
v5 Chapter 1000: Ambergris 0 years

Fan Wubing was also very surprised by this new appearance of the cadres. He did not expect that there were so many things in regret, some of which were really unheard of. Unseen.

There are also many domestic experts who have come for textual research, especially many of them are veteran experts in the domestic archaeological field. It's not the kind of pseudo-expert who just hangs up a famous book and comes out to bluff.

Fan Wubing welcomed these people warmly, and together they visited various unearthed artifacts that had been sorted out.

The wooden chess pieces unearthed from the sea-going ship have attracted everyone's attention, this. It is a testimony to the cultural life of the boatmen. There are more than 60 chess pieces unearthed, one type is inscribed with a round frame and filled in red, and the other type is ink or double hooked Zhu Shu, with the names of generals, scholars, elephants, chariots, artillery, horses, soldiers, etc., belonging to three sets Different forms of chess survive.

The appearance of chess pieces in the sea-going ship can indicate that chess has been finalized in the Song Dynasty, and the style of playing against the game prevailed in palaces, markets, and even sailing ships. They are recreational items for the crew.

Another very interesting phenomenon is that people sift out thousands of shells from the sea mud in the cabin. There are also several pieces of corals, including ring-patterned shells, phoenix snails, crystal phoenix snails, four snails with silver mouth, milky jade snails, etc., which are dazzling and lovable. The colorful shells show people the long-distance route of the ancient ship. They are also the treasures and decorations of the crew. From the analysis of the types of shells, you can roughly infer where the seafarers have been.

An expert in the domestic maritime archaeology community, who is known as a long-time old man, said to Fan Wuyao, "The ocean-going cargo ships of the Song Dynasty mainly sailed on the route from the South Ocean to the Indian Ocean. The tropical high temperature climate. The fire is scorching. It is boring. Fanzhou. When the ship is about to cross the ocean, there must be a water tank. It can store sweet springs for food and drink. Cover the ocean without worrying about the wind, but use water for life and death. Due to the relatively large demand for fresh water, ships are equipped with water tanks. The seventh warehouse of the Houzhu ancient ship contains fresh water for drinking. Drinking water is extremely precious, and it is necessary to adopt a planned rationing method for individuals to keep some in case of damage to the fresh water tank or other accidents.

The reason why the old expert said this is because dozens of "Water Notes" labels were unearthed from ancient ships in Hengshan Port, such as "Water Notes" and some were tied with small ropes, which may be stored by the crew. The mark of fresh water. Many of the unearthed cans and bottles with lids may be containers used by individuals to hold water, the kind of small octagonal wooden signs with the words "Water mark." It is likely that they also double as the wooden lids of this kind of water cans.

In fact, because of the long time spent navigating and dealing with the sea in the past, various living facilities were also fully considered in terms of marine equipment. Song Zhou Qufei recorded in the "Lingwai Dai Da" that there were hundreds of people in a boat. One year of Zhongji's grain, Qin Cheng brewed among them.

And pieces of relics unearthed from this Song Dynasty sea ship. It vividly showed people a scene of life: the small square-patterned sack woven fabric was once filled with rice and other grains. The pig bones, sheep bones, fish bones, and bird bones contained in some compartments are obviously the remaining bones that the crew had eaten. The bird bones also reveal the green water. The long sea journey with birds flying along.

Small mouth earthenware bottles should be used for wine. For boatmen who have dealt with wind and waves for many years, aged wine is a must-have beverage.

Scattered in each cabin, there are also some peach, liji, plum, yang, and ginkgo kernels. Olive nucleus, coconut shell, etc., they clearly show that hundreds of years ago, these summer fruits abundant in the southern coast enriched seamen's water life and increased water and nutrition.

Although Hengshan Port is not necessarily the same as Quanzhou Port in the Song Dynasty, it is dedicated to Nanyang routes. But judging from the various cargoes carried on the ship, or the destination that the ship traveled through, there is not only one destination, after all, the sea-going ships sailed in the Song Dynasty. It was created by the navigators of the past dynasties.

Ships in Quanzhou Port were loaded with silk, porcelain, copper and iron, medicinal materials and other items, and then sent back spices, jewelry, ivory, rhino horn, tortoiseshell from Arabia, India, Southeast Asia and other places for production.

And on this newly-emerged Song Dynasty sea-going ship, more than two thousand catties of spices were unearthed, including sandalwood, agarwood, jasmine incense, rhododendron, ambergris, as well as Hu Ji, tortoiseshell, betel nut, etc., most of these items The spice horns produced in the Three Buddhas, Champa, and East Africa are important physical evidences of imported goods trafficked by sea merchants in the Song Dynasty.

"It seems that when we were in the Song Dynasty, we started to do cross-border trade, shipping Nanyang goods to the East to make money, haha" Fan Wuyao couldn't help but laugh after hearing the comments of these old experts.

