
v3 Chapter 76: Zhongnanhai bodyguard "Ask a monthly pas

   Van Hyung soon saw the six guards sent to him from above.

The height of the six people is about 1.75 meters, which is considered to be of medium height, but the body is not very sturdy. They look like they are all 25 or 16 years old, but they are very regular in their actions and look very good. Capable.

   "Yes, they are all very nice boys." Fan Heng was very satisfied after seeing it. He has no experience, but he just thinks that these boys look very pleasing to the eye.

   "The report chief, He Jin and other six people will report to you. From now on we will be responsible for your travel safety." Fan Hyung, a guard led by the team, said, and then handed over the appointment letter he had brought.

   "Okay, okay, you guys sit down first." Fan Heng was very satisfied and waved his hand to let them sit down.

Fan Heng can’t see the way, but Fan Wubing is experienced. He has also played against the seals, but the seals are mainly responsible for assault missions, such as assassination or rescue missions, and for bodyguards. It's not the most professional kind of doing it, but the guards sent from above should be better than the seals, right?

   So Fan Wubing smiled and took a pot of tea, poured it on six people, and then accidentally, a cup suddenly fell from his hand. \\\\

   "Ah----" Before Fan Wuyi's pretentious voice yelled out, the cup had been firmly received by a guard.

   Fan Wuyi nodded his head, his heart response ability is not bad, and then he smiled and said, I'm sorry, my hands shook just now, he almost burned you. "As he said, his left hand appeared on the inside of the man's suit without warning, and touched the bulging object.

Fan Wuyao’s movements were quick, but the opponent’s reaction was not slow. He twisted his body almost mechanically. The slight punch hidden in his waist appeared on his right hand, and his left hand turned into a knife-shaped face towards Fan. The disease-free wrist was cut over.

   was a little surprised at how fast the opponent moved. Fan Wuyi's movements also changed, and his figure turned behind the opponent like a ghost, and one hand touched the back of his heart. As a result, the other party knew that it was incomparable, and directly adopted a lose-lose move, and a scorpion swung its tail. He lifted his leg back and kicked Fan Wuyi's crotch straight.

"Not bad." Fan Wubing praised, but his body floated up, appearing above the opponent's shoulder as if he didn't apply much effort, and gently pressed his palm on his shoulder, and then floated back quickly, as if I have never moved my hands as calmly.

   Although that person knows the details of Fan Wuyi. But he didn't expect Fan Heng's youngest son to be so skillful. After they got the task of protecting Fan Hyung. I also learned about the situation of Fan Heng and his family in detail. I also know that Fan Wuyi is no less important than Fan Heng. I also know that Fan Wuyi is very skilled, but I always feel that it is a sixteen-year-old Mao child. , How capable is it?

   But during the fight just now, that person had already tried his best, and finally fell in the wind, and the shock in his heart was naturally not small. It seems that Fan Wuyi had been underestimated before coming. The genius children who can be valued by the above for many years are really not a slapstick, just showing the ground just now is enough to be surprising.

  Although the other five people didn't move, they were actually a little eager to try. Seeing such a good opponent like Fan Wuyi, it is impossible not to think twice. *

   But the person just said to Fan Wuyao, "Mr. Fan. If I had a chance to draw a gun. You definitely can't win."

   "Hehe, I'm not bullying you for not knowing how to draw a gun." Of course, Fan Wuyi knew the difference between armed guards and ordinary masters. People have legal permission to hold guns, and they have the privilege of drawing guns and shooting guns in many situations. I am really not kind enough to simply compare my skills with others.

Just from the first contact, Fan Wubing could judge that these people are only above the seals. As for the skill on firearms, I believe it will not be bad, so Fan Wubing asked in passing. , "Are you from the 8341 unit?"

   "Not anymore. I stayed there for a while before." The leader named He Jin replied after hesitating.

The   8341 unit is the most famous unit established after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. His predecessor was the Central Guard Division 1st Regiment. 834 was its external designation and internally called the Central Guard Regiment.

   When this unit was first built, there were only more than 1,000 people. The main task was to defend the five leaders, and it was under the leadership of the Ninth Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security. Later, it was led by the General Office of the Central Committee. By this time, the number of troops had reached about 8,000, with seven brigades and thirty-six squadrons under its jurisdiction.

