
v5 Chapter 102: Private reward

"Are you asking for leave again?" Ren Xiaorou asked in surprise when she saw Fan Wuyao appear in her office.

Fan Wubing looked at her innocently, and was too lazy to say anything.

Ren Xiaorou flipped through Fan Fan’s record of the last semester, and said helplessly, “You stayed in school for less than a month last semester. I thought you had to concentrate on learning this semester. Who knows that this is not enough? In half a month, you have regained your mind. If I allow your leave, how can I explain it to the department?"

"Isn't it the credit system now? I only need to be able to complete the credits. Why should I care about what I do all the time? Can it be said that the talent that the country needs most is to stay in the classroom and read books honestly?" Fan Wuyao was a bit dissatisfied with it. Asked back. \\

In 1993, although some schools in China had begun to implement the credit system, most colleges and universities still implemented the credit system. That is to say, in schools that implement the credit system, as long as you have enough credits for a year, you can. It is not necessary to stay in school to attend classes, but in fact, there is still a common situation of sign-in in the classroom, which means that the implementation of the credit system is not in place. This is inconsistent with the original intention of the country to introduce the credit system.

The biggest impact is that during the time system, if a course fails, it only costs five yuan for a make-up exam. But now, if the course fails, then it needs to be retaken, 50 credits per credit. For RMB, five or six credits for a course, this is a very considerable expenditure. \\

In many local enterprises, an ordinary worker is only paid more than 300 yuan a month.

Fan Wubing believes that if the credit system is only a nominal credit system. Just to charge more for the re-repair and increase the school's income. There is really no need to implement it, can it be said that this can make more contributions to the country's education goals? It's really inexplicable.

"Although it says so--but--" Ren Xiaorou looked at Fan Wuyi and wanted to say something, but in the end she gave it up, "Forget it, you are not an ordinary person anyway, I can pass it up for you. ."

There is such a student. Ren Xiaorou's popularity is also very high, not to mention anything else, it is that when the old professors have arms and legs that don't go well, they first think of it not Fan Wuyi, but his head teacher Ren Xiaorou. \\This is probably people's inertial thinking.

Since he was not familiar with Fan Wubing, he had to find someone who could speak the word to deliver the message. Ren Xiaorouran was the best candidate. Just like this, Ren Xiaorou's position in the school seems to be unique. Basically, everyone knows that her relationship with Fan Wuyi is good.

Some students even inquired about the new Silk Road Entertainment Company under Fan Wubing's hands, and the momentum was very strong. Students who are interested in presenting to the entertainment industry attach great importance to this news. There are not a few people who often come to please Ren Xiaorou, in order to get a word from Ren Xiaorou at a critical time. \\Let Fan Wuyi take care of it.

"Human heart, it's really the most unpredictable thing in the world." Ren Xiaorou couldn't help but shook her head thinking about this.

Fan Wubing did see Ren Xiaorou and sighed. I couldn't help asking in surprise, "Teacher Xiaorou. You seem to have something on your mind?"

Ren Xiaorou glanced at Fan Wubing and felt that he could still think of himself at this time. It was a bit consoling, so she said, "It's okay. It's just that a few students from the art department always come and follow me. Outside, I want to go to your company and want me to speak for help."

Oh, this is a trivial matter. Fan Wuyao nodded and said, "Teacher Xiaorou's face, I can't help but give it to me. \\When do you have time, take them to the company to see. If there is a job that suits them, I can ask Mr. Xia Take care of it."

"Thank you then." Ren Xiaorou smiled at Fan Wubing, but she seemed to be a little lonely, and she didn't know why.

Fan Wubing wanted to say a few more things, but at this time his mind was on the fire at Jianlibao factory. He really didn't have much mood to understand Ren Xiaorou carefully, so he left the office and went directly to the headquarters of Fan's Investment Group. Through satellite image transmission and video calls, I directly contacted Jianlibao General Factory, and carefully checked the situation there. After the signal was connected, the headquarter officials with Fan Wuyi gathered together and listened to Jianlibao. According to the report from the factory, in addition to the person in charge of the factory, there are also relevant personnel from the local public security organs present. Through the video demonstration, it can be understood that the fire has not spread, but all the oil in an oil tank has been burned out. The factory has brought millions of yuan in direct economic losses. In addition, there are a lot of waste gas emitted. The local residents have great opinions. Fortunately, most of the employees of Jianlibao factory are local people, so everyone is on this issue. It is quite tolerant. \\

The biggest problem now is that the employee who had been expelled from the factory for three years was found at the scene. He has not yet recovered and is still being rescued in the hospital, so the police cannot intervene to ask the situation.

