
v5 Chapter 1033: Everyone is sick

Just know that Fan Yaobing just simply said, sentence. "The difference between Jian Qian and Qian Qian. I decided to adjourn the meeting temporarily. At least everyone can fill up their stomachs first. Then consider these troublesome problems."

Both parties in the talks felt a little stunned. As a mediator recognized by both China and the United States, how could they act like this? Naturally, the Chinese side does not have to worry about what Fan Wuyao will do that will harm China’s interests, and the Americans also consider that Fan Wuyao has a very large foundation in the United States, and do not think that he will not consider the interests there. , So I thought of letting Fan Wubing act as a mediator of communication.

But Fan Wuyi opened his mouth. He proposed to adjourn the meeting, which made the Americans feel very unhappy.

After all, it is the Americans who are most anxious now. Their people and planes are in China. They are worried about the emotional problems of the domestic people and that the technical materials and equipment on the planes will be deciphered by the Chinese. Naturally, they are very anxious at this time. It is hoped that people and planes will return to the United States as soon as possible.

In fact, the damage to the Quad-3 reconnaissance plane is not serious. After simple maintenance, it can completely fly back to the United States. Therefore, the Americans have repeatedly emphasized that the crew of the Quad-3 reconnaissance plane should fly the plane back safely.

Therefore, after both parties agreed to adjourn the meeting, the US representative immediately communicated privately with Fan Wuyin and asked him why he did not communicate actively, but instead chose to adjourn the meeting irresponsibly.

"This is because you don't understand China's national conditions." Fan Wubing criticized Prueher's representative very directly, and then warned him, "In the case of the Sino-US plane collision, you Americans are at the guilty of failing. Apology. It is obviously impossible not to apologize deeply. Anyway, people and planes are in China now. As long as President Bush calms down, let alone go home before Easter, Christmas is here in China. It’s not uncommon

"Why? Regarding the loss, we can reach a private compensation agreement 1. The US representative said that he could not understand it.

"Compensation is a fart!" Fan Wubing had to wake them up, "How much can you lose? Did you say that I gave you 200 million, and you promised me to knock the Pentagon too?!"

The U.S. representative was speechless immediately, saying that this metaphor was really inappropriate, and felt a little disapproving about it. Even if we agreed with you to hit the Pentagon, you would not be able to enter the air defense system of the United States.

"Face! This is a matter of face!" Fan Wuyao pointed out very deeply, "China is not a small country like Southeast Asia. It can be at the mercy of the Americans. China has a nuclear bomb and a long-range launch vehicle! The goods are shipped to the United States in any form in the shortest time. Do you understand? Therefore, the Chinese will not buy the American account. The Chinese need the Americans to apologize publicly and admit their mistakes!"

Then Fan Wubing said again. "From the attitudes of the White House and the Pentagon, it is far from China's requirements. Therefore, we are here to talk and talk. It has no meaning other than the salary paid by the governments of both sides. Therefore, I propose to adjourn the meeting, everyone. Let’s discuss with the respective governments and make a more constructive suggestion!"

After listening to Fan Wuyi’s words, the US representative felt a little awakened. If this were the case, the White House’s attitude was obviously wrong, but I don’t know whether the US Ambassador to China Prueher agreed with this view. It is indeed necessary to immediately convey the Chinese attitude to the United States so that the White House can make a more pragmatic decision.

As a result, everyone broke up and went home.

After Fan Wubing returned home, it was time to have dinner. Shen Ying was talking to her mother Zhang Mei at home. The TV news in front of the two people was broadcasting Phoenix Channel’s report on the collision between China and the United States. Expert opinion, a group of experts sat around and talked about it, looking messy.

Seeing Fan Wuyi come back. Shen Ying asked, "How's the talk about this matter?"

"Oh, nothing." Fan Wuyao replied, "At present, there is no agreement at all. I let them go home to wash and sleep. After the White House and the Pentagon have a more pragmatic and pragmatic attitude, the two sides will restart. negotiation.

"Why can't we agree. Focus on compensation?" Mom Zhang Mei asked.

Fan Wubing replied, "No, it is mainly because the American cowboy president does not want to apologize, and the prerequisite for China is that the Americans must apologize openly and sincerely in person, and they cannot agree.

"The cowboy president of the United States, looking silly, remember that there was a picture of him holding raw Texas corn and gnawing wildly on the Internet," Shen Ying said.

Fan Wubing said with a smile. "This is also normal. In fact, many people who are leaders have problems."

