
v5 Chapter 1162: Africa

Fan Wuyi came to Africa, naturally, not just to see the lions and the elephants. Or instructing the fascinating tower and the Sphinx. In fact, he still has the meaning of investigating the investment environment in Africa in detail, especially in terms of mineral resources.

In recent years, Fan's Investment Group has spared no effort in prospecting. From iron ore in Australia to Southeast Asia and Indonesia, it has achieved quite fruitful results, but this is the first time it has come to Africa.

Africa 6 is rich in mineral resources. In recent years, African countries have become more politically stable. And the economy is developing steadily, and social security has also improved and improved, creating good conditions for attracting investment.

Many African countries have adopted the mining sector as the main area for attracting foreign investment in order to develop their economies and process industrialization, and have introduced a series of preferential policies and measures. Africa has ushered in the best period of investment opportunities in history.

Africa is the oldest Big 6 in the world, and it can be said to be the richest Big 6 in the world in terms of mineral resources and the conditions for its generation. The reserves of important mineral resources such as gold, diamonds, platinum group metals, bauxite, diamonds, and uranium are all Ranked in the world. Mineral resources such as Ming, manganese, vanadium, qin, copper, nickel, oil and natural gas are also very rich.

20% of the world's Zhonghe Ming iron ore reserves, 30% of manganese ore and bauxite reserves, more than 20% of vanadium and titanium reserves, half of drilled ore reserves, 90% of platinum group metal reserves, and more than 50% of gold resources , 60% of diamond reserves and 40% of phosphate rock reserves are concentrated in Africa.

In addition, the reserves of mineral resources such as lead, zinc, antimony, and barite are also considerable.

And one thing is very important, that is, most mineral deposits are of high grade, continuous distribution, easy to large-scale mining, and great investment potential.

However, limited by many factors such as history, natural geography, economic development, etc., the exploration and development of mineral resources in Africa's six major mineral resources are soft. The data is abundant, while the degree of geological exploration and mineral development in other areas is relatively low. The research level of geological prospecting in most countries in Africa is at a medium to low level; this also reflects from the side that Africa still has a great potential for prospecting for mineral resources.

After the plane landed in Cairo, Fan Wubing and others were immediately welcomed by the Chinese Embassy in Egypt.

The reporters from CCTV and Phoenix Satellite TV who came together were very surprised. They did not expect that the ambassador would come to greet him in person. However, someone with knowledge of CCTV broke the news privately, saying that it was the son of Fan Heng Standing Committee member and the boss of Fan Investment Group. Wuyi arrived in Cairo by the same plane, and the ambassador came to Fan Wuyi's face.

"It's good to be rich and powerful, you are the uncle wherever you go." Some people express their respects with envy.

In recent years, African countries have experienced steady economic growth. The economic growth rate is 4%. With the increase in the total economic volume, Africa's weight on the world economic stage has increased. The proportion of its total economic volume in the world has risen to 3.4%. Economic liberalization , Diversification and unity and self-reliance have become trends in the economic development of African countries.

In order to improve the business environment, African countries continue to promulgate and revise policies and regulations that encourage foreign investment. In recent years, many African countries have revised their mining laws to gradually improve their mineral resource policies, adopting loose and preferential policies in terms of land lease, mining rights concession license, mineral product sales and taxation, etc., to encourage and attract foreign investment into their own countries to explore and mine minerals. resource.

The sustained economic growth has promoted the continuous growth of foreign direct investment flowing into Africa. In the 1980s, the African State University 6 attracted an average of US$2.2 billion in foreign investment per year, and in the 1990s it was both US$6.2 billion. The foreign investment attracted by the Big 6 has repeatedly reached new highs, reaching 18.7 billion US dollars. This is all due to the great attraction of African natural resources to foreign investment, especially since this year, the rise in the price of mineral products, the increase in investment profitability and the The improvement of the policy environment has promoted investment inflows.

Africa's mining investment continues to rise. Mineral exploration is active, and more and more foreign mining capital is entering Africa.

There is a traditional and good foundation for cooperation between China and Africa. For half a century, China has provided a large amount of assistance to African countries. China has carried out more than 900 infrastructure projects and social welfare projects in Africa, covering many fields such as agriculture, animal husbandry, water conservancy and electricity, transportation and telecommunications, culture, education, sports, health, and food processing.

The implementation of the project has been widely praised by African governments and people. At present, China has become Africa's second largest trading partner. The average annual growth rate of China-Africa trade volume is as high as 30%, which is about 20 billion U.S. dollars. However, China's direct investment in Africa is still relatively small, only less than 80 million U.S. dollars, which is the stock of direct investment in Africa. That is less than half a billion dollars.

