
v5 Chapter 1068: Success of 2 losers

A few days after his resignation, Jobs founded the net computer company and continued his career journey.

In December 1996, almost all major computer newspapers around the world published news on the front page of Apple’s acquisition of net and that Jobs returned to Apple. At this time, Jobs was gaining fame due to his company’s successful production of the first computer animation "Toy Story". His personal worth has skyrocketed to one billion US dollars. In contrast, Apple is on the brink of desperation.

When ordered in distress, Steve Jobs bravely wielded the authority of the executive officer and carried out drastic reforms. He first reorganized the board of directors, and then made a jaw-dropping event, abandoning old grievances, shaking hands with Apple’s arch-enemy Microsoft, and reaching a strategic and comprehensive cross-licensing agreement, and Jobs became the "Time" magazine again. Cover character.

Under Steve Jobs' reforms, Apple finally... achieved profitability. When Jobs first took office, Apple had a loss of one billion U.S. dollars, but a year later, it miraculously made 300 million U.S. dollars in profit.

Jobs became a miracle, and he always gave people constant surprises. The core content of Apple's corporate culture is the genius of computer talent, the approachable style of life, the brilliant creative mind, and the unpredictable leadership style. Apple's employees' respect for him is simply a religious fanaticism.

On the occasion of the birth of Four Hengkong, some people have already predicted that Jobs will be on the cover of Time magazine for the third time.

A famous saying of Jobs is, I am a genius, I will succeed.

Fan Wubing also admired such a talented and outstanding person.

Although this time Jobs’ visit to China was received by government departments, as the main body inviting Jobs to visit China, the employees of Fan Investment Group provided various services along the way, which enabled Jobs to easily learn about China’s recent history in a short period of time. The exhibition of the past year.

Feeling the attraction brought by the tremendous changes in China, Steve Jobs’ attention to the Chinese market immediately rose to a new height. After visiting the major companies under the Fan Investment Group and the scale of the old clubs, Jobs I also feel that it is absolutely not unreasonable that Fan Wuyao can become the world's biggest name in the financial world in his years of weak crown, so he has more confidence in the cooperation between the two sides.

After visiting China for five days, Jobs was invited to give a speech at Peking University. Fan Wubing also appeared on time in the lecture hall of Peking University. Jobs joined him.

The lecture hall, which can accommodate five hundred people, was overcrowded, and there were obviously more people standing in the aisle than sitting. The media reporters also seized the favorable terrain, set up their guns and guns, and planned to broadcast the speeches here.

Fan Wubing sat in the front row, smiling while listening to the leadership of Peking University turning sideways to introduce him to the recent exhibitions of Peking University and expressing his concern about Fan Ting who graduated from Peking University.

"This is the benefit of power and wealth. Before my rebirth. I even went to a third-rate pheasant university so hard, but now I can sit here and listen to reports from the leaders of Peking University. It's really incomparable." Fan Wuyi thought of this situation and couldn't help but shook his head with some emotion.

After a short speech, the host invited the protagonist of this lecture, Job

Fan Wubing had never seen Jobs before. At this time, he saw him appearing in the lecture booth. He visually estimated that he could be about one meter and eighty-five meters tall, and he could be half his head taller than himself.

Saw Jobs. Fan Wubing couldn't help but think of Shi Yuzhu, who had just turned over in China.

It should be a very interesting thing to compare Jobs and Shi Yuzhu, the iconic figures in the business circles of these two countries.

Both of them are the best in the country's intellectual youth. Not only do they have good brains and they are not afraid of fear, they entered the high-tech field early and reached their first peak in their careers at the age of 30.

Both are accustomed to contempt for stereotypes, a maverick style, one is always a black pullover with jeans. And the other one, bald red and white sportswear.

Both of them have inherent commercial sensitivity and are true cross-border masters. Jobs has proven his ability in many fields such as Belgium, music, movies, and mobile phones, while Shi Yuzhu is on the battlefields of software, housing products, health care products, financial investment, and online games.

They are all perfectionists who demand details, and they can make a product shocking. The melatonin, which has been sold for many years, is still the best-selling health product in China, and the fierce occupies a percentage of the digital music player market. Of 70 market share. In addition, no matter how people are marketing geniuses with insight into human nature. It's just that one makes money by digging out the beauty of human nature, and the other uses the weakness of human nature to grab money.

