
v3 Chapter 54: See "Ask for Monthly Pass Support"

   Just as the Fuji Bank employees under the leadership of Ono Lang Yasuda were cheering for the successful acquisition of ISIS Real Estate, suddenly there was a very unfavorable news.

   "What?! Princess Nora's physical condition has deteriorated and may return to China in the next few days?!" After hearing the news from the informant, Ono Lang Yasuda was shocked.

How did that happen? ! Ono Lang Yasuda felt a little panic right away. He spent such a large price to acquire ISIS Real Estate Company, isn't it just to exchange assets with Princess Nora? If it weren't for those oil fields, how could one spend 48 billion US dollars to acquire ISIS Real Estate Company?

   Not to mention that ISIS Real Estate Company still owes itself a lot of debts, even the ISIS Real Estate Company in its heyday cannot sell such a large price!

   Yasuda Ono Lang suddenly became a bit big head, if he couldn't get a few oil fields from Princess Nora, he would lose a lot! Although the scale of Fuji Bank is very large, even though it is the heir chosen by the family, if it leaks out the fact that it spent 48 billion US dollars to buy a real estate company on the verge of bankruptcy, the elders in the family will definitely use it. The veto kicked him away from the position of the heir of the Yasuda family!

   This is absolutely impossible! Ono Lang Yasuda was immediately anxious. He urgently met with Princess Nora, and wanted to have a thorough discussion on the matter and try to persuade Princess Nora to stay in Japan for treatment temporarily, so that the two sides could reach an agreement on the exchange of land for oil. At this time, Shen Manhua picked it up and pushed him back in every possible way because of physical discomfort. He refused to meet Ono Ono Yasuda in a hurry, and finally bought an attendant at a big price. Only then did he know the reason.

   It turned out that Princess Nora had already talked about almost with ISIS Real Estate, but was intruded by Yasuda Ono Lang and others. Taking away a business, Princess Nora was very annoyed, and made up her mind to let Yasuda Ono Lang and others hang out.

"As for the properties that originally belonged to ISIS Real Estate Company, Her Royal Highness is still very interested, and there is no chance of cooperation." The attendant said this to Ono Lang Yasuda, and he received 500,000 yuan from Ono Lang Yasuda. Red envelopes of US dollars.

   After getting this answer, Ono Lang Yasuda's heart was a little settled, but he didn't dare to trust these gossips too much. So he prepared another generous gift and again asked to see Her Royal Highness Princess Nora.

   Fan Wuyi, the attendant, looked at the gift from Ono Lang Yasuda, which was a set of sculptures made of pure gold and ivory. He seemed to know that it was very valuable, so he snorted. Introduced him.

"Your Royal Highness!" After seeing His Royal Highness Nora who was reading a magazine on the sofa again, Ono Lang Yasuda felt a little excited and offered the gift he had brought, and then said very sincerely, "I sincerely hope that the princess Your Royal Highness will recover soon, and I sincerely hope to continue the original transaction between Isis Real Estate Company and His Royal Highness in exchange of land for oil. I hope that Your Royal Highness can understand my feelings. I will not care too much about what I have done before."

   "Princess Nora" closed the magazine and sat up slowly. Fan Wubing poured him a cup of tea, rinsed his mouth, and said with a frown, "I have been cooperating with ISIS Real Estate for several years. You Fuji Bank suddenly stepped in and made me I feel very uncomfortable, and my physical condition is really bad recently. For the sake of health, I think it’s better to rush back to Saudi Arabia as soon as possible."

Onoro Yasuda quickly replied, “It’s not like this. Fuji Bank has always been the largest creditor of ISIS Real Estate. This time, after ISIS Real Estate proposed the idea of ​​transferring the company, we naturally accepted their transfer. , But I didn’t expect that they would dare to deceive the princess, causing all kinds of misunderstandings between us. These are the mistakes they made!"

   Fan Wuyi felt very funny after listening to him, but Ono Lang Yasuda picked himself up from this incident, as if he was not the one who bought the ISIS real estate company.

   Shen Manhua was also very calm. After chatting with Ono Lang Yasuda for a while, he did not let go, and finally said that he was unwell and saw him off.

But when she left, she left a sentence saying that she would stay in Japan for a week, and starting tomorrow, she could consider negotiating with Fuji Bank on the acquisition of the land assets of the former ISIS Real Estate Company. This promise It made Yasuda Ono Lang very satisfied when he arrived.

   And Shen Manhua also pointed out that ISIS Real Estate had previously had an asset transfer memorandum with him, and the negotiations between Fuji Bank and his party could be based on this.

