
v5 Chapter 1115: Everyone has a hard time

A total of Zhanfan has long been very opinionated about the frequent occurrence of accidents in dry mines. He just doesn't listen to certain emotions, and is reluctant to talk about this aspect. Now that Tong Yushan is firing like this, Fan Wuyi will naturally follow the trend, otherwise. I'm a little too sorry for Tong Xiaoyun.

As a result, there have been more and more comments on Tong Yushan’s article sheets in the online media, and more and more problems have been exposed. Just in the recent mining accidents, although the official investigation results have not yet come out, But according to the reporter's interview, there are two direct reasons. First, the miner violated the operating regulations and ignited the detonator without authorization by the gas crew before measuring the gas concentration.

In the local small coal mines, almost all of them took up shovel and became miners. They were engaged in such high-risk occupations without any training, wearing chemical fiber clothes, and even some people brought lighters and cigarettes underground.

What's interesting is that some miners think. In the explosion incident, the leaders were not responsible. The reason was that two days before the incident, the mine had a safety meeting on the Internet. The safety mine manager specifically said that more attention should be paid to safe operations in the past few days. The eldest son was killed in this accident.

Can the meeting solve the problem? There is almost no need to discuss, poor ventilation is another important cause of the explosion.

It is said that the safety facilities of the Butterfly Mine here are not bad, but in accordance with the safety production regulations of the Butterfly Mine, production can only be carried out in the main shaft, and the auxiliary shaft can only be used for walking, pumping and blowing air. In addition, a **** is required. For escape, the outer wall of each mine needs a high-power blower and exhaust fan to ensure the air convection inside and outside the well and reduce not only the gas concentration that escapes, but also the main tunnel and each working face also need fans.

The fact is that the main shaft and auxiliary shaft of a butterfly mine that caused a mining disaster are both in production. Both wells are not equipped with blowers and exhaust fans. There are holes for installing fans on the outer wall of the auxiliary shaft. An exhaust fan has already been transported to the mine. superior. But until after the accident. To save the talents is installed.

A high-power fan originally installed in the main pit has been broken for more than a month. The mine replaced it with a small fan. According to the miners, walking in the main pit hardly felt windy. Blower. Only half of them were in use that day.

Even worse, the electricity on that day was abnormal.

According to regulations, the miners should be allowed to go to the kiln immediately after the power outage, but the mine manager on duty refused their request to go to the kiln. Instead, it uses the motor itself, which is only enough to maintain the small fan and the Liuzi.

Check whether the problem can be solved. The matter mine also answered.

The miner told reporters that two days before the accident, an inspection team had been to the mine, and another individual went down to the well with a white towel, and went to eat after leaving the scene.

The local official statement is that the former director of the Media Management Bureau brought a five-person safety inspection team to this mine to conduct a safety inspection. The current coal mine has serious safety hazards. He believes that the Butterfly Mine does not have the basic conditions for safe production, so it was used in this mine. Notice of cessation of production for rectification.

However, the miners did not hear about the suspension of production, and the reporter did not see the notice. The facts are enough to explain the problem. The mine continued to produce, and then exploded, killing people.

When a governor of a province dealing with coal mine explosions convened an emergency meeting, he sternly reprimanded, "The mine owner and other responsible persons ignored the life and death of the trapped miners and escaped for the rest of their lives in the accident. The public security organs have yet to catch the responsible persons at large. There are inexhaustible links. There are **."

In fact, what the governor said is correct. Almost every major accident student has some leading cadres who are seriously negligent and dereliction of duty. This is the direct cause of major accidents time after time, and it is also a potential factor that may cause accidents in the future.

There have been many accidents in coal mines. The local saying is that this is a new mine, which is built and produced at the same time, so the safety facilities are not yet complete. Not to mention whether this statement is true or not. According to the State Council's requirements, these mines themselves are among the halted production, but the fact is that they have not even done a symbolic gesture. Even when the inspection team arrived several times, the digging was correct.

According to the locals, the reason why the coal mines that were issued with the suspension notice were able to turn a deaf ear to the suspension notice from the country to the county coal management bureau, according to the locals, is that the main leaders of the county have shares in it.

