
v5 Chapter 1039: No president is simple

"What, they actually made such a rude request?!" The roar of the cowboy president could be heard throughout the White House. Then there was the sound of falling cups, which lasted for at least five minutes.

It's a sadomaniac again! The passing White House interns couldn't help but exchange their eyes with each other, deeply cherishing the memory of those hapless innocent coffee cups.

The big figures who can live in the White House are basically a bit quirky, which has made everyone accustomed to it. At least this President Bush seems to have a good tutor. Since moving into the White House, he has not come to harass female interns, and the training is relatively tight. .

Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld looked at the furious Bush Jr. reluctantly, and said to him, "Now we are at a disadvantage. The longer the EP-3 reconnaissance plane stays in mainland China, the greater the pressure it will put on us. Arms dealers Pressure is already underway, and we must resolve this matter as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences will be extremely serious."

After snarling for a while, Bush Jr. sat down with a frown, and said with some complaints, "In a word from the Chinese, this is really a person under the eaves, and I have to bow my head!"

Say something objectively. This cowboy president is not as idiot as described by the media. Any president who stays in the White House will not be simple.

Bush Jr. was born in Connecticut in 1946, moved to Texas at an early age, and grew up in Midland and Houston, Texas. His grandfather was a wealthy banker on Wall Street and was a Republican senator. His father is George Bush, the fifty-first president of the United States.

He himself received a bachelor's degree in history from Yale University in 1968. Five years after graduating from college, he served as a fighter pilot in the Texas National Guard Air Force. He obtained a master's degree in business administration from Harvard University in 1975, and nine years later. In the middle, Bush Jr. ran a company engaged in oil extraction in Texas. For the next five years, he was also the main partner of the Texas Shepherds baseball team.

After serving as the governor of Texas for six years, he became the 54th President of the United States and the second president to enter the White House in his father's footsteps after Adams, the sixth President of the United States.

The national conditions of the United States and Japan are different. If they do not have certain strength, voters cannot let them enter the White House. Therefore, the seemingly silly Bush Jr. should actually be said to belong to the inside show. figure.

In fact, he is a nice person, but he didn't catch up with good luck.

Americans are no different from the citizens of any country. The two things they care about most are security and wealth. Both are indispensable. Americans don't like Bush Jr. because everyone has less wealth.

Bush Jr. is a sincere person. He and Gore were in the primary election for president. Had a live debate. Gore was a lawyer from Harvard. He deliberately used extremely complicated grammar and clause sets during the debate.

Although George W. Bush went to a prestigious Yale university, his average grade was C, so he sometimes couldn't understand what Gore was saying, so he asked, can you say it again? Gore said the same thing again with a simple syntax, and Bush Jr. realized it at this time and then answered.

Gore wanted people to know, look, he was stupid than me.

However, it was unexpected that the Americans chose Bush as a sincere fool.

In addition, Bush Jr. had a simple feeling. Later, when China hosted the Olympics, American public opinion did not approve of his visit to the Olympics. He explained that the Chinese people run the Olympics differently from us. We are just for fun. The Chinese regard this as a national honor. If I don't go, they will be sad.

In fact, although everyone has a lot of dissatisfaction with Bush Jr., they cannot fail to admit that in the history of Sino-US relations, Bush’s eight years in power should be regarded as the best period. Undoubtedly, he is one of the most friendly American presidents to China.

But history is always unfair sometimes. Public opinion leads to prejudice, and prejudice leads to more prejudice.

Nixon ended the Vietnam War and started Sino-US diplomacy. He did a lot of good things, but the Americans just didn't like Nixon and preferred Kennedy. Kennedy was a hundred times more romantic than Clinton. However, the unfortunate Clinton was unforgivable.

Soon, the Chinese side received a request from the U.S. ambassador to China Prueher, stating that the White House has basically agreed to the request to split the EP-3 reconnaissance aircraft, and expressed its willingness to lease the Russian An-124 long-range heavy transport aircraft. The wreckage was transported back home.

The news spread quickly, and many Americans expressed opposition to it, thinking it was a shame.

The next morning, the U.S. Department of Defense held two press conferences in succession. It first announced that Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld’s Special Assistant to Policy Affairs Williams would issue a memorandum threatening to decide to “suspend military cooperation” with China, but then it changed quickly. Up the caliber.

