
v5 Chapter 1149: Controversy between large and small mini

Topics of six thousand major ministries. The facts have been mentioned long ago, but at this time there are eight companies concerned about it.

The so-called system of large ministries and commissions is a system of large departments. According to experts in the industry, in order to promote the integrated management and coordination of government affairs, government departments are merged according to the functions of integrated government management to form a large-level government organization system?

The characteristic is to expand the scope of business managed by one entity, and place a variety of related matters under the jurisdiction of one entity, thereby avoiding overlapping government functions, multiple administrations, and multiple management, thereby improving administrative efficiency and reducing administrative costs .

"This time the Sudan Red incident has once again made people turn their attention to the major ministries and commissions system. Fan Heng said to his son Fan Wuyin, "The intersection of functions will only reduce administrative efficiency. Therefore, the senior management is also using their brains to streamline the organization, but it will probably not be finalized until the government changes next year, but it is clear that this is another power game.

Fan Wubing nodded and said, "This is easy to understand. In fact, every reform is a redistribution of benefits."

Because there are not many. The government is about to change in the next month, so a topic related to the change of personnel has become hot recently, that is, the issue of the adjustment of ministries and commissions.

The current State Council was called the State Council when the country was founded. It was renamed the State Council in 1954, and its organization was set to imitate the Soviet Union and corresponded to Big Brother. The current State Council says there are 28 ministries and commissions. In fact, there are 78 institutions, of course not the largest in history, but there are indeed enough.

From 1961 to 1964, the State Council streamlined its organization and cleared out 810,000 people. This shows that the number was huge at that time. By the time of 1981. The number of State Council institutions reached one hundred, so in 1982 it began to streamline it again.

Anyway, the State Council’s organization is constantly adding, subtracting and subtracting, expanding and then streamlining, and streamlining and then expanding.

However, the old foundation of the Soviet model has not changed. Now there is a market economy. Great changes have taken place in economic conditions, social conditions and people's sentiments, and these old-fashioned foundations should be used to manage things. Don't talk about spending money. I'm afraid that things won't be handled properly if they are wrong.

The major ministries and commissions are the constituent bodies of the State Council. If viewed from the perspective of foreigners, ministers are considered cabinet members. Not to mention their subordinate bodies, there should be rules for the establishment of ministries and commissions. The principles of administration are too great. It is more complicated. Simply put, there should be two ministries and commissions. The principle is that the scale is roughly the same, that is, the areas of work should not be too different; the second is that one thing should be one. Department management should not be divided into too many departments. The principle is similar to that of managing a company.

"For example, the Ministry of Finance manages government expenditures, but regardless of state-owned assets, what about state-owned assets? Now a special institution called the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission has been established to manage, but this institution only manages assets, regardless of enterprises. Enterprises are managed by the new Soon after the establishment of the reform committee, it’s weird, isn’t it? One thing was cut into several paragraphs, and there were different departments to manage Fan Yu to give an example to his son, "There is also. In China, the Ministry of Railways is in charge of railways, and the Ministry of Transport is in charge of roads and water transportation. However, the civil aviation administration at the deputy ministerial level is in charge of aviation, which is asymmetrical. It is to cut a matter into several segments. Is it possible to set up a department to manage water, 6 and air vehicles? In this way, we can coordinate and manage the country's traffic, so that we can have a strategic management look? "

There are many examples of this kind. For example, the Ministry of Construction is in charge of building houses, but the Ministry of Land and Resources is responsible for land regardless of land. It's strange that these two don't fight. One needs to use land, and the other needs to protect agricultural land. No matter how coordinated, it won't work together.

Dan said that the department in charge of personnel, the Ministry of Personnel in charge of cadres, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security in charge of labor, the Family Planning Commission in charge of childbirth, and the Ministry of Civil Affairs in charge of charity and welfare, this kind of setting is very planned economy and can be merged together. Take one. More formal names, such as the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Ministry of Population Exhibition, are in charge of China's population strategy and policy issues.

There is also a department in charge of cadres. The personnel department in the ministries and commissions is responsible for the transfer, and the supervision department is responsible for supervision. There is a prevention bureau in the directly affiliated agency, and the anti-corruption bureau in the Supreme Procuratorate is in charge of arresting people. Repeated it?

The largest department of the State Council is not the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which ranks first, but the Reform Commission.

This whole group is the old foundation of the original State Planning Commission. It is a typical base camp of Jizai economy. It first merged many of the original industry management departments, such as the Ministry of Metallurgy, the Ministry of Imitation Textiles, the Ministry of Coal, and the Ministry of Light Industry. Later, it merged with the National Economic Reform Commission, which can be called the largest department in history. It can be regarded as a small State Council.

The current reform committee manages three things, one is the macro economy, the second is industry policies, and the third is state-owned enterprises. Of course, it also manages economic reforms, but there are too many tasks, but reforms are less busy.

