
v5 Chapter 1190: Politics and emotion

Que Qi and the others are holding a large-scale essay party in the public side of Guangzhou. It is by the sacrificial knife to panic and dry up please. A large-scale art performance jointly organized by multiple units. The theme seems to be to celebrate the opening of a district.

In fact, there is already a feeling of exhaustion in Guangzhou. Moreover, with the signs of explosion in recent days, it is not appropriate to hold such a large-scale art performance, but it is related to the face of the local government. The relevant leaders believe that the more tense the time, the more it is necessary to show that it is not surprised. Determined to come.

Although some medical experts have already raised objections, the gathering of people here has not stopped.

A large-scale cultural event attended by about 100,000 people. Whether it will cause many people to be infected with the virus is difficult to say. Therefore, Fan Wubing felt worried about this matter. He deliberately followed the prescription of detoxification and boiled some Chinese medicine for Shen Ying and Zhang. Qi drink also plays a preventive role.

"You said that this time the virus is very powerful. I am immune to all antibiotics. Does drinking Chinese medicine work?" Shen Ying frowned and asked in the face of the bitter Chinese medicine decoction.

Under Fan Wubing's care, Shen Ying's cold was much better, but at this time, seeing the decoction that Fan Wubing personally brought over, she still found it hard to swallow. After all, this thing is too bitter.

"Of course, Fan Wuyi replied. "In fact, many viruses are internal. It is important to avoid infection, but if you have poor physical fitness or severe internal fire, you are more likely to be infected with the virus, and the body is more likely to be infected with the virus. The resistance of the virus is also very weak, which will cause severe symptoms after infection. If your body is in a more harmonious state. Relatively speaking, the resistance is much stronger, and it is difficult to have the severe symptoms of the ** patients we see now. The so-called flies do not bite seamless eggs, which means that it looks like this. "

"In the concept of Western medicine, there is no such thing as getting angry... Zhang Qi said.

Fan Wubing smiled and said, "Western doctors also say that Chinese medicine is pseudoscience. They treat patients with cerebral hemorrhage. They just draw blood, even if they are rescued. They are half paralyzed and half stupid. We only need a golden needle to solve the problem. What do you say about this? In fact, Chinese medicine itself is good, but it’s just being exhausted by quack medicine and ruining its reputation."

The two girls nodded. Fan Wubing once said about this before. Traditional Chinese medicine requires doctors to have a high level of quality, and also requires a higher level of comprehension. Therefore, it is not a subject that can be simply quantified. To become a true Chinese medicine doctor requires talent.

Western medicine relies more on advanced tools to make up for its own shortcomings. Obviously, there are many benefits. The barrier to entry is relatively low, but for some symptoms, it is difficult to determine the source of the disease or the source of the disease cannot be determined. The disease appears powerless.

Especially when it comes to the brain or the meridian nervous system, Western medicine is helpless, and in these areas. Traditional Chinese medicine adopts its own theoretical system. It is possible to exert influence in various ways and effectively solve these and so on.

"No matter what, you drink the decoction first, or I will pinch your nose and pour Fan Wuyao into your mouth with a smile and urged.

The two girls frowned and looked at each other. After all, I pinched my nose and drank the soup.

"It's so bitter" Shen Ying said with a tongue out, "Then genius Doctor Fan, do you have any countermeasures for this epidemic of the virus?"

Fan Wubing scratched his head and said, "In fact, even if I have a solution, it cannot be adopted.

"Why? It's because there is a feast between you and the Ministry of Health?" Shen Ying asked.

"Is there a festival between the disease-free and the Ministry of Health?" Zhang Qi apparently hadn't heard of this, so she asked in surprise.

The feast between Fan Wubing and the Ministry of Health has been around for a long time. It was mainly caused by the conflict that started when I was seeing a doctor for the elder. After all, this is the continuation of the dispute between Chinese medicine and Western medicine.

