
v5 Chapter 1024: Blocked the door of the National Develop

"Boss, people from Haizhou have already entered Beijing. Fan Wuyi's subordinates came over and said.

Fan Wubing nodded and said, "Well, yes. Can they find the entrance of the yamen? If it doesn't work, they will help the horse. Then push again, always let their opinions come back. Otherwise, the front will be in vain. NS?.

"Yes, we will arrange it." The subordinate immediately assured.

After the subordinates left and merged. Fan Wubing sat down and thought, in fact, every year during the two sessions. It is also the time when the security guards in the capital are the most stringent. Basically, police forces from all parts of the country have been transferred in order to respond completely. The basic policy is to look after your own door and take care of your own people. Whoever has a problem will be dealt with after the fall. Who.

Generally speaking, the possibility of problems at this time is relatively small. Tens of thousands of police forces defend the entire capital like an iron bucket, so that the generations of all ethnic groups who come to the meeting can feel the capital. The overwhelming great power is ubiquitous.

Therefore, for these people of Xianghaizhou Pharmaceutical Group, a huge team of hundreds of people, if no one is making a bridge for them to clear the way and meet the water in the mountains, they can successfully break through the police blockade and drive straight into the capital, it is simply impossible. The ability to do this, and the reason to do it, is of course Fan's.

In fact, Fan Wubing himself felt very annoyed about the suspension of the case of Fan Investment Group's plan to acquire Haizhou Pharmaceutical Group. For so long, I am afraid that this incident has made him feel dull the most. NS.

It stands to reason that with the operating conditions of the Haizhou Pharmaceutical Group, a discerning person can immediately see that it will not last long. If it collapses in the future, it is the government that is in trouble. It needs to find a way for these laid-off workers to pay back. It is necessary to bear the various debt losses caused by this. At this time, if the powerful Fan Investment Group wants to intervene, at least it will ensure that the life problems of the tens of thousands of people in the entire group will not go wrong. Secondly, a brand-new Haizhou Pharmaceutical Group The emergence is likely to promote the rapid development of the pharmaceutical industry in Donghai Province, and it will not bring more taxes to Donghai Province and Haizhou City.

This was clearly a profit-making business for one China and many parties, but it was actually stopped, which made Fan Wuyao angry.

In all fairness. Fan Wubing must be disdainful of things that are not thankful for his efforts, because he does not need to please anyone. Therefore, the case of acquiring Haizhou Pharmaceutical Group is for Haizhou, Donghai Province, and Fan Wu. Being sick is good for himself, so he is more active.

Regarding the man behind this incident. At this time, Fan Wuyao had already investigated clearly. It was not what a big power said, trying to compete with him for economic discourse power. It was not the same thing.

The people who provoke him are just the little people at the director level of several relevant ministries and commissions. Fan Wuyao can't help being surprised and furious. When did these department-level cadres also start to oppose him? Is there any instruction from the leaders of various positions behind them? What are their ideas?

If you don't understand these problems, Fan Wubing will naturally be unable to sleep well.

Therefore, in the past few months, Fan Wuyi has stayed simple and kept as low-key as possible. While keeping a low profile, he did use many of his secret channels to investigate these people. At this time, he had reached a definite conclusion. He has a lot of evidence, so this time people from the Haizhou Pharmaceutical Group gathered to go to Beijing to petition. He saw it as an opportunity to uncover the lid. Therefore, all these people have Fan Wushu secretly guiding and taking care of them. Otherwise, If they were scattered in the sand, they would have been dispersed or captured back to Guan Xiaohei. Are you really a policeman who eats dry food? !

What makes Fan Wubing feel a little puzzled is that the people who oppose him in these parts seem to be people of the same age. This is the collective overthrow of a group of young technocrats.

Their family is ordinary. However, he has a good professional background, and he enters ministries and commissions after graduating from university. At the beginning of his establishment, he is already a leader at the departmental and bureau level. At present, many domestic policy laws and regulations have been replaced by them. If there are no surprises, the next 30 years will really be a bright future for them.

"However, why do you bother to have trouble with me? Thinking of this, Fan Wubing shook his head with some regret.

at the same time. The people of the Haizhou Pharmaceutical Group have blocked the gate of the National Exhibition and Ji Rong, the committee.

The National Exhibition and Planning Commission at this time was actually the predecessor of the Reform Commission and the successor of the National Planning Commission.

