
v5 Chapter 101: 1 fire in autumn

Fortunately, Zhou Qiaoyu did not directly kill Fan Wuyi's dormitory to harass him.

For this reason, Fan Wuyao also decided to go back to the office of the company, not to give these ugly girls who have burned their brains a chance to succeed, even if it is the opportunity to meet, they must not be left to them!

At this moment, Liu Yunxuan, the director of the Jianlibao General Factory under Fan Wubing, was discussing matters with the six people he had brought out. The temporarily rented room was full of smoke and an unusually depressing atmosphere.

"Tou'er Liu, this time things are really bad." Li Song, who runs the business under Liu Yunxuan, said to him, "The kid surnamed Fan started too hard, not only broke our foundation in the factory, We also used the relationship in the court to freeze our accounts. Now we can't withdraw our money. I'm afraid that we won't be able to set up the factory."

When they were planning, they were planning to use the money in the account to build a new factory. As a result, Fan Wuyao discovered this matter in advance, and with his power, let the court freeze Liu Yunxuan's account, which is a one-sentence matter. What's more, Liu Yunxuan and the others were embezzling the property of the factory.

Therefore, now Liu Yunxuan and the others have nothing to do with anything except a little cash, and these ten thousand dollars of cash is simply not enough for them to carry out the next step. What is even more troublesome is that Fan Wuyi returned. A lawsuit was filed against them, demanding that they be held accountable for embezzling public funds. "With the contacts we have accumulated over the years, we can bring some money over, start the factory first, and then pay it back slowly." Liu Yunxuan did not expect that Fan Wuyao's shot would be quick and ruthless, and let them leave no room. There is no way at all, but now the court has all subpoenaed the family, asking them to appear in court awaiting trial at the end of this month.

As for the tea beverage formula that has been stolen earlier, it still doesn't play much role now, because no company is willing to accept such an unknown formula. What's more, a few of them are people who were fired from Jianlibao Factory, and they are still entangled in lawsuits. Larger companies are not willing to cause trouble at all, but smaller companies are unable to make such a large investment. Therefore, Liu Yunxuan and others There is no way to go up to the sky or down to the ground.

"It really doesn't work. Isn't there a few big private bosses? How about working with them?" one of his men suggested.

Liu Yunxuan shook his head. "Those guys, they are all typical horrors, and the peak sales season of Jianlibao is about to come. What they are thinking about now is how to allocate more market share and sell more money, how can we bother about our downfalls? People? Even if someone wants to make this tea drink, they will have to wait for the peak sales season for the Spring Festival next year."

What Liu Yunxuan said is correct. The merchants are highly profitable, and it is definitely not the word loyalty to rely on the ground to be able to hang around in the mall, but strategy and careful attention. The atmosphere may also play a role. But at that time, you can only have it after mixing to a certain extent.

As for saying that honesty is the basis for professional ethics, it may be positive. Admirable, but in practice. But it is fatal, unless you are aiming for personal gain. Otherwise, for businessmen, these are enough to make you lose money.

There are seven people in total. Sitting around and discussing for a long time. Did not draw a conclusion. They not only want to figure out how to go in the future. Have to deal with the immediate crisis. It's a splitting headache.

The last person said harshly. "We have fallen into this field. What else is there to be afraid of? The current situation is. If the Jianlibao factory is not destroyed, there will be no way for us to survive!"

"Don't mess around! Murder and arson. We definitely can't do it!" Although Liu Yunxuan was sceptical. But speaking of this kind of brave and ruthless thing. I'm always a little nervous.

"What are you afraid of? Hire a small ruffian for five hundred yuan. Put a fire in the factory. It's too late to discipline them to cry!" The subordinate was more than just talking. Even thought of how to act.

Liu Yunxuan and others listened to his words. All a little moved. They have been in the factory for so many years. Of course knowing where is the best place to set fire.

Engage in the beverage industry. The number of logistics transportation sites is very large. And for the convenience of customers. And to ensure the fidelity of Jianlibao products. They have always used the company's own fleet for transportation. In other words, although the price of Jianlibao is a bit high. But those are all CIF prices. For different places. There are different prices. Only in this way can it be ensured that there will be no exchange of goods among the various regions. Because the price and freight cost determine that they cannot take advantage of this loophole.

Therefore, in the Jianlibao main plant area, there are several large oil depots dedicated to stockpiling oil.

