
v5 Chapter 1187: SARS is coming

After many days of busyness, Fan Wubiao has forgotten one thing, one very important news.

Although Fan Wuyi was reborn, many important events at home and abroad have been clearly remembered. However, it cannot be denied that it is normal to occasionally have some omissions, especially those events that are not very closely related to making money.

When Fan Wubing heard Cuiqi say that Shen Ying had a cold in Guangzhou and kept coughing. I never thought that a huge disaster spreading across the country was quietly taking shape.

In January of this year, two clusters of unexplained pneumonia cases occurred in hospitals and families in Heyuan City and Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province. The Department of Health of Guangdong Province promptly dispatched clinical medicine and epidemiological experts to conduct clinical and epidemiological investigations. After retrospective investigation, the earliest case occurred on November 16 last year.

In the first two months of this year, there were a small number of imported cases in Guangxi, Hunan, and Sichuan.


Before the Spring Festival, in Guangzhou, a virus that is invisible to the naked eye spreads in the air. If you breathe it into your lungs, you will have fever and other symptoms, and you will be "quarantined" to the door of the **** of death.

The citizens use text messages and phone calls. There are rumors about the horror of this virus and talking about this strange disease. Later, doctors named it acute infectious atypical pneumonia, and the English name was added. People call it SARS.

This disease seems to be more terrifying than the plague. As a severe infectious disease, it can be spread through breathing. People outside the city of Guangzhou spread word of mouth that some people contracted the disease and were quarantined, and some people died of the disease. What is SARS? At first, no one knew. Just know that you might die if you catch it.

Rumors spread faster than SARS and spread even more terrifyingly. Guangzhou masks are out of stock, Banlangen is out of stock. A bottle of white vinegar costs one thousand yuan. A female reporter who interviewed SARS later wrote the book "On the Frontline of Popularity". It describes the situation. She set off from home to Guangzhou. When she left, her mother insisted that she bring some Banlangen. She went to several pharmacies and asked. Banlangen has been out of stock a few days ago. Said the pharmacy owner. They were all bought back by family members who worked in Guangdong. Delivered to Guangdong. When her younger brother got on the plane, he bought her five bottles of white vinegar.

Because the cause is unknown, most people panic. Rumors have spread, and the people have accumulated a large amount of daily necessities, rice, noodles, grain, oil, and salt, which are temporarily out of stock, which intensifies the people's panic.

During the 2003 Spring Festival, which was not officially confirmed. The rumors spread like a virus. There are rumors that it is plague, and there are rumors that it was attacked by creatures. People who walked down the street and gathered together as happily in previous years did not feel at ease in their hearts.

Such pictures are beginning to appear in the media. At night in Guangzhou CITIC Plaza, a girl carefully wears a mask on her lover from behind. The two faces that were supposed to be sweet are tight.

The festive atmosphere of the New Year has not disappeared in the rumors. The reporters received information about a press conference to be held by the Guangzhou Municipal Government. At the meeting, the spokesperson announced the situation of atypical pneumonia in Guangzhou.

The spokesperson introduced that since the end of last year. Cases of atypical pneumonia have occurred successively in parts of Guangdong.

From January 12 this year. Individual critically ill patients from other places were transferred to some large hospitals in Guangzhou for treatment.

Around the Spring Festival, local cases began to appear in Guangzhou. As of today, more than 100 cases of this type have been detected in Guangzhou, many of which are medical staff.

The SARS alert sounded from Guangzhou.

After receiving the call from Wei Qi, Fan Wubing immediately called Shen Ying back and asked her about her situation.

"Why did you catch a cold all of a sudden? Was it fine when I left" Fan Wuyao was a little strange.


"Cough cough, I don't know, it seems that there is pneumonia in Guangzhou, maybe it is infected." Shen Ying's voice looked a little weak, and his cough was also a bit stagnant, and Fan Wuyi's heart was tight when she heard it.

"Pneumonia epidemic in Guangzhou?" Fan Wubing listened. Just remembered something.