The local Nenza shook his fingers and told you how many houses the leader XX had in the city, which butterfly mines were opened by the leader XX, and which factories gave the leader secret shares. Of course, these are rumors that have no real evidence, but they set up factories and mines in places like this. It is difficult to survive without relationship and backing. This backing depends on the bonds of economic interests.

However, relying only on the hat of an affair, I am afraid it is difficult to explain why the orders are not stopped, and why there is such a serious deviation between subjective efforts and objective effects.

Obviously, this time the country’s determination to shut down small coal mines is also unusual. The State Council promulgated and implemented the "Regulations on the Investigation of Administrative Responsibility for Extraordinary Safety Accidents." In addition, leading cadres must be held accountable for administrative responsibility. If the circumstances are serious and constitute a crime, criminal responsibility must also be investigated in accordance with the law.

After the implementation of this regulation, the secretary of the provincial party committee of a certain province was notified and given administrative sanctions because of the huge butterfly mine accident. In fact, even officials who love money like life or are bureaucratic will not face such severe punishments. Indifferent.

After Tong Yushan launched the rectification of the propaganda department. Various departments have followed suit one after another, jumping out to analyze the causes of mining accidents in many aspects, and dig deeper into the causes.

News spokespersons from the National Coal Mine Safety Supervision Bureau accused that some local governments were not positive about closing small coal mines due to the influence of local protectionism. Measures are not implemented. In particular, the coal coal market has improved due to production suppression. In other areas, coal supply is tight, and coal prices have resumed rising. Some small coal mines are driven by profits to secretly produce.

This situation obviously exists. For example, in Shanxi. Eighty percent of the county's fiscal revenue mainly relies on coal mining and coking. In some counties, districts and townships in Luliang and Datong, the revenue from coal coal accounts for more than 70% of the local government's fiscal revenue. A hundred years ago, Shanxi was the richest in the country. One hundred years later, it has become the province with the lowest per capita income in the country. You can hardly imagine it will be poorer than Qinghai and Tibet. Lvliang Mountain is one of the eighteen key poverty-stricken areas in the country. It has jurisdiction over three cities and ten counties. All ten counties are national or provincial poverty-stricken counties.

For a poor county with a fiscal revenue of only about 60 million yuan, shutting down small coal mines means that it has almost nothing. After some coal mines were asked to suspend production, the minus three responsible for coal production in the county were asking when production can be resumed. If no fiscal revenue is produced, the county will not be able to support it, and the monthly salary cannot be guaranteed.

The life of the foreign miners was not easy. Although the family members who came home with the ashes after the mine disaster repeatedly advised the surviving miners to return home quickly, the miners still stayed in the mine. Because the government has frozen all the money of the mine owners, their wages have not been released, they have no money to go home, and they have no food. In order to save energy, two bowls of noodles a day are spent most of the time lying on a flat bed, wearing thick clothes wrapped in a quilt.

These people who work underground all year round are always one of us who suffer, but they don't think that digging coal with their bodies bowed in a meter-high tunnel under the ground is the most suffering thing. They said that it is ten times better here than in their hometown. They can earn about 1,000 yuan a month in the small media kiln. The two people work together to dig more than one meter per day, which is about 13 carts per meter. Each cart can hold 500 kilograms of coal, each digging one meter. The boss paid fifty yuan.

The reporter asked the miners who had experienced three gas explosions. Will the miners go down to dig for media in the future? The miner smiled and said, "I'm still digging. What can we suffering people do without digging for media?" There is no food.

It is said that mine owners have prepared to file a lawsuit in court to demand compensation from the government for the economic losses caused by the suspension of production.

A small coal kiln with a capacity of 60,000 to 70,000 tons will cost several million. Even if production is stopped, the ventilation, electricity, and drainage cannot be stopped, otherwise, even if it is a waste, at least another 20,000 to 30,000 maintenance fees will be charged each month.

Some people also said that so many small coal mines were launched as a result of national policy support. Before the 1980s, coal was in short supply. In order to alleviate the energy bottleneck, the state adopted a policy of rapid water flow. The state, collectives, and individuals went to the butterfly mine together, and the output increased significantly year by year.

For example, Shanxi at that time started with Datong. The Coal Department has also organized visits and studies to see how the village gets rich. You can wash the media by setting up a pot yourself.

At that time, the country was short of media, and what it wanted was coal. Over the past two decades, the country’s annual growth rate was more than a dozen points, and the support of the coal industry has made a huge contribution.

