
v3 Chapter 67: How much do you think you should get? "2

[======Hand fight=====] To be honest, the military area base is really meaningless. In Fan Wuyao's eyes, it doesn't feel like a prison.

High walls, power grids, guards, wolf dogs, these prisons have a lot of essentials, that is, the prisoners wear uniforms and they also have guns.

After Fan Wuyin came in, six heavily armed soldiers followed him all the time. They followed him when they ate, and guarded them when they slept. They even stood by and watched when they went to the toilet.

Fan Wubing is awkward, shaking his own **** while complaining to the person next to him, "I said, brother, I can't urinate when you look at it like this!"

"Chief, the order we got is to ensure your absolute safety." The soldier replied very neatly.

"Absolutely safe?" Fan Wubing snorted, saying not to see if I don't have a gun in my hand. I want to bring down the few of you, that is, I can do it in the blink of an eye.

However, he didn't say it out. In other words, it was also a good intention, and he had obtained the strict orders from above, so he couldn't care about it.

Fan Wubing now only hopes that the military people will come here soon. After the talks, everyone will take a shot and leave. Staying in this base will be depressed sooner or later.

However, the shooting range was opened to Fan Wuyi. There were all kinds of guns, and the bullets were not limited. Six soldiers moved a few boxes and popped them out, letting Fan Wuyi squander it.

So Fan Wuyao went from pistol, rifle, submachine gun to heavy machine gun. Played one by one, and finally used the bazooka.

"Chief, have you ever shot a gun before?" A soldier couldn't help but ask when he saw Fan Wuying having fun.

"How do you tell?" Fan Wubing asked, tilting his head.

"The marksmanship is very good! It's really not easy to be able to play with so many kinds of guns!" the soldier replied.

"Oh." Fan Wubing replied. The good marksmanship of the heart is all because of depression. Stay in the base and do nothing, don't you play with guns and birds?

Fortunately, people from the military arrived on time. It was the general who had met. Several military experts specializing in rockets accompanied him. Jiang Lue, the Minister of the Ministry of Security, also came, but the people from Great Wall Company didn’t get involved.

In terms of technology, it is not very complicated to achieve this goal, but it is necessary to precisely control the specific route of the rocket. And to make it implement the separation of stars and arrows in the black barrier area, and to recover the satellites from the uninhabited area, it is much more difficult. If it falls to other countries, will the so much hard work soon be forgotten?

After studying for a long time, everyone finally came up with a plan, and then detailed the specific implementation.

Finally the military asked. "Mr. Fan. You have lost a lot this time, a satellite. The cost of launching the satellite is over 130 million U.S. dollars."

"Don't worry." Fan Wubing thought it was because the other party was unwilling to pay for the insurance.

Fan Wubing thought to himself that he had spent 200 million US dollars to get acquainted with the Ministry of Security, but now it seems that he has to spend another 200 million US dollars to make friendship with the military, but all these are more worthwhile, at least. I can't see the high-pitched faces of the Americans, and now I am counting on them to vent myself and get the satellite back smoothly.

The locals in the military were still considering how to compensate Fan Wuyi. As a result, they were so magnificent and easily took the losses to their own heads. This made them feel very sorry, so the general just decided Said, "I won't talk to you more about money matters. Anyway, we also know that you have a lot of money. However, if you need any other aspects of care, we can help. After all, this matter is for us to understand. The American technology in satellite communications is very helpful."

In fact, Americans are far ahead of other countries in the research of satellite communications. If we can really get this communications satellite, which represents the most advanced technology of Hughes, in its entirety, and carry it out in depth. The results of analysis and research must be huge.

The so-called knowing oneself and the enemy is the only way to win in all battles. This truth is well understood in everyone's hearts.

Therefore, Fan Wubing suffered such a large loss, sold such a large favor to the military, and gave back some benefits to others, which is also very appropriate. Therefore, this general made this promise.

However, Fan Wu's illness does need the military's help. It is not a policy preference or specific compensation in kind, but something else.

So Fan Wubing scratched his head and asked, "Well, I'm sorry to say, can you help me smuggle something in a military vehicle?"

"Ah?!" The general was stunned when he heard this. Jiang Lue, the head of the Ministry of Security, also looked at Fan Wuyi with a look of surprise, and said to his heart what is your request? How can anyone tell someone to help smuggle?

"Hehe, just laughing, just laughing." Fan Wubing said with a smile when Lei had reached a large group of people, "but I really have a place to ask for you."

