
v5 Chapter 1155: Department of Energy

Ministries and commissions, all the parts related to energy utilization and energy planning and energy production are all classified into this level, even the State Environmental Protection Administration, which has a large authority and becomes more and more important after its accession to the WTO, is also included.

The reason for this is also based on a vision of the large energy industry, and at the same time in order to meet the needs of high-level tailoring of government agency personnel.

The domestic environmental protection industry exhibition is relatively slow. Since the 1980s, various places have been crossing the river by feeling the stones while promoting the reform of environmental protection marketization.

In the late 1980s, some cities began water investment reforms. The city government obtained intergovernmental loans and loans from international financial organizations through direct or indirect guarantees.

In this round of investment attraction, more than 100 projects in major cities were involved, but the investment attraction did not involve property rights.

After the central government banned city governments from participating in direct financing activities such as guarantees, the second phase of investment exploration began in the mid-1990s. Foreign capital began to invest in urban water plant projects in the form of cooperative operations and guaranteed fixed returns. Urban pipe networks are basically not included) , Also avoided the issue of clarification of property rights, but only clarified the return on investment.

In the late 1990s, the third stage of reform and exploration represented by a large number of T methods began. For a single new project (mainly water plant projects), T released limited property rights for a certain period of time and realized effective project financing. , But avoided the disposal of the property rights of the original assets of the urban water industry.

With the full implementation of the restructuring of urban water enterprises, the separation of government public management functions from the functions of asset investors, especially after the party’s government, the property rights reform of water enterprises has truly begun. Urban water enterprises such as Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Sanya have begun. The transfer of part of the equity of the water industry indicates that the marketization of the water industry has entered the stage of reform of the property rights system.

At the end of 2001, the State Planning Commission issued a Notice on Several Opinions on Promoting and Guiding Private Investment in India. It pointed out the need to gradually relax investment areas. Except for special regulations of the state, all areas where foreign investment is encouraged and allowed to enter. Both encourage and allow private investment to enter; encourage and guide private investment to participate in the construction of operational infrastructure and public welfare projects through sole proprietorship, cooperation, joint ventures, equity participation, and franchise operations.

The promulgation of this "Notice" marks the recognition of the franchise model.

At the end of last year, the Ministry of Construction issued the Opinions on Accelerating the Marketization Process of the Municipal Public Utility Industry, calling for system innovation and mechanism innovation as the driving force, with the purpose of ensuring the public interest and promoting the municipal public industry exhibition as the purpose, and accelerating the promotion of the municipal public utility industry marketization process . Encourage social funds and foreign capital to take various forms such as sole proprietorship, joint ventures, and cooperation to participate in the construction of municipal public facilities to form a diversified investment structure.

In general, Fan Heng and Fan Wubing and his sons still borrowed some advanced foreign experience, and raised some of the powers under the jurisdiction of the State Environmental Protection Administration to the status of national energy, especially for special energy such as water resources. In terms of its position, the topic of environmental protection itself is inseparable from the effective use of energy, energy conservation and emission reduction.

As long as a new large energy department is formed, these problems can be solved in a coordinated manner, without the need to continue to wrestle and control things as they do now.

"But if this is the case, it was only upgraded to the State Environmental Protection Administration's mechanism in 1998. Wouldn't it be the case that it will face dissolution once? Without the Environmental Protection Administration's brand, how does it make ordinary people think?" Some people also expressed different opinions. .

The current State Environmental Protection Administration was upgraded to the State Administration’s specifications after the flood relief in 1998. The considerations at the time, it is estimated that the importance of environmental protection work was seen before this decision was made.

Fan Heng immediately replied, "Many jobs in China have obvious drawbacks of treating the head and feet. It does not mean that you put up a brand of the State Environmental Protection Administration and upgrade the specifications to the State Administration of Environmental Protection. , We can do a good job in domestic environmental protection. In fact, the nominal change is of no avail. The change from the Environmental Protection Agency to the State Environmental Protection Administration has not brought much benefit to the country. The investment and the return are seriously disproportionate. Just me Personally, it’s better to do fewer things like this, and the key is to solve the problem in substance. Build a large Ministry of Energy, integrate the power of the State Environmental Protection Administration, and integrate energy utilization, management and planning, and output. This is more conducive to the virtuous development of the entire society."

This made some people feel very uncomfortable when they heard it, but they couldn’t find anything wrong. Once someone said about it, it’s the same thing. This is the same thing as the “people’s xx” People, run **** for the people, like the publicity slogan. The slogans are brushed all over the streets, but they are still the same when they are not serving the people, and one by one is still stubborn: like the uncle.

It can be seen from this that if you want to do a good job in environmental protection, it is not a simple matter of upgrading the Environmental Protection Agency to the State Environmental Protection Administration. The increase in administrative level has no real influence on the work.

