
v5 Chapter 1182: I will go broke

Look at what you can do for the second disease! It’s a bit cruel to go, but the fact is, Guizhao Prefecture’s life in Africa is really difficult.

Since the national independence movement, African countries have been very wary of colonialism, especially economic neocolonialism. I have never let go. This is good, but there is a saying in China that I have never done. In fact, it means that the left or the right are not as good as the center.

The golden mean that Confucius said is a theory of balance, the law of the Chinese people who have lived through the world for two thousand years.

Therefore, under the economic policies of African countries, the local resource industries are basically state-owned. Although many mines and lands are in the hands of whites, the black regimes are very vigilant towards them, and generally always have to Through various means to restrict their exhibition, so as to avoid the reappearance of whites over blacks.

Under such circumstances, China, which has been sparing no effort to support African countries economically and constructionally for decades, has a lot of power here. It's just a pity that the government has been controlling domestic companies to seek overseas development. On the one hand, they are naturally worried about troubles. On the other hand, they are not without the intention to avoid the outflow of state-owned assets.

But now it seems that this kind of industrial policy is actually very harmful, and the economic foundation of African countries is obviously extremely backward. And they reject white people, and the Chinese with better relationships are more conservative in economic policies, and they are unable to look west. This has caused the development of African countries to remain in a semi-stagnation state.

Another point is that Western countries are also aware that once the economies of African countries develop, it will also have some negative impacts on them. For example, the development of countries cannot be separated from energy, so the process of transforming developing countries into developed countries China needs a lot of resources to support.

Although Africa is blessed with natural resources that everyone else envy, but once they are widely used, they will easily be consumed, so it is not a good thing for Western countries whose resources have begun to show signs of lacking.

Based on various considerations, for African countries, everyone hopes that they will continue to maintain the status quo. That is to maintain the current backward, ignorant, and primitive way of life, and do not want signs of rapid industrialization among them.

However, Fan Wuyao has carefully analyzed and considered himself. If he really invests in African mining, as long as he can win these blacks, the problem will not be very big.

The reason for this is also very clear. Although European countries have traditional colonial powers in Africa, they have been hit by the national independence movement of African countries at this time and are already a lot weaker. Although the local whites are still inextricably linked with the family power of European countries, after all It is beyond reach, unless it is a blatant war, it is difficult to have a direct impact on Fan's investment in Africa by Fan's investment group.

As for the Americans, their own resources are relatively rich, and they have never paid much attention to the situation in Africa. This is already a common practice, and Fan Wuyao believes that as long as the domestic aircraft carrier formation can be built and put into use as soon as possible, there is still a lot to do in Africa.

Therefore, the most urgent task is to win the African mining industry as soon as possible, and the other is to increase investment in mineral resources, and carry out the large aircraft projects of Southeast Heavy Industry and Lingxi Province. If the navy and air forces are armed, they will be in Africa. The power of the state is also stable, at least there is no need to worry about being bullied.

Another condition is that Fan Wuyao focuses on developing African resources, which is the terminal from Africa to Hengshan Port or Jiangshan Port. It's faster than getting there from Brazil, and the iron ore here is of high grade and low price. For Fan Wubing, although the entire operation process will be a bit more troublesome, once the operation is successful , The benefits are innumerable.

However, a group of Jews are obviously undecided, but they also know very well that if they can't calm Fan Wuyi's anger, they won't have a good life in the future. Maybe the children always get angry and kill them. It is also possible to vent your anger. After all, these big bosses are all the same and cannot tolerate being deceived by others.

The first day of the new year is the busiest, but the second day of the new year. I should have visited the old man's house, but this time Shen Peiming didn't know what happened. The couple left years ago and went to Jiangxi's hometown. To deal with some things, so Fan Wu was so sick that he didn't have to be busy.

Only after spending a long time idle, the military invited him to participate in the celebrations over there.

"It feels like you are busier than the standing committee members." Shen Ying couldn't help but laugh at him when she saw this.

Fan Wuyao said helplessly, "There is no way. After all, the military is also our major customer now. I can't afford to offend it. Southeast Heavy Industries and Lingxi Province will be the main purchasing force in the future. The two also lay a good relationship, it is always not suitable...