"Well, it is said that many people have been quarantined. I am planning to return by plane. If it weren’t that I didn’t have a fever. I didn’t go to the outpatient clinic. I guess it’s very likely that I was also registered for quarantine. "Coughing and coughing, saying it's Mouse Fatty or something" Shen Ying coughed again. "Fan Wubing couldn't remember the atypical pneumonia disaster that occurred in most of China this year. He suddenly became a little worried.

As early as his eyes, he still remembered such a thing, so he specifically talked to Boss Zhu about the need to strengthen the prevention of infectious diseases. Build a large-scale infectious disease hospital, etc., and Fan Investment Group and the government have also cooperated to establish a large-scale infectious disease prevention and treatment hospital. Although it has not been completely completed at this time, it is basically barely usable.

Now considering that Shen Ying is very likely to be infected with this terrible disease, Fan Wubing's heart is also up and down, especially worried that Zhang Qi was also infected by her in the past, and it will be even more troublesome then. , So he immediately decided to say. "You try to stay in the room as much as possible and keep isolated from the staff. I will fly over to pick you up immediately by private jet."

"Don't be so nervous? It's probably just a bad cold," Shen Ying replied weakly.

Fan Wubing immediately objected, "You don't know the seriousness of the situation! Just stay obedient! I'll be there right away!"

Before Fan Wubing put down the phone, the landline on the desk also rang. However, it was the person in charge of the Guangzhou branch of the Fan Investment Group. He notified Fan Wuyao of the outbreak of infectious diseases in Guangzhou, and said that the business has also been affected recently, but the e-commerce aspect has been affected. A greater development.

"Many customers are now negotiating and ordering through our dedicated network. After all, face-to-face communication has been affected during the epidemic of infectious diseases, but online video conferences and online orders can also play the same role. "The person in charge of the Guangzhou branch reported to Fan Wuyihui.

Regarding this point, Fan Wubing is understandable. In fact, the public's understanding of e-commerce has changed greatly before and after SARS.

Because the spread of SARS is extremely rapid and violent. Everyone is in danger, and the traditional business model has been severely impacted, and people hardly go out. Then office, shopping and other behaviors and business activities have naturally shrunk seriously, and the fast and convenient e-commerce has been welcomed by the public.

From a shopping perspective, people no longer need to go to crowded shops and supermarkets, and directly conduct business activities through online stores, and various business meetings. You can also communicate and negotiate through the Erjia Federation, which saves the staff from the pain of running around. During the SARS period, the mobility of the eight members of the NLC Group has declined, which has objectively greatly promoted the development of e-commerce.

Subsequent survey results showed that the general situation of understanding e-commerce in the past was that only one-third of the people who knew e-commerce well, and most of the public were just ignorant of e-commerce and didn't know much about it. Regarding personal use of e-commerce technology and e-commerce business in the past, two-thirds of the respondents said that they had not used it, and more than 60% of the public had not used e-commerce technology or e-commerce business before SARS. This shows that the popularity of e-commerce is not very high.

In terms of the company’s past use of e-commerce technology and e-commerce business, two-thirds of the interviewees said that they have used it. The company’s e-commerce application is much better than a person’s situation. Companies that have used e-commerce The number is approximately double that of individuals.

In the past, due to the influence of various conditions, including the inadequate publicity of e-commerce itself, personal ability problems, economic conditions, etc., the popularization of e-commerce was not yet in place. The popularity of e-commerce applications by individuals is not high. Although the company's situation is better than that of the individual, it is not very optimistic.

During the SARS period, personal use of online services increased by more than 20%.

Since the outbreak of SARS, the number of visits to portals has also increased rapidly during this period, especially the visits of Huafeng.com. The number of news subscribers has soared by more than 30%, and the number of registered SMS users and daily sending volume has increased by more than 30%. . The average daily page views of Huafeng.com's online shopping mall have increased by more than 20%, and the average daily page views of online games have also increased by nearly 20%. The chat room has set a record of 100,000 simultaneous online users.

