
v5 Chapter 1191: Clouds of War

The first thing Mao Wuyao did after returning to Lansing was to immediately arrange an imitation weaving enterprise under the Fan Investment Group in Jiangnan Province. Suspend other work and first mass-produce medical masks and high-standard medical isolation protective clothing and other equipment needed to fight infectious diseases.

Fan Wubing's decision made the people in charge on both sides confused. After all, although there is a lot of noise in Guangzhou, there is no feeling in the mainland. Life is still very normal, and everyone has not noticed that there is already some panic over there.

But Mr. Fan's command is supreme. Therefore, the textile mills on both sides began new production tasks, and began the preparation work of Fan Wuyi.

At the same time, Fan Wubing also called his nephews. They are a joint medical supplies company. At this time, it also began to produce all kinds of drugs and medical equipment that are indispensable in the fight against the epidemic. For example, disinfection liquids and disposable tools, etc.

The most important point is that Fan Wubing has obtained the serum samples of the ** patients through his own channels and sent them to his Human Genetics Research Institute in Northeast for in-depth analysis to determine whether this thing is really as he knows. Like that. It is a genetic virus made in a certain country.

Fan Wubing also made a special trip to Ertai Mountain, met his teacher Fan Tianlan, and asked him to come out to help fight the spread of ** with Chinese medicine.

Fan Tianlan's body is already a bit ill, which makes Fan Wubing feel a little worried, but the old man still goes with Fan Wubing. Take his plane back to the capital.

Through the video communication system established with Guangzhou, Fan Tianlan carefully inquired about the symptoms and appearances of the ** patients, and had in-depth exchanges with Academician Zhong and others who were fighting on the front line. He had some intuitions about this new virus. learn.

"In general, this is still to be solved from the aspect of clearing fire and detoxifying. If it is not a particularly critical patient, it is more harmful than good to use hormone therapy." Fan Tianlan quickly grasped the key, he gave Several different prescriptions. Then let Guangzhou be used in conjunction with the current treatment to observe the effect.

The following events unfolded very quickly. On February 18, the Institute of Viral Diseases of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention discovered an inclusion body from two autopsy specimens through electron microscopy, which was judged to be chlamydia. The Guangdong Provincial Department of Health held an emergency discussion meeting to exchange opinions with experts from major hospitals in Guangzhou on the chlamydia problem. The panelists agreed. It cannot be simply assumed that chlamydia is the only pathogen.

On February 26th, Hong Kong reported the first case of **, the ** landed in Hong Kong.

It was also at this time, the scientists and technicians of the Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences. After repeated analysis and experiment results, it is believed that the pathogen of ** may be a coronavirus.

In fact, in December of last year, Hong Kong heard about the incident. Initially, the Hong Kong authorities reacted similarly to other parts of the world. Because they knew nothing about the new disease, they were not prepared, and they did not take strong measures to isolate and isolate them in time. Prevent the spread of the epidemic into Hong Kong.

According to existing records, the ** was first brought to Hong Kong by Dr. Liu Jianlun, who had treated ** patients in the mainland. He told the hospital after he was hospitalized, so the hospital where he was treated was not infected. But he has infected nine other people in the hotel where he was staying, and several of them have spread the virus to Canada, Singapore and other places after they left Hong Kong.

In February of this year, there were cases of AIDS in Hong Kong, and we also know that the disease is highly contagious. However, the Hong Kong government still tries its best to reassure people and say that Hong Kong is safe.

Relevant government officials also accused the media of portraying Hong Kong so badly, which would be bad for Hong Kong. At the beginning of March, the epidemic situation in Beng Hong was rampant, and I made a special speech, asking everyone not to panic.

At this time, the Singaporean government has begun to take strong measures, but Hong Kong still has no major moves, such as the suspension of primary and secondary schools. Stop large-scale crowd gathering activities and so on.

The media strongly criticized this, and the Hong Kong government decentralized power in consideration of the impact. It is up to each school to decide whether to suspend classes.

The response of the Hong Kong government this time made everyone feel a little strange. Why didn't Hong Kong act as fast and sternly as Singapore?

In fact, this is the same as the mainland government, which is afraid of affecting the image, and even more worried about causing serious economic losses.

If you say that there is a very serious infectious disease here, then tourists will not dare to come. It will be a big blow to Hong Kong's tourism industry, and Hong Kong's tourism industry is a pillar industry. At present, the Hong Kong government is suffering from deficits and fears severe Controlling ** will affect income and worsen fiscal deficits.

Another point is the indecisive personality of the incumbent, who lacks decisiveness in decision-making and actions on almost all issues. The Chief Secretary for Administration at that time dealt with the chicken disease case. Killed millions of chickens in two days, and now there is no such style.

Another key issue is that SAR government officials have to look at the mainland.

