
v5 Chapter 1037: New changes on the Standing Committee

Er Fei said that Fan Zhi’s illness was placed on the right and the other poisoned the company’s six to obtain evidence. So Huan-mou ran to the master and chatted casually about government procurement.

"Centralized procurement is a good thing. All units used to purchase at will. The problem of ** is more serious. Now the government procurement approval is adopted to control the scale. Large amounts of procurement must be publicly expanded. The problem is solved at once. ." Fan Xin Channuo

Fan Wubing immediately looked at his father Fanshou with the kind of eyes that Fang saw and aliens, and then said a little bit more cheerfully, "Master, you have been working with the State Council for a few years. Is it rigid?"

"How to say it. Is there anything wrong" Lao Xin asked rhetorically, unclearly.

"It's more than wrong, it's simply wrong." Lao Kang disease replied unceremoniously.

"Oh?" Fan Hyung was stunned.

"This is your approach. In fact, the county has centralized the separate office procurements." Fan Wuyi pointed out the major loopholes in this humble face.

In fact, this kind of major loophole is the result of the inadequacy of the Jiayuanqian system, and it seems that it is more fair and open than centralized government procurement. Generally speaking, it has the most prone to breeding special economic zone. Things that seem impossible will be extremely relaxed.

On the surface. The black-box operation seems to be a phenomenon that deviates from the formal system and formal procedures, but in fact, the widespread existence of this phenomenon has its deep and permanent foundation. The basic institutional foundation is precisely the formal system and the righteous process it wants to deviate from. It has always been said that the formal system itself has become a prerequisite and condition for black-box operation.

"We who are engaged in business will often use such a term-operation. The real meaning of the operation is to make things that cannot be done, or things that may or may not be done, be done in the end. Su Xinchanmei, Fan Kang’s disease rod, “Of course, the operation process will require costs, but as long as the operation can be successful, the author will get a large amount of operating costs, and the operating costs will be held as the power of the treacherous man. Hit gains. All kinds of ** phenomena are ever-changing, but the basic laws and logic are just like that."

"Do you mean that today's Zhengsu set towel procurement is actually a dry platform for Zhengfang to breed Dan and defeat?" Fan Hu asked rhetorically

Fan Wubing nodded and replied. "The obvious lack is the same thing as the county's Yingying. In real life, the phenomenon of black-box operation and the people who perform the black-box operation are often the direct targets of criticism, but in fact, the space for the black-box operation is full of formal institutions. Reserve it. Because there is no space reserved for this worship, there is no room for black box operation.

For example, the jun Zuohui, the world's air enemy, said Cheng Jin requested above does not have the same procedures and rules as today’s Caojiang, and if you don’t encounter this journey and Zheng, Gang, you don’t need to play.

"The exact situation is. The procedures or rules encountered in the operation are either too large or extremely flexible. Therefore, successful work means crossing the gap and distorting the rules. However, the essence of the problem is. While doing it, why can this procedure or regulation be traversed and distorted?" Fan Wuyao told Fan Heng that in most of the existing domestic policies and regulations, it only proposes general and vague goals for Shimu. The period of oral bidding only put forward quite principled requirements, such as how to work on the original alchemy, consideration of actual conditions, and appropriate measures. These are the typical characteristics of the coarse system operation

At the implementation level, the degree of program and state service is very high, and the executor has a large random disposal space. This is the basis of operation, and it also has the basic elements for the formation of **. "

After Fan Heng listened to this, he took a notebook and wrote it down, and then said to Fan Wubing, "Your statement is more innovative and sharp. I should write it down and write it in the special promotion. **A self-contained sparse account

Of course, this is not only the case, the more important twin, the gray system space protected by Qian Lihan and even expanded by the dark box, to a certain extent, has become a kind of conscious visual perception bottle.

In this new trend of researching on the affair, Ren Lie, only rented from profit to set up rent in the afternoon.

The so-called renting. It is to use the power at hand to set up checkpoints and obstacles for the power's service targets, and to accept or indirectly force them to pay tolls for legitimate rights and benefits from relevant personnel and organizations.

