to Fan Heng is not only a construction strategy for one or two markets, but also the construction of the entire Panshi City into a large comprehensive trade zone. This includes not only the originally planned construction The clothing wholesale market, clothing wholesale market. There are also plans to increase or decrease household appliances and small commodity wholesale markets, and fruit and vegetable wholesale markets.

   Generally speaking, Fan Wubing wants to use the land space in Panshi City to build a market.

   The most important point is Fan Wubing’s proposal to build a large logistics company in Panshi City, which makes Fan Heng feel very promising.

  The so-called logistics means to meet the needs of customers at the lowest cost. Through transportation, storage, distribution, etc., the whole process of planning, implementation and management of raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products and related information from the place of origin of the commodity to the place of consumption of the commodity is realized.

   Logistics management refers to the planning, organization, command, coordination, control and supervision of logistics activities by applying the basic principles and scientific methods of management in accordance with the laws of the flow of material data entities in the process of social reproduction. To achieve the best coordination and cooperation of various logistics activities to reduce logistics costs and improve logistics efficiency and economic benefits. Modern logistics management is based on system theory, information theory and cybernetics.

   It is undeniable that the current situation in China is not a lack of production initiative. The biggest obstacle lies in logistics and transportation, which causes this situation. However, there are two, one is the poor road condition and insufficient railway capacity, and the other is the lack of formal logistics companies to carry out all-round transportation.

   There is a lack of logistics companies in the country. This is probably limited by the system, but it is also related to the geographical environment. China’s topography is really too complicated. A considerable part of the region still relies on horse caravans and livestock as transportation capacity. In order to solve this problem, a small but comprehensive development strategy was established at the beginning of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Therefore, each region basically They all have their own set of relatively complete systems, just like the small princes under the great dynasty, the so-called sparrows are small and complete.

   The advantage of doing this is that most of the necessities used in daily life can basically be solved everywhere, but at this time. The society is developing rapidly, the types of products are diversified, and many products can no longer be produced in ordinary cities. This has led to regional differences in the country under the state of underdeveloped logistics.

   Therefore, between the early 1980s and the mid-to-late 1990s, practitioners in the logistics (or formerly known as speculation) industry can easily get rich returns.

   But in this way, a problem arises. Logistics itself does not create new value. However, it has made far more profits than the value-creating industries, and it will inevitably be criticized. It is jealous. There was a time when Erdao traffickers were caught and severely punished.

   However, in modern society, circulation is an indispensable link in economic activities. The current domestic situation is not that circulation messes up the economy, but that poor circulation cannot satisfy the speed of economic development.

Seeing this situation, Fan Wuyao certainly wants to build a huge logistics empire. This will not only get huge profits, but also fill his own pockets while greatly promoting the economic development of the mainland, and try to balance due to traffic. Regional economic differences caused by transportation inconvenience, or even more grandiose sounding, can make a great contribution to common prosperity.

   Self-interest and others, how should such things not be done?

When Fan Heng was eating at noon, he chatted with his son about this matter. Although he felt that he was promising, he was a little worried. After all, the municipal investment could not meet all the needs. Just building the market would cost a lot of money. Fortunately, Fan Wu Ill gave a IPO plan. If it succeeds, the problem can be solved smoothly. However, to set up a logistics company, I am afraid that the amount of capital required will be even greater. Fan Hyung also has no confidence to talk to other people in the city. The city agreed to set up a logistics company.

   Once this building is completed, it will be a mouthful for eating in the future! The current municipal organization in Panshi City seems a bit bloated. If it is expanded again, and there is no good way to increase revenue and reduce expenditure, one day the embarrassment of not being able to pay wages will appear again.

"About this logistics company, I didn't intend to let the city government do it." Fan Wuyao smiled and put a piece of soft stewed beef for his father Fan Heng, and then said, "If the market wants to prosper, transportation must be To keep up, a city like Panshi has a wide range of radiation and affects many counties and cities, but while we have an advantage, we must also see one point, that is, a prefecture-level city that has the same advantage as us. There are two in Yibei. If we want to attract business owners to Panshi, we have to have a place better than others, and a smooth and convenient logistics environment is the most important condition!"