On the premise that the mainland remains calm, even though it is an official of the SAR government, the situation is not good, but the official of the Hong Kong government does not dare to speak up. The official asked about the exhaustion, but the official said instead * *It is very likely that it was introduced to the mainland via Hong Kong, so Hong Kong security officers had to shut up.

Out of respect for the mainland and to avoid embarrassment on the mainland, the Hong Kong SAR government also deliberately handles fatigue in a low-key manner.

It is said that many of the Hong Kong SAR government officials are capable of being trained by the United Kingdom. According to Canju, they can fully express their opinions during internal discussions, and once they reach conclusions and decisions, they will work hard to implement them. However, they are not used to the official style of mainland China that does not allow discussion and allows you to have various tricks in execution.

In many things, the Hong Kong SAR government can react faster than the mainland, mainly because of historical, geographic, and economic ties that make Hong Kong more sensitive to the anti-wars of the international community. In this case, the Hong Kong media have freedom to discuss and discuss Hong Kong's internal affairs. The media has played a very important role in the supervision and criticism of the Hong Kong Government, and the criticism of the democrats in the Hong Kong Legislative Council has also played a stimulating effect.

But obviously. As the ties between the Mainland and Hong Kong have become closer, some bureaucratic atmospheres in the Mainland have also affected the Hong Kong SAR government. Especially on some major issues, the SAR government officials still have to look down on others.

On February 26, an American businessman developed symptoms of AIDS in Hanoi, Vietnam. Officials of the World Health Organization reported to the WHO that they had developed a very contagious disease in the area.

On the same day, US President Bush spoke on the post-war issue of Iraq, saying that he hoped to see a democratic Iraq and set an example for other Arab countries.

On March 1, the United Arab Emirates expressed its hope that Saddam would step down to avoid war. Kuwait subsequently made a similar statement.

Fan Wuyi became busy again at this time. He knew very well that the United States cowboy president’s protracted war on Iraq is imminent. Since this situation is unavoidable, Fan Investment Group should begin to implement corresponding policies. Adjust so as to gain more benefits from the noise of this war through the recent operation.

In recent days, the focus of the news media has been whether the United States will wage war against Iraq, and whether the second Gulf War will explode? As for the police in a certain city in the south, it didn't mention a word.

Especially for the impact of the US war in Iraq on the economy. It is also the most intense thing discussed by everyone.

In the Gulf War of 1991. When the Iraqi army was defeated and fled from Kuwait. The fire destroyed more than 700 oil fields, causing 4 to 6 million barrels a day, equivalent to one-tenth of the world's daily oil consumption, to be turned into billowing smoke. Discharge a total of 500 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

This not only worsens the environment in the Middle East, but also causes global air pollution.

So far, two-fifths of Kuwait’s water sources are still polluted. At least 10 million barrels of crude oil leaked into the bay, polluting approximately 5,000 kilometers of coastline.

In the nine months that the oil well was burning, the local temperature dropped by ten degrees Celsius, and the total devastating loss was about 40 billion U.S. dollars.

According to a survey conducted by the World Source Research Institute, gas samples taken from a farm 2,000 kilometers away from Kuwait in Iran actually contained petroleum deposits, butterfly smoke, sulfur, and other black carbonates.

In addition, the unburned oil is deposited in the farmland, forming a large black mortar. As a result, the fields can no longer be cultivated. In the south of Kuwait, there is a sludge lake with a length of 800 meters and a depth of about five meters.

The impact of the Gulf War on the environment is extensive and lasting~lightnovelpub.net~ The multinational forces used air strikes to destroy 75% of Iraq’s chemical weapons production capacity, and 21 chemical weapons depots and factories were attacked. The proliferation of poisonous gas polluted the environment. Hundreds of oil wells burned for nine months, causing a vicious environmental disaster in Kuwait with long black clouds.

Carpet bombing caused numerous bullet holes on the ground, and thousands of military vehicles violently crushed the surface of the desert. To make sandstorms more frequent, the weapons used in wars not only directly destroy the soil structure on the earth's surface and pollute rivers, but also a large number of weapons, including biological and chemical weapons, will be left on the land and waters, forming long-lasting and terrible environmental hazards.

According to statistics from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the United States. At that time, Iraq also dumped 6 to 8 million barrels of oil into the Indian Ocean. The oil slick on the sea caused the death of a large number of seabirds, and the rotting corpses accumulated a thick layer of black viscous material on the coastline. It caused a devastating blow to the fragile marine ecological environment there, and it has now become the most seriously polluted area in the world.

And this time. After the Americans said they were going to hit Iraq, it is said that Saddam had already stringed 1,500 oil wells with wires. Once a fatal threat is received, he may order these oil wells to be ignited at any time.

One one...the second one today is sent to "One One One River" (to be continued)