
v5 Chapter 1054: Private server problem

Answer: Games are the industry that suffers the most from piracy! , Due to the lack of cooperation between Xiaoding, Lang, and the agency, and the leak of the source code by ghosts, private servers have been repeatedly banned and become the biggest cancer in the online game industry.

Some online games that are popular nowadays are plagued by private servers and are harmed by private servers. Some online games have even suffered devastating blows. How to effectively control and crack down on private servers has become a common concern in the industry.

For the handling of private servers, there has not yet been a series of effective methods in China. After all, this is a new thing that everyone hates, but they are helpless and can't find a good solution.

However, some large-scale online game operators have been in practice, and gradually formed some methods, such as setting up special departments to cooperate with the public security department to focus on fighting, and achieved certain results. In addition, they paid attention to facing private services while cracking down. The competition, through various means to compete for players.

In essence, the reason why the private server is more than banned is that it provides a fast-food game experience, such as the explosion of upgrades, the greatly increased output rate of game coins and precious game items, etc., although players feel that in a short time Very cool, but will soon lose the pursuit and fun of the game.

Fan Wubing always thinks. The only means to crack down on private servers and punish private server producers with legal means is to treat the symptoms. Through reasonable research and planning, the playability of the game can be continuously improved, and the cohesion of the players can be continuously improved through operating methods that truly benefit from the players. And the sense of belonging is to cure the root cause.

Private servers are mostly provided for website workers. Many private servers work at home. Many common reasons for creating private servers are that an online game server that some people often play suddenly shuts down. Because there is no introduction in China, "many players Time ran out of places to play. So some people thought of creating their own server for players who like this game to play together.

Of course, it is not easy to create a private server. The first thing is to find a server. Based on the consideration of increasing users, many website workers will promise to provide them for free server use. After that, a website was built, a forum was opened, and a test was conducted. In about a week, the game private server was basically created and officially released.

The biggest advantage of the private server over the official server is that it does not need to spend money. If the player does not spend money, the website and creator will naturally have no income. Don't talk about spending money by yourself. I still have to spend 24 hours at home to maintain the system. I often get up in the middle of the night to see if the server has any passenger planes or disconnections. Sometimes there is a little malfunction. I was often scolded by players, and I could only explain the reasons to them one by one on the Internet.

There are actually two types of private servers. Free and paid, most of which are free private servers, usually built by players and some websites, because there is no capital investment, so there is no charge. The private servers that charge fees are mostly created by players called crazy. They may spend thousands of dollars on renting other people's servers, or even spend tens of thousands of dollars on servers. Because of the large investment, they charge players.

And the news from South Korea in the recent period can be felt that online game private servers have been increasingly advocated in South Korea, and many online games are affected by private servers to varying degrees, which makes the developers of these games a headache.

Regarding the current private server crisis in South Korea, the relevant person in the South Korean industry said that since the impact of private servers on the market is not serious, he is not worried about the decline in the use of official servers due to the use of private servers by players, which is the root cause of headaches. The reason is, how do you get the game server program or source code necessary to set up a private server?

Since it is still not known how the creator of the private server can obtain the game server program or source code, it is difficult to prevent it for the time being. And the game source code circulated through these channels. If it is acquired by another game company, it is easy to create a similar new game, and the company that spends a lot of money on research will face strong competition and suffer huge losses as a result.

In a word, the leak of game source code is a fatal blow to a research company.

For the reasons mentioned above, the Korean industry has also adopted a strong attitude towards private servers.

Even so, private servers are still on display frantically. At present, several well-known online games in the country have recently discovered that their private servers not only exist in China, but also appear in South Korea.

Generally, private servers set up to obtain server-side programs have the problem of older versions. However, the current situation is different recently. Its private server is only one version lower than the official server version in China. Therefore, technical personnel analyze that it is very likely that the creator of the private server will obtain the original code of the game.

At the same time as the emergence of private servers in South Korea, the share of Internet cafes related to online games has also experienced a sharp decline. In the face of this situation, people have to think that it is because of private servers that this decline is caused.

