
v5 Chapter 1183: Difficulties

Minister Zhang Wen's remarks are naturally mostly jokes. The fact is that "it is relatively easy to cope with military expenditures based on the strength of the country."

Besides, Fan Wu's current investment has become a real enterprise. Since it is an enterprise, it must look like an enterprise. How can it become a bottomless pit with no income and only investment?

When Fan Investment Group is able to make advance arrangements for some huge investment projects when it is difficult for the government to choose, it is already a great contribution in itself. It is obviously impossible for them to fill the holes endlessly, after all. The employees of so many companies under its umbrella also need to feed.

At present, Fan Investment Group has more than 1.5 million employees nationwide. It is the largest domestic enterprise group that does its part. The number of people with income has to double this number. The influence of the national economy is enormous.

Even a high-level person cannot fail to see the importance of this and do something to kill chickens and eggs.

Use an improper sentence to describe it. The Fan Investment Group at this time is already a big deal.

The military's performances are also more solemn. Most of the collective dance shows, besides, military songs are sung, but Fan Wubing was a little surprised. Singers participating in the show. Especially those first-line red stars, who basically wear military uniforms, such as those from the General Political Department, the Maritime Administration, the Air Administration, the Second Artillery Artillery Corps, and the comrades-in-arms art group. Etc., etc.

"Why didn't you see that your General Armament Department also had a program?" Fan Wubing asked curiously.

"Let's do that" is not doing business properly. They are all art troupes under the Ministry of Political Affairs. You thought it was one. Can the unit do this? "Director Zhang said dryly.

Fan Wubing smiled, and then said that art is also a kind of weapon and equipment, and it is also very useful.

What he said is not groundless, but does have some grounds. For example, after the mainland implemented the reform and opening up policy, the popular culture of Hong Kong and Taiwan swept across China, making Taiwan Island have new content for mainland broadcasting, that is, mass broadcasts are popular. music.

The first song to be broadcasted was Di Lijun's song, because it was the first Taiwanese singer to be recognized and appreciated by mainland listeners.

Many people now have actually forgotten. Songs such as "The Moon Represents My Heart" and "Sweet Honey" were first broadcast to the mainland via the Voice of Free China. It is worth mentioning that. Because Teresa Teng's songs are deeply loved by mainland listeners, she also won a certificate from the General Political and Warfare Department of the Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan.

The reason is the same. The mainland Yimian also attaches great importance to this influence. The cultural and industrial troupe has always existed before liberation, and it has been inherited to this day. Most of the first-line red stars active on various stages now have military backgrounds. It is a wild singer who pops up occasionally. Once he becomes famous, he will be included by the military according to his characteristics. This is not uncommon in the industry.

Just like in today's performances, many singers usually pretend to be casual, and only in these regular military performances will they be fully prepared.

However, I am used to seeing the images of singers in strange costumes. Now that they are all wearing military uniforms at once, it feels a bit different.

"Girls wear military uniforms, they are indeed a bit heroic." Minister Zhang also said after seeing them.

After the performance, there was a dance party, and the leaders danced with the little girls enthusiastically. He didn't know how to jump and took a pleasing hand to rub there slowly, until Fan Wubing didn't feel anything about it, so he hid aside to drink and eat.

The military’s items are always more exquisite, and the food and drink are the same. Fan Wubing took a drink in one hand and a cake in the other. He lay on the sand in the dark corner, listening to music, watching the people dancing inside, and eating. It's very comfortable.

However, some people didn't dance. An admiral touched him and approached Fan Wuyi with a bottle of Moutai.

"President Fan, take a couple of sips?" the other party said.

Fan Wubing turned his head and saw that this was the newly promoted Admiral Chen Guangyi, so he sat up. "Drink and drink, anyway, idle is idle, and even if you invite an elderly person, you can't help but save face."

Speaking of which, the two people have known each other a long time ago. When Fan Wuyao proposed the snowstorm torpedo design, Chen Guangyi was just a lieutenant colonel. He was in his thirties, and he was already in his sixties, and his military rank was promoted to admiral.

I don't usually think about it, it's fine. At this time, Fan Wuyao saw Chen Guangyi, and couldn't help but sigh, Baiyun Canggu, the world is changing, and time always flies.

And why didn't Chen Guangyi feel so emotional in his heart? When I first saw Fan Heng and his son Fan Wubing, Fan Heng was just a middle-level cadre in an enterprise, and Fan Wubing was just a three-and-a-half-year-old child. At that time, he was in charge of the founding generals. When things change, the characters have changed from one crop to another, even if it's himself. After being promoted to the position of general, it is impossible to stay in office for many more years.

It's just that Chen Guangyi still has a dream in his heart.

"Mr. Fan, I heard that the major project of Southeast Heavy Industry is about to start recently. When can our own aircraft carrier be used? Chen Guangyi asked Fan Wuyi while drinking with him.

Fan Wubing hesitated a little. Naturally, this kind of thing shouldn't be shouted all over the world, but Chen Guangyi's level is here, and he has been knowledgeable for many years. So I thought about it and said, "I also hope to see it soon, but there is nothing at present. I can't predict this exact time. After all, there are many technical and process problems that are not easy to solve."

Chen Guangyi nodded. As an admiral, he still knew Fan Wuyi's words very well.

Don't say the lamp is fierce. Above the aircraft carrier is an aircraft landing gear, which is very technical.

At present, the most advanced technology on aircraft carriers is catapult take-off, which requires strong scientific and technological strength, and only the United States and France have mastered this technology. Aircraft carriers of other countries take off on stilts.

