
v5 Chapter 1153: The big picture

"No disease has long expected that Fan Lao can't be the kind of person with a small belly and chicken intestines. The public and Shan have their own voice, which is to express the majesty of the Standing Committee. I can do things, but I can't play me like a monkey. It all depends on the mood of my Fan family, and it is not about succumbing to some people’s lewdness. "Since things are still to be done, you still have to continue to work as a member of the Standing Committee, then this matter always needs to be done by yourself, and there is no need to stay. Give everyone an embarrassment," Fan Wubing said to his father Fan Xiang.

Fan Xiang nodded and said, "That's what I mean. It's enough to express your own opinions appropriately. If the stalemate continues, it's really not good. The overall situation is more important.

Fan Wubing smiled slightly. Although the words that put the overall situation in mind may sound a bit funny, it is undeniable that in many cases, these words are indeed heavy, and they force many people to make concessions. The original intention is not necessarily for the so-called overall situation.

"Benefits determine everything, so this institutional reform must always be effective." Fan Wuyao suggested to his father Fan Heng, "I also have a proposal for reference only."

Speaking of Fan Wubing, he handed over a piece of material that had been prepared a long time ago to Fan Heng, and asked him to look carefully.

After Fan Xiang glanced over his eyes, he asked in amazement, "Ministry of Construction and Energy and Ministry of Land and Resources? Implement a major ministry system?"

Fan Wubing nodded, indicating that it was so.

In fact, experts from the Modernization Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences put forward the idea of ​​establishing the Ministry of Energy and reported it to the relevant departments in the form of an internal report, but no one agreed with it at the time.

Under the circumstances at the time, these researchers actually did not consider so much, and did not consider how scientific the function establishment was. From the perspective of scientists, the establishment of energy sources is conducive to the implementation of the national energy strategy and The unified management of energy work, and one thing is very important, basically has similar institutions in foreign countries.

Although this suggestion did not attract high-level attention, Fan Wubing noticed it, and he regarded it as the same thing.

There is no doubt that China will continue to be at the forefront of global economic growth. However, the internal and external contradictions in China's economic and social development have become more and more prominent.

Externally, international energy giants have constantly put forward various price threats and wild demands on China from time to time, and they have become more and more intensified. Environmental protection accusations have also been renovated. China’s national exhibition strategy is facing severe challenges; internally, the coexistence of high administrative costs and low administrative efficiency makes The existing government agency system has become one of the focus issues criticized by all sectors of society, and has generated an internal impulse for reform.

In a word, it won't work if you don't change it.

In the proposal that Fan Wuyao gave to Fan Heng, he suggested that in this round of institutional reform, the energy sector should be the focus of the reform of the large-scale sector. Under his vision, the Ministry of Energy to be established will integrate the energy-related functions of the National Reform Commission, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the Ministry of Land and Resources, the Ministry of Water Resources, and the Electricity Regulatory Commission, as well as command CNPC, Sinopec, CNOOC, State Grid, etc. State-owned energy giant.

Fan Xiang was also greatly shocked after reading Fan Wubing’s plan. Xindao’s son was really capable of doing it. He immediately started with so many ministries and commissions, and they were all more important ministries. If this knife is cut, it is indeed The miraculous effect can be achieved, and at least many problems that have not been solved for a long time will disappear.

But the trouble is also a lot, because just this one job, the department that needs to be involved is enough to make people headache.

In fact, in the economic era of Ji Zai, China also established a Ministry of Energy, but as its functions were gradually delegated to state-owned enterprises, the former Ministry of Energy was disbanded in 1993.

However, for China, the world's second largest energy consumer, the importance of energy is self-evident.

The energy management system involves important fields such as petroleum, coal, electric power, and nuclear energy. In the current management system, the entity is the Energy Bureau with only more than 30 people set up in the National Reform Commission, which is only a department-level unit, while large energy companies such as PetroChina, Sinopec, CNOOC, and State Grid Corporation are all ministerial-level. Or vice-ministerial-level organization, lacking an institution capable of systematically coordinating energy in the administrative system and management authority.

As the saying goes, you are a small director who is not even qualified to talk to others. What else do you expect to be able to do? In the domestic officialdom, it was originally a place where seniority was emphasized, and things that messed up the rules would definitely be besieged by everyone.

It is obviously unrealistic to do sinners for public affairs.

