
v5 Chapter 1078: gap

One old. Then the U.S. Air Force will use bombs to send Kirstan back to the Stone Age.

"Fight, Afghanistan is a quagmire anyway. Once the Americans get stuck, they can't get out again. Fan Wubing is very open to this.

Anyway, he knew that this matter was definitely going to be born, and Fan Investment Group was also fully prepared, and had enough time to deal with the various consequences caused by this matter. Now Fan Wuyao's heart is very serious. Calm down.

However, there is some good news. After many days of waiting, a good news came from the Barents Sea. The agents mixed in the shooting team finally got the skin material of the Kursk nuclear submarine in the chaos. Has returned home safely.

The above still attaches great importance to this matter, because there is still a big gap between domestic nuclear submarine technology and the international level.

The US Naval Intelligence Agency’s report once pointed out that China’s nuclear submarine technology is still very backward, and the noise level of submarines built in recent years is not as good as the Delta 3 submarine built by the former Soviet Union 30 years ago. The US Navy can catch the noise of Chinese submarines in Guam, thousands of kilometers away from China.

The latest US Navy Seawolf-class nuclear-powered submarine is seventy times quieter than the active Los Angeles-class attack submarine. Some analysts believe that the Seawolf class submarine cruises at 25 knots, and the noise generated is also greater than the noise produced by the Loch Fen class when it is docked in the port.

Because of the large technological gap, the United States still does not regard the rapid increase in the combat effectiveness of Chinese submarines as a major threat. For the United States, the gap in China's nuclear-powered submarines is particularly large.

This status quo is extremely embarrassing, but to narrow this gap, obviously it cannot be accomplished overnight. Therefore, this time the Kursk sank and Fan Wuyao obtained the broadcast rights, which is one of the military’s expectations. Great opportunity, now they are finally getting in the way.

When this incident was mentioned, Fan Wuyi remembered something. Once, the British ballistic missile submarine Avant and the French nuclear submarine Triumph collided in the Atlantic Ocean. At that time, the two submarines were both sailing underwater, performing their respective missions, and carrying nuclear missiles on board.

Under normal circumstances, a ship can detect other ships that are close to itself through a sonar device. However, perhaps the anti-sonar technology on the submarines of both sides is too high-end, so that neither of their sonar devices can detect each other.

Hearing such news, Fan Wuyao couldn't help being shocked by the technological superiority of Britain and France in nuclear submarines.

These two types of submarines are equipped with extremely advanced sonars. It is said that the enemy submarine will be monitored if they put a fart. However, they did not avoid this collision. What does this show? It can only show that the avant-garde and triumphant mute technology has reached a supreme state.

In the past, there were always people boasting that the Kilo class was an oceanic black hole, but it was surprising to see the avant-garde and triumphant collision.

On another occasion, the USS San Francisco attack nuclear submarine of the US Navy was on its way to the Port of Brisbane, Australia, when it struck a rock more than 500 kilometers away from Guam, causing one death and 24 injuries.

At that time, the San Francisco hit the submarine mountains head-on at a high altitude of 30 knots. The impact was so violent that a sailor flew up and hit a pillar and died, and the other 24 people were seriously injured. However, under such a violent impact, the boat could actually surface and return to the base on its own power, and was completely repaired afterwards. The strength of the American submarine was shocking.

Such a submarine, it is estimated that the anti-submarine torpedo hits it like it is scratching.

Fan Wubing was also very puzzled. If a domestic submarine meets a triumphant, avant-garde, and collides at 30 knots, what will happen?

Fan Wubing considered this issue for a long time, and he did not come up with an answer that would reassure him. In short, the gap in nuclear submarine technology between China and Britain, France and the United States is quite large. It can be reassuring when people stand up and declare.

As the ultimate fighting force for the nuclear strategic deterrence of major powers hidden deep in the seabed, the importance of nuclear submarines is self-evident. Therefore, although the Kursk also has problems of one kind or another, it is eager to find some references that can be used for reference. The military seems to be able to obtain some of the skin material on the Kursk, which is also very useful.

However, in Fan Wubing, it seems that borrowing is helpful, but it is far less important than self-developed technology. After all, it is very difficult to imitate the technology to complete it again and again. It is very difficult to find another way or solve the problem more easily. ! After the American skies were cleared for a few days, there were no planes. Cang Shi is also very impressed. On the other hand, the financial market in the United States was closed for several days, and a single Maine stock could not be sold. At first, there was no market in New York, there was no market, and then there was no market.