Ordinarily, Fan Wuyin doesn’t need to care so much. After all, he still has a standing committee father who can take advantage of him. The military will not give up face, but there is one thing Fan Wuying knows very well, even though his Fan’s investment group is second to none in China. Large consortiums are at the same time the only private company that specializes in supply, but if you think that it is natural for others to purchase your products, then it is not appropriate.

Any powerful person must be given sufficient respect, especially the higher the status of these people, the more attention must be paid. My relationship with the military has always been very good, which is unmatched by ordinary enterprises. Now that we have this kind of resources, we must make full use of them and continue to provide beneficial help for the expansion of our enterprises.

And there is one more point. Every year, there is a military-civilian fish and water activities. Fan Investment Group can take this opportunity to walk around with the military high-level personnel. Everyone can get what they need, and they are also happy.

Therefore, in the afternoon, Fan Wubing went to an event organized by the Military Commission, greeted a group of senior generals who had known him a long time ago, and at the same time gave condolences from the Fan Investment Group or something.

"President Fan is so exasperating. Every year, an admiral smiles to everyone, "But he is the kind of rich and powerful. You don't need to be polite to him anymore. It's just a chance to see Vice Fan. When the prime minister, praise him a lot, it's worth the fare

Everyone laughed, but everyone knew it was not easy to see Fan Hyung now. After all, leaders at the national level have excellent arrangements at all times, even if the admiral wants To meet with Fan Hyung in person, you also need to go through the formal procedures first. This is the level difference.

Fan Wubing is also very clear about this. If the general does not serve as a member of the Military Commission, he is just a high-ranking general, and he is far behind the members of the Politburo. Let alone compare with the Standing Committee.

But at this juncture of the New Year, naturally no one is so true, why bother, why bother? If everyone is upset, everyone will complain.

Director Zhang from the General Armament Department also came over. When I saw Fan Wuyi, I would inevitably have to talk a little more, asking about the situation at home, Fan Heng’s body, and Shen Ying and the others. After all, the two families are relatives. Also talk differently with others.

Fan Wubing talked about the topic of aircraft carriers while chatting. He still valued the information he sent back a few days ago. Therefore, I also want to know what opinion the General Armament Department has on this?

“Now I’m hurrying to digest it, and Minister Zhang replied, who couldn’t make any decisions for a while, but he also said, “We are definitely going on the aircraft carrier project. The key is a matter of timing. This is more difficult to grasp. , It still depends on the determination of the senior management.

Fan Wubing nodded, expressing that he could understand that if it were not for the impact of the embassy bombing and the Sino-US collision incident, perhaps the senior management still could not pay such attention to the issue of military equipment. Although there is no war in the South China Sea, the dispute over the sovereignty of Xisha and Nansha has never stopped. The small countries over there often take advantage of the time that China can’t reach~lightnovelpub.net~ , It always reminds the Chinese that the south is not peaceful, so the senior management also has the consideration of the aircraft carrier project.

At present, the most important problem is still the unresolved technical and process problems. As for design capabilities, there are domestic ones, but high-performance steel has always been dependent on imports. If this problem cannot be solved, it will not be solved. Be able to truly build your own maritime giant.

Minister Zhang said to Fan Wuyao, "The burden on your shoulders is very heavy, and the defense industry is one. Where a lot of money is spent, if there is no strong economic support, it will definitely be difficult to build an aircraft carrier formation. China has China’s national conditions. Although the cost of our aircraft carrier is definitely much smaller than that of the United States, if there is no investment of hundreds of billions of dollars or even hundreds of billions of dollars, it will be difficult to form combat effectiveness. In this regard, you must be mentally prepared.

The implication of Minister Zhang's words is that of course, with the current domestic capabilities, it is natural to be able to build an aircraft carrier, but because there are many places to spend money. Foreign countries have always been very sensitive to the issue of China's aircraft carrier construction, so the operation of this matter needs to be very cautious. Once there is a deviation, it is easy to be affected by international public opinion, and even some people will jump out of the country to oppose it.

But if such a project also becomes procurement from the private sector. What would it look like? Fan Wubing said with a wry smile.