At the same time, energy management is also under the supervision of the National Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce, and the Electricity Regulatory Commission. Take power management as an example. The State Electricity Regulatory Commission, the State Reform Commission, and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission are in charge of the three departments. There is also the national power system reform leading group for overall planning. The management of oil and butterfly coal is more dispersed.

When talking about the establishment of the national energy department, Fan Wuyi’s original salary account was renamed: Gang...Kouyang.... o...Please **** 6 right! "Shuaidong" is not that simple. It does not mean that the Ministry of Energy cannot be solved by simply building the Ministry of Energy, but that the Energy Commission and the Ministry of Energy must be formed at the same time.

"I also made in-depth analysis and calculations on this point, and I didn't just put it forward." When Fan Wubing talked about these things, even if he was discussing with his father, he was very serious, "Due to the energy issue. The scientificity, complexity and importance of the national energy committee must be established, which is the advisory and quasi-decision-making body of the State Council; while the Ministry of Energy is the executive body and accepts the guidance and supervision of the Energy Commission. If this problem is not resolved, this one Your work is still unworkable, and if the energy strategy issue is not resolved in a timely manner, within a few years, you will experience the bitterness of not paying attention to this issue. I am not saying this, but rather There are many judgments in it."

Fan Heng scratched his head after hearing this. The advice his son gave him is really appalling. The issue of strengthening the national energy strategy has become increasingly prominent. It is also necessary to establish a unified energy authority. There are also small-scale discussions among the high-level leaders. Matter, but did not mention the schedule.

The most important point of controversy is mainly focused on the scope of the Department of Energy. After all, such a big move is not a trivial matter. But it should be certain that, in any case, the new Ministry of Energy will not return to the original mechanism framework, but will focus on improving the decision-making level in the energy sector. Otherwise, it will not be able to play a practical role. It's just a dispensable bureaucracy.

“This plan is still of great reference value.” Fan Hensi felt that his son’s suggestion was actually very valuable. If the energy problem is solved all at once, then according to this idea, large transportation, large land construction, large agriculture, large The establishment of systems such as the Ministry of Culture and the Great Finance Department is a logical process, and there is a model that can be used as a reference.

The most important thing to formulate a major sector system reform plan is to consider the actual needs of market economic development and social development. The conditions are relatively mature and can be included in the reform agenda. Fan Wuyao has always attached great importance to the energy industry, especially in There are huge reserves of energy and mineral resources overseas. His views on this issue are of great significance. Even if the senior officials see this plan, they can’t help but treat it with caution.

Another point is that even though Fan Heng made a move to advance and retreat, which prevented everyone from coming to Taiwan, Fan Heng himself knew very well that if institutional reforms were not carried out, the financial burden of the central government would indeed be heavier. Some.

Regarding this issue, although from the perspective of the proportion of financial support personnel in the population, the number of personnel in domestic government departments and administrative institutions is not much, and it is even far lower than in some other countries.

However, the most important problem is that this low proportion of people consumes huge administrative costs, which can be said to be ridiculously high when compared with countries in the world.

Since they are public servants, they should not live better than ordinary people, but the current situation is just the opposite. This is very problematic. This should not happen in a developing country.

By merging and streamlining organizations, departments with overlapping functions can be omitted, and by reducing the size of the organization, administrative expenses can be saved. It can also streamline personnel, improve government administrative efficiency, and reduce the overlapping of original functions between departments.

Therefore, Fan Heng still has to solve this problem after he has shown himself up. Since no one is willing to take this burden, and no one can take it~lightnovelpub.net~, then he is duty-bound. This It was also his original intention to walk all the way.

In a word, the overall situation is important!

This overall situation is not the overall situation of a few people, but a decision made by Fan Heng and Fan Wubing from the standpoint of national interests and after a long-term vision.

It is conceivable that with the greatly improved domestic construction and the rapid development of the social economy, the demand for energy resources will also snowball. If there is no department that can coordinate and improve the overall situation to organize this matter, it will The organic combination of energy demand and energy strategy will eventually lead to a mess.

After careful consideration and revision, Fan Heng threw out a draft of the new institutional reform and passed it to the Standing Committee for everyone to read.

"Uh" Everyone's expressions are even more weird this time. No one thought that Fan Zhuo would unexpectedly turn around and return to this topic after advancing and retreating.

But after they carefully read the draft submitted by Fan Heng, they felt even more shocked. This time it seemed that Fan Heng was going to play a big game, and it was the kind of far-reaching one. "