And this rent-setting process. Many of them have been realized by extending the gray space of the hanging figurines.

On the contrary, measures that can fundamentally reduce the gray space and eliminate black-box operations, such as the proceduralization and openness of the exercise of power, remain stagnant in reforms. There is even such a possibility. Special Leeds groups have sensitized Shangmo's possible reform measures to resist similar reforms in order to protect the gray space of the expanded system and the system conditions required for its dark-box operation.

For example, in the reform of state-owned enterprises, they have to work hard to promote the sale of state-owned assets, but they are not grateful for the standardization of the procedures for the sale of state-owned assets, which hints at the impossibility of Zheng Laohua. What's more, the process of selling state-owned assets is mystified and kept secret.

"In fact, the fundamental basis for box operation and survival is the mystical power model. In our real life, general public affairs and general economic and social life data. Often become the secret bone government organs that the general public does not know about. Places that can be entered and left freely have become heavily guarded military sites, which is a normal phenomenon. During the Cultural Revolution, when the mystery of power reached its peak, social life relied on dozens or hundreds of central documents each year. , And this article is all secrets that are only allowed to be communicated to a certain level." Fan Wubing simply opened up Zen talk, spitting out quickly, "In the process of more than 20 years of reform, the degree of mystification of power has changed. However, the basic power model has not undergone a fundamental change. Under such a power model, the black-box operation of power is almost inevitable. Although the operation of power has various internal Zheng, Gang and procedures, government activities are highly mysterious. Transformation will inevitably make the factors that inhibit the dark box operation of power lose the tip of enough power.

Fan Wubing and Fan Heng were in the room to discuss the root causes of sexual abuse and obscure operations. Song Qing came in and sat for a while. Hearing that they had a very good conversation, they poured a cup of tea for them, and then sat down. Keep listening

"Then what do you think is how to solve the problem of arrogance and black-box operation, and put an end to the root cause? Fan Zi has written a lot of things in this second code. In fact, his typing is sloppy, but Ya is the most advanced leader. One is to memorize things in a small book. It is a tradition, it seems that if you don't do this, you can't reflect your own uniqueness.

It's like saying that when the standing committee members are in a meeting, everyone will not always use a laptop to go to the meeting. While listening to the standing committee members, they will record the things they are interested in using the notebook computer, although there are also reporters. I keep a record at the first prize, but what about my brother's opinion, everyone always has to write two small pens in their own notebooks.

"It's very simple, it is to promote the openness of government affairs." Yi Chi Yun Bing replied. In fact, this is very common in Darfur. As long as you put forward what you want to do, you will immediately see all the processes and see at a glance. "

Fan Hu nodded. In fact, the highest level is also considering the issue of system anti-gills, but he has not made up his mind for a while.

It is conceivable that the disclosure of government affairs information will fundamentally reduce the scope of black-box operations.

"In fact, we can use several local governments as pilots to vigorously promote the reform of the open and transparent operation of administrative power, clean up administrative power projects in accordance with the law, and disclose the government operation process." Fan Wuyi reminded, "By clearing up the power, even publishing the power of the currency leader, Opening up the operation of government affairs will greatly reduce the breeding ground for **. It is necessary to know that the sun is the natural enemy of ** and the nemesis of openness. Whether it is from the perspective and consideration of preventing ** from the source, or from improving Regarding the construction of governance capacity, we should explore the open and transparent operating mechanism of power, and further increase the intensity of power publicity. Otherwise, after ten years, power will become out of control. Even if it can be managed, it will cost a lot. Begging hard, pay a very high price."

Looking at Shinhiro, who was using a small notebook to record, he remembered that Youji thought, "Well, if you want to make some changes. You might as well start with the meeting minutes. When the next regular meeting is held, you can directly Bring the laptop over.

"Huh?" Fan Heng was taken aback for a moment. Then he looked at Boba and said after thinking about it. "It sounds good."