The State Planning Commission, established in 1952, has long assumed the government's comprehensive economic management functions.

However, with the gradual transformation of China from a planned economic system to a socialist market economic system, the functions of the State Planning Commission have continued to change.

Therefore, in March 1998, the National Planning Commission was renamed the National Development and Planning Commission. The committee members focused on managing affairs related to the overall national economy. Formulate development strategies, conduct macroeconomic management, reduce intervention in microeconomic activities, create a fair and competitive market environment, and reduce numerous administrative approval procedures.

Afterwards. That is to say, the next government will continue to reform the institution, merge part of the functions of the former State Economic and Trade Commission and the former State Council’s Economic System Reform Office together, and reorganize it into the National Exhibition and Reform Commission, thus making the plan completely small. Disappeared from domestic government departments.

Speaking of. The reform committee, that is, the current development and planning committee, has great powers. If you can use a simple sentence to describe it, it is that as long as other departments cannot manage things, all are under the control of the development and planning committee.

As far as part of its functions is concerned, the Development and Planning Subcommittee is responsible for planning major construction projects and the distribution of productivity, and formulating the overall scale of fixed asset investment and investment structure regulation goals, policies and measures for the entire society. The central government needs to be arranged for convergence and balance. Investment and special plans involving major construction projects.

At the same time, arrangements must be made for central fiscal construction funds to examine, approve, and review major construction projects, major foreign-funded projects, major investment projects with foreign resources, and large-amount foreign exchange investment projects in accordance with the authority prescribed by the State Council. Guide and supervise the use of foreign loan construction funds, and guide the direction of private investment. Research and put forward goals and policies for strategies, plans, total balance and structural optimization for the utilization of foreign capital and overseas investment, and organize inspections of major construction projects.

Director of the Reform Commission. In fact, it is equivalent to the ministers who do not care in some foreign governments, saying that they do not care, but in fact they can intervene in the management of things that are not pleasing to the eye. This shows that their power is great.

This time, the main obstacle to the cooperation between Haizhou Pharmaceutical Group and Fan Investment Group in Donghai Province. It came from the exhibition and planning committee, so the people from Haizhou Pharmaceutical Group first went to the exhibition and planning committee and blocked it.

The most important thing is that there are two meetings in Beijing. It can be said that Chinese and foreign reporters are gathered. Therefore, the committee surrounded the exhibition and plan with the front foot net, and the back foot reporters rushed over, and the guns were put up. I shot wildly at once, and the news was posted online in the shortest time.

During the exhibition and planning, the director of the committee went to a meeting. The person in charge who stayed behind saw this scene and was immediately shocked. I don't know where these people came from. At this time, they were faced with numerous media. And under the pressure of the news that has spread across the country, he dare not call the police directly to deal with the matter, although this is the simplest and most effective way.

"This matter needs a positive response." The left-behind person in charge looked at the Chinese and foreign reporters outside and immediately decided.

So several exhibitions and plans, and the leaders of the committee went out together, bypassing the nervous armed police. Directly contacted the petitioners of Haizhou Pharmaceutical Group.

At this point, high-level officials have been talking about the handling of petition issues, and the main thing is that they should be properly resolved. It cannot be said that if people are arrested and sent back, they will be fine. For some major problems that actually exist. Whether it’s the local government or the central ministries and commissions, we still have to take it seriously.

Therefore, in the presence of the two sessions, everyone is more cautious.

According to their strategy ~lightnovelpub.net~, these people should be brought in first, and the reporters will be shut out, and then they can find a way to produce and beat them. This is undoubtedly the best solution, but let them I feel very depressed. Even if these people say that they refuse to come in, they are also very conscious and not making any noise at all. Just took out a large number of flyers from the carry-on luggage and passed them to the people passing by nearby and the reporters who had been waiting a long time ago.

What made the leaders of the exhibition and planning committee feel vomiting blood even more. These people actually prepared an electronic version of this material!

After watching petitioners spread out at least hundreds of information CDs. The person in charge left behind almost fainted. It's not that the petitioners have never seen it before, but they have never met such a high-quality petitioner who is so prepared and prepared now!

Can think of. These reporters were the most excited and got the electronic version of the matter directly. With a little modification, you can go online directly, which saves you much trouble!

In today's need to grab news, how important is the manuscript that can be used directly!

11. The third update arrives today. Seeing that it’s the end of the month again, if you have a monthly pass in hand,