However, after entering the mid-nineties. The coal market has already exceeded demand, coal prices have fallen, state-owned coal mines have generally fallen into a dilemma of losses and bankruptcies, and employees have serious jobs, and more problems have been brought to the table.

The first is to minimize or even cancel safety equipment and working procedures for small towns and small coal mines. Although four certificates are required to start coal mines, miners use bribes and compensations to reduce or even cancel safety costs and make huge profits. It takes about seven, Eighty thousand yuan.

Compared with the cost of about 120 yuan per ton of large state-owned mines, the cost of about 30 yuan for small coal kilns has a decisive advantage. Of course, it also means that the probability of a devastating safety accident is greatly increased.

Due to the bankruptcy of many state-owned coal mines, the original coal fields were leased, contracted, and subcontracted to individuals, and mining licenses were also put on display at the same time. Some coal mines have actually been producing without a license for a long time like this.

The large state-owned mines also love and hate the small coal mines that are swarming. On the one hand, they are also opening various mines to set up their children. Some large mines even buy and sell coal from small mines. But on the other hand, after small coal mines are opened, large coal mines cannot be opened.

In the summer of 1996, the famous tank flood occurred in Xishan Mining Bureau.

There was heavy rain that day, and a small coal kiln connected to the Xishan Mine was filled with waste water and rainwater. According to regulations, Xishan Mine closed its tunnels and small coal mines.

It’s okay not to seal it. As a result, the huge water pressure accumulated in the small coal mine suddenly opened the seal. The Xishan miners working underground suffered a disaster. Thirty-three people were drowned and suffocated. The Xishan Mining Bureau directly The economic loss was 340 million.

In addition to water penetration accidents and gas accidents that occur at any time, what is more serious is that the operation of small media mines has led to chaos in the entire industry. This is not only a price issue, it is actually stimulating everyone to predatory mining. Regular scientific and technological progress has become unnecessary, and the power of mechanization cannot be borne out. Unlike large state-owned mines that require a recovery rate of at least 85 percent, the extensive mining method of small media kilns can only dig up 10 percent of the coal, and a lot of resources are wasted.

In Shanxi, due to excessive blasting into mountains, coal mining, and coking, the old green mountains and blue sky have disappeared. A few dozen miles away from many mines, you can see the thick smoke covering the clouds from the coking plant. Drivers complain that the visibility on the highway is only ten meters on cloudy days.

Indiscriminate mining has caused the water level to drop. Many reservoirs have dried up. The famous Nanlaoquan in Jinci is now running tap water, and the Fenhe River has also been cut off a few years ago. There are bald mountains that have been split up everywhere. The running water that was still visible ten years ago is now completely gone. .

In 1998, the state convened a meeting to shut down illegal and unreasonable coal mines, and started the operation of shutting down small coal mines that has continued to this day. To appease the place. The state has delegated key large-scale mining bureaus such as Datong, Yangquan, and Xishan to Shanxi Province. However, most of the local counties and townships did not increase their income, and the opposition between the local authorities and the central government in terms of power and interests is almost inevitable.

Therefore, some people expressed dissatisfaction, "It is right to shut down small coal mines~lightnovelpub.net~ Those that should be closed should be closed immediately. Those who are qualified should be opened immediately. Even those small coal mines with complete four certificates need to be closed, but since There is a mistake in the national policy, and the country should compensate. It has been this policy for 20 years. Those Xiaodie kilns with complete four certificates were approved by the provincial government. Since you were wrong before, you have to pay for the wrong policy. After all, this is not the era when administrative orders decide everything."

Some mine owners said more directly, "I can't take care of my life and death, how can I care about the life and death of others."

But at least so far, the government hasn’t said any compensation or compensation.

This has formed a terrible evolution. Twenty years ago, relying on administrative means to ensure the authority of coal mine safety leadership, and then deliberately demanding production and a large number of developments, the safety rules and regulations were relegated to the most secondary position. Now, even if the safety management organization formulates a complete system, it is no longer respected and abided by the management objects, including the makers, because of the essence of this safety management. In fact, it is the rule of man.

"When the laws and regulations are no longer respected by people. Then you can't avoid the emergence of **." Fan Wubing was not without emotion.

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