   "Why do you say that?" Fan Hyung listened carefully while chewing on the roast beef that his son had picked up.

   People who have no practical experience can hardly imagine the role of the logistics industry in promoting market prosperity. Although Fan Heng has done research on the economic development of many places. However, I have never seriously considered the logistics aspect. Of course, this is also because of an inertial thinking. Everyone basically depends on the capacity provided by the state, ignoring that the private capacity is the most rapidly developing market transportation main force. military.

   The transportation conditions of inland cities are quite different, although Panshi is better here. Owning a more state-owned automobile transportation company, but the vehicles are old and the maintenance costs are relatively high. In addition, everyone is getting dead wages. Naturally, there is no enthusiasm for work. Unless it is assigned to work, who would be willing to do extra work. Work? Private individuals want to use the resources of state-owned companies to carry out freight. Generally, it is necessary to entrust the relationship to go through the back door to achieve the goal.

   In this way, it also caused the consequences of extremely high freight. For example, if you pull a truck from 500 kilometers away, the freight is likely to be much higher than the value of the goods. This creates a vicious circle. If drivers are unwilling to pull goods, customers will be less motivated to do business, logistics will not be smooth, the economy will stagnate, local fiscal revenue will suffer, wages will be low, and drivers will be even less willing to pull goods.

   In fact, many things in the mainland are the same. To put it bluntly, someone must stand up and compete with state-owned enterprises. Otherwise, if things go on like this in the long run, there will be no way for everyone to go.

"And there's one more thing," Fan Wubing continued to his father Fan Heng. "We were used to the practice of waiting for buyers to come to our door after the store opened. Now it is no longer appropriate. If we want to make our business bigger and stronger, We have to go out and make money! In the past, customers came to buy the goods. Then we found a way to bring them back. Now we have to find a way to deliver the goods that the customers need to the door. This is an important factor for the development of modern logistics. reason!"

   "This way. It seems that our status is very low-" Fan Heng hesitated and asked.

   It would be enough to lose face to sell goods to others. Now that they have to deliver goods to the door, it is really cool work. When Fan Heng heard his son say this, he suddenly felt that the prospects of this market did not seem to be very good.

   Would anyone be willing to engage in such a low-pitched, busy work all day? Fan Hyung wondered if his decision was wrong? Some of what the son said are also debatable!

"This is the nature of business!" Fan Wuyao said very positively, "Business is the service industry! You want to make money, you pretend to be a grandson! The better your grandson pretends, the happier your parents will be. The more! So, as long as the service is at home, it will be hard not to make a fortune!"

   Fan Hyung shrugged and said, "I think if this kind of logistics company is formed by the city government, it will certainly not be effective and it may be counterproductive."

"So, I want to start this logistics company by myself. No one knows how to do it better than me!" Fan Wuyi said to his father without concealing his thoughts, "This investment is relatively large, ordinary People can't afford it, so I will take this matter! As for the IPO, you don't need to worry, dad, I will naturally let you accomplish this great event very easily!"

   "If you have any thoughts, let's talk about it first?" Fan Hyung was very interested in his son's thoughts and couldn't help asking.

   "You'll know in two days, and it's boring now." Fan Wubing picked up the porridge and drank it, but he refused to disclose the details again.

"You two, father and son, always like to talk about work during meals. This is not good, it is very bad. Work in the work unit should be discussed at the work unit, and the home is a resting place. This is not allowed in the future." Mother Zhang Mei Protested very unhappily.

As Fan Heng gradually takes root in Panshi, things are getting more and more, so Zhang Meidi has more and more troubles. Although she often has to take her own affairs home to deal with, she sees Van Hamby. I'm still busy, so of course I won't have a good face.

Fan Wubing suddenly realized what he said, and smiled and said to his parents, "Mom's words are also very reasonable. In fact, you are not necessarily exhausted at work like Jiao Yulu. They are good cadres. The times are different now. The country needs leading cadres who can lead the people to get rich and well-off. The kind of cadres who exhaust themselves to death can no longer keep up with the times. This kind of cadre spirit is commendable, but also It shows that he will not appoint talents, and in terms of leadership qualities, he is unqualified."

