
v5 Chapter 1185: 4 Big Dang

Gong Ran Fan Wuyi said that Mai did not preach, and he did not say anything. Next to it, Niu Ji, who is a little older, looked at the more stable reporter, and said, "Buying a house is the most important thing, and there are three others left.

"I would like to hear the details." The young man joked.

Understandably, everyone is of the same age. Especially in CCTV, the number of young people who cannot afford a house is really not a small number. Therefore, after Fan Wuyi’s deafening complaints, everyone’s sympathy is still A lot of.

Fan Wubing was also bored with idleness. The unwilling consciousness of his previous life had occupied the mainstream at this time, and he started to talk nonsense with these people who were also struggling at the bottom of society.

As for the four big things he said, in fact, besides buying a house, there are three more: employment, education, and buying a car.

"Many people are feeling that when some people were educated youths, when someone was laid off, they felt that there was no way to live. They could only sit and protest without paying attention to them. They could only fall into the street and be ridiculed by people who made songs and laughed at their heroic life and started all over again. Time. Have you ever thought that they were once as beautiful as today’s white-collar workers, and their income and status were once the envy of those around them? Have you ever thought that twenty years later, you will be just like them? Down on the street, everyone betrayed their relatives?" The old reporter was also able to speak and know, and these things came casually, "Someone said. Hey, buddy, you don't know that there is unemployment insurance. Pension insurance, what kind of insurance? Ha ha. Those of you who have been wandering in Beijing for many years. You have paid innumerable insurances that are probably tens of thousands, but when you are unemployed, no one will give you any insurance if you break your legs. On the contrary, many insurances have been frozen. Say you paid intermittently. That's not a big deal. Do you think you can really get old-age insurance when you are sixty? No money will fall from the sky. Today's elderly people get pensions that we are earning. Today, thirty to four years old. Ten-year-olds usually have several brothers and sisters, which means. Today’s elderly people can get pension insurance at the age of 60 because there are five people for one elderly person! And when our generation grows old, one person will provide for us. Two old people! Where does the money come from? No way! If you can live to ninety years old, it is estimated that you can get some old-age insurance, hey take care of you. But even so, the parents are still crazy to send their children There are often such examples around me. A distant relative in my hometown finds a relationship to drag a friend, and spends 70,000 yuan to send his son to the traffic police team through a public expansion of employment and get a contract. One policeman, a few hundred yuan a month. In the third year, he was recruited by competition. The family was crying and crying. I said that it was done well. You won’t be able to earn the 70,000 yuan in the class in your entire life. Go to sleep, I'll put together some money to start a small business tomorrow! Maybe I can make some more."

A fellow photographer was immediately happy when he heard these words, "When I graduated, my father also led me to hold the money and sent me to the ministry. I saw the virtue of the person in charge of recruiting, and I forbeared him. I can’t help but look at my salary. Mom, I’m not doing it for ten years without eating or drinking to get back the cost. So I threatened the guy privately and scared that the director didn’t dare to accept me again. I have become a free person. Now those young white-collar workers, it is best to find a job with a higher salary instead of medical insurance and other insurance. Then save the money by yourself to be the most secure. It will be used in the future.

"How much is a diploma worth? The printing cost is two yuan. How much is a teacher's salary? Two students' tuition is enough for a semester! How much is a class of books printed? Two, the student's tuition is enough! How much is the rent for a class for a semester? The tuition fees for two students are also sufficient. Why do you charge so much for China Education?"

"Why should we be fooled? Because the teacher told us that it is honorable to enter a university since we were young. But we never think about why it is honorable? If we enter university, we still have to work for others, or it is still a waste! So Bill Gates and Jobs have both learned it."

"Do you know who your child is teaching? In China, people who can't adapt to society will generally become a teacher, for example. Some time ago, because of a project, I found a few master students from the university. Do the program. As a result, a few people are very stupid and don't give you consideration at all. You have to guard to work, and there is an obvious typo in a file, and you don’t want to change it. When you find it, you will be honest with you, that’s it. It’s not his fault, it’s what you gave is wrong. There is no sense of responsibility at all, and no one would ever consider whether to do things for the sake of doing things or do things for the sake of doing something well."

"I am still very calm and reasonable to them: You must learn to think for others, think about what they want, and then do things. Otherwise, you will not be able to survive in society. As a result, the few said: We should not go to society, we The test results are so good that the school wants us to stay in school as teachers. Besides, there is nothing wrong with us originally, how do you arrange for us to do it, don’t you

The first scenes will not be done. This is our dignity and principle. I say! If you Enzhu, the boss didn't arrange for you to lock the warehouse when you are off work. Would you not lock it? Are you chilling? In the future, your child will learn and grow under the guidance of such a person. Can you rest assured? "

"This is a handful of three." What is the other one? "Someone asked.

