
v5 Chapter 1151: Was commanded by the 1st army

"Hey, the hot potato was thrown into my hands." As soon as Fan Heng returned home, he complained to Zhang Mei.

Zhang Mei was training her little grandson to walk, and she was stunned "What's wrong?"

That is, after the New Year’s reception, the senior executives held a special seminar and decided that the State Council would start a new institutional reform work, which would be done on some ministries and commissions, and this work was handed over to Fan Heng.

Fan Heng felt a little surprised, but he soon heard that Fan Wubing had participated in the discussion on this topic at the New Year’s reception, and he also figured out what he said. However, he can arrange this work in Fan Heng's hands. Anyway, he is also a member of the Standing Committee and an executive vice premier. It is reasonable to preside over this work.

"This is an offensive thing. It was suddenly handed over to my hand. It's very weird." Fan Heng said with frowning.

The fate of the reformers is basically not optimistic. Fan Heng directly thought of Boss Zhu. Although he did so many things, there were many people who offended him. He only worked for one term in the main office. The two sessions are about to retreat, and even the usual chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress cannot be obtained. It is very emotional.

Could it be that he has been carried out as a victim now? Fan Heng couldn't confirm this for a while.

When Fan Wuyi came back in the evening, Fan Heng called him into his room and discussed the matter.

"Uh, this is a problem." Fan Wubing scratched his head, not grasping the key to it for a while.

In early 1998, after the launch of Meicao, the State Council agency, with the withdrawal of some ministries and commissions, tens of thousands of diverted civil servants from outside the establishment were sent to Tsinghua University, Peking University, People’s University and other universities to participate in the ena Relevant graduate and undergraduate courses.

Unexpectedly, five years later, a new round of state affairs institutional reform is on the line, and some ministries, commissions and bureaus are facing mergers. Obviously, more and more ministries and commissions will participate in advanced courses.

The difference is that many of these expenses for studying in spare time are not paid by the state, but proactive behavior out of pocket.

"At the two sessions this year, the reform plan for the establishment of major ministries and commissions will be announced. When the various ministries and commissions are merged, or the pace of new ministries and commissions will be accelerated. According to the recommendations of the administrative system reform research group of the University of Political Science and Law, the existing State Council has at least three points. One of them will be merged. If these suggestions are adopted, it means that there will be another group of ministries and commissions facing diversion." Fan Heng said to his son, "According to the practice when the State Council’s institutions were reformed, the recent plan for major ministries reform will be During the NPC and CPPCC sessions, the National People’s Congress will gradually implement it after discussion and approval. Now it is up to me to make a decision and come up with a final plan."

After Fan Wubing heard about this, he felt very dissatisfied, "Since there is already a belly case, then someone should have been presiding over it. At this time, if you come up with a plan, doesn't it mean that you are going to top the tank?"

"I can't say that. After all, I'm doing this job. When the new and old government teams change, naturally I, the Executive Deputy Prime Minister, have to take on more responsibilities." Although Fan Heng felt a little puzzled about this, he didn't. Too much resistance.

As for the future career, I have been a member of the Standing Committee for two terms, so what can I not be satisfied with?

As an ordinary state-owned enterprise cadre came to this point, there really shouldn't be any other ideas. As for the next issue, it really doesn't matter.

However, Fan Wubing complained a lot about this, and his information was relatively well-informed. After a little inquiries, he knew that there was a lot of discussion about this matter in the capital.

At present, there are two versions of the major ministries reform plan circulating in the capital. One is to establish a new mechanism of decision-making, execution, and supervision through the division of ministries and commissions, and the other is to establish this within the ministries and commissions. One mechanism. But no matter which version it is, it is rumored that the number of ministries will be reduced by about ten.

As the rumors are flying around the sky, those ministries and commissions that are rumored to be larger mergers or spin-offs, officials below the director-general are now extremely sensitive, and they are extremely cautious in every move.

Generally speaking, at this kind of time, they talk less, do more, and do good things. Try to avoid irritating remarks in public, so as not to have bad influences. Otherwise, it is very likely that you will step down tomorrow. The fuse.

Due to the high demand for the establishment of the Ministry of Energy in the new round of reforms, the Energy Office under the National Reform Commission has attracted much attention. , Strategic Planning Group, Policy Group and other departments, the leaders of the group are called the directors of the department.

According to industry analysts, if the Energy Office can be promoted to the Ministry of Energy, it will become an important part of the State Council and be able to participate in the decision-making and implementation of major energy strategies. Some department-level officials can also be officially listed. The original status of the directors of the leaders of each group It can also be more justified.

The mentality of employees in departments that are rumored to undergo major changes is similar. Working actively and waiting for news is an almost consistent attitude when they face the media.

In fact, this is understandable. If it is a merger of ministries and commissions, the reduction is mainly in ministerial positions. The departmental level will have some impact, but the impact below the department will not be too great. For example, if a large department is established at the top, an executive bureau will be established at the bottom. , No matter what the specific content or the work of the staff of the Executive Board, there will be no changes. On the contrary, it is a good thing, because the policy implementation is smoother, so as to avoid the current wrangling.

Even those unpopular ministries and commissions whose voices are not so loud are also low-key. Although the institutional reforms of these ministries and commissions may be several years later and not so fast, everyone is clear about it, but it will be sooner or later.

"This time the institutional reform is very intense. I read their drafts. The original State Planning Commission, the Economic Reform Commission, the Economic and Trade Commission, and the Price Bureau, and the former Special Administrative Region Office of the State Council merged into the Reform Commission. The current director, plus the six directors of the Special Administrative Region Office of the State Council, add up to 18 directors. After the Office of Economic Reform, there are only six directors. The original six directors of the National Economic Reform Commission were later merged into the reform. There were only two remaining in office during the appointment. It can be seen that the demolition of the department involved all aspects of Lizhan. It is not easy to change the grass and requires sacrifices." Fan Heng said to Fan Wubing.

