
v5 Chapter 1177: Information Center

[======Hand-playing=====] In the final analysis, the biggest factor affecting Jinjing, or the biggest collateral that the opposition can use to dictate to themselves, is their economic deeds.

Although I borrowed a large sum of money from Fan Wubing before, there is always a time gap between the investment and the return. Use this money as much as possible to solve my most troublesome problem. Obviously, many methods are needed, but Governing a country is obviously very difficult. There are many emergencies and there are more places to spend money. It is actually very appropriate to describe the current Russian economy as being stretched.

Therefore, no matter from which aspect, Fan Wuyao's arrival is a huge support for Putin. With his strength and Fan Wuyao's funds, it should be no problem to suppress these opposition groups in one fell swoop.

On the day before Fan Wuyao arrived in Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin publicly criticized the opposition for colluding with foreign forces at a rally of more than 5,000 people, saying that they planned to take to the streets to protest against the government, bringing Russia into chaos and peace. turmoil.

Putin’s speech is said to be the most severe attack against the opposition. A few months later, Russia will hold elections for the State Duma. This is not only a summary of Koputin’s first presidential term, but also a summary of the Russian presidential election in March next year. As a prelude and experiment, Russia's domestic politics is entering a most sensitive period.

When the Russian media reported a lot of Putin’s speech, the West unanimously referred to him as an agitator, saying that he was trying to raise the blame for the election, strengthening the demonization of the domestic opposition and the West, and intends to use this to maintain his resignation. Influence.

Putin’s fierce remarks were made at the All-Russian Congress held at the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow. The conference was organized by the United Russia Party and others. The participants included Putin supporters from all over the country and pro-government Nash and youth. Guards and so on.

When calling on participants to support the United Russia Party, Putin said that some of the candidates for the State Duma are trying to restore an oligarchy based on corruption and lies. They want revenge. If these opposition groups control the power, Russia may fall back into the chaos and turmoil before and after the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991. They will deceive the people again and feed themselves.

He also accused Western countries of interfering in Russia's internal affairs. He said that those who oppose us want to see a poor and weak country. They want an unorganized, disorderly, and divided Russian society so that they can engage in criminal activities behind their backs. Regrettably, there are indeed some such forces in Russia. They count on the support of foreign foundations and foreign governments instead of relying on their own people. Opposition politicians receive funds from foreign embassies, and they are actually acting as agents of foreign governments.

To this end, he called on his supporters to vote for the United Russia Party, and said that in the next few months, Russia will have a new leadership.

Russian media described the atmosphere of the scene in detail. Before Putin arrived at the venue, the venue played Soviet patriotic songs of the 1970s and 1980s, such as "I Serve Russia" and "My Country Is Large". There was a band of young people in the venue, and a band of girls also sang "I want someone like Putin". Many people in the venue waved flags and slogans. They wrote on the flags praising the president and asking Russia to continue. Putin’s policy statement. Some young girls still have Putin's name written on their cheeks.

When Putin came to power, there was a thunderous cheering in the stadium. Putin said that policy continuity must be maintained to enable the country to develop steadily and stably, and to ensure that citizens' welfare and national security are not affected by political risks. Voting for the United Russia Party is equivalent to voting for national stability. Stability and peace will not fall from the sky. They have not yet been absolutely guaranteed. That requires a fierce struggle at home and abroad.

The West is very sensitive to Putin’s speech. The Warwick Post published the headline "Putin Links the Opposition to the West", and the subtitle is "As the election approaches the demonization heats up." The Russian party equating betrayal is the main cliché of the ruling elite. But before the State Duma election and the presidential election, this accent continued to heat up.

The United Russia Party led by Putin will achieve an overwhelming victory based on opinion polls, but they will not leave any chance to their opponents. The demonization actions of the government media have intensified time and time again, claiming that Russia’s grassroots activists are in line with the Western government, especially the United States. The joint conspiracy to overthrow Putin, like in Ukraine and Georgia, used street protests to bring a pro-Western government to power.

The International Herald Tribune referred to the rally as a strange mixture of Russian and Soviet-style propaganda and American-style political rally, and said that President Putin launched the most violent attack on the opposition to date.

