
v5 Chapter 1141: Successfully re-elected

Just as Tong Fan Wubing guessed. The most important thing for real estate is to acquire land, but the cost of acquiring land depends on how strong the background of the operator is. If you have a good relationship with local officials, you can get prime land at a very small price. The room for appreciation is considerable.

The senior executives under his staff from all over the world value the convenience that Fan Investment Group’s reputation can bring. There are also some people who hope to use this tiger skin to cover their private actions. This is Fan Wu What the sickness could not allow, and because of this, he strictly controlled Fan's investment group's entry into real estate development projects, and only carried out real estate development projects in Beijing and Shanghai.

Sometimes, the leader must have a very keen eye and see the problem clearly, otherwise he will be easily deceived by his subordinates and make decisions that are not good for him.

If Fan Wuyao really, as his subordinates said, aggressively enter the real estate market everywhere, then he may not be the one who has benefited the most. This is certain, but the trouble incurred is unavoidable.

Weigh the pros and cons. Fan Wubing still made the decision not to develop, which disappointed many people.

However, Fan Wubing also made a compensatory decision. According to the construction scale of enterprises in various places, the purchase of industrial construction land from the government can basically be carried out at three to five times the scale of the current enterprises. Where conditions are suitable, It can even far exceed this ratio.

For example, in some high-tech companies, you can start to enclose large areas to meet the needs of future development.

In Fan Wuyao’s words, it is to obtain industrial land slightly larger than the current actual demand through a reasonable and legal way to invest in future construction costs to avoid the unfavorable situation of excessive investment in future construction caused by the appreciation of land value , Walking in front of the building.

"But the development of purely industrial land and commercial land are two completely different concepts -" Some people also raised objections, saying that doing so may not really bring value-added space, on the contrary, it will also bring a greater burden to the enterprise .

"The way to use it is one-minded, and there will naturally be a way at that time." Fan Wuyi didn't want to talk more about it.

All in all, at this meeting, everyone confirmed that Fan's Investment Group will not enter the real estate development market without restrictions, and it is clear that the group's real estate business will be developed by specialized departments, and that local enterprises should not be involved in related matters.

At the same time, Fan Wubing also decided to develop commercial real estate in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and other places, carry out large-scale commercial land acquisitions, and start hoarding land for the construction of various residential and commercial real estate.

After the main content of this meeting was spread through some channels, it also attracted the attention of all parties. However, most public opinions believe that if Fan Investment Group can fully enter the development of commercial real estate, it will still be great for improving the living conditions of various places. Helpful. There are also some public opinions that it is good for Fan Investment Group to focus on high-tech businesses and precision manufacturing. After all, the threshold for real estate development is very low, and it can be done as a company.

Only a very small number of analysts have clearly seen the purpose of Fan Investment Group’s adherence to the bottom line, and believe that there are too few companies like Fan Investment Group that can adhere to their ideals and do business seriously. Most domestic companies , The short-term profit is too important, and there is no longer-term plan. This kind of quick success and short-term profit is extremely detrimental to the stable development of the enterprise.

By the end of October, Fan Wuyao had done most of the recent work, especially the lobbying for the old leaders and various other paving work was progressing smoothly. After the new leader introduced Jiang Lue’s successor, he was awarded The other party highly praised, and conducted in-depth exchanges on domestic and foreign situations and economic development issues.

The new leader also strongly invited Fan Wubiao to continue to serve as a special adviser to the new government. The ministerial-level leadership treatment and the conference on economic and financial issues convened by the State Council need to send invitations to Fan Wubiao.

In this regard, Fan Wuyao did not refuse, after all, he currently has a large number of domestic enterprises. Strong strength, far-reaching influence, and a huge proportion of the national economy. In addition, the development of various overseas undertakings has also entered a return on investment period. The prosperity of various undertakings is indeed enough to have a considerable weight in the government. The special adviser also deserves its name.

At the same time, Fan Wuyao also raised several important issues pertinently. One of them is that there is not a large-scale infectious disease prevention and treatment base in China. This is very bad, especially since the current medical reform goals are somewhat different. Properly, the contradiction between doctors and patients is very sharp, and the medical burden is heavy. The hospital only cares about making money and neglects the infrastructure construction.

