
v5 Chapter 1101: Tuition is expensive and it is difficult

Everyone didn't react for a while, but felt that what Fan Wubing said seemed to be really shocking.

What is the concept that can reduce the university tuition from the current three or four thousand yuan per semester to five or six hundred yuan? Therefore, after Fan Wubing shouted out righteousness, no one could say what was wrong.

The issue of tax evasion is inherently illegal. It is understandable if everyone has any complaints about the tightness of taxation policies, but if there are different views on combating tax evasion, it is very problematic. No one. Dare to shout this slogan publicly.

Now everyone is most worried about whether the crackdown on tax evasion and tax evasion will be excessive. Therefore, when Boss Zhu expressed his intention to crack down on tax evasion and tax evasion, everyone expressed their worries. When the above policies of Qi Jing are implemented below, they will often be affected. The monk with a crooked mouth read the scripture crookedly and did a lot of things that hurt the interests of the masses in his own pockets.

In the early Western Han Dynasty, the emperor advocated Huang Lao's doctrine and ruled by doing nothing. Social production and economic life were quickly restored. This is actually related to the policy aspect, because people in high positions are actually very important. It is clear that, without effective institutional constraints, the regular introduction of some severe economic policies is actually not good for the grassroots. These policies often become tools for the grassroots officials to use to accumulate money.

Even under the current circumstances, this behavior is inevitable, after all, it creates a tax loophole. In addition to tax evasion and tax evasion, there is also a very important reason, which is caused by the lack of duty of the tax department staff or money transactions.

Whenever a new policy emerges, no matter what the high-level starting point is, it will always be habitually considered by specific implementers to accumulate money. They can always find the shining points that are beneficial to them, and then take advantage of it. If the policy has not been fully understood, it will be a big profit.

Therefore, colleagues in business and industry who have been in the shopping malls for many years. When I heard Boss Zhu said that tax loopholes should be cracked down. I immediately thought of this problem, fearing that my company would suffer the wrongdoing for this, and eventually I would lose money and eliminate disasters.

In fact. Even some large companies will have a headache when encountering such tax issues. After all, it is not a happy thing to be checked every day. Especially this group of tax officials in China. There is no reason to check the accounts in vain. Every day when I come to you, I don’t say anything, but I have to take the opportunity to eat and get cards. Even if the other party's quality is relatively high, they don't want to take a card from you, but if you don't treat it well, it's hard to guarantee that they won't pick up some bones from the egg, which is also a trouble.

. Doing business inside is just playing the favor card, and all aspects of the relationship must be straightened out. Otherwise, your business will not be able to do business" a certain industrial and commercial colleague complained next to him. When I heard that this person had stayed in the mainland for a long time and had already learned well.

There are also quite a few people who agree, and they all start from scratch. What's the matter at the grassroots level, who is not sure about it?

Fan Wuyi also has some remarks about this, "In fact, everyone should think about the benefits. Today's tax evasion is serious, and it directly damages the interests of our formal enterprises. Some illegal enterprises use tax evasion to reduce production costs. Low-price competition with our products. This is very harmful. If we can strictly control tax loopholes and plug this source, then we can form an orderly and fair competition environment, which is very beneficial."

Fan Wubing's remarks are also very reasonable. But some people think again, those companies that evade tax. They don't even have a business license, they are just some black dens. Even to combat tax evasion. I can't catch them, because they are not on the list at all.

all in all. People attending this banquet tonight. When I went back, I was full of thoughts


At this time, Fan Wubing already understood why Boss Zhu would want to bring himself to the banquet. Not to mention the importance of this matter, there are at least two levels of relationships in his body that he can use, one is his own appearance. Officials can understand that Boss Zhu has reached an agreement with Fan Heng to crack down on tax evasion. After all, the prime minister and the executive deputy prime minister agree. Then this opinion must be implemented.

The second is that Fan Wubing himself is the boss of the behemoth Fan Investment Group. His presence not only shows that Fan supports this decision, but also serves as a model for industry and commerce colleagues to accept the news.

If the tax loss is caused by this decision, is your loss comparable to that of the Fan Investment Group? This is a very important reason.

When returning home, Fan Heng asked about tonight's affairs, and asked Fan Wubing curiously, "Where did you get so much data?" Just open your mouth, I think you can be the spokesperson of the Bureau of Statistics. "

Fan Wubing shrugged his shoulders and said, "In fact, the sources of these numbers are very simple. You can always pay attention to them. What's more, our headquarters has a dedicated "service department, which can obtain data that is considered more important." , Some data from Wu Ba is not a secret? "

Fan Heng nodded, deeply agreeing.