The Associated Press stated that Putin likened his critics to foreign-funded running dogs, accusing opposition politicians of receiving funds from foreign countries like wolves eat corruption. They believe that Putin’s move is intended to ensure the United Russia Party’s barnyard status in the State Duma. This is a powerful lever for maintaining influence after his step down. Reuters said Putin accused foreign governments of subsidizing the opposition to weaken. Russia used the language of the Cold War, and also reported that the leader of the Russian opposition party and former world chess champion Kasparov called on Putin's opponents to destroy the votes in the State Duma election.

Fan Wubing came to Moscow this time, but he was relatively low-key.

In winter, Moscow can’t be overstated as the sky is cold and the ground is freezing. Snow and ice have thickly covered the Volga River. It is much colder than the capital. Since getting off the plane, Fan Wuyi and Luo Lin et al. They were all wrapped in thick fur coats, got into the car sent by the special liaison office set up by Fan Investment Group in Moscow, and drove all the way to the liaison office.

Through the car window, Fan Wuyi can see some clues. Despite the cold weather, the Russian political activities are still going on as usual. With the two major political events approaching, the taste of Moscow’s election is getting stronger, showing that This country is entering an important political period.

Many large outdoor billboards on the road have campaign posters of several major political parties. At the entrances and exits of crowded subways, people wearing their respective party logo costumes can always be seen distributing flyers and posting advertisements everywhere. Some anti-Putin parties such as " Another small poster of "Russia" is plastered all over the subway cars.

Each polling station posted detailed voting matters on the main bulletin board of its area. On the Red Square, the huge posters of the United Russia Party that are 20 to 30 meters long and 5 or 6 meters high are very eye-catching. From a distance, you can see the huge slogan "Moscow vote for Putin!" and so on.

Just as they were walking slowly, a group of three or four hundred people walked on the street next to them, holding banners, holding signs with a large portrait of someone, and shouting slogans. It seemed cold. The climate has no effect on them at all.

Especially when Fan Wuyi saw that some of the young girls who participated in the parade showed white thighs, and couldn't help but feel a little pain. Could it be that their physical fitness is so good, and they are not afraid of frostbite?

"The Russian elections are so active? It's still more than half a year before the Duma election..." Fan Wuyao couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw this scene.

Election is a very expensive thing. If you are in the United States, people who want to participate in presidential elections basically rely on consortium sponsorship to be able to afford such extravagant political activities. The general investment is probably more than Only hundreds of millions of dollars can be dealt with.

In a big country with a relatively backward economy like Russia, it does not need to spend so much money to participate in elections, but the same campaign expenses will not be a small amount, and there is one thing that makes Fan Wuyao feel a little unbelievable. Is it Russians? There is nothing to do. Do you just hold up flags and march every day to express your support for such-and-such party?

Fan Wuyao’s subordinates, the person in charge of the Moscow Liaison Office, explained to Fan Wuyao: "These people are professional fans. Generally speaking, they are professional marchers who are employed by a certain party or a certain candidate. Their source of income is mainly dependent on campaign activities, so no matter when it is, it is possible to see them on the street throughout the year."

Fan Wubing smiled after hearing it, "Haha, it's not that he is employed by a different party, it would be interesting."

Imagine that if such a group of people support Putin today, support the opposition party tomorrow, and their parade is photographed by a camera for comparison, it will definitely be very good news material.

"Of course this kind of thing can't happen..." The person in charge of the liaison office immediately replied with a smile. When such embarrassment comes, everyone always needs some more dedicated parade, and it is difficult for temporary workers to get involved in this industry."

Fan Wuyao nodded and said yes, no matter what, as long as there is market demand, an industry can be formed. Election has undoubtedly become an industry in Western countries. This is also inevitable. No wonder the media before and after the US election They all seem extra excited, but that's when they can write anything to increase the ratings.

Especially when the two factions are tit-for-tat to draw votes, even if the reporters casually find something to break the news, they will not be overwhelmed. Of course, this also has a premise, that is, this kind of revelation is not. Will have a negative impact on candidates.

Otherwise, the other party will still be investigated to the end.

Chapter 1177 Information Center

Fan Wubing and others did not stay at the hotel, but at the liaison office of Fan Investment Group in Moscow.