However, from the root of the south wall of the factory, there are folding ladders and climbing tools. Judging from the traces of footprints on the ground, it is the back of the fire scene left by the employees who fired them. At the same time, they were also used at the scene. A tool for priming fuel. \\

If you want to ignite a large oil tank, obviously you can do it without throwing a match. This requires a better understanding of the environment around the tank, knowing where to start, and having the corresponding tools, otherwise, They would burn themselves to death, and if there was an explosion, it would be even more miserable.

That’s the case, that person was also seriously injured. It can be seen that bad things are not easy to do. It is the only way to live a peaceful life. Such a little loss is not in Fan Wuyi’s heart, but on safety. The loopholes also reminded him that the factory needs to strengthen the security work. This time it was arson. If the poison is to be poisoned next time, what will be the consequences? It makes people shudder to think about it. \\

The person in charge of the police also informed Fan Wubing of their investigation and judgment of the case. Through the investigation of the person who was burned, he learned that Liu Yunxuan and others had contacted him recently, and the guards also confirmed that this The guy who was burned for a few days went to the factory to entangled in labor disputes. Thinking about it now, it is very likely that he is familiar with the topography of the factory, and he is really deliberate!

However, seeing the images from the video, watching the steel plates that were distorted by the fire, and the surface of the ground that had been vitrified by the flames, Fan Wuyao's heart was still very angry.

In the end, Fan Wubing expressed his opinion, “We must find the murderer behind the scenes, and we must not let these criminals get away with it! We can offer a reward of 50,000 yuan for those who can capture the murderer or provide valuable information for solving the case. people!"

As soon as his opinion came out, the investigators were very excited, that is to say, if they solve the case, the 50,000 yuan will go to them, and this can be regarded as a powerful driving force for them to actively solve the case. . \\

After all, in 1993, fifty thousand yuan was not a small sum, enough to make everyone feel excited. Fan Wuyao’s opinions were immediately implemented. Several counties around the plant were discussing the fire. Everyone was looking for the people involved in this matter, namely, Liu Yunxuan, the original director of Jianlibao. Waiting for people, hoping to find their whereabouts and get a reward of 50,000 yuan. \\

Liu Yunxuan and others were already scared at this time. They never thought that the arsonist who spent 500 yuan to buy would be so stupid that he would burn himself seriously and let the people in the factory give After catching the current situation, if he speaks, he and others can be convicted of committing arson by buying a murderer. For such a big loss, I am afraid that the death penalty would be enough.

Therefore, the seven people discussed and decided to flee and go to Greater Xinjiang, where all ethnic groups live together and there are many business opportunities. As long as they are willing to work hard, they can get rich even by selling soy sauce, not to mention a few of them. They are all veterans with many years of business experience.

Fan Wubing is also very anxious to catch these people, but because the arsonist has not recovered from the intensive care unit, everyone can only be so exhausted and missed the best time to catch them~www.mtlnovel .com~ After that person came to his senses and explained the cause and effect of the incident, Liu Yunxuan and others had already gone deep into Xinjiang.

In this way, the case has no clue, and in the end the arsonist has to be tried, and several other instigators are also wanted nationwide.

Fan Wubing asked the factory to clean up the burnt-down area of ​​the large oil tank, built a small garden in the factory, and erected a stone tablet on it. He also wrote an inscription on it to explain the events that happened here. And remind everyone to pay attention to safety production issues.

As for the management of the factory, Fan Wubing only explained two points. The first is to stabilize the emotions of the employees and restore production as soon as possible. The second is to strengthen the security work in the factory and set up a factory guard team. In view of the production safety of beverages and the safety situation around the factory, inspections are carried out to prevent similar situations from recurring.

At the same time, Fan Wubing also required all branches and enterprises under his head office to conduct safety inspections, and to investigate possible problems in accordance with his characteristics to ensure that there would be no omissions.

As for the reward of 50,000 yuan, Fan Wubing decided to keep it and save an account. Whenever someone completes this task, he will receive this reward in increasing value.