The Reform Commission is a high-level department. It does not care about the telecommunications industry. It is managed by the Ministry of Information Industry and the Internet by the way. The current expectations for the development of the Internet are very high, so some people suggested that the Reform Commission and the Ministry of Information Industry should be put together to become the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. This cynicism. In addition, there is a large site that is fully managed, that is, the Ministry of Agriculture. According to the regulations of the State Council, the Ministry of Agriculture is in charge of the Agriculture and Rural Economy Exhibition. It's all in charge. This, "Lin. Who cares? Owned by a deputy ministerial unit: the Forestry Bureau.

The Forestry Bureau turned out to be a whole group. It managed to plant trees and cut trees, but the work of cutting trees was better than planting trunks. Later, the policy of closing hills for afforestation was implemented, and the Ministry of Forestry was only left with the work of planting trees, so it was changed to the Forestry Bureau.

In fact, now that the mountain capital is handed over to the Haha people to plant trees, why set up another forestry bureau and directly merge it with the Ministry of Agriculture for unified management, which can be collectively referred to as the Ministry of Rural Affairs. China refers to rural issues as the "three rural issues. Issues. This makes sense. "Three rural issues" refers to agriculture, farmers, and rural areas. These three aspects should be integrated into a whole department and managed in a unified manner to manage well.

Of course, there are also some departments that now seem quite weird, such as the Bureau of Foreign Experts.

"In the past, foreign experts were very important. It was a diplomatic work. Now these foreigners are nothing more than foreign workers. To put it plainly, they are foreign migrant workers who work for their bosses. Why set up special institutions for them?" Fan Wuyi heard that there is such a maverick department, and he couldn’t help being stunned and expressed great dissatisfaction. Forward-looking, shouldn’t set things up for people, and don’t waste things because of people.

"The main thing is that you can arrange your own people if you have more positions. Otherwise, once the emperor and the courtiers, who wants to retreat? Once you retreat behind the scenes, your words will not be useful, and your own relationship will be irrelevant. The method has been taken care of. This selfishness is the key reason for the bloated organization and the surplus of people. Fan Heng pointed out sharply, "The new leadership has held several meetings to discuss this matter, and everyone’s opinions are more consistent. That is Various ministries and commissions need to carry out a relatively large merger to save resources and improve efficiency

"A should be the case; Fan Wuyao nodded in agreement, still looking forward to the new leadership.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The dislocation and overlap of administrative functions have not only caused frequent arguing among departments, low administrative efficiency, and excessive economic resources being consumed by the administrative agencies themselves; more importantly, it has been unable to perform macroeconomic management and market management. Supervision, social management and other functions, unable to provide qualified public services and social security to the people?

Therefore, it is necessary to effectively integrate existing government agencies to change the phenomenon of multiple government agencies and overlapping functions. By reducing the number of agencies and reducing the coordination difficulties of various departments, government operations must be more efficient and more in line with the macro management and public services of the market economy. Role positioning. Rather than simply advancing the "separation of government and enterprise, separation of government and capital, separation of government affairs, and separation of government and intermediary organizations," as in the past, although these are the most basic tasks in the reform of government institutions.

In other words, the implementation of the mega-ministerial system also means that government functions must be responsible for providing public products and public services, so that government power can be regulated and returned to public services.

If the major ministries reform fails to achieve the effect of transforming government functions, then it will fall into the vicious circle of "simplification and expansion, then simplification and expansion" like previous government institutional reforms.

This possibility exists, because the direct purpose of the mega-ministerial system is to break the existing sectoral interests, but as people worry ~lightnovelpub.net~, if all of them are merged into one level, the power will be great. It may be more difficult to supervise it. Therefore, if an effective power restriction mechanism is not established, under the super-ministerial system, the original "Ministry" will be downgraded to "Sim King" and become an imp, but the power in the hands has not changed. Still exercising the functions and powers of the past "Ministry", the reform of the large-ministerial system may accumulate the interests of previously dispersed departments into concentrated departmental interests.

To solve this problem, the only way to truly transform government functions.

It is for this reason that the high-level officials are also very cautious about this matter, believing that the super-ministerial system is the inevitable choice for the great social transformation, the government guarantees the service function of the government, and the administrative color is weakened. The situation will be a ministry with great power. The actual power of his leadership may be difficult for even the prime minister and deputy prime minister to check and balance.

"I hope that the reform will be successful this time. Fan Wuyao, who I am more optimistic about, patted the shoulder of his father Fan Heng who was sitting on the sand, and laughed happily.

"You kid, you can pat the shoulders of those two people, and Fan Heng felt so angry and funny after saying this again. He couldn't help but ridicule his son.

"Hey, I don't have the guts, everyone is unfamiliar!" Fan Wubing shook his head and smiled. "