In order to facilitate contact and collect important information on the Russian side, Fan Wubing still worked hard, and he also greeted Putin on this matter and asked him to take care of it. The size of the liaison office is not small. In fact, in addition to its own people, there are still some unused rooms used as hotels.

The housing conditions in Russia are relatively good. The liaison office covers an area of ​​hundreds of acres. In addition to a few buildings, there are special bars, restaurants and dance halls, and there is even a high-tech online book. The sign hanging in the hall is indeed the Sino-Russian Folk Cultural Exchange Center.

With such a big place, it is naturally easy to arrange for domestic visitors, so that sometimes some friends who have close business dealings with Fan Investment Group will come to Moscow when they come to Moscow and live here. One is Convenient, the other is to have one's own people, so you can live with more peace of mind.

The wood-burning fireplace has long been lit in the room. This is also a tradition here in Russia. I feel that the temperature is quite pleasant, especially when it is outside in the snow and ice, so I can drink some shochu and eat some barbecue at home. Smoked fish, listening to Russian folk style music is quite interesting.

"Xiaofan, does your company have an office in which country?" Although Luo Lin wore a fur coat, she still didn't adapt well to the Russian weather. So when she entered the house, others were busy packing things. Moved a chair and sat down by the fireplace to have a fire.

"It's not necessarily true. It's mainly countries with trade, and basically there are big countries. Europe is almost complete, and the Americas are also lacking in Africa. However, in the future, there will probably be several branches in Africa. "Fan Wubing replied, then frowned and said, "How do you call me Xiao Fan? Remember to call me brother-in-law in the future!"

Luo Lin snorted, obviously not buying it.

Fan Wubing had no temper with this cheap sister-in-law, and instead asked Xing Dalin, the person in charge of the Moscow Liaison Office, "What's the situation in Russia recently?"

"The relationship is quite tense -" Xing Dalin replied.

Recently, the Russian media released a set of data from the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center. More than 35% of voters support the United Russia Party, 16% support the Russian Communist Party, and the Just Russia Party is 13%. The Liberal Democratic Party is 11%, the Yabolu Party and the Right-wing Freedom League are both 5%, and some support ratings are distributed among small parties.

Xing Dalin said, "Putin personally led the United Russia Party to participate in the election, which greatly changed the nature of the election campaign. This is the heaviest weight on the election balance. The party and other political parties are simply not in the same heavyweight class. It is only through the data. It can be seen that the support rate of other parties is not low, but it is difficult to unify, otherwise there is still a lot to do."

Fan Wubing nodded after hearing this. At present, Putin’s United Russia Party has just exceeded one-third of the support rate. If it is not for the fact that the opposition is currently headless, as long as they can establish an alliance against Putin, the next The results of the Duma and presidential elections will change greatly.

In addition, there are some party leaders with little influence. They are completely incapable of communicating with people in simple and clear words, and they have almost no methods for such dialogue. They are trying to replace the news media by direct action, demonstrations, and blockades. But people disagree with it, and the effect is not good.

"What the opposition lacks is a core force and financial support." Xing Dalin was obviously not in vain in Moscow, and he knew everything about the situation here.

However, Xing Dalin also said that some political forces opposed to Putin have recently tried to avenge the political oligarchs. According to information released by the Russian intelligence agency, there are currently more than 600 so-called Western non-governmental organizations in Russia, and their activities are funded. Billions of dollars.

In addition, there are nearly 10,000 social organizations in Russia that have been funded by various types of funds from the West. Some Russian financial oligarchs who fled to the West under Putin’s attack also secretly fund various domestic foundations. The ultimate goal of such foundations is Change the current government and oust Putin.

From the summer and autumn of last year to the beginning of this year, anti-Putin forces held a number of large-scale activities called the Russian March around Moscow and had large-scale clashes with the police, causing chaos. The main Putin opposition also announced that large-scale protests will be launched in 20 Russian cities at the same time this month. At that time, the rally will put up a slogan of Russia without Putin, which will be the largest protest in Russia in recent years.

Then Xing Dalin talked about Putin’s speech at the 5,000-person rally yesterday, and mentioned that his attitude has suddenly become tough.

Fan Wubing smiled when he heard this, and understood why Putin changed at this moment.