"How do you say this?" Shen Ying asked.

"The reason why a great man is a great man is always different from ordinary people. Someone once came to a conclusion from a medical point of view.

In addition to the affliction and pain, different symptoms of **** can also occur under excessive pressure. Some like fire, some rely on alcohol anesthesia, and some are overwhelmed with sexual demands. Sometimes these symptoms cross over in the same person. Fan Wubing said to Shen Ying, "For example, US President Washington has always been described as a kind and amiable fellow. But his temper is very violent. His dedicated painter wrote in his memoirs that if he were born in the forest, I think he would become the fiercest person in the cruel tribe. When serving as the commander-in-chief of the Sixth Army, once a few drunk soldiers were drunk in the headquarters, and Washington rushed out with punches and kicks. After becoming president, Washington’s hot temper remained unchanged, and his cursing skills were quite good. His secretary said that the most terrifying experience in his life was hearing Washington cursing. "

In fact, the bad temper of British Churchill also caused his assistants to complain, saying that his performance was worse than that of the tyrant. Churchill himself admitted that he said he had heard of any one in Britain. The words used by critics to express disdain or criticism are nothing compared to the language he used to use.

And his rudeness actually spread to a parrot he raised, and under the influence of Churchill, this parrot made a series of swear words. After Churchill's death, the parrot was adopted by a pet shop owner. It turned out to be swearing at the children who patronized the pet shop, and the pet shop owner had to take it home to raise it.

There is another category of alcoholics. For example, Yeltsin, when Yeltsin visited the United States, ended up drunk in the hotel where he stayed. Then he stood in the street outside the building in shorts and stopped a taxi to buy pizza. the next day. Yeltsin was drunk again. This time he ran to the basement of the hotel where he was staying, and everyone couldn't find him. In Germany, Yeltsin also made jokes because of drunkenness. At that time, he wandered to the front of a military band conductor on the scene, grabbed the baton and directed it himself.

There is also a type of Yuan who provokes flowers and grass. When power is not matched by beautiful women, they always feel regretful.

For example, among the successive presidents of the United States, as many as sixteen people have been exposed to **** scandals. As the founding feat of the United States, Washington is also out of nickname. He had an extramarital affair with his friend's wife for eleven years. After all, his title of "Potomac's Stallion" was not for nothing.

US President Harding also had an extramarital affair with his friend's wife for 15 years. After he was elected president, Harding liked to have affair in the White House and was almost caught and raped by his wife on the spot. What's more outrageous is that the police raided the hotel where Harding had a tryst with his mistress, and he escaped by putting on his mistress's coat and pretending to be a woman.

However, the combined performance of all US presidents is no more than one Kennedy.

At that time, there was a book about Kennedy who classified his mistresses, including movie stars, socialites, call girls, strippers, stewardesses, beauty pageants, White House staff, secretaries, campaign assistants, and friends’ wives. Up, there is a plus


Some historians describe Kennedy's sexual life in the White House. Even use the word lewdness to describe it.

Kenneth was a master on the golf course. Later, in order to conceal the president's lustful nature, White House spokespersons always said. "No, no, the president is going to play golf."

Of course, there are many leaders who are really sick.

The assassination in 1981 ~lightnovelpub.net~ left US President Reagan with serious sequelae, often forgetting the names of his assistants and relatives. The following year, when he was meeting with a general in Brazil, he even proposed a toast to the people of Bolivia. Another year later, people found him asleep frequently at small cabinet meetings. And these things were born in his first term.

Physical conditions like Reagan are everywhere in politics, and some are even worse than him.

Despite all illnesses. Yuans still hope to stay on the political arena until they die, but the people don't think so. After all, the exercise of power requires them to continue to concentrate and have a stable and lasting health.

However, there is a basic fact in Chinese and foreign political circles, that is, the politics of the elderly. Most leaders have reached high positions because of their age. When people get old, their body organs begin to weaken, and various diseases begin to appear. What should I do? That can only be used to plug the people's mouth with fraud.

"Louis XV said long ago that if you don’t hide it, you won’t be in power. Therefore, myocardial infarction is beautified as a digestive disorder, and malignant tumors are packaged into various painless and itchy diseases, such as colds and chronic trachea. Yan et al." Fan Wubing said to Shen Ying, "Guoyuan Yuan appeared in front of the public for a few minutes, and I don’t know how many doctors are in a hurry behind them, because they are not ordinary patients. They are a group of people who have a great responsibility to the people of the country. Patient."