
v5 Chapter 1071: Front page headlines

Suddenly hit by the q11 incident, it is conceivable that the financial business will have a very fierce response to this, especially when the two World Trade Center buildings are completely destroyed, and people have great concerns about the direction of the world economy.

Therefore, this CCTV Daily Finance Interview column, driven by Zi Qi, invited economic experts, military experts, and well-known multinational entrepreneurs at home and abroad to come together to discuss this matter.

The loss of the United States in this incident can be described as extremely serious.

The direct economic losses were heavy, and the World Trade Center on Manhattan Island, New York, was instantly destroyed. This cost as much as 1.1 billion U.S. dollars, the gathering place of the world's commercial power, has more than 1,200 companies from all over the world. , There are usually 50,000 manual shifts, and about 150,000 business personnel and tourists come and go every day.

Two months ago, two real estate companies in the United States bid to win the lease rights of two skyscrapers and their underground shopping malls at a price of US$3.25 billion. The world-famous Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Bank is the largest tenant, with a total of 25 floors for 3,500 employees.

The two buildings that rushed into the sky suddenly disappeared. The repair work of the Pentagon was at least several hundred million dollars. The loss of talents is even harder to estimate with figures.

Transportation and tourism have caused serious losses. It is estimated that some systems in the global Jinyu market may be changed due to this crisis, and the direction of financial market development will also be adjusted. Four U.S. domestic flights were hijacked in one day, causing huge casualties and property damage, which is rare in history.

All U.S. flights are grounded, and flights to the U.S. from other countries may be grounded or diverted to Canada. Last year, the average total daily revenue of American airlines was about 3.6B U.S. dollars. The US civil aviation industry has been going downhill in the past two years. This incident has had a serious impact on the civil aviation industry, and it may reduce US civil aviation turnover by about half in the next few months.

Closely related to the civil aviation industry is the tourism industry. People in some countries go on vacation and take a large proportion of them by plane. However, the poisonous strike caused 266 people to make body bombs, which caused psychological trauma to people. It is difficult to recover in a short period of time, which will greatly affect the development of the tourism industry.

The insurance industry is facing dilemmas. Property insurance such as casualties, several buildings, four airplanes, company properties, and undesigned cars has not yet been counted. Some experts initially estimate that the loss is between US$10 and 15 billion. It is unbearable for insurance companies with annual revenues of more than 40 billion U.S. dollars.

Securities dealers and exchanges suffered heavy losses. Securities markets such as the New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq Stock Exchange were all closed. There have been only two closures in the history of the New York Stock Exchange, one time within four months of the beginning of the First World War, and another time during the Great Depression from March 4th to 14th, 1933. The direct trading losses caused by the stock market suspension are approximately one billion U.S. dollars.

After showing a lot of numbers and analysis, Zi Qi opened the prelude to this interview.

An expert on American issues said that the economic impact of the Q11 incident in the United States is not limited to the direct loss of the incident itself, but more importantly, it affects people’s investment and consumer confidence, causing the dollar to depreciate relative to mainstream currencies, the stock market, and the price of strategic materials such as oil. It rose once and spread to mainstream financial markets such as Europe and Asia in real time, causing an overreaction in the market, leading to slower economic growth in the United States and other countries in the world.

What can be seen is that the world politics and international relations before the q11 incident have been significantly different from the situation after the q11 incident. The US war against terrorist activities will handle new changes in international relations and territorial politics and induce interaction between major powers. Changes in the international political, military, and diplomatic situation will definitely affect the policy choices of other countries' economic and social development.

"For China, in order to minimize the negative impact of the US q11 incident on China’s economy, we should be prepared and take precautions. Not only should we pay attention to the economic impact of the US q11 incident itself, but also study the US and the international community’s actions. The long-term impact of the strategic, strategic and policy orientations adopted to deal with terrorist activities on our economy, and timely follow-up and study of international political and economic changes after the q11 incident.” The expert said, “As a large country, our country can mainly rely on the huge domestic market. To improve the economy, the market should further strengthen reforms, take measures to stabilize people’s psychological expectations, expand consumer demand, and stimulate private investment and production and business activities. Take advantage of China’s accession to the World Trade Organization and accelerate the use of foreign capital. Institutional innovation, transparent, clean and efficient administration and a booming economy will attract foreign investment."