"Well, that's for sure. There are a lot of officials in Beijing's colleges and universities for advanced studies. It seems that everyone is a little worried and take precautions." Fan Wuyao nodded in agreement.

Generally speaking, under this situation, officials who have worked for 30 years can retire early. After graduating from colleges and universities, if they catch up with some people who have reached the age of the establishment, they will retire and leave some posts empty. You can re-enter the establishment to get an appointment.

Of course, many people have different choices. For example, they have a new place to go after their advanced studies. Some go to industry associations, some go to enterprises, and some go to public institutions. It depends on everyone's choice.

Regarding this point, there are also precedents to follow. When the organization was reformed in 1998, the number of personnel allocated to the State Council was more than 100,000, and almost half of the staff were laid off. The General Office of the State Council has transferred the notice of the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Education on the implementation plan for the study and training of diverted personnel from various departments of the State Council, stipulating that diverted personnel with high school graduation and above can sign up and enroll without examinations and participate in the unified organization of the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Education. The oriented professional training "study for master's degree, postgraduate courses, postgraduate education. The training time is two to two and a half years, and the training capacity is about 13,000 people.

At that time, Peking University, National People's University, Tsinghua University and other schools organized targeted professional training and studied for undergraduate degree and master's degree.

Among them, in the national master's and doctoral enrollment plan in 1999, the state has a separate plan for diverting personnel, and about 2,000 people have implemented schools and majors.

In addition, various ministries and commissions also provide undergraduate education, postgraduate education in specialties other than those listed in the annex, and post and vocational skills training for diverted personnel in accordance with the needs of their own departments, industry management and career development. The quality of civil servants has been improved.

The increasing number of civil servants is also common in Tsinghua's senior management training courses and some ena courses at Peking University. The high-level personnel training classes jointly organized by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of China and Tsinghua University are also full of personnel. Most of the trainees are officials and business leaders from the central and local state-owned assets systems. Mostly above grade.

In fact, these students are not worried about the problem of the future. The reason is that they can be attacked and defended. If the department can stay after the department is dismantled and merged, a high degree of education is conducive to personal promotion and promotion during changes. The academic qualifications can also go to the enterprise and go to the market to show their ambitions.

"In fact, if you want to properly solve this matter, it's the point I said. The administrative examination and approval problem must be solved first." Fan Wuyi considered it again and again, and suggested that his father Fan Heng start with this aspect.

In fact, the common people have already had big opinions. Can the government take care of it a little less?

The large number of government ministries is obviously not what the government wants. In fact, the government will carry out an institutional reform every few years and it has clearly expressed this demand.

Without a more reasonable explanation, everyone can only think that the government has too many things to manage, and the government will not be able to manage it if these departments are not established.

As a result, these characteristics have emerged: high degree of specialization, detailed division of labor, and multiple functions, which dilute the government's public service functions.

Some ministries and commissions have concentrated too much decision-making power, combined with the executive power, which not only reduces the government’s administrative efficiency, but also strengthens the interests of the department. It is easy to become a factor of the mechanism of the government. Some scholars have long proposed that the government system The correct order should be to reform the administrative management model first. The government should return power to the market players and the society, greatly reducing the unnecessary power exercised by the government.

After the government has adjusted its own functions, abolishing, reorganizing, and merging ministries and commissions is a matter of course.

However, under the obstruction of the interests of departments, groups and individuals, this reasonable sequence process is difficult and slow.

"One of the priorities of the central government is to reduce government intervention in the economy." Fan Wuyao said to his father, Fan Heng. It was smashed."

"If you follow your advice, you will encounter more resistance," Fan Hyung replied.

Fan Heng is very clear about the current situation. There have been examples of this point. For example, many of the proposals put forward by the central government, such as strengthening environmental protection and expanding social services, have been caused by conflicts between central and local departments and departments with different priorities. The conflict between the two is difficult to implement.

Although this time the institutional reform has been sharpened, the slaughtered are basically those cadres who are not hard at the backstage, and those officials who really have deep-rooted forces in the central ministries and commissions, it can be said with certainty that they will not What's affected.

But in any case, this is an offending job.

If you do like Fan Wubing said, the entire bureaucracy will be offended because Fan Wubing wants to directly take away part of their power. This is something that no one can tolerate, far more than offending a small part of it. People are more difficult, so Fan Hyung will react like this.

However, UU reading www. Fan Wubing of uukanshu.com obviously has his own consideration of this. He said to his father Fan Heng confidently, "The difference seems to offend more people, but it is the same sentence I said. Because there are too many lice and do not bite people, you will not offend specific people. But I believe that this kind of change is the most needed in the country, and the people’s voice is the highest. As long as you throw out this plan, there will be immediately Countless grass-roots people strongly support it. No matter what the result is, you already have a broad mass base and so-called popular support. Of course, at present, this plan is estimated to be delayed for various reasons, but you can stick to it. According to your own principles, you will not do this unless you make changes in accordance with your own opinions."

After Fan Heng listened to it, he understood his son's intention. He just wanted to use the method of pointing to the root of the problem to advance and retreat, and put the offending thing on hold.

Since you all want to be good people, then I also have my own way. In a word, if the crow falls on the pig's back, no one should think anyone is black.

Having figured this out, Fan Heng felt that he could give it a try. After all, the tedious and repetitive administrative approval is indeed the most criticized shortcoming of the world, and he can put forward this plan with confidence.

If you want me to preside over this work, then I have to exercise my power, let alone as it should be.