
v5 Chapter 1174: The backwardness of intelligence work is

Mao Wuyi prepares for a while, and plans to go directly to Russia...

February 1 is the Spring Festival. If you want to celebrate the New Year at home, you have to hurry up to do things in Russia. As for the African side, you have to wait until the Spring Festival is over before looking for them.

In fact, Fan Wuyao has also considered that this time the matter is just a small friction. The top leaders are most concerned about the stability of the Russian political situation. In other words, we need to see whether Putin can sit firmly on the throne of the Russian president.

Looking at issues from an official standpoint, it should be more ruthless, if Putin can't suppress the opposition. Then the candidate for the next president is unpredictable, and high-level leaders need to make targeted policy adjustments. To adapt to the Russian political situation in the post-Putin era.

To do these things, it is not appropriate for the authorities to do it, so Fan Wuyi was found. Anyway, he is a rich man. Whoever becomes the president of Russia needs to rely on his financial resources to develop the Russian economy. No need to deny. In other words, the new president may be pro-Western, but in the face of national interests. It is easier to deal with private consortia.

Based on various considerations, the top management decided that boss Zhu would come forward and urge Fan Wuyi to visit Russia to settle the matter.

Fan Wubing saw clearly that the relationship between China and Russia cannot continue to retrogress, and that is not in line with reality.

Driven by Russia's continuous economic growth, its domestic production capacity has also increased, and the output of some large-scale equipment and manufactured products will gradually increase. Expanding exports will become Russia's main foreign trade policy.

As the world's largest consumer market, China is bound to become one of Russia's main export markets.

To achieve sustained and stable economic development, China must focus on solving a series of problems. Such as energy issues, equipment industry and high-tech industry development issues.

Due to the unique geographical advantages between China and Russia, as well as Russia's advantages in resources, especially energy, applied technology and cutting-edge technology, the development of Sino-Russian cooperation will play a positive role in achieving China's regulatory goals in the above-mentioned fields. It is conceivable that in the next ten years, with the economic development of the two countries. The economic needs of China and Russia will gradually increase. Economic complementarity and dependence will be more fully revealed.

In this context, China and Russia should formulate a medium and long-term cooperation plan for Sino-Russian economic and trade cooperation in accordance with the medium and long-term development plan of the two countries." Docking: Keep the cooperation between the two parties on a long-term and stable basis.

Second, it is necessary to strengthen and upgrade regional cooperation.

In recent years, the Russian authorities headed by Putin have issued a series of federal regulations to promote the economic development of the Far East and Siberia. "And China is also implementing the Northeast Revitalization Plan. Both China and Russia are stepping up negotiations and implementation of specific projects. Financially further promote regional cooperation. In the near future, local leaders of the Russian Far East headed by Russian President Prikovsky in the Far Eastern Federal District visited China to deepen their understanding of China and strengthen economic and trade cooperation with China. Great progress has been made. This is a gratifying step in promoting regional cooperation between the two sides.

Fan Wuyao is very clear that Russia has a vast territory, and the position of local government leaders in Sino-Russian relations is pivotal, so he has to rely heavily on them. This time the Sino-Russian trade conflict. It is very likely that the local leaders have caused the incident, or they are arguing against the Russian central government.

Another point is that China has joined...Ji and continues to fulfill its promises. Russia is also seeking to join the tide of global economic integration through its merits and flaws.

China fully supports Russia's accession, and promoting Sino-Russian economic and trade cooperation with formal and modern international trade norms is an important way for the two sides to reduce and resolve frictions in the future.

Russia has undergone a decade of economic transition, and the humanistic environment, legal norms, and market operations have undergone tremendous changes, but the domestic understanding of this is not deep. To completely change this situation. Just need to calm down. Organize forces to conduct a comprehensive survey of the Russian market with a scientific attitude, and systematically organize scientific research institutions, social and corporate forces to conduct a systematic survey of the Russian market.

Only in this way can we truly understand the characteristics and laws of the Russian market and avoid unnecessary market risks.

But it is clear that the domestic government has done very little in this regard, just like the Chinese embassy in Africa. It has not done the intelligence work pervasively like the Americans.

When it comes to intelligence work, Fan Wuyao feels a little shook his head. It is probably because there is some prejudice against intelligence work in China, so intelligence personnel have always been unwelcome, but in the United States, Japan and other countries, or Europe, commercial espionage is A very popular topic. Although caught can face very serious penalties, the commercial espionage among the major groups still happens one after another, and has never stopped.