Onoro Yasuda has heard of the documents of the Iizs company. Since they have discussed this issue seriously, the document may be used as a reference for the negotiation between the two parties, especially the itinerary of Princess Nora. Very urgent, if everything is done from the beginning, time will definitely be too late.

Therefore, as soon as Yasuda Ono returned to the company, he immediately ordered someone to retrieve the asset transfer memorandum signed by Princess Nora and Isis Real Estate. After reading it carefully, he felt that the above terms were already very strict. So I took it to the financial consultants to study it, and everyone thought it was more feasible.

   But just when Onoro Yasuda thought the overall situation was set, a real estate storm in Japan finally broke out after a few months of brewing!

Within three days, the overall level of the real estate market dropped by about 30%. The selling of various plots of land in Tokyo desperately went down, as if they had no cost when they bought the land. The panic in the market will be. It is contagious, so when real estate selling frenzy appeared everywhere, the huge Japanese real estate market finally couldn't support it, and many people became paupers overnight, and people kept jumping off the tall buildings in Ginza.

At this time, Onoro Yasuda’s face has basically turned green. The book assets of Isis Real Estate Co., Ltd., valued at 48 billion U.S. dollars, have suddenly shrunk to about 33 billion U.S. dollars, nearly 15 billion in assets disappeared

   More terrifying things are still to come. Due to the advent of the real estate storm, bankrupt real estate companies abound, and all the bad debts are finally put on the bank's account. As the largest Fuji Bank in Japan, the proportion of non-performing debts has risen sharply, and the bank's liquidity crisis has finally appeared!

Since Ono Lang Yasuda spent 48 billion U.S. dollars in reserves when acquiring the assets of ISIS Real Estate, it made the capital turnover of Fuji Bank very difficult. If it were not for the long-term good credit of Fuji Bank, I would be afraid of a run frenzy. It has appeared long ago, so it is so, Yasuda Ono's life is also quite sad.

Just at this time. Even worse things happened!

   In view of the continued decline in the Japanese real estate market, Princess Nora finally made a decision to temporarily terminate the land-for-oil plan with Fuji Bank.

   I didn’t know who had let the news out. All of the upper-class people in Tokyo knew that Ono Lang Yasuda had acquired ISIS Real Estate Company and caused huge losses, and what’s more. It was the land-for-oil plan they had advocated that it had also encountered huge obstacles, and it seems that it may never be realized.

   The next day, the stock price of Fuji Bank fell sharply. The closing price of the day fell by 28%, creating the largest drop in history. Affected by this, the Japanese stock market was even worse. The index of the Tokyo stock market plummeted by 6,000 points. The Nikkei Average fell from 30,000 to 24,000.

   On the third day, Princess Nora’s agent suddenly revealed to the media. After several days of investigations by financial experts of Her Royal Highness, the debt ratio of ISIS Real Estate Company, which belongs to Fuji Bank, is much higher than its actual value. What's more terrifying is that some land investments in Tokyo are true. In addition, Isis mainly focuses on land investment in other counties, most of which have already been sold before the company's transfer.

   To put it simply, there is only one empty shell left at ISIS, now a subsidiary of Fuji Bank!

  The reporters from the local media rushed to Tokyo. Rushed to Hokkaido. Rushed to Sapporo, rushed to Kyushu. When I rushed to Hiroshima, all the investigations proved one thing. Iizs Real Estate Company had already replaced the owners in the local investment!

   After hearing the news, Onoro Yasuda fell out of his car and fell on the concrete road.

Fuji Bank became a mess. There was a run frenzy in branches everywhere. People flocked to withdraw money from the bank desperately, and they were able to make money transfers frantically to make money to other banks. Fuji Bank encountered self-establishment. The biggest crisis ever!

   At the same time, Fan Wubiao and others were celebrating with the crown.

"Hahahaha----" Fan Wubing smiled and said to everyone, "Everyone did a beautiful job this time. Fuji Bank has suffered the biggest challenge in history. If you don't deal with it properly, I believe they will only go bankrupt. There is a way to liquidate."

Although Wuzhi Xiaoji was very happy to see Ono Lang Yasuda’s end, he also asked skeptically, "Fan Sang, I have never figured out one thing, if it wasn't for the fact that Izis Real Estate Company suddenly broke out a falsehood. For real estate investment, if it weren’t for Fuji Bank’s acquisition of Isis Real Estate Company, which had only empty shells and negative equity, if it weren’t for our emerging Royal Highness Princess Nora and Isis Real Estate Company for many years of cooperation, Everything now may not happen, or it is another scene! Then what we do will not affect the Fuji Bank of the Yasuda family! But, Fan Sang, you never seem to worry about it? This Why is it?"