"This problem is mainly due to the improvement of domestic medical standards and the improvement of people's living standards. The possibility of large-scale infectious diseases is very small. Therefore, even if there are large-scale infectious disease prevention and treatment medical bases, there is no use. —" The new leader thinks this way, but he also proposed a solution. "But in a huge country, it’s not good to have no such hospital. Since Mr. Fan, you raised this issue, then we will How about cooperating, how about finding a place to build one on the outskirts of Beijing? The government provides land and you pay for it, and let Comrade Fan Heng do this."

Fan Wubing thought for a while and nodded in agreement, "This is okay. However, the medical staff is a problem. They can only be temporarily transferred when needed. Usually this can be used as a place for physical examinations by the personnel of institutions in Beijing, and it can be used. NS."

"This is possible, and at the same time, several research institutes can be set up to save resources." The new leader suggested.

The two parties quickly agreed on the first major project cooperation. Taking into account the time, the ground could be broken during the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It can also be officially completed after the new government changes.

Through this meeting, Fan Wuyao felt that the new leader had broad ideas and acted decisively, while the new leader felt that Fan Wuyao gave himself face and was very enthusiastic about public welfare, and the feelings between the two sides were good.

After Fan Heng received the call from the new leader, he was a little surprised. After listening to it, he realized that his son Fan Wuyao had already had in-depth contact with the new leader and had a major construction project. He immediately understood that Fan Wuyao had started diplomacy. Offensive, so he also solemnly expressed his position and personally supervised this matter.

one week later. The 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held in Beijing. The new leadership team made a collective appearance. The changes have been great. Everyone feels that Fan Heng’s position in the party has not changed. He is still a member of the Standing Committee and is still ranked fifth. This also makes everyone speculate. , It is estimated that Fan Hyung will remain in the post of Executive Deputy Prime Minister when the government changes.

Foreign media positively commented on Fan Heng's staying as a member of the Standing Committee, and believed that this also shows that the economic policies between the previous government and the current government will be in the same continuous line, and the road to deepening reform will continue unswervingly.

The day the meeting ends. The stock indexes of the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets rose sharply, showing a strong upward trend, which also means that the market's confidence in the policy side is relatively good, and the enthusiasm of investors has maintained a good momentum.

After the dust settled, Fan Wubing specially held a celebration banquet for his father, but he didn't invite many people, that is, relatives, friends and family gathered together, imitating a combination of Chinese and Western attendance, which lasted for a whole day. , I probably received 50 or 60 people, all of whom have a pretty good relationship.

During the meal, Fan Wuyi’s old husband, Shen Peiming, also came to congratulate him. At the same time, he also brought two pieces of Ertian yellowstone lion paperweight to Fan Heng as a gift. It is said to be Qianlong's imperial product, and the value is probably more than tens of millions. .

Fan Wubing still feels a bit weird when he sees his old husband. When he saw him, he remembered the scene of him traveling with his suspected mistress when he was playing in Xixi last time. , There is something unnatural on his face.

But this was his own husband, so he couldn't say anything. He just invited Shen Peiming to a resting place and greeted people to serve tea, water, snacks, and fruits, so that he could wait on him.

"No illness, the last time I saw in Xixi, were you and Ziqi and others?" Shen Peiming didn't expect to tell the matter first, and he looked very unhappy.

Fan Wubing was stunned when he heard this~lightnovelpub.net~ I thought I hadn't revealed your old bottom yet, you bite me first? Is it true that you want me to tell you about your mistress?

But it seems that Shen Peiming didn't see himself at that time? How does he know that he and Ziqi have been to Xixi? This made Fan Wubing feel very confused.

So Fan Wubing came out unceremoniously, "Oh, last time, there was such a thing. No wonder I thought that back then was a bit familiar, so like you, but I saw that the person next to me didn’t know him. , So I didn’t think about it—"

Fan Wubing's words meant that I had seen you too. And I saw the woman next to you. If you talk about me and other women, then my son-in-law will demolish your desk.

"Cough cough--" As expected, Shen Peiming couldn't hold her face down when she heard this, with an embarrassed expression on her face.

Just as Fan Wubing thought that Shen Peiming hadn't seen him, Shen Peiming didn't expect Fan Wubing to see himself. At this moment, both of them were a little unnatural.

"No illness, Dad, you are all here—" At this moment, Shen Ying smiled and walked over.