Although the domestic government also pays the bills, but Shiqian is more focused on the military and has more economic aspects, so now in the economic and trade exchanges with other countries in the world, they are often calculated by others. Thinking about this matter, I feel that People nest fire.

There is another point that also makes people feel sigh, that is, the people of the country have no sense of the importance of intelligence.

Before the reform and opening up, China had made great progress in the high-tech field of many concubines. It was during this turbulent period that many technicians were criticized and attacked during the day and would still fight for the country after returning to Niuzai at night. Many data materials are completed by manual calculations. The strength of this work content, in the eyes of Americans. It is very unimaginable.

The current society's evaluation of that period is very simple, that is, "nothing is good."

Entering the reform period of the 1980s. So many high-tech achievements can emerge in China at once, but they are actually the foundation of that event.

At this time, the United States and the Soviet Union were in the Cold War, and the United States was in a period of high foreign technology. It is said that it was Japan, and it was difficult for Europe to get the latest technology of the United States. At this time, the United States had commercial interests and stopped the research and development of general mainframes. Transferring to the home computer plan is the current comparison machine. However, China and Japan are still taking the road of large-scale computers.

What I want to explain here is that China's research and development of silicon semiconductor technology and the manufacture of silicon wafers at the time were almost synchronized with those of the United States. The reason why we did not choose to go to the home of computers was completely based on our own national conditions.

At that time, even in the United States, the price of a latest concave or phenolic system was 2,000 US dollars, which was extremely expensive. For the so-called ten-thousand-yuan household period in Chinese society at that time, this was very difficult to accept.

Therefore, China decisively chose the Great Wall (the earliest predecessor of Sugon), which is the mainframe project. Regardless of technology and market, Japan can basically keep pace with the United States at this time. The always arrogant Japanese feel that he can rise in Asia in terms of mainframes. Therefore, it is unrealistic to start the development of mainframe computing.

However, in the design and development, many technical difficulties have made it difficult for Japan to move forward. In order to achieve early technical judgment, the United States misled the development of Japanese mainframes in the form of scientific and technological exchanges. Hindering its development to large-scale integrated circuits has led Japan astray.

In the early 1980s, China itself had completed the manufacturing and R&D of the Great Wall-generation mainframe and the Suguang-1 supercomputer. At that time, because of the reform and opening up of the Internet, China really wanted to get the distance between itself and the industry standard of international high-tech technology. I'm afraid I will enter the era of working behind closed doors again.

So in 1982. Great Wall No. 2 mainframe computer and its important technical data. It was brought to the New York International Technology Fair by the naive China at that time. Tokyo New Technology Exchange Conference.

At that time, the Chinese did not understand what technical barriers were. And taking advantage of the Chinese people's usual inferiority complex, bowed their heads and walked into the so-called international hall of science and technology.

When Japanese experts discovered that Chinese computer technology was far ahead of them, they were very ugly to use the many academic data obtained from the United States to cheat the Chinese people, claiming that your Great Wall is already a very backward product~lightnovelpub.net~ But in the United States, the U.S. military has paid great attention to the superb technology of Chinese mainframe computers. When the two are about to enter the era of billion calculations, the US military feels a lot of pressure.

However, Americans’ thinking is different from Asians, linear and singular. Especially in the field of science and technology, it is a bit deliberately old-fashioned, the so-called one is one, two is two. Therefore, the United States hopes to secretly establish an advanced computer technology agreement with China to control the spread of this technology, but China has not agreed.

Japan took the opportunity of this exchange meeting. In the following year, it announced that it had developed its own husband-type computer computing system Showa One.

At that time, Japan's precision machining was indeed better than China's, so their equipment was beautiful. Unlike the rusticity of China.

Chinese experts once gave up the Great Wall and Dawn. The report submitted by the Chinese Academy of Sciences stated that: The Great Wall, Dawn, because the technology is relatively behind the Western countries, so it is recommended for civilian use. He betrayed his most advanced technology for free, and also cursed himself for nothing. This is the greatest sorrow of the Chinese.

In 1985, Japan visited an industrial automation research institute in Shenyang under the guidance of the banner of "good-neighborly friendship and cooperation". Chinese scientists once again showed their outstanding inferiority in front of their Japanese counterparts, and took out almost the entire automation project and asked the Japanese to conduct the so-called review. However, as Japan, at this time complete industrial automation is only a rudimentary form, but China is taking shape. Science and technology projects have not yet been promoted on a large scale.

As a result, the following year, Japan announced its first successful manufacturing and R&D integrated chemical industrial automation project, and China realized its ignorance at this time.