Wuzhi Xiaoji’s suspicion is very reasonable. These incidents can be said to be one after another. Any mistake or change in any link will not produce the current effect, and Fuji Bank will not fall into such a serious situation. In the midst of the crisis, it is too difficult to bring down an established and huge financial empire on its own, and it is too difficult to even think about it at the level of a small Wuzhi machine!

Shen Manhua, who dressed up as Princess Nora, had a little drumming in her heart. A woman's intuition made her feel that these incredible events seemed to be related to the organization she was in, especially Mr. Fan, the chief attendant who seemed to be controlling the overall situation. Great connection. This is because she is in her position, unable to intervene in these matters. Until now, she thought she was working for the National Security Agency.

   Fan Wuyi looked at Wuzhi Xiaoji who was suspicious of the lake. He looked at Shen Manhua, who was also eager to speak, and said with a smile, "There can be so many coincidences in the world! A coincidence and a coincidence are combined to form a fairy game! Maybe this situation cannot be replicated. , Because it contains too many coincidences, so that everyone can't understand the connection! The situation we are encountering now is a magical game, and no one can break it!"

   "Since these are all fairy games. What are we doing?!" Both of them were confused by Fan Wuyao.

   "Hahahaha----" Fan Wuyi laughed, "We are naturally the gods in the Fairy Game!"

   In fact, there can be so many coincidences in the world, nor can there be so many fairy bureaus, the so-called ISIS Real Estate Company. It was Fan Wubing who had deployed a hidden weapon when he was in the United States, just to make it easier to collect money in the Japanese real estate market. And Princess Nara does have this person, but she is on vacation in Hawaii at this time, and the oil field map and related procedures presented by Fan Wubing and others during the negotiation with Ono Ono are also true. The only difference lies in the four oil fields. Among them, the relevant procedures for only one oil field are truly effective. The related procedures for several other oil fields. It's just a fake that Fan Wubing asked Zhang Mao to carefully imitate.

   There is truth in the fake, and the fake is the real. Confusing the true and false, this made Yasuda Ono Lang fooled.

   And the huge selling in the real estate market is naturally the ghost of Fan Wuyao. Although he lost more than one billion U.S. dollars on these sell-offs that day, he built a huge number of short orders on the stock market.

  After going back and forth, the money flowed into Fan Wuyi's pocket.

   In this storm, Fan Wuyao is an out-and-out dealer.

  Only people in the village can make a steady profit in the capital market. There are only people in the village. Only in order to construct a one-by-one fairy bureau, others will only be led by the nose like watching the moon in the mist. Drink some broth with luck, and die with bad luck.

Fan Wuyi’s disruption caused Japan’s long-accumulated economic bubble to burst prematurely. Fuji Bank finally declared bankruptcy amidst internal and external difficulties. This also broke the long-standing myth of the undefeated Bank of Japan, and the blow to the confidence of Japanese citizens was unprecedentedly painful. Yes, no less than the influence of being forced to declare unconditional surrender during World War II.

   And because this incident happened too suddenly, many international speculators were trapped in the Japanese stock market and housing market, and it was difficult to get out of it within a few years.

  The only person who returned with a full load was Fan Wuyi. He took a group of his subordinates, and took advantage of the chaos in Japan's domestic situation, and quietly left.

A week later ~lightnovelpub.net~Fuji Bank officially declared bankruptcy. Onoro Yasuda jumped from the Empire State Building and became the first heir to the six chaebols to commit suicide by jumping off the building, and the glorious history of the Yasuda family has since been announced. End.

  On the same day, Fan Wubing and others returned to China. For safety's sake, instead of taking the cruise ship at that time, they chose to take a JAL plane and fly directly to Shanghai Airport.

   After the plane landed, Fan Wubian raised his wrist to look at the Rolex he was wearing, and suddenly sighed, "What a coincidence! Today is September 18!"

Wuzhi's small machine did not respond, but Shen Manhua felt a little upset, thinking that the Japanese "entered" the three provinces on this day, and decades later, he was actually able to participate in a financial attack on the Japanese. It’s really embarrassing to witness the collapse of Fuji Bank, Japan’s largest bank.

  History always makes people feel unpredictable.

   Fan Wushu is naturally very happy. These few weeks are actually the harvest season after his hard work for several years. Now he has returned with a full load, which can be regarded as returning home.

However, when he walked out of the airport lobby, Fan Wuyao suddenly saw a group of passengers boarding the plane, and two of them made him feel stunned, "How could they meet together?" Personally, the one in front is surprisingly Ouyang Xiaowei, whom Fan Wuyi hasn’t seen for a month, and the person behind her is actually the one who beat up at the airport when Fan Wuyi returned to China and often harassed the elderly. Sister Fan Ting's Ye Tian, ​​one of the Eight Pollutions in Beijing!