Their security work organization is quite strict, and the main leaders of the troops have division of labor. At that time, the first team was in charge of Zhongnanhai and surrounding areas, the second team was in charge of Maojiawan and surrounding areas, the fourth team was in charge of the guards of Yuquan Mountain and surrounding areas, and the seventh team was in charge of the recuperation of the head of Beidaihe. The fifth brigade is responsible for Diaoyutai and its surrounding areas. The other brigades are mobile brigades. In addition, each guard zone is divided into outer and inner zones, and the inner zone is divided into zones A, B, and C. People in Zone A can enter and exit Zones B and C freely, but people in Zone B and C cannot enter and exit Zone A at will.

   Anyone who has been to Beijing during the Cultural Revolution knows or sees a rope pulling around the Great Hall of the People. There are guards standing guard, and pedestrians cannot enter the guard area. Outside the Red Wall in Zhongnanhai, there are also fixed and swimming posts, and of course plainclothes ones. In addition to the sentinels at the gates of Zhongnanhai and the Great Hall of the People, there are also guard areas inside the gates. Outsiders and strangers cannot enter at all. There are many guards around the main leaders’ residences and living quarters, and irrelevant personnel, including some leading cadres of the 8341 army, are not allowed to enter or leave without approval and consent. This is strictly regulated. The cadres and soldiers of \\8341 need to enter and exit Zhongnanhai due to work needs. The sentry can let them go if they know them. If they don't know them, they must contact their company to ensure that they can be let go.

   In short, the role played by this unit is basically the same as that of the Yulin Army, and most people also regard them as Zhongnanhai bodyguards. Of course, some people call them Ouchi masters. It's just that they don't like the name Ouchi master very much. It sounds a bit feudal, and it's easy to associate with father-in-laws, and it sounds unpleasant.

Because of the particularity of this unit, it was directly ordered by the top leader. Even when the deputy commander-in-chief Lin Biao was also serving as the Minister of Defense, he couldn't get anything to do with it, so he was so worried about it that his son set up a joint fleet. s plan.

Their organizational discipline is very strict. In addition to the same disciplinary requirements as other troops, the biggest feature is a strict secrecy system. Recruits must be educated in secrecy as soon as they enter the army, so that every guard on the battlefield can consciously abide by the secrecy of the troop. System, so that those who know do not say, and those who do not know do not ask. In security work, it is a seven-point security and three-point security, such as the chief’s vehicle, telephone number, direction of action, time, location, food supply, internal security deployment, weapons and equipment, etc., all require strict confidentiality.

Secondly, the requirements for the quality of military personnel are very high and strict. The basic conditions of the year were to have a firm stand and a clean history. The three generations of grandparents and immediate family members must be poor and lower-middle peasants. There is no historical problem, the image should be good, and the appearance should be handsome. , The facial features are correct, and the body is healthy. After all, they are performing special security duties. They are naturally unable to handle the crooked melons and jujubes, and their cultural qualities must be higher.

This unit has a two-tier leadership system. According to the military preamble, this unit is directly under the general staff, logistics supplies, weapons and equipment belong to the military, and its party affairs belong to the Central Office, which is a member of the Central Office. Directly affiliated units~lightnovelpub.net~All party affairs and political studies are organized and guided by the Central Office. Therefore, including the chief of staff, and even the secretary of defense, do not care about the specific affairs of the 8341 force. The appointment of the main leader of the army must be personally approved by the supreme leader, and no one else has the right to appoint it.

Generally speaking, the guard work of the provincial and ministerial leaders is selected from these people, but it is not ruled out that there will be a higher level of security. The six guards sent to Fan Heng this time are not the 8341 troops. An ordinary master of, but a super master selected by a new confidential organization developed on top of it.

   "In principle, we are under the leadership of the Secret Service." He Jin clearly stated his identity.

   "Uh, this level is a little too high, right?" This time even Fan Heng was a little surprised, and couldn't help but smile.

   If the 8341 troops have been performing ordinary security tasks in recent years, and their status has declined, then the secret service can be regarded as a real Zhongnanhai bodyguard, with a sword guard in front of him.

These people are all carefully selected characters from the 8341 unit. Moreover, it is said that there seems to be a group of mysterious characters who have been specially trained for them. If these people are released, everyone can be like 007. The characters are on the same level, of course, it is even worse in fist.

   This time the top and bottom costs are quite sufficient! Fan Heng and Fan Wubing both have the same feelings.

The third shift arrives, and I continue to ask for double monthly ticket support. The three-day holiday is really not addictive! !