
v5 Chapter 1074: Recruiting talents does not avoid relati

It is often the second point of a happy strike on the 11th day of q, year 2d1.

Q11 has completely changed the basic judgment of people, especially Americans, about the world. Newsweek regards q11 as a sign of the end of the era of innocence.

In the past ten years, with the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the discoloration of Eastern European countries, people have emerged from the Iron Curtain of the Cold War, and a new international order with global commercialism as its core and economic development as its main theme has begun to take shape. Every country is adapting to this new reality. Some countries that used to be proud of their ancient civilizations are now striving to become emerging markets. The summits of major powers in the past and even the United Nations General Assembly have given way to the world of Davos held in Switzerland every year. economy Forum.

It seems that the driving force of history is no longer war, ideology, and power politics, but economy, capital, and technology.

However, the birth of q11 suddenly interrupted all of this. Bin Laden announced the birth of a new form of warfare in an extreme way: the terrorist war, and the terrorist organization has become a non-state force that has a major impact on international security. The global political landscape has returned to chaos, and the chaos remains unresolved.

The World Bank stated in the World Exhibition report that year that when the ideological war had just come to an end, the East and the West once again started confrontation with their differences in religious views, which will have a more profound impact on the global economy.

During this period of time, Fan Wubing has been closely following the reaction of the domestic and foreign media and the reaction of the public.

Whether in newspapers, magazines, or online forums, people in the country expressed a lot of comments about the q11 incident, and their views were tit-for-tat and not giving in to each other. A person applauded the q11 incident and took a gloat attitude towards the Americans who were unfortunately killed in the q11 incident. The other group severely condemned the crimes of terrorists and expressed sympathy for the Americans who were unfortunately killed in this incident.

Since then, as the United States began to combat terrorism, the people’s views on Bin Laden, Al Qaeda and the Taliban were divided into two groups. One group tried their best to support Bin Laden and the Taliban. Some people even called Bin Laden a comrade, and they rebuked them. The United States invaded Afghanistan. The other faction firmly supports the U.S. to overthrow the Taliban regime and capture bin Laden.

But Fan Wubing also noticed another point, that is, after the birth of the q11 incident, the attitudes of governments around the world were the same, including many Arab countries, no government dared to openly applaud q11, no country. The government does not severely condemn terrorist crimes.

This fact alone suffices to explain that applauding q11 Kui Pieces is untenable, and it is also impossible to get on the table.

First, the terrorist hijacking of a civil airliner and hitting the World Trade Center itself is a crime in violation of international law. No responsible government can support similar criminal actions. There is no doubt that this is a simple truth. The q11 incident caused the death of a large number of innocent civilians. It is impossible for any responsible government to condemn such a terrorist crime. If we openly encourage and support this criminal behavior, the world will never have peace, and it will inevitably bring extremely serious consequences to the people of all countries in the world.

The reason for those who applauded the q11 incident is that the United States is too arrogant and has done so many bad things and should be punished.

Yes, the US government has done a lot of bad things.

Especially after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the world became unipolar, and the United States became the only major power.

It pretends to be the police of the world, reaching out everywhere to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. Originally, after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact, NATO had no reason to exist. However, NATO not only did not disband, on the contrary, it continued to expand eastward. In particular, NATO bombed the Yugoslavia Union and the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, which aroused the strong hatred of the Chinese people.

The United States was hit by a terrorist attack, and many Chinese people felt a sigh of illness. This is understandable. But these bad things done by the US government should not all be counted on the American people, nor should all Americans be regarded as enemies. Just as the Japanese right-wingers repeatedly visited the Yasukuni Shrine, many people hated the Japanese people. Some netizens made many fierce comments on the Internet, clamoring for a Tokyo massacre, and so on. This view is partial, and this view is even more harmful.

The fundamental mistake of the terrorists is to target ordinary Americans.

They hijacked civil airliners, treated the lives of innocent passengers as a trifle, and forced them to be their victims. Obviously, this kind of robbery should not be supported.

Regarding the attitude towards the q11 incident, one should not disregard the moral standards that human beings should have based solely on personal feelings and dislikes.

It is also said that the United States has killed so many innocent civilians in the FRY, and that the deaths of a few Americans deserve it. This statement is specious. In a word, what the U.S. government does cannot be counted on the heads of ordinary Americans. If terrorists are not hijacking a civil airliner, but using human bombs to attack the White House or the Pentagon, it’s another matter. Of course, the difficulty is obviously higher. Although many people want it, I’m afraid it’s difficult-someone can do it. get.

