
v5 Chapter 1179: Opposition and cooperation

In line with the selection of the State Duma deputies, the President of the Federal Republic of Ross has a more peaceful way of speaking. In the process of fighting for the presidency, no scandal actually occurred. No dirty tricks are used, but this does not mean that the competition is not fierce or tense enough.

In the election, the leaders of the second, third, and even fifth-ranked parties can enter the State Duma and become its parliamentarians. However, there is only one presidential throne, and the president has more interests and powers than the Duma as a whole, and more powerful.

In recent years, presidential elections have naturally become the main topic of Russian political forecasts, social studies, and various speculative activities. This is determined by the special role of the new Russian presidential power system. in Russia. His president has more extensive powers than the president of the United States or the president of France.

In Russia, when the democratic tradition, civil society, and mature party system have not yet been formed, the president can and should be the guarantee of stability, democracy and order. Therefore, it is not to give the president the necessary power and power to carry the lever. The erratic behavior of Yeltsin's era or the mistakes of the constitution-makers are necessary.

It is this situation that determines that the topic of presidential election has become the most realistic topic in the Russian social and political system.

There are many opponents of Puai, Victor Chernomyrdin, Alexander Lebed, Boris Nemtsov, Yuri Luzhkov, Yevgeny Primakov, etc., these people are all At the beginning, Russia's political star was more dazzling than Putin at any moment.

Vladimir Putin, who had just become the head of the Federal Security Service in July 1998, was eight months before the Russian presidential election. Almost unknown, even Putin himself never had any extravagant hopes of running for any position. Even when Yeltsin appointed Putin as prime minister. Nor has it attracted special attention from the society and the media.

But the situation soon became clear. When Putin had become a real competitor for the highest power position in the country, many admirers appeared around Li Xuan, and of course there were many people who were malicious towards him.

Since October 1999, Putin's artifacts have no longer won applause. Although Putin's policy has received clear support from the majority of the people, many newspapers and magazines. There are also some popular TV stations that oppose Putin.

The politicians and business people behind the Russian mass media are afraid of Putin, who unexpectedly became the new prime minister, and his fast-rising approval rating.

As the general election approaches, this noisy and poorly effective propaganda campaign has increased its horsepower. In the weeks and months before the election, there were various reports on Putin. Many media often published various rumors, rumors, and malicious comments, or ignored important facts and statements. Some newspapers and magazines even directly fabricated them. False news.

For example, "Putin is the political and economic policy of Yeltsin, which the Communists are full of evil. Putin does nothing now and does not want to change them in the future. Putin does not want to clean up the oligarchs. Putin will not re-examine the results of predatory privatization." There are many.

What the Russian media has been chasing after is Putin's attitude towards those called oligarchs. It was precisely because of the large amount of money provided by the oligarchs and the active support of the mass media controlled by them that Yeltsin was winning the presidential election.

Similarly, not only in the economic field, but also in the Russian regime, this has given the most ambitious oligarchs a very strong power. But this is of no benefit to the country, among all the requirements for the regime. The strongest and most persistent voice is to eliminate corruption, bribery and crime. Destroy the oligarchs who practice prostitution.

Therefore, the topic of Putin and the oligarchs is very marketable.

On the one hand, Putin had to listen to many suggestions from people who had close cooperation with big capitalists. These people believe that Putin will find it difficult to manage the country without the support of big capitalists; on the other hand. Putin had to listen to other expectations that were completely different: the activities of the oligarchs should be clearly and clearly condemned, and even judicial investigations of the most hated individual oligarchs should be resumed.

It is not only the thinkers of the Russian Communist Party who demand Putin to resolutely and thoroughly draw a line with the oligarchs. As a national leader, Putin’s entire future will depend on his ability to solve the oligarch’s problems.

In fact, all the claims that oligarchs have supreme power and have extremely negative effects on the country are nothing but smoke. Its purpose is to divert the public's attention to real problems. The peak time for oligarchs to achieve real success is very short. Their glory is over.

What we are seeing now is no longer the battle of the oligarchy. It is a normal political contest between different power alliances. On a certain occasion. The influence of the Russian oligarchs has obviously been exaggerated, and on other occasions has obviously been reduced.