If you are a business person, if you don’t collect and analyze some key data carefully, you will have to go blindly. It is very difficult to develop. Opportunities will only be reserved for those who are prepared. The scope of application of this statement is not Humble.

In fact, Fan Heng is also very concerned about the issue of domestic education funding, but this is not the part he is in charge of, so the right to speak is not much.

In order to solve the problem of serious lack of education funds, the country started in 1983. It changed the single government investment model. Starting to charge individuals, but the regulations still focus on financial appropriations. Unexpectedly, due to poor management and monitoring. The name of fees and the amount of fees have expanded dramatically, personal education expenditures have increased year after year, and the auxiliary channel of education investment has quickly become the main channel. The total investment in education has also increased substantially. Compared with the 450 billion yuan in 1997, this year's total investment in education has more than doubled.

From the perspective of the three major inputs. This year’s state investment is more than twice that of 1997, and social investment has only slightly increased. However, since state investment and all investment are basically synchronized, the share of state investment in the total amount has always remained at one-third. In 1997, personal investment exceeded 60% of the total. In recent years, because the growth rate is still faster than national investment and faster than social investment, the share is still increasing.

In the current situation of insufficient national education funding, state investment should focus on compulsory education. The normal state should first ensure the needs of compulsory education and try to achieve free education as much as possible. Reduce the proportion of national investment in non-compulsory education, especially higher education.

From the actual point of view in recent years. The state investment policy is changing in this direction, but the allocation of funds is still very unreasonable, the proportion of state investment in universities is still high, and the personal investment in compulsory education has not decreased, but has increased. This has also caused the problem that it is difficult for ordinary people to go to school. Every year, more and more children go to school because they can't afford to go to school. It is completely inconsistent with the universal nine goals.

"For a long time, the state has always regarded 75% of the total investment in higher education as the standard for financial allocation, but the high school fees have long broken this standard. Two thousand years ago, the state investment still accounted for the majority, but since Since last year, the host and guest have changed their positions, and the personal investment has been more than 50%. This year, it is increasing. "The data that Fan Heng understands is no less than that of Fan Wuyi.

Among the various academic levels, the state’s entry into universities has increased the fastest, but compared with individual investment, it’s still insignificant. In 1999, when the merger order was issued, public expenses came to an end, and tuition and miscellaneous fees suddenly skyrocketed. More than seventy percent.

Since then, with the continuous improvement of the charging standards and the rapid increase in the number of students. Personal investment continues to soar. In five years, personal investment doubles every two years and five times in five years. The huge investment of the two main forces of the state and individuals has contributed to a high increase of more than 30% of the total investment in universities every year~www .lightnovelpub.net ~ The speed increase ranks first among all grades.

However, the rapid growth in absolute quantity conceals the opposite fact. Because the number of students is growing faster than the growth of state and social investment, the average national and social investment per student has been quietly reduced for several consecutive years. The trend of social investment is also the same. However, personal investment has continued to rise. The annual increase in per capita tuition for students has to increase by more than 1,000 yuan. This year, the average student investment has exceeded 11,000 yuan.

This trend also shows. In the future, the national and social investment that can be enjoyed by going to university will become less and less, and the remaining gaps and the incremental increase in maintaining the total cost will be mainly borne by individuals. The gradual reduction of state investment in non-compulsory education and increase of personal investment are the direction and goal of national policy.

"It is an indisputable fact that the tuition fees for going to university are high. At present, the number of poor college students aided by Fan Investment Group across the country has exceeded 50,000, and it is necessary to invest more than one billion yuan every year to facilitate this. . Then this is just a drop in the bucket." Fan Wuyao told his father Fan Heng a fact. "If you add in the investment in the Hope Project in the impoverished mountainous areas and some other counterpart assistance, this number will be even greater."

"So much." Fan Heng was also a little surprised after listening. It seems that Fan Wubing has invested a lot in this area. There are two to three billion every year.

If the tax loophole can be plugged. To solve the problem of going to school is just a breeze.

but. Fan Heng naturally understood. Even if the tax revenue is increased by four to five hundred billion yuan, this part of the income may not be able to go to education, which is not difficult to understand.