After consultations between the two parties, five days later, the spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced. China accepted the US proposal to allow the US to disassemble the EP-3 and ship it back to the US.

On the same day, US Vice President Cheney also said that the EP-3 reconnaissance aircraft is likely to be disassembled and shipped back to the United States. The United States should not regard the EP-3 being dismantled and shipped back to China as a shame.

But the next day, the US Embassy in China issued a message denying the aforementioned speech by the spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and denying that China and the United States had reached an agreement on the return method of the EP-3 aircraft.

The inconsistent news over and over made the media dizzy, and it also showed that the two sides still have differences on some specific issues at this time.

Another week later, in mid-May, the spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs finally announced that China and the United States had reached an agreement on the specific technical arrangements for dismantling and transporting the damaged US EP-3 reconnaissance plane.

U.S. Pentagon officials also stated on the same day that the U.S. plans to disassemble the EP-3 reconnaissance aircraft into four parts: the fuselage, tail and two wings, and then lease an An-124 long-range heavy transport aircraft from a Russian airline to complete the return of the EP-3. The mission of the reconnaissance aircraft.

In fact, for now, apart from the An-124 long-range heavy transport aircraft, there is no aircraft that can transport the US EP-3 reconnaissance aircraft back. After all, the An-124 long-range heavy transport aircraft has a wingspan of 73 meters. The captain is about 70 meters in length, and the maximum carrying capacity can reach 120 tons. It is a giant among all commercial aircraft in the world. Apart from it, no aircraft can do this.

Fan Wubing needs to understand the current development situation. I also need to help my dad sort out some information and suggestions on the system’s anti-corruption, but I was very busy. This time, he rented a Russian An-124 long-range heavy transport aircraft to transport the EP-3 reconnaissance aircraft. He also directly talked with President Putin. The matter was agreed.

When discussing this matter with Shen Ying, Fan Wubing said, “Someone said that the most precious thing in human history for thousands of years is not the dazzling technology, the classic works of the vast masters, and the politicians. Our speeches are in a mess. Instead, they have realized the taming of the rulers and the dream of keeping them in cages in a way of being violent. Because only by taming them and locking them up, will they not harm people, I am now Just stand in the cage and speak to you."

"Who said this at the time, it sounds very real!" Shen Ying couldn't help but said with some interest after listening, "Absolute power leads to absolute corruption, and a ruler with absolute power is indeed as terrifying as a scourge. It’s very vivid to say that they are used as a cage to restrain them."

"This is what President Bush said--" Fan Wuyao replied.

"It can't be seen." Shen Ying was very surprised.

"Hehe, there are so many things that cannot be seen. Many things are not as simple as they seem on the surface, and many people are not as simple as they are on the surface. This world is an interlaced system constructed from countless levels. , Every small change will lead to immeasurable consequences." Fan Wubing said.

Shen Ying nodded, and then asked, "I heard from Uncle, there are many good things on this EP-3 reconnaissance plane?"

"There are indeed many good things. After all, the entire U.S. military has only ten EP-3 reconnaissance aircraft. Regardless of the value of the aircraft itself, the most important thing is the onboard equipment and systems. These are the most important. , And some intelligence and data obtained by the US military through the EP-3 reconnaissance aircraft are also very important. Once these systems are cracked, it will be of great significance to our military ~lightnovelpub.net~ Fan Wubing replied.

In fact, since Fan Wuyao revealed the true value of this EP-3 reconnaissance aircraft, the military and the General Armament Department have mobilized a large number of technical experts to crack it, especially if it has been hit by a US military crew with a hammer. , An emergency recovery was carried out with important parts splashed with coffee, and some major discoveries have been made.

However, according to Minister Zhang, research on some key issues has not made breakthrough progress. These Americans have done a very good job of keeping secrets. So many researchers and technical experts are working overtime day and night. It is to try to crack the important content before the US military picks up the aircraft, so as to obtain the core technical information that oneself cares about.

"It would be better if we could delay the time a little longer," Shen Ying said to Fan Wuyao.

"It's not a problem--" Fan Wuyao said in deep thought.

In fact, this is very easy to do. For example, let Putin know the price, or perform a comprehensive overhaul of the An-124 long-range heavy transport aircraft, and then two unexpected episodes or something will be enough. Delayed time for another week or two.

After such a long time, something should always be researched out, right?