
v5 Chapter 1152: Advance as retreat

There are always many activities before and after the day. The government is also very busy. After discussing carefully with Fan Dan’s disease, Fan Xin brought in the think tanks under his staff to conduct in-depth research and finally came up with a new set of institutional reform plans, contrary to the previous withdrawal from the merged ministries and commissions. The old way, but chose to conduct a comprehensive review of the administrative approval authority based on market demand to determine that those administrative approvals are out of date and need to be abolished.

Under this operation, Fan Heng proposed his own institutional reform draft, which listed a total of more than 680 administrative approval items that need to be withdrawn and abolished, and enumerated a large number of facts to explain, only to be resolved first. Only with these problems can institutional reforms have practical significance.

Fan Heng’s move immediately shocked the entire senior management. No one thought that Fan Heng would make such a big move. After all, although such a move did not threaten the interests of an individual member, it was really true. Locally, the authority of the entire government has shrunk a lot.

The most important thing is that this action also reflects part of Fan Heng’s attitude. Although I have no background before, Fan Heng is now a real member of the Standing Committee, a leader at the national level, and I can do my work, but The scapegoat is unwilling to recite.

Don’t you want to talk about institutional reforms? Don’t you want me to be held accountable, then I will treat you from the root and see who will end up with headaches? Anyway, my Fan family has no desires and desires, and they don't care about the consequences of this kind of thing.

In fact, every new government is always the best time to reform the administrative system. Since 1983, the central government has made some adjustments to government departments at every other stage. Looking back briefly, it is not difficult to see that this is a difficult and long road to reform.

Why implement a large department system?

Data can be used to illustrate how many government departments in China are.

At one time, the number of ministries and commissions under the State Council reached one hundred during the reform and merger in 1982.

Since then, the government has carried out several administrative reforms, each of which focused on streamlining institutions and reducing personnel.

Thirty-nine departments were streamlined in 1982. In 1998, a large-scale institutional reform was repeated. The forty constituent departments of the State Council were abolished and eleven were cut, leaving only twenty-nine. Most departments that directly managed industry have been abolished.

The intensity of this kind of institutional reform is not small. The successive major operations on government institutions undoubtedly reflect that the administrative system at that time was extremely abnormal.

However, the goal of previous reforms is basically to adhere to the principles of simplification, unity, and efficiency, and it is difficult to fundamentally solve the shortcomings of the existing administrative institutions. After each reform, there will be a wind of institutional expansion. Institutional reform has been described as a number game, streamlining the path of simplification and swelling.

Today, in addition to the General Office of the State Council, the State Council still has 28 constituent departments, a special institution, 18 directly affiliated organizations, 4 offices, 10 national bureaus managed by ministries and commissions, and 14 directly affiliated institutions. "In addition, there are more than one hundred discussion and coordination agencies.

Compared with mature market economy countries purely in terms of quantity, China has too many government departments.

There are folk songs that refer to the overcrowded scene of government meetings, "The minister sat in an auditorium, the director stood in a corridor, and the director squeezed a square."

There was a cabinet meeting, and the ministers sat in a room, how to discuss matters, and who should you listen to?

The incompleteness of previous reforms also reflects the heavy historical burden of the reform of the domestic administrative system. Because it is a transformation from the planning system, and a prominent feature of the planned economy is the establishment of multiple departments and the implementation of block management.

The current government agency setup is based on the era of planned economy. Command and control are still emphasized in function. This will inevitably lead to the establishment of too detailed agencies, the management of government agencies is too micro and specific, and it is too unified.

There are too many and too detailed government agencies, overlapping agencies, overlapping functions, and coordination difficulties are common, which has become a major difficulty in supporting reforms of government functions and institutional reforms.

In addition, too many institutions also bring an inevitable by-product, which is high administrative costs.

One of Ming Yan's performance is the large number of civil servants.

Relevant surveys show that nearly 70% of the people believe that there are too many civil servants in China. According to the ratio of civil servants to recession, the number of Chinese civil servants has come from abroad.

In comparison, the system of large departments is the product of the public service-oriented government in modern society, and is also the government system model commonly adopted by countries with mature market economies. Move.