The experts of the Ministry of Health are basically Western medicine dominating the world, but they have no way of dealing with many difficult diseases, while Fan Wuyao is an authentic Chinese medicine practitioner who can do well with a golden needle. He cured many old elders’ chronic illnesses. As a result, the Ministry of Health’s face was tarnished to nothing, and this group of experts had long ago hated it.

The main reason for not overwhelming Fan Wubing is that these elders trust the genius doctor Fan, and Fan Wubing himself is too powerful. Several experts from the Ministry of Health clearly cannot pose a threat to him.

"It's one thing for me to have holidays with health, this time it's another thing." Fan Wuyao shook his head and said.

"Why?" The two girls didn't understand what was wrong.

Fan Wubing shrugged his shoulders and said, "Because. The Infectious Disease Management Law stipulates that the prevention and treatment of any infectious disease. It is forbidden to use Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine.

"What kind of **** is this?". Shen Yingli dismissed his nasal passages.

In the domestic medical field where Western medicine dominates, the mainstream experts are all controlled by Western medicine. Therefore, the attitude towards local Chinese medicine is naturally only willing to kill with a stick. As for the management of infectious diseases These provisions of the law are naturally also a market access system. An industry monopolistic behavior.

Fan Wubing thought of this," he couldn't help but said with emotion, "You must know that benefits determine the results and details dominate the process. The dispute between Chinese and Western medicine has been around for a long time. Since the May Fourth Movement, Western medicine in China has become popular. In fact, this is a good thing. Son, after all, Western medicine has advantages that ordinary Chinese medicine can’t compare in many aspects, such as dealing with trauma and treating some critically injured patients. But in the environment at that time, it was induced by some people, and Western medicine became As a tool for combating Chinese medicine, as the quintessence of the country, only by thoroughly hitting Chinese medicine and putting a pseudo-scientific seal on it, can we completely obliterate Chinese cultural traditions and promote Western learning from the ideological level. Therefore, the mainstream thinkers at that time were all trying their best to block Chinese medicine. This was actually a political game.

"It turned out to be like this. Chai Qi was quite moved when she heard it.

"Then you can't just sit back and watch, right? I heard that although Guangzhou is treating now, the effect is very small." Shen Ying said to Fan Wuyao.

"This is something that can't be helped, Fan Wubing shook his head.

The current treatment plan is actually the application of high-dose hormones and antiviral, symptomatic treatment, supportive therapy and other measures. In fact, it is also testing treatment to see if it works. However, this treatment plan may solve some problems, but it is a big dose. "The use of hormones in small tricks can easily cause serious sequelae to patients. Even if it is toad old city gong, these patients may also have a high chance of suffering from lung failure or related syndromes.

In fact, just as Fan Wubing said, in the treatment of **, a large amount of hippocorticosteroids are used, which is a hormone used to regulate the body's immune system. The scientific name is adrenal cortex. Because it can be used for general antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs, such as sepsis, etc. Therefore, it is commonly known as the American elixir. It is a type of flute hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex. It has the effect of regulating the biosynthesis and metabolism of sugar, fat, and protein, as well as anti-inflammatory effects.

However, the side effects of this hormone are also very obvious. During a period of childhood after the end of the ** treatment, many patients who recovered from the disease had sequelae of varying degrees. In addition to femoral head necrosis, they also suffered from discarded lung fibrosis. That is to say, the small vesicles in their lungs are covered with scars, are inelastic, and often have difficulty breathing.

It is said that there were more than 300 patients with sequelae of such symptoms in the capital at that time.

The current situation is also very clear. Because of the change of term, the Ministry of Health is also in a mess. At this time, it is not suitable for Dad Fan Heng to come forward to resolve the matter. After all, major decisions still need to be commanded by the party and government leaders.

If Fan Heng rushed to make a move, it would be very easy to provoke a lot of right and wrong. This is what Fan Wuyao doesn't want to see.

Sometimes Fan Wubing feels more embarrassed. On the one hand, he does not have a better treatment plan here. On the other hand, the more at this time, the more he needs to be cautious. He and his father Fan Hyung caused big trouble.

Illness is ruthless, but politics is even more cruel. To tell the truth, in the face of cruel politics, what counts for the death of a few people?