Fan’s Investment Group can be regarded as a model in terms of the company’s use of online business. The company’s corporate website focuses on publicity, product introduction, customer service, online sales, online communication, online advertising, etc., to provide comprehensive Internet services for internal units. For the purpose of providing timely, accurate and rich corporate and product information to users in foreign capitals, Fan Investment Group invests nearly 10 million yuan in the construction, maintenance and promotion of the website each year. Nowadays, the application of the corporate website of Fan's Investment Group in the advent of SARS has played a role in ensuring that the company's profitability continues to grow.

It’s just that Fan Wuyao no longer cares about telling him more. He just said that the company’s employees should pay attention to epidemic prevention. The company must allocate special funds for the company and the external environment for epidemic prevention purposes. At the same time, Fan Wuyao also emphasized. One said this matter became serious. The Guangzhou branch can donate 20 million yuan. Used for epidemic prevention and treatment work.

"The health of the company’s employees is the top priority. At this point, we must be vigilant. Especially for you executives, try not to participate in gathering activities when it’s okay. There may be no way for performance to decline. I can. I understand, after all, the epidemic is very serious this time," Fan Wuyi urged repeatedly.

"Thank you Mr. Fan for your concern." The other party was very excited. Do not forget to add a sentence. "We try to solve most of the problems on the Internet, and strive to ensure that this year's tasks are not too affected."

Fan Wubing asked a few more words. Then he asked his assistant to arrange a private jet and prepare to fly directly to Guangzhou. Take Shen Ying and the others back.

At the same time, Fan Wuyi called his father, Fan Heng, to ask how the matter was.

"I don't know?!" Fan Heng turned out to be at a loss. He obviously didn't receive any report on this issue, and he also said, "It's just a rumor? Otherwise, how come the health department hasn't moved up. Reporting? The top executives probably don't know the details of this matter."

Bureaucracy, bureaucracy!

Fan Wubing shook his head and said to his father Fan Heng. "You'd better take the initiative to care about this matter. Then you can ventilate with the high-level staff. This is a major event. Judging from the current situation, the disease has not yet found a means to control it. It is extremely contagious and has a very high mortality rate. , A little carelessness can easily lead to unpredictable consequences!"

"Now this time" Fan Heng groaned. Then he said, "Then I'll get to know it first!"

The reason why Fan Heng hesitated was mainly because the work of the Ministry of Health was not under his own control, and the people from the Ministry of Health had a feast with Fan Wuyi in the past, so both sides didn’t take each other's eyes seriously. Therefore, Fan Heng I have never intervened in anything over there.

Another important point is that the Ministry of Health has just changed its new leadership. Everyone is busy running officials and building relationships with high-level officials. They may not have the leisure time to care about things far away in Guangzhou~lightnovelpub.net~ Even if they are concerned, they will not pay much attention to it.

At present, the most important thing is naturally the government work report in March and the change of government action. The other thing is naturally the convening of the National People's Congress and the convening of the political association. These are the biggest things.

But since his son Fan Wuyi attaches great importance to it. Naturally, it was impossible for Fan Heng to take it lightly, especially when he heard that several patients had died in a short period of time, and had not found an effective treatment method, Fan Heng decided to ask about it.

Faced with the questions of the Politburo Standing Committee and the Executive Vice Premier. The attitude of the people in the Ministry of Health is still very correct, and the minister personally stated that everything is under control. Please rest assured that the leaders, at the same time, also expressed that the new leadership team of the Ministry of Health is working hard and enterprising. Has made contact with the International Health Organization...Fei. Cooperate on this issue and try to solve the problem as soon as possible.

To be honest, yesterday the Ministry of Health issued a request to..." to assist in prevention and treatment.

Today, the Health Department of Eastern Province held a press conference. The report is in Litian year. Between the first day of the month and the second day of the year, there were a few cases of atypical pneumonia, including deaths.

…Fei Ze issued a brief warning to the world through a network system established by a group of American scientists ten years ago to quickly notify the world of emerging diseases. The content is that a strong man in Guangdong, China is suffering from acute respiratory syndrome (Plus) .

Everything seems to be not very serious.

Fan Heng asked about the situation in detail. He also asked for relevant information, which was delivered as a report from the Ministry of Health on the prevention and treatment of fetuses and submitted to the Politburo for review.