
v5 Chapter 1030: Wrangling

After arriving at Boss Zhu, Fan Wuyao met several committee members and standing committee members. It was obvious that everyone was in a state of emergency now.

According to the information provided by Boss Zhu, at about 3 in the afternoon, that is, six hours after the collision, the US Pacific Headquarters issued a brief statement on its website, publicizing the collision. The statement requires the Chinese government to maintain the integrity of the aircraft in accordance with international practices, ensure the safety of the crew, and provide convenience for the aircraft and crew to return to the United States immediately. However, it did not mention a word about the crash and missing of the Chinese aircraft after it was hit.

The US EP-3 reconnaissance aircraft was the most advanced electronic reconnaissance aircraft in the world at the time and the only land-based signal intelligence reconnaissance aircraft of the US Navy. The aircraft was equipped with cutting-edge electronic reconnaissance equipment, including the world’s most advanced automatic voice recognition. system. Now that such an intelligence reconnaissance plane falls into the hands of the Chinese, the US is naturally guilty and impatient.

In response to the unreasonable attitude of the United States, the Chinese side has stated its solemn position. In an official statement, it warned the United States to face the facts squarely, assume responsibility, and apologize to China.

At the same time, he pointed out sharply that the actions of the US reconnaissance plane violated the relevant provisions of international law and Chinese law and constituted an infringement of China's sovereignty and airspace. Whether in accordance with international law or China's domestic law, China has the right to investigate aircraft that broke into China's airspace and landed at Chinese airports without permission.

The Chinese government also strongly urges the US to take seriously the solemn representations and legitimate demands of the Chinese side, and explain to the Chinese government and people as soon as possible the actions of the US plane crashing and destroying the Chinese plane and infringing on China's sovereignty and territorial airspace.

In this way, the eyes of the whole world have once again focused on the two major countries of China and the United States.

"The response of the Americans is basically not bad as you expected." Boss Zhu said to Fan Wuyao, "However, our people have successfully occupied the plane. The news that we have just received is that the crew is now under control. "

"Where are the crew members now?" Fan Wuyao asked.

"Well, it seems to be temporarily locked in the cafeteria, and there is no other place to do it—" a military general next to him replied on his behalf.

"Is it locked together?" Fan Wubing asked.

"Yes." The other party replied immediately.

Fan Wubing immediately suggested, “It’s better to lock up separately to prevent collusion. This will be detrimental to our future collection of evidence. Close up separately, then mentally intimidate, make a transcript, and then Their audiovisual materials are distributed via the Internet to enhance our bargaining chips."

Boss Zhu immediately said, "According to this, Mr. Fan's opinion is very good. We can't think about it in such detail right now. These are loopholes!"

It didn't take long for a more specific report to arrive.

The pilots of the U.S. EP-3 reconnaissance plane had destroyed the flight computer, tactical computer, hard disk drive and other important equipment on the plane before the plane made an emergency landing on Hainan base. Coffee was spilled on disk drives and computers so that the Chinese would not be able to grasp the sensitive information of the EP-3 reconnaissance plane through these devices.

But the Americans are still very nervous at this time, because most anti-tampering experts believe that opponents who are interested in reverse engineering will eventually be able to find a solution.

Anti-tampering is basically a cat and mouse game. Both parties can learn from each other's mistakes. Both software and hardware can use anti-tampering technology. Sometimes the best anti-tampering method is to use both software and hardware at the same time.

Therefore, they repeatedly made representations to the Chinese side, demanding that the US reconnaissance plane be released as soon as possible, and dispatched three aircraft carrier formations at the same time to approach the South China Sea, with the intention of exerting pressure on the Chinese side.

The Chinese side was very angry about this and immediately responded.

An hour later, the US Pentagon nervously discovered that two of the Chinese nuclear submarines parked at the port were missing. Obviously, this is also a manifestation of China's strong dissatisfaction with the US government's stance on the collision incident.

Probably, Bush Jr. had never encountered such a thing before, and he was a little lost in advance and retreat for a while.

The domestic actions were also very rapid, especially after our personnel took control of the US reconnaissance aircraft in time, and sent experts to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the damage to the aircraft. Of course, this assessment contained more content.

For example, in order to ensure the absolute safety of Chinese military bases and the maximum protection of US military property, China has the right to promptly dispose of components that China considers dangerous goods to have hidden safety hazards.

In this way, some of the equipment on the plane that was suspected of being at risk was disassembled and sent to emergency treatment.

The next day, U.S. Ambassador to China Prueher led several diplomats from the U.S. Embassy in China to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for formal negotiations.

