
v5 Chapter 1090: Low-tech growth

Paotan disease is severe in Southeast, and the group's investigation has lasted for half a month. It's the first month of the second year.

The winter in the southeast coast is actually relatively cold. The cold in this place is not the same as in the north. The damp and cold ones can cause frostbite to people.

If Fan Wubing doesn’t think there is a bad winter in Beijing, then he feels a little bit unbearable here, especially since there is no heating infrastructure here, he relies entirely on electric stoves and air-conditioning. It’s easy to dry the air when you come to get warm, and eventually make people get angry.

But if you don't do this, you can't stand this kind of weather.

At the beginning of the year, American retail giant Wal-Mart decided to move its Asian sourcing center from Hong Kong to Luohu District in Shenzhen. The president of China told reporters that they had found the biggest one to sell.

Among the global top 500 companies announced by Fortune not long ago, Wal-Mart ranked first with nearly 220 billion U.S. dollars in operating income. This is the first time in history that a service company has become the world's top 500. Wal-Mart’s purchases of goods in China this year totaled 12 billion U.S. dollars, which is equivalent to the total trade volume between China and Russia.

According to calculations by a columnist of the "New York Times", if Wal-Mart is a country, it will become China's sixth largest exporter of goods and the eighth largest trading partner.

The wave of "Made in China" that began around 1998 has been energetic this year, and Chinese products with great prices have finally become the world's best, and Chinese products have made a splash. For example, in order to face the World Cup in Korea and Japan, the toy factory in Yangzhou, Jiangsu produced 300,000 World Cup mascots, the clothing company in Yiwu, Xijiang produced more than 2 million fan cheering flags and hundreds of thousands of fan fakes, while the factory in Fujian produced 300,000 World Cup mascots. Millions of fan uniforms, wrist guards and football socks have been provided.

The National Bureau of Statistics of China announced at a press conference that the comparative advantage of China’s economy is still in the manufacturing industry. The economic growth of the past two decades has mainly relied on the growth of the manufacturing industry. Into the left and right.


According to preliminary estimates, the output of hundreds of domestic manufactured products ranks first in the world.

Since eleven years ago, China’s Big 6 has absorbed more than 230 billion U.S. dollars in investment, accounting for nearly half of Asia’s total. Manufacturing is the most important investment area. China has become the world’s fourth largest producer and made in China. Is rising around the world.

In terms of regional structure, Made in China has formed three world-class manufacturing centers in the Bohai Bay Rim, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Pearl River Delta. The total population of the three regions accounts for more than one-third of the total population of the country, and the land area is less than ten of the country’s total population. One part of it has created 57% of the gross domestic product and 66% of the total industrial output. In terms of foreign trade, it accounts for more than 85% of the country. The use of foreign capital is also close to the eighth of the country's use of foreign capital.

Among the group of export enterprises, small enterprises have an absolute advantage in terms of quantity, and in terms of output value, there is little difference between large enterprises and large enterprises.

Although large state-owned enterprises can better reflect the advantages of large-scale manufacturing in the manufacturing industry, their room for growth is limited. Among small enterprises, emerging private manufacturing enterprises represent the new force in manufacturing. In recent years, Zhanxun has been the main driving force behind the rise of manufacturing in China. , Is also the main driving force for future exhibitions.

Also from this year, a real joke began to circulate in various versions: Many people travel abroad to buy a lot of souvenirs and fashionable goods, and when they come back home, they pick up the trademark. They are all such people. Behind the dumb joke, there is a special pride of Zen.

Made in China is a new term that popped up this year, or it is an old term, but it was suddenly activated this year and given new meaning.

Under the premise of sluggish world economic development, the prosperity of China's economy, due to various reasons such as global economic integration and comparative advantages, has made the world feel more and more of China's existence and strength.

Just as the rise and fall of major powers confirms the rise and fall of manufacturing, from the once sunless empire Great Britain to the world’s only major power today, from Germany, which provoked the two world wars, to Japan, which created the miracle of East Asia, there is no exception. Even the four little dragons of East Asia that followed were all pioneers in the manufacturing industry.

Today, the wave of world economic integration. The opportunity for profit-making industry has flooded the door of China.

Such comments are sonorous and powerful. However, only half of the facts have been observed. In fact, in the eyes of a discerning person like Fan Wubing, the role of enthusiasm is relatively large, but it will take time for the Chinese public and public opinion to have a deep understanding of Chinese manufacturing.

In fact, from the beginning, all the advantages of Made in China have been the low price.