The countdown to the election of the Russian State Duma is the backdrop for Putin's unprecedented severe condemnation of the opposition. Therefore, this speech has a strong electoral color, which contrasts with Putin's many strong diplomatic activities to the West this year.

The purpose of both is to create an image of a besieged fortress, to arouse the patriotism of the Russian people, and to ensure that the party supported by Putin's government with the banner of safeguarding national interests once again wins the Duma election.

Regarding Putin's high-profile criticism of the Russian opposition for receiving funds from foreign embassies, Fan Wuyao believes that Putin's move is mainly to highlight the relevance of the opposition to the West, implying that the opposition as a puppet of the West will not serve the interests of the Russian country and the people. , And only dance with the western baton.

There are many political parties in Russia, but the opposition that Putin is referring to are mainly right-wing parties, right-wing power alliances, etc. The liberalism of these parties often reminds people of the color revolution forces in Ukraine, Georgia and other countries. The West treats them. The support of Russia has made the Russian government very vigilant.

At the beginning of his term, Putin took measures to amend the political party law, election law, and non-governmental organization law to prevent Western forces from intervening in Russia's internal affairs and prevent the West from making troubles by supporting agents in Russia. As a result, the power of the liberal opposition party further weakened.

Under the current circumstances, the opposition forces are suddenly on the rise again. Putin still wants to strengthen the suppression of the opposition to seek a greater advantage in the future political structure of Russia.

Xing Dalin reported to Fan Wuyi on the work situation here and introduced the news of Russia, while the staff had already arranged lunch.

"I'm worried that Zong Fan and Miss Luo are not used to the Russian food, so they prepared two flavors, both hometown dishes and Russian folk food. I hope Zong Fan and Miss Luo can eat well." Xing Dalin laughed. Said.

Fan Wuyao waved his hand and said, "I don't have to eat anything, Miss Luo should be the same. Thank you for your hard work."

Not long after, a blonde Russian girl came over with a smile, dressed in what appeared to be their national costume, and greeted me with a plate in her hand. There was a toasted brown bread on the plate and a small piece next to it. A small spoonful of salt is placed in the plate.

When Luo Lin saw this, he didn't know what it meant. Fan Wubing had been to Russia, so he smiled and said to Luo Lin, "This is to treat you as a VIP. Hurry up and break a piece of bread and eat it with salt."

Luo Lin felt a little curious, but she still followed suit, and she caused the blonde Russian girl to pursed her lips and laughed.

After eating the bread, Fan Wuyi explained to her that there is a saying in Russia that salt and bread are friendship and respect. They are a symbol of Russian hospitality.

The specific reason should be that in Russia, salt and bread are precious in history. Some data indicate that table salt was invaluable in ancient Russia. When banquets were set up in Russia, table salt was only available on VIP seats, and there were not many. Those who did not have table salt were either not honorable guests or were not welcomed by the host. people.

"Salt is the most noble thing in Russia, and people cherish it. If someone wastes salt, even a little bit, it will definitely be despised by people." Xing Dalin added with a smile, "There is a saying in China, Lu Yao knows horsepower and sees people’s hearts for a long time. It takes a long time to know how a person treats you. There are also proverbs in Russia with the same content. To know how a person treats you, you must agree He ate one pute of table salt. One pute is about thirty catties. Think about it, how long does it take to eat only a small amount of salt at a time?"

The Russian dishes on the banquet were made by authentic Russians, so Fan Wubing and Luo Lin both ate very happily~lightnovelpub.net~ The other party made red cabbage soup, vegetable salad, red sausage, and mashed potatoes for them. , Fried fish, caviar and other Russian folk dishes, drinking vodka and self-brewed dark beer, I feel really enjoyable.

It was the first time for Luo Lin to come here. Naturally, she felt that everything was very novel, but she noticed that Fan Wubing took over some information from Xing Dalin from time to time to look through it carefully. Sometimes she even frowned. Obviously that It was something that upset him. The little talk between Fan Wubing and Xing Dalin that he inadvertently heard was not far from the current situation in Russia.

Luo Lin probably understood this matter. Although this place is called a liaison office, judging from its scale and the nature of the work it mainly engages in, it is actually the information center of the Fan Investment Group in Russia. ========== To provide you with the fastest and latest online novels. Our website is the first letter of Pinyin + browse by NET mobile phone users===============

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