   "What you said seems to be wrong, but it sounds like the same thing." Fan Heng was confused by Fan Wuyao's words. So he asked, "Then you say, what kind of cadre is a good cadre?"

   "A good cadre? This standard is hard to grasp--" Fan Wuyao said after hesitating, "Basically I think that a good cadre is a three-quick cadre!"

   What three quick cadres? ! Fan Heng and Zhang Mei were a little curious.

   Fan Wuyi broke his finger and began to scream, "The so-called three fast. It means fast promotion, fast economic growth in the jurisdiction, and fast improvement of the people's lives. If you can achieve these three points, then you are considered a good cadre."

   "I can understand the next two fast, but fast promotion, this—" Fan Heng shook his head, noncommittal.

   "This is also very important!" Fan Wuyao said after taking over his father's conversation. "Rapid promotion can prove that you can unite most people, have high IQ and EQ, and be able to take the overall situation into consideration. Otherwise, how can you use the power in your hand to seek benefits for the majority of people?"

Fan Heng was speechless when he heard this. After Fan Wubing’s explanation, he felt that it made sense. As the saying goes, he takes the world as his own responsibility, and if he is poor, he is alone. We must work hard to make progress and serve as public servants for more people to seek welfare.

   just. When the words came out of Fan Wuyao's mouth, why did they feel a bit unpleasant?

   "It's not just fast or slow, right? That won't be the Great Leap Forward, and it's easy to go wrong." Zhang Mei was watching TV next to him, and he interjected when he heard the conversation between the father and the son.

  Fan Wuyi immediately agreed, "Mother is extremely true, so there are still two displeasures!"

   "The two are unhappy? Could it be that you really have this theory. Didn't you make up casually?" Zhang Mei was surprised.

   Fan's face blushed without any illness. In front of his parents, he is of course embarrassed to say that he really has a theory. "In fact, it is just a casual summary. The two are not fast. The first is that the deposits in the home should not grow too fast, and the second is that the rate of changing wives should not be too fast. While doing a good job, be able to stick to these two points and stay away from the saints. The standards are almost the same."

   Zhang Mei immediately expressed support after hearing this, "These two items are well summarized, and you have to let your dad listen to them every day."

   Fan Wuyi suddenly laughed, thinking that Dad is still quite upright, otherwise he wouldn't let himself divert the attention of his secretary Lin Xiaotong.

   Suddenly thought of Lin Xiaotong, the feeling in Fan Wuyidi's heart is still a bit unspeakable, that girl is really a born fairy! If you don’t want to get into trouble, it’s better to hide away a little bit~lightnovelpub.net~ But it’s the end of the year in a blink of an eye. Should Fan Ting and Fan Kang come back together? They shouldn't be so busy, right? "Zhang Mei was still thinking about the boss and second child in her heart, and couldn't help asking.

   "Fan Ting's business is busy, Fan Kang-cough cough-who knows what he is doing now -" When he mentioned this, Fan Heng's brows suddenly frowned.

   Zhang Mei muttered, "Aren't we busy yet? How can there be children who don’t come home to see their parents after the New Year? What's more, none of them have a family and a business."

   Fan Heng said in his heart, although they did not have a family and a business, they are almost there! Where is Fan Ting's big company, isn't it called Liye? Fan Kang hangs out with his little girlfriend all day long, and it's no different from starting a family! Oh, what is this called? !

Fan Wubing heard what his parents said, and he did understand that the old sister and brother should come back to celebrate the New Year, so he said to his parents, "I'll tell them about this, it's not wealth and beauty. Well, what can't be left behind?"

   Fan Heng and Zhang Mei nodded their heads. They said that the third child was more filial, and they couldn't help but smile slightly, and looked like they were relieved.

  When he went to bed at night, Fan Wubing thought to himself over and over again. Tonight, my parents' emotions don't seem to be very right. Could it be that they are a little dissatisfied with the older sisters and brothers? It should not be reasonable!

   Could it be that it was about marriage? Fan Wubing suddenly thought of the greatest possibility.

   Could it be that I was being used as a gun again?