Another economic expert said, "For people all over the world, in anti-terrorism activities, in today’s civilized world, we still have a common enemy... Terrorism, it is the modern devil Satan, and it’s so cold. The sharp claws will take the precious lives of our loved ones at any time. Terrorists may use various methods to create troubles at any time and anywhere, hit the world financial and commodity markets, and undermine people’s confidence. International speculative funds will also make waves, make waves, and use terror. The activities provide opportunities for speculative activities, making huge profits by creating terrorist incidents and increasing financial risks.

Therefore, on the one hand, it is necessary to strengthen cooperation with the international community to severely crack down on terrorist activities; on the other hand, it is necessary to study the issue of increasing reserves of international strategic commodities, especially oil reserves, to minimize the impact of financial turmoil caused by terrorist activities on China’s economy. Influence. Fighting terrorism and protecting citizens’ lives are our common responsibilities, and the interests of China, the United States and the United States are the same.

Another economic expert analyzed more explanatory data. He pointed out that the q11 incident would hit the consumer confidence of Americans, plunge the US economy into recession, and postpone the time of economic recovery. Since the second half of last year, the U.S. economy has been sluggish. High-tech companies have suffered from poor profitability, massive layoffs, and a sharp decline in investment. Trade continues to experience huge trade deficits. The economy mainly depends on consumption, which accounts for 70% of GDP. support. The US growth rate in the second quarter of this year was only two-thousandths. The unemployment rate reached 5% in August. These factors have cast a shadow on consumer confidence. The consumer confidence index in August fell to the lowest level in eight years. g. This sudden attack undoubtedly made the U.S. economy worse. It was enough to cause the already fragile consumer confidence to plummet and shake the consumer spending that supports U.S. economic growth. "Declining consumer confidence, falling stock markets, and reduced corporate profits will also further restrict companies." The investment and management capabilities of the United States will also reduce corporate mergers and acquisitions, which will affect the already negative growth of U.S. investment.

The impact of consumption and investment will plunge the U.S. economy into recession, greatly delaying the recovery of the U.S. economy.

When it was Fan Wu's turn to speak, everyone responded with warm applause.

"Mr. Fan Wubing is already an old friend of our column. As the owner of the Fan Investment Group, he has a lot of interest entanglements in the United States. We want to hear his views on this matter." Zi Qi said.

Fan Wubing nodded to the camera, and then said, "Everyone, I want to show a set of pictures first. Please pass the front page screenshots of newspapers and magazines from various countries around the world that Fan Wubing displayed on the big screen today.

"As a public figure, you must have a general judgment. China now needs stability internally and external image, and its own progress must force you to increase its soft power. This soft power naturally has respect for universal values. Because You are a member of the world. Naturally, it includes democracy, freedom, human rights, etc." Fan Wuyi said, "What I show now is about the q11 incident, the front pages of various national newspapers, and all the front pages are q11. The news reports of, only our page is interviewed by the leaders. It is said that the Americans are preparing to produce a display board of the major media newspapers of the world about the q11 event. I think, when you stand in front of this display board in the near future~ lightnovelpub.net~ You will immediately feel that China must become a part of the world and we must have a common value judgment."

Fan Wubing’s remarks made many people feel shameless, but when they saw that the headlines of the media all over the world were the World Trade Tower, which was pouring in smoke, everyone suddenly felt that it was China has fallen behind the world too much.

Although China has been reforming and opening up for more than 20 years, some things have not changed. In this world that has gradually become one, excessive differences are obviously not good, especially when the world's attention is focused on this area. What do you think in your hearts when you show your children?

Although several guests later expressed their opinions on the q11 incident, in any case, the pictures displayed by Fan Wubian gave people a greater visual impact. Mong, Wuyi did not say much, just relying on himself. The temporary collection of pictures of the front page content of newspapers from various countries conquered the audience in an instant.

Or, when most people are still talking about how many Americans have died, Fan Wubing's picture collection will make everyone's mind a little calmer.

After all, the huge gap in ideology is the main cause of confrontation and confrontation.