When the subordinate mentioned setting fire, everyone knew exactly what he was referring to. However, if you want to set a fire here, you can’t do it if you are not familiar with the situation in the factory, but what about the workers in the factory? Maybe to do such a dangerous thing? Especially when your treatment gets better?

"I have a suitable candidate. I used to be expelled from the factory because of a fight. At that time, I thought he was pitiful and found him a job. Later, he has been fighting in the society and getting into the underworld." Someone said.

"Oh, there is no way for this kind of thing----" Liu Yunxuan paused for a long time, after all, he sighed and said nothing else.

Everyone understands that at this moment, Liu Yunxuan has already disregarded any consequences in order to get away. This way, which is absolutely impossible to be used by him in normal times, has also been tacitly approved by him.

Two days later, it will be Teacher's Day on September 10.

The department organized activities to celebrate the ninth Teacher’s Day. Fan Wubing, as a special person in the school, also gave some gifts to the leaders of the school and the teachers who have a good relationship with him in the name of the company. Small gifts are neither too tacky nor too cheap. They are just watches brought back from abroad. The most important thing is that this brand is not available elsewhere, so it looks quite different.

On the contrary, from Professor Huang and Professor Shen, Fan Wubing gave some rare things, but they were only limited to food and drink. The two old men were not rare about things like money.

The two of them now have a lot of entertainment, but most of the time they are still studying and sorting out the theories about Chinese medicine and Guoxue, hoping to restore some of the original appearance of these two disciplines through their own sorting, at least not allowing them to be easily overwhelmed. In the long river of time.

Another point is that the books of the two professors finally exceeded the sales volume of 200,000 copies, and booksellers are buying them one after another. Probably as soon as the fame comes out, the books are also easy to sell, and many local medicines. Schools and hospitals have ordered their books as reference books for theoretical study.

At night, Fan Wubing had already fallen asleep, but was awakened by his mobile phone.

Fan Wubing got up, turned on the lights, and then connected to the phone, but it was an emergency call from the Jianlibao factory. Fan Wubing couldn't help feeling very tight and asked anxiously, "What happened?! "

"One of the oil tanks in the factory caught fire, and now most of the factory has been reflected in red!" The person in charge of the factory said anxiously.

Damn it! It's really a bit of a fleeting disadvantage recently! Fan Wubing felt a little headache, and then asked, "Are there any casualties?!"

It is easy to deal with property losses or anything. The most important thing is that there are no casualties. Such a big oil tank suddenly catches fire. If there are workers working nearby, it will be miserable!

"It's a little farther away from the factory building, but a person was found in the fire scene who has been severely burned, but is it someone from our factory." The person in charge of the factory replied.

"It was found on the fire scene, but they weren't from the factory?" Fan Wubing asked with some doubts.

"We also recognize that person. He was expelled from the factory for a fight three years ago. Now I don't know how he ran into the factory. But looking at the scene, the fire is probably related to him. "The person in charge explained to Fan Wuyao.

It turned out that the fire brigade in the factory was dispatched in time for the fire, but the fire was too strong and they were unable to do anything. They just evacuated the surrounding employees as much as possible to protect some nearby factories and facilities from being spread by the fire. Fortunately, there was no wind at night. The flame of the oil tank has been maintained near itself without spreading.

However, the flames generated by the circumnavigation rose up forty to fifty meters in the sky~lightnovelpub.net~ and half of the city was illuminated. The firefighting and armed police in the city also arrived and dispatched more than a dozen fire trucks, but The fire is too big, and I can only wait here to control the scope of the fire.

When the person in charge in the factory called, the fire was still going on. They all controlled the fire on the spot. They could only wait until the oil in the tank was exhausted and then deal with it.

"Control the fire as much as possible. As for the losses, we will do statistics after the fire. In addition, remember to report the case. There has not been a fire in more than ten years. Today's fire will not happen accidentally." Fan Wubing felt helpless after hearing this. Even if it is set on fire, there is nothing to do. The loss is certain. Now, thank God if you don't let the fire expand.

The other party repeatedly agreed on the phone that such a big thing had happened, and they were mentally prepared to bear Fan Wu's anger. Who knew that Fan Wu's just asked if there were any casualties, and also confessed some more. It's only the things to pay attention to, and there is no harshness, which makes everyone feel relieved.

However, the sudden fire this time, coupled with the suspiciously burned guy found at the scene, all signs indicate that there is a problem with the fire!