To cite an example, we can see the essence of Chinese manufacturing. Guangdong Galanz is the world's largest professional manufacturer of microwave ovens. Its factory area stretches for three kilometers. By this year, Liyishi’s output has exceeded 12 million units, which accounted for the market share of Cangqiu." According to Galanz insiders, their only secret is to maximize the advantage of low labor costs.

The important upstream component of the microwave oven is the transformer. The price of Japanese products is more than 20 U.S. dollars, and European and American companies are more than 30 U.S. dollars. In the face of the impact of Japanese goods, European and American companies are suffering endlessly.

Seeing this, Galanz negotiated with American companies and gave them the machines to make, and gave them eight dollars per unit based on the current output of the United States. Americans feel very good. They can get eight dollars for nothing without doing their own hands. Where can I find such a good thing? So they moved the production line over very happily.

As Galanz’s employees’ wages are very low and workers can arrive in three shifts 24 hours a day, there are essentially only one or two days of production for Americans during the week. The rest of the time is almost always free dinner. Therefore, Galanz Swept the domestic market.

Internationally, its low-price strategy quickly forced the transformer into a tasteless Japanese.

So Galanz went to negotiate with the Japanese again. Said that they would be given five dollars for each unit, so that the Japanese would also lease the production line to them.

In this way, the production lines of many countries gathered in Shunde, and Galanz thus established its leading position as the world's microwave oven factory.

If the story of Galanz vividly illustrates the source of the advantage of Chinese manufacturing in terms of cost, then the story of Bobby dolls can show the status of Chinese goods in the value chain.

Barbie dolls are the most popular children's brand toys sold by the company. It is sold in 120 countries around the world every year, and its main manufacturing base is in China.

For a Barbie doll with a retail price of twenty dollars in the North American market, the FOB price of a Chinese factory is only one dollar. This dollar includes the costs, profits, and taxes of manufacturers and distributors.

The launch of China’s dual engines in the two major markets of foreign trade and domestic demand has allowed the macro economy to show a prosperous scene that has not been seen in many years. The haze of the Asian financial turmoil has dissipated, and the theory of China’s industrial collapse after the addition of... Even people who have never been optimistic about China's economy have to change their views.

When the former Japanese minister Hashimoto visited China, he told CCTV reporters, "To be honest. I am especially envious of you. Japan has been unable to solve the economic problem of inflation, while the Chinese economy has been able to maintain more than 8% of the economy for several years. Growth. In addition to envy, I still envy."

In one year, 30,000 foreign-invested enterprises settled in China and attracted more than 50 billion US dollars of foreign investment. The annual growth rate of domestic private investment reached 18%, which was twice the increase of the previous year. In other provinces, private investment accounts for more than 60% of the province's total social investment, and foreign trade exports have increased by more than 20%.

According to statistics from the World Bank, China’s per capita GDP has approached one thousand U.S. dollars. In the past seven years, the United States has only contributed 20% of the global growth, while China’s share is 25%. .

As a result, there has been some complacency in the country. It seems that after a few years of gathering, it will be possible to pass the United States.

In response to this, Fan Wubing said in the New Year's message of Fan's Investment Group that low-tech growth may be developed very quickly in a short period of time. In particular, there will be an explosive breakthrough in the total manufacturing volume~lightnovelpub.net~, but there will be many problems that follow. It should be understood that most of the domestic private enterprises have not yet provided workers with protection such as three insurances and one housing fund, and their salaries are far below local standards. It can be said that this is a kind of killing three hundred enemies and self-defeating one thousand. practice.

If things go on like this, it will be impossible for China to exhibit real high-tech companies. It can only become a cheap manufacturing factory in the international market. Once the international situation changes and the economic order fluctuates greatly, then it will be the brunt of these that are completely dependent on these. Processing of cheap goods that survive in the international market.

At the same time, Fan Wubing also pointed out some domestic problems, such as the lack of technological innovation with independent intellectual property rights, the lack of precision processing and manufacturing that can truly be regarded as the international advanced level, the lack of application of new materials and technologies, and the lack of training a new era. The mature system of technical talents and so on.

All in all, Fan Wubing poured out a large plate of cold water, which made everyone feel very unhappy.

The most outrageous thing is when Fan Wubing asked him about his personal views about the qualifying national football team in the Furi World Cup when he interviewed him on CCTV. Fan Wubing said very clearly, “I don’t think I can’t walk in, but I’m even more depraved! It used to be ashamed to close the door, but now it’s ashamed to go to the world! If they can make even one entry in the World Cup. The ball, I automatically twist my head off and give it to them as a kick!"