Due to the source code leakage factor, the shadow of the private server not only covers China, Han Yin, but also the world, and even more terrifying than the private server is the leak, because if there is no two: the game server required by the second server If the program or source code is leaked, it is impossible for the private server to exist at all. Such a security problem that is more terrible than the private server appears in the eyes of online game operators.

"The foundation of the private server's existence is the fast leveling. The process is often completed within a few months of the official online game Chinese medicine, and it is completed within a few days in the private server. However, there is also a problem in this way, because the upgrade rate is too fast, so the players are very Lose interest soon, and once players lose interest, they may not dare to be interested in genuine online games, which has caused the erosion of the interests of genuine online games. Of course, those private servers that charge fees are clearly robbing It’s money.” Fan Wubing said to Shen Ying, “The main reason why I have always emphasized the launch of online games with independent intellectual property rights is to eliminate the problem of private servers. Only the source code in my hands will not cause problems. All agent online games will face the trouble of private server because of the problem of prescribing."

"Korean people have bad character. All online games that represent South Korea. Basically, it has been exposed that the source code of the game has been leaked. This has caused a great blow to the company that represents the game, and it is inescapable of the proliferation of domestic private servers. Responsibility.

Shen Ying very much agrees with Fan Wubing's statement, "But our own online game will not be launched until the end of the year. I am very worried that the current state can be maintained until the end of the year?"

Fan’s company and Shen Ying’s company have been cooperating on online games with independent intellectual property rights. Although they have different projects, they have similarities in some aspects. Therefore, players on both sides can basically Quickly start playing the opponent's game, this can be regarded as a kind of resource sharing.

It’s just that the current situation is that Fan’s investment group’s online game business is relatively low-key, while Shen Ying’s online game company is relatively high-profile. In fact, there is not much difference in scale and number of users. If many netizens are conquered by software, Fan Investment Group has played a bigger game.

"I heard that the online game industry is likely to limit game time due to regulatory reasons in order to prevent addiction. The same game account can only be played for a certain amount of time each day. I wonder if this regulation is officially implemented?" Shen Ying Suddenly, Fan Wubing asked a very crucial question.

Fan Wuyi had heard of this proposal. It seems that officials from the cultural industry are doing research to determine whether this program can be implemented. After all, the number of domestic online visitors is relatively small. No labor went to the Ministry to formulate a special bill.

The domestic attitude towards some new things is often to try it first, and then correct the current problem. As long as there is no clear fault, it will generally be given a certain amount of time and space for exhibition, and the online game industry will naturally be no exception.

Therefore, Fan Wubing said that although he has heard of it, it is estimated that it will be difficult to implement it. I am afraid it will be difficult to introduce such a policy in a short period of time. Especially now that the Internet market is down, an industry is needed to promote the domestic Internet business. Development ~lightnovelpub.net~ in order to stimulate the domestic Internet construction and the number of users. Under such circumstances, too strict policies are obviously undesirable.

"It turns out that there are still such considerations, Shen Ying has realized after listening to it.

Fan Wubing explained to Shen Duan again, "In fact, if the online game account is limited in time, it will not have a big impact on the players. At most, it can be a compromise. For example, the cross-day game is online at 7 o'clock in the evening. After playing for five hours, it is zero o’clock the next day, and playing for five more hours. This is equivalent to ten hours of playing. Secondly, you can also use the number change method, which means that players apply for multiple accounts, and monitor them in the anti-addiction system. Next, the time for this account is up, you can change to another account. There is also the shared account method, that is, several players share accounts with each other, and a few others are to change the game method, that is, use the same account to play different The game used to play a game for ten hours, but now it has been transformed into three games, each for three hours. There are many solutions. The so-called anti-addiction policy can only be limited, but it is not effective at all. Playing with a few trumpets has bypassed this policy. Therefore, I think it is meaningless if this policy is not launched."

Shen Ying nodded, thinking that this is indeed the case, unless your online game company only runs the server for a few hours a day and consciously shuts it down when the time comes, otherwise, it is meaningless to talk about anti-addiction, but It sounds better, it seems that the supervisory authority does not have a vegetarian meal for the corpse. "