Moreover, there is also a good news that the emergence of the State Environmental Protection Administration, apart from being criticized by others, is really meaningless to the cause of environmental protection.

In the past six years, domestic environmental protection law enforcement supervision and pollution control efforts have been continuously increased, investment in environmental protection has increased significantly, and public environmental awareness has increased significantly.

However, the government is under more pressure on environmental protection, and enterprises evade responsibility in order to reduce the burden, which also affects the normal development of environmental protection. It is very dangerous if we cannot establish a modern environmental management model as soon as possible to promote the healthy development of China's environmental protection industry.

In fact, as early as the 1980s, China proposed that environmental protection should take the road of marketization. However, what is the environmental protection model that adapts to the market economy? For this, the country has never understood it.

The emergence of environmental problems has its economic roots, which inevitably determines the possibility of economic activities intervening in environmental protection. Through innovative economic systems, such as price and property rights systems, encourage those who pollute and destroy environmental resources to choose environmentally friendly production and operation methods from their own economic interests, rely on technological progress and cleaner production technologies to improve economic production efficiency and change traditional economic growth Mode to reduce the pressure of human economic activities on resources and the environment.

The existing environmental protection operation mode unilaterally emphasizes government behavior, only pays attention to input but not output, and ignores the basic laws of economic activities. This makes the environmental protection industry lack of economic benefits, which deepens the opposition between environmental protection and economic development, and hinders environmental protection. Career exhibition.

To solve environmental problems, it is necessary to establish various environmental management systems that are compatible with the market economy, including government policies, and abandon the previous practice of unilaterally relying on direct government command and control management, adopt economic means, and establish diversified management through market policy management. A market-oriented investment system allocates the environmental investment shares of polluters by market-oriented means.

It is necessary for the state to be responsible for the construction of some highly technological environmental infrastructure, comprehensive treatment of cross-regional pollution, and environmental management and supervision, provide cutting-edge technology for clean production of enterprises, and pass designated environmental policies, laws and regulations, management systems and environmental planning To restrict behaviors that pollute the environment and destroy the ecology, give certain policy preference to the environmental investment of enterprises, such as the implementation of preferential policies on loan interest rates for environmental investment projects, etc., to guide and encourage enterprises and society to jointly protect the environment.

"Environmental protection should be transformed from past government behaviors into market behaviors and corporate behaviors driven by economic interest mechanisms. The adoption of economic systems can enable companies to choose the lowest cost pollution control technology, with the flexibility to pay, and prompt companies to reduce the standard Require more pollution. Establish an effective cost selection mechanism to carry out environmental pollution prevention and control, directly reduce the pollution generated, and reduce costs, establish a good corporate image, and achieve the effect of environmental and economic wins." Fan Heng said, "This The mechanism has achieved very good results in Japan. China should also implement a total pollutant discharge fee system, and encourage companies to adopt pollution prevention and control measures and choose cleaner production roads through the method of pollutant discharge charges greater than the treatment cost. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the corporate environmental management system The construction and implementation efforts will enable enterprises to form self-disciplined environmental management behaviors in the prevention and control of industrial pollution. The development of environmental protection industries and encourage enterprises to choose clean production methods can not only control pollution from the corporate perspective, but also guide individual environmental behaviors from the consumption direction, such as Choose green packaging to reduce waste, etc."

Anyway ~lightnovelpub.net~ In order to achieve effective supervision and governance, only when environmental protection is integrated with the vision of the Ministry of Energy, can it be possible to reduce waste of resources, and at the same time, be unified into the overall scope, from The root cause is to solve the topic, and this approach is that if you meet the standards of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, it is to cut you directly from the source. Without environmental protection, there will be no energy. Power supervision is in one hand, and it is a life and death for enterprises. Of the ability.

"Looking at the deterioration of the environment over the past two decades, we should be sober. We should not only consider a little bit of personal benefit, and consider how much trouble it will cause to reduce a few ministerial and deputy ministerial levels, but we should look at this country. What is needed?” Fan Hyung pointedly pointed out, “If this situation does not change immediately, the backlash of nature will be very powerful. After 20 years, we will have no energy available, and the living space will no longer be suitable for human living. The growth of gdp is just an illusion. You can control it at will by playing with capital operations, but the deterioration of energy and the environment is real. None of us want to go abroad after retirement, right? Now? His inaction is a complete crime!"

After the meeting ended, some people whispered, "Vice Premier Fan's temper is getting bigger and bigger, and his words are sharp and point to the source of the problem, which is worse than Boss Zhu."

"What people said is indeed the truth, but I asked myself if I didn't have the guts to bring it up directly." Someone said.