However, this still has not changed the past practice of sewing and mending. Fan Heng sees this very clearly, while Fan Wuyin sees it more clearly. As for the people across the country, they actually see the most clearly. It's not that it's hard to change, but everyone Are afraid of offending people.

So Fan Hyung's heart naturally complained. This kind of thing makes me small: Why don't you think of me when there are good things? Then since you all let me thunder, I will admit it. I not only want to top the thunder, but also a big thunder, and simply solve this problem for you from the root. See if you really have the courage and dare to pass this motion? "At this time, Boss Zhu, who is still in charge of the State Council, said immediately after seeing Fan Heng's proposal on institutional reform, but his eyes were full of smiles. Obviously, he didn't think this was a problem.

The secretary didn’t dare to answer this, because boss Zhu said that Mr. Fan, whether it is Executive Vice Premier Fan or Mr. Fan Wuyi, both of these father and son are not easy to provoke, especially the boss of the same set. The relationship is very good, just talk about them, it is hard to imagine what problems will arise.

However, he also very much agrees with Boss Zhu's opinion. Regarding this matter, both Fan and Xiao Fan have reasons to be angry.

The overwhelming power among high-level executives is also very serious, but it is not obvious to outsiders. This time everyone recommended Fan Heng out to top the thunder. Who knew that President Fan would ignore this situation at all, and hit him all at once. For their fate, after all, to start with the cancellation of 680 administrative examination and approval items, it would be really scary.

For example, nowadays, the administrative approval items in a provincial-level city in China are actually about 1,000 items. Fan Heng's trick was ruthless, almost cutting down 60% of the criminal investigation approval power.

In fact, objectively speaking, this is a very effective reform plan.

The reason is also very simple. The scope of power is reduced, and the scope for making money is reduced. The competition for power is concentrated, and the number of bureaucrats is reduced. As a result, the number of final decisions is reduced, so it is based on three factors. The principle that monks have no water to eat, there are fewer officials capable of competing, and the number of institutions will naturally decrease. Departments without benefits will automatically die out even if they do not need to be abolished. Even if they do not automatically die, they will gradually roll out the whole The bureaucracy has become a decoration.

This reason is actually very simple. There is a cost to cultivating bureaucrats.

At the grassroots level, a county-level official who has actual power, if it is not a special situation, does not have an operating cost of more than one million, it is basically difficult to get ahead. Probably the driving force behind the movement of power departments for administrative approval items.

Only by grasping the painful feet of others can there be a way to make money. If there is no such attraction, then the ghost will be willing to do the kind of laborious and laborious things with the little dead salary of the department-level cadres. I really think people. People want to serve the people? When this is said, the onlookers who have no judgment and do not know the truth are likely to believe it.

Therefore, when Van Hyung proposed this solution and listed a large number of facts as supporting evidence, everyone could not find any reason to refute it. The only thing that can be blocked is that the so-called stability overwhelms all principles.

Therefore, the No. 1 leader, who has not completely withdrawn, stood up and acted as the peacemaker, saying that although Comrade Fan Heng’s plan is a solution, the consequences may be difficult to predict, so it is better not to rush it at this time. .

In this way, the matter of institutional reform was naturally shelved.

After all, this matter is obvious~lightnovelpub.net~ You let the family handle the matter with full authority. Fan Heng came up with a radical cure plan, but you said no. This is not in line with the national conditions. Isn't this teasing others? The face of the state-level leaders is not so shameless!

When Fan Heng returned home, when he brought up the matter with Fan Wubing, he said, "If this matter is not listed again, the Chinese New Year will be immediately passed. Proposal, then the organizational reform will have to be delayed for another five or ten years

Fan Wubing understands the thoughts in his father Fan Heng's heart. After all, Fan Heng is a man who does things. This time he sacrificed the magic weapon of advancing and retreating. In fact, most of them were instigated by himself, plus he was originally in his heart. I was a little dissatisfied with some people and some people, so this time I made such an unexpected move.

In normal times, even if Fan Heng is a little wronged, it is unlikely that he will openly rebel against the high-level army. This is not in line with his usual rules of conduct, and it is also the biggest reason for everyone's surprise.

"However, things always have to be done by someone, and institutional reforms are indeed very important." Fan Heng finally expressed his attitude.

"That's not that there is no way to deal with this matter, Fan Qiangbing has already had a confession in his heart."