The aircraft must rely on its own power to take off and land on the length and its limited deck space. Either a specially designed short-range or vertical take-off and landing aircraft must be used, or the combat performance of the aircraft must be greatly sacrificed, and the aircraft can only be lightly loaded. Take off, so ski jump takeoff is very suitable for aircraft such as sea harrier and congee, and is also the choice for light aircraft carriers in various countries, but it is not suitable for conventional carrier-based aircraft.

If the technology is not good, the catapult cannot be built. Taking off with a ski jump has a great influence on the combat effectiveness of the carrier-based aircraft, so it is best for the carrier-based aircraft to take off with external assistance. At present, the best way is the catapult.

A large number of tests and combat practices have proved that carrier-based aircraft of large and medium-sized aircraft carriers, especially large-tonnage fixed-wing aircraft, are more advantageous to take off by catapult.

For example, the American Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier with a full load and displacement of more than 90,000 tons, and the French nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle with a full load and displacement of nearly 40,000 tons, almost all of them use catapult take-off methods.

The steam catapult has large ejection energy and good additivity. It can increase the carrier-based aircraft from stationary to off-ship within a distance of tens of meters. The steam catapult is composed of shooting system, steam system, towing rope tensioning system, lubrication and control system. When working, the boiler generates high-pressure steam and stores it in the steam chamber. The towline hooks the carrier-based aircraft to the reciprocating car before ejection. When the high-pressure steam is charged into the cylinder barrel. The huge pressure of steam pushes the piston. The piston drives the reciprocating car. The reciprocating vehicle drives the carrier-based aircraft to fly forward and slide. So as to eject the aircraft.

The type catapult currently installed on the US Nimitz-class aircraft carrier can eject two carrier-based aircraft with a take-off weight of about 30 tons per minute. If four sets of steam catapults are used at the same time, it takes only 20 to 30 seconds during the day to eject an aircraft, and at night, the interval time is extended to 80 seconds due to line of sight and other reasons.

But the shortcomings of the steam catapult are quite obvious. The thermal efficiency of a steam engine is relatively low. In order to burn fresh water into steam, a lot of energy must be consumed and extra space must be reserved for fuel storage. If heat energy is drawn directly from the ship’s power plant such as nuclear power plant, the power used for navigation will be greatly reduced, and the ship will be reduced accordingly. When the aircraft takes off and landing, it is necessary for the aircraft carrier to move forward with a higher headwind. Reducing navigation is naturally detrimental to take-off and landing.

Secondly, the aircraft carrier has many separate systems and complex structure. In addition to leaving a place for the equipment in the cabin, the steam catapult also needs a large water tank to store the water and eject a medium-sized fighter jet. About one ton of fresh water is consumed. As a result, the size and tonnage of the entire aircraft carrier have to be increased, and the steam catapult can only be used for medium and large aircraft carriers.

At present, except for the aircraft carriers of the United States and France, which use catapult take-off, almost all the other seven countries with aircraft carriers use the sliding take-off method. In addition to financial and material reasons, the more important thing is that the aircraft carriers of these countries are basically small aircraft carriers. The limited tonnage, ship length, ship width and deck area make it difficult for these aircraft carriers to install long orbit lengths similar to those of the United States. Type of steam catapult.

In fact, only the United States has the world’s seven steam catapults that are truly technologically and technologically advanced. The development of a steam catapult with a shorter track and higher power is definitely not possible in a short period of time.

In view of this situation, the navies of small and medium-sized countries had to follow the example of the British Invincible-class aircraft carrier and adopt skid-off technology to alleviate their urgent needs. When the aircraft carrier takes off in a sliding way, the frequency of the aircraft is not affected by the power and failure of the catapult. It has the advantages of simple operation and good safety. The elimination of the catapult also helps simplify the design of the aircraft carrier, reduce the cost, and save training and maintenance costs.

Of course, there are also many shortcomings in the slippery takeoff method. The length of the runway required for the lateral takeoff is greater than the length of the catapult takeoff.

For example, the Soviet Union’s roll distance is about 680 meters under normal take-off weight on the ground. Using the ship’s 200-meter flight deck with a skid angle, it can take off from the ship under normal circumstances, but at the maximum When it is fully loaded, it cannot guarantee its safe lift-off, and combat effectiveness is limited because of this.

In addition, ~lightnovelpub.net~ the aircraft taking off and landing may interfere with each other. This is a major defect of this aircraft carrier. Early warning aircraft and anti-submarine rights cannot take off using sliding techniques, so helicopters have to be used as carrier-based early warning aircraft. A compelling choice.

Although the former Soviet Union later designed and partially built the third-generation nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Ulyanovsk, and was equipped with a flat deck and steam catapult, which could take off and land fixed-wing early warning aircraft, the aircraft carrier was because of the Soviet Union. It was disintegrated and had no military expenditures, and it was demolished and sold as scrap steel and died.

Compared with catapult take-off, conventional carrier-based aircraft need to have a larger area of ​​clean deck for take-off using sliding towers, which will reduce the number of parking spaces on the upper deck of the aircraft carrier. Most of the carrier-based aircraft have to be placed in the lower hangar. The capacity of the hangar is limited, and it is inconvenient to transport aircraft up and down.

Judging from just a catapult, China really needs to overcome many difficulties if it wants to develop an aircraft carrier.

So when Fan Wuyi spread his hands together. General Chen Guangyi also felt a little depressed. The actual difficulty lies here, and it is indeed not shifted by human subjective will.

One, one today, the third one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, the book is sun-dried, and it is said that the body clams are not the same, and it is good to read.