Prueher is a military background. Before he became ambassador to China, he was the commander of the US Pacific headquarters and an admiral. He was appointed as ambassador to China by President Clinton the year before, and he is 60 years old this year. He has served in the Navy for 35 years and served as a pilot. He can fly more than 50 different types of naval aircraft and has rich flying experience. Public opinion says that he is calm, capable, pragmatic, and good at prioritizing.

Under normal circumstances, in a diplomatic meeting, you always have to shake hands and exchange a few words before turning to the topic, so that the two sides can exchange views in a relaxed and happy atmosphere. But the situation in this meeting was different. The two parties tacitly knew each other and looked very serious when they met.

As soon as Prueher took his seat, the Chinese side went straight to the subject and told him that after the plane collision incident, China and the United States had already met twice in an emergency. Stern stand.

The Chinese side stated that the US side should take full responsibility for this incident. The actions of the US aircraft violated the relevant provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and undermined the relevant consensus reached between China and the United States in May last year on avoiding dangerous military operations at sea. This incident was entirely caused by the mistake of the US side, and the US side should take full responsibility and apologize.

After the incident, China has always adopted a calm, restrained and responsible attitude to deal with it. It does not want to see the overall situation of Sino-US relations be affected and damaged. From humanitarian considerations, the Chinese side has also properly arranged the US crew members and arranged for the US embassy and consulate personnel to meet with the US crew members.

However, the US has adopted the opposite attitude and practice. Obviously, the US reconnaissance aircraft violated internationally accepted flight rules, crashed into Chinese military aircraft, and illegally broke into China’s airspace and landed at Chinese airports. This constituted a serious violation of China’s sovereignty and territories and threatened China’s national security. Respect the facts, assume responsibility, but put on a domineering posture, arrogant words, confuse right and wrong, and repeatedly accused China of unreasonable accusations. This is a mistake and a mistake.

In the end, China stated that if it wants to release people, the US must apologize first. China attaches great importance to Sino-US relations and hopes to see the plane collision incident properly resolved as soon as possible. If the U.S. admits its mistake and apologizes to China, China can consider arranging the U.S. crew to leave China as soon as possible. The US must fully understand the seriousness of the plane collision incident and refrain from doing anything that may escalate and complicate the situation. The Chinese side does not want to see the situation escalating, but if the US side insists on escalating the situation, the Chinese side will accompany it to the end. The U.S. should immediately stop its reconnaissance activities along the coast of China, take seriously the many representations made by the Chinese side, take seriously the solemn demands of the Chinese people, properly handle the matter in a responsible manner, and take effective measures to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

After listening carefully to the Chinese representative, Prueher said with a serious expression that President Bush and Secretary of State Powell also hope that this issue can be properly resolved as soon as possible, so as not to damage US-China relations. He also defended that the accident occurred in international airspace. Although the U.S. plane did enter Chinese airspace later, it did send a distress signal to the Chinese side before landing and requested to land. He even said that based on his many years of flying experience, it is difficult to agree with China's statement on the cause of the collision, and he cannot bear responsibility and apologize to China at present.

He also stated that the US urgently hopes that China will allow US personnel to visit the US crew again, and demand that China release the detained US crew as soon as possible and hand over the US aircraft to the US as soon as possible.

The Chinese side severely criticized Prueher’s defense. The UU Reading www.uukānshu.com incident was not a technical problem in essence, but a serious political and diplomatic problem between China and the United States, which led to the solution of this problem. Purely technical arguments are wrong. The crew of the US plane that caused the accident are military personnel who entered China illegally. According to international law and Chinese law, China has every right to investigate them.

Two years ago, the United States bombed the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, and this time crashed and destroyed a Chinese military plane. Over the years, the United States has continuously sent aircraft to the coast of China to conduct military reconnaissance activities, while China has never sent any aircraft to the west or east coast of the United States for reconnaissance.

The Chinese representative said to Prueher with a special emphasis that our attitude towards the above-mentioned actions of the United States is one of opposition and the other is not afraid. Facts over the years have proved that the more pressure the US puts on, the more it will arouse the indignation of the Chinese people. The Chinese representative asked Prueher to truthfully report the above-mentioned negotiations and what he had learned in China to Washington, and hoped that he would play a constructive role in resolving this issue.

The U.S. Ambassador to China Prueher saw that the matter could not be handled easily. He wanted to come to the White House without showing up. If Bush Jr. did not make a statement, it would not be possible to finish the matter. He could only act as a megaphone here. , It is impossible to play a decisive role, so he said that he will report the Chinese request to the US government as it is, so that the White House can make a correct judgment.