Fan Wubing bought three communication satellites for the purpose of establishing his own satellite communication company and providing services to the outside world. But now he is not short of money, but he lacks talents who can use them!

Although Hughes is willing to provide related services, it is still uncomfortable to hire a bunch of foreign devils to work without its own staff, especially when the domestic wage level is so low, hiring people is quite cheap, and once all foreigners are hired, My own expenses will be a lot more.

There is no private company that provides satellite services in China. Fan Wuyi naturally doesn't mind eating this crab, but where the talents come from is always a big question, so he took advantage of this moment to raise his request. .

"Borrowing people?" The general heard Fan Wubing say that he wanted to borrow some talents in satellite communications from the military. After pulling up my company, my brows frowned suddenly, "I know about this, but I can't be the master, so I have to report to the above. But I guess the problem won't be too big. Don't worry. One. I'll let you know if there is news."

Fan Wubing nodded, knowing that this kind of thing is definitely not something that can be done by one person.

"But you are very forward thinking and bold. It's not surprising that you can create such a big family business." At the end of the day, the general couldn't help but praise Fan Wuyi again.

After everyone talked about something more, they broke up, and the people from the Ministry of Security sent Fan Wuyi back to Shanghai.

Davis immediately reported to him after seeing Fan Wuyi's return. "Boss, several of the places we sent to Liushi for acquisition negotiations have returned, and we have brought back the two bosses of the two largest local low-voltage electrical appliance manufacturers in Liushi, ready to initialise the acquisition agreement."

"This is a good thing! Do you need me to come forward?" Fan Wubing was more happy after hearing the news, and asked Davis with a smile.

Liushi Town is located on the shore of Yueqing Bay with vast smoke waves and leaping fish and dragons, and at the foot of Yandang Mountain, a national-level scenic spot known for its outstanding beauty in Huanzhong. Liushi Town, named after the bazaar formed under the willow tree, is a town with a long history. Back in the Western Han Dynasty. Villages have been formed here, and market towns were formed in the Northern Song Dynasty. The theory of merit advocated by the thinker Ye Shi in the Southern Song Dynasty. The Yongjia School of Thought, which advocates the benefit of trade and trade, has nurtured Liushi’s long-standing business tradition and an honest and pragmatic cultural atmosphere, and has given Liushi people a specific humanistic temperament.

Liushi is also the earliest birthplace of the Wenzhou model. Starting from the development of the share-holding cooperative economy, it implemented market-oriented economic reforms earlier, forming an economic pattern with the private economy as the mainstay, the shareholding cooperative system as the characteristic, and the commodity market as the support. A new path of regional development with unique characteristics has been embarked on.

Only now, Liushi has not recovered from the low tide.

In the reception room, Fan Wubing met several subordinates who had just rushed back, as well as two owners of low-voltage electrical appliance manufacturers in Liushi who looked simple and peasant.

Liushi later produced many well-known companies, such as Delixi, Chint, Great Wall Electric, Lean Electric, etc. Through the introduction of foreign equipment and technology, Liushi gradually developed a strong production of electrical appliances. The R&D capability has become the capital of China's electrical appliances, which has attracted the attention of the whole country and even the whole world.

But now, the two bosses, Chen Rong and Huo Sheng, who have just integrated some small business resources, are sitting on the sofa a little nervously, waiting for the arrival of the big bosses described by these foreigners.

"Boss Chen, Boss Huo, I have worked hard all the way." Fan Wuyao walked forward with a smile, shook hands with the two bosses, and then invited them to sit down and offer fragrant tea. "This is ----" Both of them were a little surprised when they saw Fan Wubing coming out. Several foreigners said that their big boss would come soon. Who knew that after waiting for a long time, they only saw a young man. ,How is this going

These foreign devils didn't take it seriously! Chen Rong looked at Huo Sheng, and the two of them knew each other, and thought that if things didn't go smoothly, let's go back to Liushi together. Anyway, foreigners may not just spit a nail in their mouths. Wherever there are our fellow villagers doing business, there is no need to take this risk, and put the team that has finally gotten up into the hands of foreign devils.

Fan Wubing looked at the two bosses with a smile, but went through the information of the two in his heart.

Chen Rong was originally a shoe repairer, while Huo Sheng was a tinsmith. Both of them were locals from Liushi and from the same village. Both of them are the kind of people who dare to think and do. Since the small electrical appliances in the village After the factory closed due to the anti-counterfeiting storm, it has been unmanned. Last year, the small factory was split up in the village. The two contracted parts of the original small electrical factory and became their own bosses.