The "one more" is naturally buying a car. "The older reporter said. "I used to have a friend who lives in North Second Ring Road, where the company is in Xizhimen. I take the subway to work for up to half an hour every day, but I have to buy a second-hand Xiali, which starts to block the road at 8 o'clock every morning, and then moves to the company little by little. Hey, parking fees are quite a lot for a month. But people feel that they are a bit more senior when they drive a car. Don't talk about opening a Xiali. Even when I opened an Audi, I didn't see anyone bowing to others three times. It had no other effect except to show that I was a little stupid than others. "

"On another occasion, I met a little girl with a monthly income of just over 1,000, planning to buy a car with a loan. So I asked her: little girl, you don’t do business, you go to work on time by yourself, and the subway is convenient. Why do you buy a car? What? I thought for a long time. I can't think of any reason, and I said, sometimes I go to the market to buy things, and I think it's not cost-effective to take a taxi a little closer, and I walk a little farther. So I drove by myself. I heard it. I almost didn't feel sick, don't you feel sick when you drive to the market to buy instant noodles? If you are equipped with a big brother to pick up garbage, you can also pick up garbage. Don't think that buying a car can prove anything."

For this, colleagues in the industry agree and disagree. Some people say that, for example, doing business in the capital is very busy, and I probably go to several places a day and see many customers. But people just don't buy a car, why? The taxi will come right away, and you will leave when you are done. Don’t worry about parking, don’t worry about hanging up, don’t worry about being stolen and **** by a thief, there will be a driver regardless of wind or rain, in case of a traffic jam, it’s okay. Get off the train and take the subway. It costs more than 10,000 yuan a year. If you want to buy a car, you will have to pay more than 10,000 parking fees a year. Isn't this stupid?

"Say don’t buy a car, don’t buy a car, but there are countless people going crazy to buy with a loan, and they must think that they will die not bad enough in the future! Buy it, after buying it, raising interest rates? Isn’t the oil price going crazy? Is parking expensive again? Are you regretting it? New meals are sold as soon as they hit the road, and they can’t be sold, right?” The old reporter said with a smile, “Tell you, the price of oil has to go up. The price of oil. Hehe! You take less than one-tenth of the income of Lao Mei and raise gasoline at the same price as others. I think you are still in trouble?"

Fan Wubing laughed loudly, but the old reporter could indeed reflect some of the circumstances.

In fact, everyone is not stupid, just confused by the guidance of public opinion. In fact, it doesn't matter if it is stupid. However, there are still more considerations for life-related matters. Do more calculations on the relationship between economic interests. Don’t end up, if the property falls, the oil price rises, you can’t do anything after paying half your life’s money and getting a diploma. After decades of insurance, there are no benefits, and the loss is not a little bit.

"Someone else said something, oh no way. Don't stop it, don't buy a car, the bus is so crowded. I said that it is all the vanity educated by the fools who are doing strange things. If you have anything to take a taxi, and if you have nothing to do, just take the subway. Once a year It’s a million dollars, and it saves garage fees, parking fees, fines, etc. It doesn’t matter if the oil price rises to ten yuan, and it won’t delay things.” The old reporter said with a smile.

As everyone talks, we have reached the ground~lightnovelpub.net~ here is in the suburbs of Beijing, relatively speaking. The population is sparsely populated, and I heard from Cuiqi, that is, a boss has engaged in a real estate project, a resort or something. I wanted to increase my popularity, so I contacted CCTV and provided sponsorship fees. Let them come over to do a show, lively.

"Here also provides night accommodation. It is said that it is a newly renovated high-end hotel with very good conditions." Zhang Qi said to Fan Wuyao.

"It seems that they have invested a lot, but this place is a little bit off. There are many resorts that have been branded before and want to show up. It's not that easy." Fan Wuyi commented.

Because he had contacted the resort several times before, Fan Wubing was also familiar with the doorways inside. After reading the general location and mode of operation, he basically had a spectrum in his heart.

"According to what you said, didn't they lose their misery?" Zhang Qi asked rhetorically.

Fan Wubing shook his head and said, "That's not necessarily the case. If it is to re-plan, change the resort here into a residential area for renovation. It should be possible to recover the investment and make a lot of money. After all, the real estate market The good day of the country is coming soon."