Fan Wuyao even thought that if the situation continues to unfold and deteriorate, the Ministry of Health's power change is inevitable, and with this opportunity, he can completely insert his own forces into the Ministry of Health. And then actually control this. Large ministries and commissions with considerable power and interests enable them to start operating according to their own will.

**Popularity, of course, is deadly. But after all, there are only a few dead people. In fact, Fan Wubing is very clear that no kind of infectious disease can exterminate human beings. The resistance will be shown immediately, even if you don't use medicine, you can get through this difficulty, not to mention that there are basically medicines that can control the delay of poisoning.

In fact, when people raise their awareness of alertness and hygiene, it will be difficult for infectious diseases to re-populate.

Compared with the reform of the medical system, which has a greater impact on the whole people, Fan Wubing believes that although ** is terrible, it is a disease of ringworm and scabies. The current medical system is a confidant. If it can sacrifice a small number of people’s lives, change The replacement of the Ministry of Health will enable the new medical reform plan to be introduced as soon as possible. If it benefits most people, it will be more cost-effective.

Although this idea is a bit cold-blooded, it is the most consistent approach with the idea of ​​a high-level politician.

Fan Wuyao finally got on a private jet and prepared to leave the city of Guangzhou. What they saw and heard in the past two days really made Fan Wuyao feel a little bit emotional.

Before **, mankind has already experienced too many disasters.

However, there is no disaster like today. Let people resist it with one heart and one heart. Although the seriousness of all kinds of safety accidents, including traffic accidents, production safety accidents, and mine safety accidents, may be more shocking if they are simply compared by the number of deaths. However, under numerous prohibitions, illegal operations and dereliction of duty are still Everywhere.

Only **, no one dares to neglect it.

In Guangzhou, during the days when ** was raging. Officials acted in a hurry, the masses were high-minded, and experts warned a lot. The public rarely fails to follow suit.

Although losing freedom of movement is one of the most unbearable things, considering that isolation is the easiest and most effective way to prevent the spread of **, it is not uncommon for citizens to self-isolate in Guangzhou.

Looking at the course that Guangzhou has taken to deal with the **, individual isolation is an important measure, and its successful implementation, apart from the government's administrative means. More because of the high degree of cooperation of the parties.

There are too many examples worth mentioning about "one mind."

It took only eight days for a scientific research company in Shenzhen to develop an infrared thermometer. The administrative department was even faster. It passed all the approvals for this new product in just one night. The thermometer appeared on the market on the ninth day.

Experts said that to prevent **, please pay attention to hygiene, wash your hands frequently, and disinfect frequently. For a while, hand sanitizer and disinfectant are out of stock, and discussions about people's bad habits of hygiene have become a hot topic in the city.

The media appealed that hospital equipment was not enough. The medical staff are too hard and need too much care and understanding.

Immediately, the business community and the people generously donated money. In just over a month, the total value of donations received by the Guangzhou Red Cross system and the civil affairs department was nearly 30 million yuan~lightnovelpub.net~ which does not include A 20 million cheque directly sent by Fan's Investment Group.

As for those who wrote letters to the medical staff to encourage them, send flowers, and leave messages on the Internet to show their support, there are countless ones. They even received some specially designated donations and asked for rewards for their contributions in the fight against the epidemic. Academician Zhong.

Sometimes, Fan Wuyao also considered, why in the face of the **, human beings can go all out and pursue it so hard, and form a consensus faster than imagined? This is probably because of the mere coronavirus, no personnel background, no backstage boss, no one will intercede for it and walk through the back door. Unlike the gas in the mine, which kills miners hundreds of meters underground, it threatens every big and small person equally.

In any case, Fan Wubing also sincerely looked forward to it. In the face of disasters other than **, human beings can be so united.

Watching the plane gradually rise into the air. The prosperous city swept past his body, and Fan Wubing said to Shen Ying who was leaning against him, "Well, I will give you a very useful and suitable gift when I go back."

"What gift?" Shen Ying asked curiously.

"Mask!" Fan Wubing replied with a smile.