Perhaps it was because success came too quickly, they all directed a self-destructive high fall, after they woke up. Relying on the amazing self-correction ability, re-drawing the continuous trend

For a while, Shi Yuzhu seemed to be China's Jobs. At that time, the Giant Group launched a self-developed product every year, and it quickly grew into a high-tech group company with an output value of one billion this year and a profit of tens of millions.

Almost at the same time, Jobs had only tens of millions of dollars in cash left, and two companies facing layoffs and restructuring problems. He can become the American version of Shi Yuzhu, such as working in real estate in California, opening a casino in Las Vegas, pouring oil weapons in the Middle East, or becoming a savvy equity investor. But he didn't do anything. He just continued to support two long-term money-losing companies with his own and other people's pockets, stubbornly waiting for them to grow up.

But in the end, A is A and B is Mao

To some extent. Jobs is lucky. In the United States, his idealism can always find suitable admirers, so he gritted his teeth and did not compromise with reality.

Senior entrepreneurs like Rospero are willing to sign out checks and share the risk with them, and large companies such as Walt Disney also agree to invest in small companies to make animated feature films and participate in the sharing.

The reason why Shi Yuzhu has become the Shi Yuzhu of today is because he now has a huge debt of 200 million and wants to make a comeback. As far as the two projects at hand are concerned, although software is highly profitable, the market is relatively limited. If you want to pay off 200 million yuan, it is estimated to take ten years, and health care products are not only a big market but also just starting out, it only takes five years to make melatonin.

It turned out that his choice was actually right.

Daniel Kotke, a close friend of Jobs’ early years, who had gone on a pilgrimage to India, once said, “Steve always has his Apple computer in his heart. From a deeper analysis, his success is due to a deep insecurity in his heart. Sense, which makes him have to go out and explore to prove the value of his existence."

And the young man who came from a small town in Anhui and drove into the big city alone has a very similar complex of heroism. In 1990, Shi Yuzhu, who was 1.8 meters tall and weighed less than 60 kilograms, gave his company a very resounding name, Giant. He announced that the giant would become the four gangs of China and the giant of the East. After Xiaoping's visit to the south, the top leaders inspected the giant one after another, and there was an inscription saying that China should be a giant.

In the end, Shi Yuzhu was overwhelmed by this self-given and the sense of mission imposed by the outside world.

Since then, he has transformed into a thorough pragmatist, only doing what businessmen should do.

But Jobs continued to play the role of an idealistic tyrant. Under his authoritarian rule, Apple operates as efficiently as a small kingdom.

If Jobs was born in China, a society of subjects rather than a civil society in the sense of passing through, his self-confidence would spoil him, and people would succumb to his authority until he destroyed the company, just like Mou Zhongzhong, Tang Wanxin, and Sun Hongcheng. These people are the same. But he was born in the United States, and American capitalism has a kind of hedging power. The board of directors, shareholder representatives, and institutional investors restrain him like a tight curse.

In the end, Jobs and Apple achieved a win-win situation.

What is rare is that neither of them became slaves to the failures of the past.

Jobs learned to be tolerant, knowing how to trust and empower outstanding people, such as muscle president John Lasseter, Jonathan Everett, the British, originally designed the white toilet, and later served as the vice president of design at Apple. He also learned to cooperate and open up, let Microsoft buy shares, and use Intel chips. Established an open platform for mobile phones.

And Shi Yuzhu knows that ~lightnovelpub.net~ must maintain a sense of crisis at all times, so that the company always maintains ample cash flow. He only does business that has high profit margins and is not tied to the government. Such businesses are often in a gray area. He went to participate in Huaxia Bank and Minsheng Bank, sold the company in time and sold Shanghai Jiante, and Giant went public to raise nearly one billion U.S. dollars, keeping a sufficient distance from the media.

The only regret is. He is no longer interested in innovation.

American biohistorian Jared Diamond asked questions in the book "Guns, Germs and Steel, the Fate of Human Society". Why are the cattle, horses, sheep, and pigs of the Eurasian University, instead of the alpacas in South America and the zebras in Africa, become the livestock that will eventually be widely distributed all over the world? His answer is environment.

Fan Wubing thought about this. Suddenly he was in a daze. He thought that maybe Jobs had arrived in China, or Shi Yuzhu had arrived in the United States, or the outcome of the two would be exactly the opposite of what they are now, right?

It can be seen that the ancients said that the insert was born in Huainan for phoebe, and when born in Huaibei for accumulation, the difference in environment really has a completely different effect on people's exhibition.

At this time, Steve Jobs in the lecture hall was Tan Xing Zhengnong. He was a master of language painstaking, and there was a lot of omission between Gu and Pan.