Furthermore, from the point of view of the terrorists, it is not worthy of sympathy and support for them.

As we all know, bin Laden and the Taliban were originally supported by the United States, and the United States supported them to deal with the former Soviet Union. The reason why they want to attack the United States is because they are a group of extreme religious forces. Based on their understanding of Islam, they led Islam astray.

They advocate the restoration of the world during the founding period of Islam and the use of violence to eliminate all heretics incompatible with Islam.

Because of this, they regard the United States, which has the highest level of modern civilization, as the selected target. Therefore, they are essentially a group of extremists who oppose modern civilization and advocate backwardness. Just look at what the Taliban are doing, and you can see their anti-human and anti-civilization nature.

Under the extreme rule of the Taliban, the people were deprived of all freedom, and they did not even have the right to watch TV. It is not difficult to see from the Taliban’s crime of destroying the Bamiyan Buddha, how much they treat all pagan religions that are different from Islam. Hatred.

However, when Fan Wubing checked the online comments, he found that the domestic guidance for public opinion is really too poor. Many problems lack effective means of diversion, and the focus on some key issues is also very poor, so much so. Many of the issues that have caused heated discussions on the Internet are nothing more than crude and barbaric verbal battles. This behavior, which is called online battles, actually seems very naive and ridiculous.

Regarding this issue, Fan Wubiao raised it when he met several senior executives again to discuss the impact of the US q11 incident on the international economy.

"This issue really needs attention." The captain nodded after listening.

In fact, the central government’s attitude towards the new Internet is not very consistent. It is obviously a mistake to treat the rapidly expanding Internet with a look and then talk about it, especially in some aspects, it seems that the control is relatively weak. , It is easy to happen unexpected things.

Several executives discussed this, all expressing dissatisfaction with the current propaganda work.

"So, is there any better candidate?" someone asked.

It happened suddenly, and everyone didn't think of a suitable candidate for a while, so they all sank.

Fan Wubing sat next to him with an idea, and said casually, "Actually, with all due respect, it seems that the propaganda work in Shanghai has been done well."

As soon as his words were uttered, the hearts of the few people present were thinking about it. After all, Chief No. 1 and Boss Zhu are leaders from Shanghai. If you are not interested in promoting local cadres in Shanghai, it is naturally impossible. And there is another point. The publicity work in Shanghai is indeed well done, flexible and organized. It has not affected the normal work, but also embodies its function as the main window of reform and opening up. Therefore, Fan Wuyao put forward this opinion, everyone No surprises.

"Who is presiding over the propaganda work in Shanghai?" the number one asked.

Someone immediately replied, "Tong Yushan, a local cadre in Shanghai, who has been promoted from the grassroots level, served as a district mayor, and a deputy ministerial cadre who has just been promoted for a few years is relatively young and powerful."

"Oh one by one" No.1 nodded long ~lightnovelpub.net~ and said, "Then my opinion, how about mobilizing him to Zhongshuang to take care of the propaganda work for a while?"

"That's not a good idea." Boss Zhu glanced at Fan Wuyin and nodded, but there was no expression that was too rich. In fact, he knew the relationship between the Fan family and the Tong Yushan family. Avoiding relatives, Fan Wuyao just came up with this incident casually. Someone immediately thought of Tong Yushan, but it can't be said that Fan Wuyao was interfering with the highest political decision.

Besides, even if Fan Wubing is selfish on this issue, it is human nature. As long as Tong Yushan can really do the propaganda work well, there will be no problem. The other things are very simple.

In any case, Tong Yushan's promotion to the central government is decided, but considering that he has not been promoted to the deputy ministerial level for long, the No. 1 Chief suggests that he should be transferred to the Propaganda Department as the deputy minister first, but he can enjoy the ministerial level treatment. , If the job is indeed better, then it is all right to be officially promoted after a period of time.

After Fan Wubing heard the news, his expression was indifferent, "However, he was happy in his heart. After all, his father's power in the center is a little weaker. This time, it’s not a good idea to pull Tong Yushan over. There is no small supplement, if Tong Yushan really takes care of the propaganda work in the future, it will still be a great help to Fan Heng.