With so many gains in front of us, a large part of it will be in the pocket of Fan Investment Group. He couldn't help being in a bad mood, it was a lot of income.

The most rare thing is that the current ambergris are very well preserved and are white.

The earliest country in the world to present ambergris was ancient China.

In the Han dynasty, Wang Min caught some off-white waxy fragrant drifts in the sea. This is the finished ambergris that has undergone natural denaturation for many years. From a few catties to dozens of catties, there is a strong fishy smell, ... but after six dryness, a long-lasting fragrance can be produced, and when it is lit, it is more scented than the previous day.

Some local officials contributed to the emperor in front of the treasure after the acquisition, and used it as a spice or medicine in the palace.

At that time, no one knew what treasure this was. Ask the alchemist in the palace. They thought it was the saliva of a dragon in the sea when it slept. It dripped into the sea and solidified. After a long time, it became ambergris.

It is also said that in the Shang Dynasty, people had mixed ambergris, perfumes and plant spices into sachets and hung them on the bedside or on the body.

The real secret of dragon birth is the fishermen of Kotra Island in Saudi Arabia. The desalers on this island mainly live by hunting sperm whales. Ambergris is actually the excrement of sperm whales. Once, an old fisherman was cutting open it. A piece of ambergris appeared in the intestine of a sperm whale.

At that time, the fishermen thought it was swallowed from the sea and did not take it seriously, but the news spread like wildfire and attracted the attention of marine biologists. They immediately carried out in-depth research and finally solved the problem. The mystery of ambergris.

It turns out that big squid and octopus have tough **** Gu and tongue teeth in their mouths, which are not easy to digest. When sperm whales swallow large mollusks, Gu and tongue teeth accumulate in the intestines, stimulating the intestines, and the intestines secrete one. A special waxy substance that wraps the remaining core of the food. Slowly it formed ambergris.

Scientists once found a clot of intestinal juice and foreign matter in the intestine of an 18-meter-long sperm whale. They believed that this was the beginning of ambergris. Some sperm whales would vomit out the condensate, and some would be excreted from the intestine. Outside of the body, only a few sperm whales keep ambergris in the body.

The ambergris discharged into the sea is light black at first. Under the influence of seawater, it gradually turns into gray and light gray, and finally becomes white. The white ambergris has the best quality. It has to be soaked in sea water for more than 100 years. All the impurities are bleached out to become the top grade in ambergris.

The ambergris taken from the intestines of the killed sperm whales is of no value. It must be floated and soaked in sea water for decades to obtain a high status. Some ambergris pieces are soaked in sea water for a long time. Over a hundred years.

Since ancient times. Ambergris is expensive, almost equivalent to gold. If you find white ambergris, it is invaluable.

However, to recognize ambergris. Must have relevant biological, ecological and chemical knowledge, and have long-term experience in dealing with the ocean, which is not something ordinary people can do.

Now, various ingredients in ambergris can be artificially synthesized, but they cannot completely replace the ambergris gifted by the sea to humans, because the current human technology has not reached the wonder and harmony of nature, especially natural ambergris. The ambergris in the scent will form a film on the skin after being added to the perfume, which can make the fragrance lasting for a long time.

Nowadays, the international market of natural dragon birth incense is completely controlled by France, a major perfume country. The purchase price per kilogram is about 50,000 francs, and the price of perfume companies after processing is more than 100,000 francs per kilogram. However, with the massive hunting of sperm whales by humans, the resources of ambergris have been decreasing year by year. Now the annual trade volume of the world has been reduced to less than 100 kilograms, and the quality has also been declining year by year, completely not reaching the original level.

The white ambergris, which has been preserved for nearly a thousand years, is still intact, and it is the ambergris with this history. It is really hard to estimate the value of this.

However, Fan Wubing had never had the idea of ​​auctioning this batch of ambergris. Since the whole world can't find this kind of millennium ambergris~lightnovelpub.net~, you can just order a little smoke, even if it is an emperor's enjoyment.

6 Continued from the shipwreck, some more valuable artifacts were discovered, such as some Song Dynasty lacquerware, which were exquisitely made at the same time. Archaeologists who came after hearing the news were amazed by these things. Fan Wu's illness is very generous, as long as he is recognized as a national treasure, he will give it away. It was directly given to the National Museum.

In fact, Fan Wuyao’s heart is very clear that pure resource-like things, such as these thousand-year-old ambergris, are precious, but it is difficult to define them as cultural relics, so he can do it without hesitation. According to his own, but those archaeologists are jealous of things that can awaken the memory of an era, there is no need for him to compete with others for ownership.

The shipwreck excavation has been in progress. On the eve of the National Day, most of it was basically cleared out. However, depending on the current situation, they probably planned to salvage the entire ship, restore it as much as possible, and place it in a museum as one. exhibit.

Such a big millennium old ship. It is an important material evidence to study the shipping culture of Song Dynasty.

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