Of course, there are not many domestic direct investment in Africa, and there are some reasons. After all, investing in Africa also faces many challenges and also faces some risk factors. Although the background of peace and development has created a favorable investment environment for Africa, the overall investment environment of Africa is not good compared with other regions in the world. A good place to read novels, delete the four-centered economic structure list. "The industry is not a system, and the production capacity is weak. The old system is imperfect; there are laws that are not abided by, law enforcement is not strict, work efficiency is low, officials are **, etc.

In some African countries, political instability, poor social security, limited economic strength, and often failure to implement matching funds from the African side are all risks that must be considered when investing in African minerals.

Many countries in Africa are not only economically backward. At the same time, severe political governance is beyond people's imagination, due to the uneven distribution of wealth. Caused political instability, coups and turmoil became commonplace.

Any leader can only hold on to the throne if he has the army in his hands. This has also resulted in the great power of the army, and the army is the law. Soldiers can use privileges at will to control society.

In some African countries, the most terrible thing is that it is forbidden to take photos at will. As long as they see a camera, anyone is immediately alert. Anyone can stop you from taking photos or even confiscate your camera. Or fine. The most serious can detain you.

Traveling in such an environment is obviously a very painful thing. Tourists dare not hang the camera on their bodies to swagger through the city.

Fortunately, the situation in Egypt is relatively good.

In fact, Egypt is not an agricultural country. Although it is said that more than one-third of the professional population is engaged in agriculture, the area of ​​arable land only accounts for about 4.5% of the country's land, and most of it is irrigated land. Intensive farming, with double or triple cropping a year, the highest yield per unit area in Africa


Egypt's oil refining industry has reached a high level. Crude oil alone accounts for about half of the total export value. The Suez Canal is the most important international navigable river and the river of wealth for Egypt.

In 1991, Egypt took a stand against Iraq’s encroachment on Kuwait during the Gulf War. Appreciated by the United States and other Western countries and the Gulf Arab countries, more than 20 countries and international financial institutions have successively provided loans and emergency assistance to Egypt. The United States has also forgiven Egypt’s debts, and Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar have also The debt owed by Egypt was cancelled.

In May of the same year, the Paris Club creditors forgave Egypt's debt of about 11 billion U.S. dollars.

After all this tossing, life in Egypt is much better.

In Egyptian cities, the living conditions and lifestyles of the middle class are not much different from those of European and American residents. Take Cairo as an example. In many bookstores, cinemas, new opera houses, cultural groups and universities, they have many opportunities to share and experience all aspects of the international society.

For the urban poor, although compared with the monotonous rural life that has not changed since the time of the Pharaohs, urban life is a bit fun. But it is still quite tedious. Television and movies, as well as public celebrations, add fun to people's lives. Vendors are busy selling handicrafts and sweets, and weddings are also held here. There is music, ascetics singing poems, puppet shows, storytelling, singing and dancing.

"Some customs in Egypt are also very interesting. Egyptians call kissing Booth. Mouth-to-mouth kissing is limited to lovers and couples, and it is forbidden in public. It is said that there was a pair of young men and women in love in the principality. When I was in love, I couldn't help but hug and kiss. I happened to be seen by the police and was taken to the police station. I was released after the payment was paid." After staying in the hotel. Fan Wuyi’s entourage was busy packing things, while he chatted with 6 Qingtong, “For example, when a husband and wife are traveling far away, and when they are seen and greeted at the station or airport, the husband can only kiss his wife’s cheek. There is also a kiss called The way to blow a kiss ~lightnovelpub.net~ is to open your right palm. Blow a breath into the palm of your hand with your mouth, and blow the kiss to someone in the distance. It's almost like blowing a kiss as we said."

6 Qing Tong nodded and said, "We also dabble in school. For example, a kiss of respect is a kiss on the back of the hand. Powerful people practice kissing the back of their hands

"However, there are more taboos in Egypt. 6 Qingtong continued, "Egyptians are taboo to talk during formal meals, otherwise they will be regarded as blasphemy against the gods. Men don’t take the initiative to talk to women, don’t praise people for their slender figure, don’t praise the Egyptians for things in their homes, or they will think you are asking him, don’t talk with Egypt about religious disputes, the political situation in the Middle East, and the relationship between men and women. and also. When eating, use your right hand to grab food, not your left hand. Regardless of giving gifts to others. Or when accepting gifts from others. Use both hands or your right hand, never your left hand. "

"So many troublesome things?. Fan Wu is so sick that he doesn't know this, so he couldn't help but said with a smile, "It seems that it is a wise decision to bring you out, but this time I come here and have no plan to contact the locals. "

Fan Wuyi’s voice had not yet finished, and a staff member reported that officials of the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