In one year of this year, both of them are integrating the low-voltage electrical resources in Liushi, and have integrated more than a dozen small factories into one place through cooperative operation. Both people believe that instead of the current chaotic business situation where the scattered sand is fighting each other, it is better for everyone to unite to form a relatively large-scale enterprise, and then introduce advanced foreign production equipment and technology to create a well-known brand. , There is no need to imitate the brands of other state-owned factories.

Fan Wubing believed that if they were given one or two years of time. Their thinking can definitely be transformed into reality. This kind of joint-stock cooperative operation method is still very dynamic in China. If nothing happens, Chen Rong and Huo Sheng can become big bosses with rich fame and fortune in a few years.

but. Now things have happened a little bit accidentally. Fan Wuyi is here.

Fan Wubing has money and ideas, has the ability to build a large-scale low-voltage electrical production plant in any place, and has the ability to open a sales market in any place across the country. only. He prefers to use existing resources to reorganize and realize his ideas faster and more conveniently.

Therefore, he chose to integrate the manpower and sales network resources of Liushi, the country's largest low-voltage electrical appliance production base, to achieve his ultimate goal of unifying the national low-voltage electrical appliance market.

Fan Wuyao's ambitions are larger. He not only wants to unify the domestic market, but also wants to expand his business internationally, using the domestic price advantage and human resources advantage to seize the international market share.

Davis introduced them to them, "Mr. Chen, Mr. Huo, this is our big boss. Mr. Fan Wuyi. Those of us. We are all working for Mr. Fan."

"Big boss?!" Chen Rong was taken aback, after looking at Fan Wuyi. He said in disbelief, "So young!"

"It should not be as old as my eldest son." Huo Sheng also had the same expression. He felt that Fan Wubing must be less than twenty years old.

Fan Wubing saw the distrust in the eyes of the two, and smiled, "Sometimes, being young is also a resource, but it's not inexhaustible. So, I will take advantage of it. When I’m still young, do more things so that when I’m old, I can lie on my laurels and enjoy peace of mind! Do the two bosses think my ideas are a little naive?"

After hearing this, Chen Rong shook his head repeatedly, "No, no, no, you said so well! I am a countryman and have no culture, but after hearing what you said, I think it is true! I originally looked at you like this Young, with a bit of contempt, but now I have to look up. I really have the ambition not to be young!"

"The children in our family can't even match the toes of Boss Fan!" Huo Sheng said with some emotion.

"Both of you have passed the award. Now that we all know each other, let's talk about specific things." Fan Wuyao smiled slightly.

Chen Rong nodded and said, "Boss Fan’s subordinates have already talked to us a lot. We are also very tempted by the favorable terms you offered, but there is always one thing that cannot be avoided, that is, we are both reluctant. I left the company where I had worked hard for more than a year, hoping to retain a certain amount of shares in the newly integrated company. Do you think there is room for discussion on this matter?"

Fan Wubing hesitated after listening, then looked at Davis.

Davis nodded and said, "The two gentlemen refused to make concessions on this issue, so we had to ask the boss for you to decide."

Oh, Fan Wuyao nodded. In order to make things easier, he originally wanted to gain absolute dominance in the newly integrated enterprise. This is more conducive to implementing his own ideas, making business changes as soon as possible, and striving for a year or two. It will reach the relatively advanced production strength in the world.

The compensation that Fan Wubing promised to the two bosses was relatively generous, enough to make them multimillionaires overnight. But now it seems that these two are still a bit unwilling to pick the peaches in their hands before they mature!

"That's it!" Fan Wubing didn't ask the two of them what they wanted, nor did they ask how much equity they wanted in the new company. Instead, he said to himself, "I plan to be in Liushi. Integrate one of the largest domestic low-voltage electrical appliances factory, the staff should be more than 10,000 people, if the assembly line is the most advanced abroad, the executives should have experience in large foreign companies, and the equipment is all imported from the United States and Germany. , The treatment of workers is the highest in the country. In this case, the capital I have to invest is probably more than two billion yuan."

Many ~lightnovelpub.net~ and Chen Rong and Huo Sheng's faces become whiter as they listened. Although they knew that they had hired a group of foreigners, they must be very strong, but they did not expect that they would be billions of dollars in business. , And it's still early investment!

In the end, Fan Wubing listened and looked at the two human beings seriously, "Then do you think how much equity should be more appropriate for you?"

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