In fact, the immutable lifeless concubine has long made Jishou feel a little tired, and this opinion from Fan Wubing fits his mind.

The meeting of the Standing Committee in the afternoon happened to discuss the follow-up processing of the collision incident.

After the 24 crew members of the US four reconnaissance plane left Hainan on April 12 and returned to the United States, what urgently needed to be dealt with was the remaining damaged reconnaissance plane.

Since the collision incident on April 1, one of the four reconnaissance planes of the US military has been parked at the airport on China’s Hainan Island. This crash-causing aircraft is the most advanced electronic reconnaissance aircraft in the world today. The United States currently has only ten aircraft, which are located in Spain, Guam, and Florida on the mainland.

The aircraft is equipped with cutting-edge electronic reconnaissance equipment. It is the only 6-base signal intelligence reconnaissance aircraft in the United States in Haiping, with a value of more than 80 million U.S. dollars. Because the price of the aircraft was not good enough and it could contain important military intelligence, so shortly after the crew of the U.S. Army’s 41st Flocculent Flocculent returned home safely on April 12, the United States eagerly wanted to return the spy aircraft.

"Come as you want, leave as you want. Where is so easy? What place do you regard China as a good place?" A standing committee member grunted unceremoniously and expressed his opinion.

In fact, when Zhongwei was afraid of passing the Guan Yuelanqiyue, the number of aircraft heads will be used to comfort and aid Vietnam, it was at that time that the Americans used the old high-profile reconnaissance aircraft to help Taiwan invade the airspace of Da 6 to obtain intelligence information. when. We still defeated it with 6-base missiles, and there were more than one.

Now he is unwilling to go to war. But it’s because everyone’s main tone is to develop the economy. With money and food, you can handle everything by then, but you don’t have to worry about not having the strength to fight the Americans anymore. As for now, it’s still a low-key man. good.

However, bullying is obviously unacceptable. Regarding the handling of the Meiping-Yue reconnaissance aircraft, everyone still has to come up with a plan that is more called bamboo and can be compassionate to the Americans, forcing them to accept it. Conditions, dingy liquid went back to the United States to encircle.

But when dealing with the issue of the US military aircraft. The main post of the US delegation is led by the US military. The main members of the delegation are composed of officers from the Pentagon of the U.S. Department of Defense and the headquarters of the United States and Pacific Ocean. The U.S. State Department only sent two officials to participate.

These people have never dealt with the Chinese before, and when they came over, they were shocked in a pretentious posture. This is also their usual attitude when dealing with other countries. In addition, some people in the delegation falsely stated that US planes had made forced landings in other countries before. Other countries have returned the aircraft to the United States smoothly. Not only that, they have to fill up the U.S. aircraft.

"Boss Zhu, who is a **** dream of Spring and Autumn, suddenly furious." They thought it was the last year of Jiang? ! "

"Comrade Fan Heng has any comments~lightnovelpub.net~ I have been inquiring about the Internet for a long time.

Fan Heng nodded, lowered his head, and then flipped it through. He took out a notebook computer from the briefcase, opened it skillfully, placed it on the desktop, and then silked out some of the notebooks that Fan Yunbing helped him organize. Data, and then coughed, and said to the concubines, a little immature opinion, for your reference

Then he realized that everyone had become a child, so he asked strangely, "What's wrong?"

"You brought your laptop, a concubine Chang pointed to Fanzi's laptop and said.

"Yes, today's materials are all in it, and time is in a hurry, so I brought them directly." Fan Heng replied calmly.

After the number one watched it, he said with a little interest, "Using a computer for office work, that's good." Comrade Fan Heng, is there any problem in letting Mr. Fan give us a batch of office work this year? "

Fan Heng smiled, thinking that this is considered as agreeing to use a personal computer on the Standing Committee, Qianye replied, "No problem. But I think he will feel distressed. This guy is just a little money fan." Please. Dang 6 Yikou site Bacui Shixiang, Mie Ke, yes, Yi Gu Zhi version net shock!