The markets of other Western countries also stopped buying and selling American stocks, and no one dared to come out as a dealer.

If you want to be a dealer, the US investment bank will do it yourself.

No one is a dealer, and the vigorous and devilable financial assets and wealth have frozen themselves. The bourgeoisie in the United States and the world know that this is the most serious thing.

After the market was closed for four days, all the financial wealth of the United States was frozen. The freezing was cold and hard. The stocks of other industrial countries also fell. But unlike the United States, they did not close their doors and their financial wealth was not frozen. .

The most important feature of financial wealth is to flow. The faster it flows, the better, and the more boiling the better. It cannot be frozen slowly, let alone frozen. If a financial asset has a bad history of being frozen, it is not so fun.

"The so-called bad assets are all derived from good assets. American financial experts are investigating how high and high other people's bad assets are. They did not expect that tens of trillions of good assets in the United States may be in a day. It was inexplicably frozen and turned into a bad asset.” Fan Wubing said to Jiang Lue, “The blue sky and white clouds are still there, the enemy planes are no longer coming, the sky of the United States cannot be cleared for a long time, and the stock market in the United States has to open its doors. Too long, it’s not just that U.S. stocks and bonds are worthless, and the consequences of the chain reaction are disastrous.”

Jiang Lue only has a little understanding of financial matters. He listened to Fan Wubing to make up lessons for him. After all, Fan Wubing, a master financial expert who gave him supplementary lessons, is very simple and understandable, and the examples cited are also It's very informative and easy to understand, and you can understand what's going on when you listen to it.

If U.S. stocks continue to be sold for a long time, they will not be sold, and hundreds of millions of properties will not turn into cash. Just like people in the desert, it is useless to own many American stocks. If the market continues to close, not only stocks and bonds will become waste paper, but the U.S. dollar will inevitably become a pile of waste paper.

During the period of the stock market freeze, the huge international and local US dollar receipt and payment machines were fortunately still going around. The plane hit a building, but I didn't expect the building to collapse. The building collapsed. I didn't expect that financial wealth would be frozen and it might become a pile of waste paper and unrealized figures.

The consequences of the suspension of the flight and the city are very serious. Should this responsibility be borne?

The chairman of the exchange dare not bear this responsibility, neither does Bush Jr. dare to bear this responsibility. Therefore, I feel that the enemy planes of terrorism are only these few, and there are no new ones. It is better to quickly restore the liberalization of the sky and open the market to thaw.

In fact, the suspension of the market and freezing production for four days is a bit overwhelming. The time is a little longer, and in the future, the accounts will be settled after the fall. There will be some American financial experts who believe that a nervous breakdown is enough for one or two days, and it does not take four days, which will cause a lot of good assets because the freezing time is too fast. It may be frozen for too long, at least the reputation is frozen, which could have been avoided.

Inevitably, people all over the world. Everyone, including Xiaomin, has seen the weakness of the United States.

The financial system is not only the weak underbelly of the United States, but in a deeper sense, it is the back of Achilles.

"There is a demigod in ancient Greek mythology ~lightnovelpub.net~ whose name is Achilles. When Achilles was born, his mother lifted him upside down and dipped him in the holy water of the Styx. His whole body was impenetrable. But his mother was so secretive that although his son was soaked in holy water, his sole was exposed to the surface of the water, and he was not soaked in holy water. When Alioius grew up, he was a **** of war, extremely brave, and repeatedly. He has won many battles, but the final outcome can be imagined. The secret of the heel has been seen through." Fan Wuyin said, "The Greek descendants of Alioius have not been able to answer this question until today, and his mother shouldn't. If it shouldn't be, why did she leak out this secret? Who did she accidentally leak the secret to? Who was the second person besides his mother who knew the secret? Modern scholars studying ancient Greece guessed that this person estimated He is also a member of the Greek fairy society and is definitely not an Arab. Because in Greek mythology, the Arabs are just out-of-the-box. The United States was beaten, the heels were wrapped, and he was no longer paralyzed, but he was born with two who had not been soaked in holy water. The fact that he’s kicked is indisputable, it’s an open secret, and there’s never a way to heal and keep it secret.”

Jiang Lue thoughtfully said, "So, the Americans are now anxious. It is impossible not to let go of a battle.

In fact, the Americans have already started to deploy troops. Two days later, news came from Pakistan saying that the U.S. threatened them and asked Pakistan to cooperate on counter-terrorism issues, and the Americans said that if Pakistan