Russia’s big capitalists already exist. Among them, there are many leaders of Russia’s largest financial industry group, who have tried their best to safeguard Russia’s national interests in the competition for big Western companies; however, big financial speculators who get nothing for nothing can also be found here. Relying on the record of Russia's weak economic life, and transferring their illegal wealth to distant overseas.

Here, one can also see the managers of large state-owned enterprises and companies, that is, state officials who can be dismissed or appointed. But there are also a group of people who are not so much using their wealth to develop their own financial and industrial companies as they are desperately expanding their political influence. Many of them use the most pedantic and outdated methods; there are also such business owners, They rely on their own efforts to build new types of industrial production departments and new factories, thereby ensuring employment opportunities and better incomes for thousands of people; but there are also some people who use the Russian mass media they control for themselves, not for themselves. For the benefit of Russian society and the country.

Putin is really firm on this issue. He emphasized on various occasions that he would not allow a new round of distribution of property in Russia. At the same time, he declared in clear and clear language that the president and the government would manage the country, not an oligarch. He was firm and clear on all occasions. Refuse to use any sponsorship from all oligarchs.

During the campaign, Putin used very little funds for the campaign headquarters, and there was no need to use the money of the big businessmen. When answering questions about oligarchs, Putin has repeatedly emphasized his principle of keeping oligarchs away from power.

However, it is precisely this principle that scares those who are very close to power.

Therefore, in the important time that has now entered the general election year, Putin’s various opposition forces have begun to connect with each other, colluding with Western anti-Russian forces, and those oligarchs who have been hunted down by the Putin government and fled overseas. Now it is starting to face the Putin government from all parties including politics and economy.

"There is still more than half a year before the Duma election, and the presidential election is a year later. They are eager to try now. Is it a bit too eager? In response to this question, Li Lin asked with some curiosity.

"In no rush, Fan Wuyi shook his head.

In fact, if you want to influence public opinion and create obstacles for Putin’s government, it is not a matter of one-and-a-half moments. Many layouts take months or more to complete. Therefore, many forces have begun to find it difficult. All aspects have created obstacles for Putin, hoping that when the general election is approaching, it can cause relatively large obstacles and distress to Putin, affect his re-election and even directly expel him from the highest authority in Russia.

"The economic foundation determines the superstructure. This statement can also be applied here." Fan Wubing explained to Luo Lin, "Once Putin's economic policy has a major deviation, causing major mistakes in the Russian economy, then he wants to be re-elected as president. It's hard.

Just like Old Ershi, although he won the battle in Iraq, he lost in the general election because the Americans are very practical. Bush was invincible on the battlefield, but his economic performance was mediocre or below the standard. NS. Naturally they will be abandoned. "

"Oh" Luo Lin answered. "So the trade friction between China and Russia is actually creating obstacles for Putin's election?"

"That's natural~lightnovelpub.net~ A qualified Russian president, nothing else, is a president who can quickly recover and improve the Russian economy. Now under the leadership of Putin's government, the political situation in Russia has tended to Stability, if certain achievements are made economically, his re-election will be almost irreversible. Fan Wuyao said, “Putin’s opponents have also seen this, so now they will concentrate on the layout, from all aspects Started to create chaos. "

People with discerning eyes can naturally see this. As one of Russia’s most important partners, China’s position in Russia’s economic exhibition has become more and more important, and as the only force that is not a Western country, it is naturally the most handy weapon of attack by Putin’s opponents. The Sino-Russian economic and trade relations are obviously the most effective means to combat general markets.

In this time of Sino-Russian economic and trade conflict. In fact, Putin and the Chinese are both victims. Therefore, after Fan Wuyao personally came to Moscow to meet Putin secretly, the two sides immediately reached an important cooperation agreement to ensure that their respective interests were not violated.

"However, what kind of cooperation project have you reached this time?" Luo Lin asked Fan Wuyao.

"These are not the main points, the main point is that we met and obtained understanding." Fan Wuyao avoided this. The question turned to.